
Jackie Yates #fundie politics.blogs.foxnews.com

You need to research authors C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia) and J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) they were friends and atheists. They set out to prove that the Bible was fiction. In the end, they became it's biggest supporters. Maybe you should do some research. Do you know how you can trust the Bible? 25% of it is prophecy. A prophet in the Bible had to be %100 correct or he was stoned to death. Ezekiel predicted that Israel would become a nation again after they were dispersed throughout the nations-almost 2000 years after Christ, in May, 1948, that prediction came true. Jesus predicted that Jerusalem would be the catalist for all nations. Guess what, that tiny little country, shouldn't concern anyone, yet it's always forefront in the news.

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