
Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr #fundie rlhymersjr.com

[Re. How the Grinch Stole Christmas]

Furthermore, the story itself is not really a Christmas story. It may seem to be - at first. But the original story is not truly about Christmas at all. It is about the ugly mess Americans have made out of Christmas - but there is no mention of God in the original story. And there is no mention whatsoever of Jesus Christ.

The story is about a Grinch, an ugly creature that doesn't like the noise people make at Christmas. So he comes down, dressed like Santa Claus, and steals all the presents, food and Christmas trees. He takes them up on a high mountain and is about to throw them off of a cliff on Christmas morning. But he hears the people in the town below singing and changes his mind and brings back all the things he has stolen. But we are not told what the people were singing in the original story. We are never told that they were singing Christmas carols about the birth of Christ. Dr. Seuss never mentioned what the people were singing, and he never told us that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus.

You see, he left Jesus completely out of the story! That's what so many people do with Christmas today. They leave Jesus completely out of it!

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