
J Sebastian #racist psmag.com

China is the source of global overpopulation, along with India...between these two countries they have 40% of the world's population, which is disgusting. But then they are attempting to solve this problem by infesting other cultures that haven't been irresponsible with their population. Its got to stop and it will stop.

Jack #racist psmag.com

I'm a white, American man. I speak Chinese fluently. I have many friends from China who have moved to the U.S. recently. I live in a suburb where the population is over 50% Chinese. Every single Chinese person I have ever met here has told me that he thinks there are too many Chinese people here. Their main concern is that their children won't be able to compete in school. They blame the fact that Chinese students do so much tutoring outside of school. They want to move to a place with a higher percentage of white people because white people do something other than cold-bloodedly apply themselves to gaming the American way of the life in order to achieve status and wealth.

Augustine Thomas #racist psmag.com

Right! Native Americans hate you as much as anyone.

Keep talking punk. All you're doing is pouring more fuel on the fire that caused Trump. The more you guys show your true colors and act like heathen animals, the more we'll beat you down and show you that this country isn't changing anytime soon.

You're insane. I've noticed this with a lot of Asians. They take scoring highest on the test so seriously that they're socially retarded and often incapable of basic logic. (Tests require rote and memory, often zero creativity and not much logic.)

Stan Simmons #racist psmag.com

The author makes all manner of excuses for why it's ok for Asians to cluster time and time again. However, the author bashes whites for simply choosing to live in places that are culturally similar to what they have known all their lives. Whites move out of Asian suburbs in large part because of cultural differences.

I am Caucasian and currently live in a suburban Chinatown in Southern California (So Cal). This town is for all intents and purposes a Chinese territory on American soil. It is a self-serving Chinese community comprised of people who couldn't care less about diversity. The Chinese here snub their noses at the idea of the American melting pot -- many different people with one national identity. It's Chinese tribalism and Chinese thinking exported from one side of the world to the other. Why on earth would I want to live in such a place? Once a place goes Asian like that, the culture becomes radically different.

Asian clustering in America's suburbs is not new, and neither is the movement of non-Asians out of those areas, including Hispanics. The towns of Monterrey Park and Arcadia in So Cal are said to be America's first suburban Chinatowns. Clustering began there in the 1970s. Those areas were then billed as "the Chinese Beverly Hills."

Now, suburban clustering of Chinese and other Asians in So Cal has spread to numerous towns. The So Cal towns of Diamond Bar, Rowland Heights, Hacienda Heights, Irvine, Temple City, Rosemead, San Gabriel, San Marino, Alhambra, Walnut, Cerritos, and Westminster all contain a plurality of Asians. I mention Chinese specifically because their numbers in So Cal dwarf immigrant numbers from the other Asian countries.

Over the last 30 years, the idea of America being a melting pot has been replaced with the philosophy of multi-culturalism. The author unknowingly points out a problem with multi-culturalism. Each culture has the desire to shape the country according to their ideas and in their own image. Such a thing guarantees constant conflict between different cultures advocating for different things.

The author values living in a place that is not American per se but multinational, with stores selling Asian and Middle Eastern food and other items. Not once did she write that she likes American culture or American values or American anything. Moreover, in her zest for labeling whites racist she also tries to dispossess whites of any legitimate claim to the existence of a white culture.

Who created the idea of a melting pot? Whitey. Who created the system of lawful immigration that allows hundreds of thousands of people a year to become either U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.? Whitey. Who crafted laws against discrimination in the workplace? Whitey. Who fought two bloody civil wars in the U.S., one of which was one of the bloodiest in human history? Whitey. How is whitey repaid? By having dimwits like the author label us racist simply because we enjoy what is traditionally American.

You won't see me wearing red for Chinese New Year or eating moon cakes in the autumn. I like Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Fourth of July, and speaking English. I am unapologetically proud of American traditions, American food, and the American idea of the melting pot. What makes me want to puke are people like the one who wrote this article and even worse the whites who perpetuate a misplaced sense of guilt because they are brainwashed simpletons.

David #racist psmag.com

The Asians, fine competitive people, move in and enjoy warm friendships with the whites. It feels extra nice because they expect their kids will do well at the school. The whites feel less good because many of them expect they won't do so well with the fierce competition from the Asians. It's all entirely rational, for the Asians to regret the whites leaving, and for the whites to leave.

For the Asian author, who already said as much to call it racism that "cuts so deep", is cute. She doesn't like that the whites, fine people too, are engaging in self defense. Asians are supposed to be clever and that's OK, but it's racism when whites are clever too.

mrfixit123 #racist psmag.com

This has nothing to do with racism. White people and white american culture is a completely different mindset and belief system compared to asians. They do not like the mindset of these immigrants, and do not want them in their community. Lets not forget many of these immigrants have been raised in uncivilized third world communist dictatorships and do not even remotely share the same ideology or cultural values as whites. Asians neither value friends or family nor value community, they are extremely nuclear and cannot even fathom the idea of supporting another family's child. They dont have sleepovers and birthday parties in China. Stop playing racism and let white people stay amongst their own kind of thinking if they want to. It is not racism and has nothing to do with that.

Nick #racist psmag.com

There is a 80/20 rule that must be respected. A neighborhood can only have at most 20% minority but preferably 15% or less and 80% white or more. Once at more than 20%, say 21% the friendly neighborly residents will quickly leave.

This might sound discriminatory but asians aren't a really likeable group, hispanics aren't a really likeable group, blacks aren't likeable either (uh... I like president Obama though) , I think racist KKK white's aren't likeable group. To make some sort of animal comparison, white are like deer, everyone else hyena. Although true power is a different matter. But deer have to be with deer to generate unlimited human potential.

Only the friendly neighborly law abiding neighborhood community building white are likable and everyone wants to be near them. Otherwise why would anyone care if there is a white flight? it's because they are a likeable group when likeable people leave you are left with unlikeable people and who want to be around those?

Only the friendly neighborly law abiding neighborhood community building white are likable and everyone wants to be near them. Otherwise why would anyone care if there is a white flight? it's because they are a likeable group when likeable people leave you are left with unlikeable people and who want to be around those?

Only the friendly neighborly law abiding neighborhood community building white are likable and everyone wants to be near them. Otherwise why would anyone care if there is a white flight? it's because they are a likeable group when likeable people leave you are left with unlikeable people and who want to be around those?

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