
S K #fundie petitions.whitehouse.gov

[Note: This is referring to the actions of the Bundy Militia terrorist group]

We request that President Trump pardon every American citizen that was involved in the activities that took place in Bunkerville, Nevada and the activities that took place at the Malheur Refuge in Oregon. Innocent Americans are being held in prison and sentenced to ridiculous jail terms for standing up for what was right and defending the constitutional rights of others and that any and all people currently being held be released so they can return to their families and back to their normal and everyday lives.

R W #conspiracy petitions.whitehouse.gov

We The People DEMAND that the Russian election hacking investigation be dropped. This is a WASTE of taxpayer money and a MASSIVE INSULT to the voters who elected President Donald J. Trump. There is no evidence whatsoever. We The People have HAD IT with this nonsense and this insidious attempt to undermine our vote by the Deep State! STOP THIS INVESTIGATION!

E.B. #conspiracy petitions.whitehouse.gov

It has become obvious to the American people that the Democrat party, in conjunction with the Clinton's and/or the Obama's, are organized and their strategy is to subvert our government members who were duly elected by the people.
Therefore, I am asking you and your fellow Congressmen and Congresswomen, to initiate a full and independent investigation into the DNC, The Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Elizabeth Warren, Tom Perez, Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Keith Ellison, and others to rule out an organized and well funded attempt at a coup acting against the integrity of the US Constitution and our sitting President of the United States.
Within this thorough investigation I demand to know the source of the funding by private entities,

A.Z. #wingnut petitions.whitehouse.gov

We the People wish to see the National Firearms Act of 1934 repealed in order to remove regulations on our 2nd amendment rights, increase national economic strength, and provide protection against threats to our national security.

J.M. #racist petitions.whitehouse.gov

While no American, legal resident, or foreigner is above the laws of our land, we ask that President Trump sign an executive order mandating that cities and counties, "sanctuary" or not, obey and enforce all existing federal laws, including any and all laws that pertain to immigration and fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

T.T. #conspiracy petitions.whitehouse.gov

We deserve to be safe inside our country. How can president Trump fight radical Islamic terrorism outside USA if they are allowed to train on our land? We know their mission and sole purpose of being. We should not have to live with these camps inside our beautiful country. Please remove them!

A.P. #racist petitions.whitehouse.gov

These monuments are a reminder of OUR American history. Many soldiers who fought for the Confederacy, served in the US army pre-civil war. It is important to save monuments for both sides of the civil war, for future generations to learn about the men who gave everything for what they believed in. These were brave, good and American men. They fought for what they believed in during this time in history. Many say it was only a fight to preserve their right to owning slaves, but to them it was fighting for their Constitutional rights, as written at that time. This has been documented by historians. The North was not innocent in this war either. Many disagreed with the vietnam war also, but our soldiers fight where they are led to fight. They deserve to be remembered.

R.F. #conspiracy petitions.whitehouse.gov

We the people demand a investigation of the democratic party for obstruction & treason .
We demand Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters Be investigated for all the false accusations against President Donald Trump. For purposes only to obstruct his agenda and overthrow his Presidential rights!! We demand they be impeached if found guilty!!

K.H. #conspiracy petitions.whitehouse.gov

American children are in crisis with an explosion of once-rare neurological problems like autism and seizures.

Recent scientific evidence has shown massive contamination of vaccines with unsuspected chemical and biological agents. Other evidence shows dramatic differences in in health outcomes between vaccinated and un-vaccinated children. In order to remedy this we ask the White House to:

ONE: Impose a five year moratorium on all childhood vaccines from birth to age eighteen.

TWO: Repeal the 1986 National Childhood vaccine injury Act and return vaccines to the traditional civil justice system.

THREE: Perform large scale studies of vaccinated and un-vaccinated children.

FOUR: Ban direct pharmaceutical advertising to consumers and allow such advertising only to medical professionals

Y.S. #fundie petitions.whitehouse.gov

Formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization.

terrorism is defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims". This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions - and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Black Lives Matter a terror group - on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.

Michael Smit #fundie petitions.whitehouse.gov

Illegalize atheism and fund science, not pseudoscientific atheism, so that Charleston will return to his Facebook group.
Immoral atheists (which is a redundant phrase IMO) have harassed Charleston Montgomery to the point of leaving Facebook. We can not stand for Nazism in our country. Atheism is taking over "while America sleeps" (homage to ex-President of these Christian United States John Kennedy). Atheists refuse to accept Science as it was handed to humanity by our LORD, our children are becoming dumber and believing in new agey pseudoscience like EVILution. Godlessness is on the rise. We need to place all atheists in prisons. Most atheists are already in prison but the few out there are using the internet to make their presence wide spread with their dumb memes because Richard Dawkins told them to. Please sign and pray for Charleston's return to "Science & Reason Vs. Atheism" on Facebook.

A. D. #racist petitions.whitehouse.gov


(Aug #2 of 6) Defund our state religion: The Church of Political Correctness whose dogma is WHITE GENOCIDE

1. Separate the state from Our Most Holy Anti-White Church of Political Correctness that demonizes the White race that invented the telephone, computer, radio, automobile, airplane, television, electric illumination, electric power, railroads, modern medicine, the idea of personal freedom itself, and was the first race in history to outlaw slavery.

2. Declare it "politically correct" to oppose MASSIVE immigration and FORCED assimilation as being genocide under U.N. Convention, not only when its done to Tibetans in Tibet, but also when it's done to Whites in White countries.

3. Issue a presidential proclamation that those who support White Genocide are not "anti-racist," they are ANTI-WHITE!

4. Imprint on our nation's coins:ANTI-RACIST IS A CODE WORD FOR ANTI-WHITE

A. D. #racist petitions.whitehouse.gov

we petition the obama administration to:
Have Public School Students recite the STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Mantra


Classes can recite the STOP WHITE GENOCIDE Mantra in unison with that video, and then discuss the following:

Why must ALL White countries and ONLY White countries accept endless immigration, diversity programs and racial assimilation?

Asian countries aren't being subjected to endless immigration, diversity programs, and racial assimilation until Asians are blended out of existence.

African countries aren't being subjected to endless immigration, diversity programs, and racial assimilation until Africans are blended out of existence.

Those carrying out White Genocide say they're anti-racist.

What they are is anti-white!

Anti-racist is a code word for ANTI-WHITE!


Sign our 'We the People' petitions at White GeNOcide Project each month on the FIRST.

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