
hanntonn #fundie ooblick.com

In fact, there would have been less than 1 chance / 100000000 (hundred of zeros) that the Big Bang would not have resulted in a cloud of dust because the result of an explosion without laws is always disorganised. There are no sign of intelligence in explosions contrarily to what evolutionists think. I have never seen a bomb expode and build a temple in the process of the explosion. This is the same thing. Ok, this is the simple argument, I have explained it widely because I know most evolutionists don't want to see that the second law of thermodynamics render the evolution impossible.

PCDR #fundie ooblick.com

A few test to disprove the theory of creation:
1. Show nothing producing something. Get your own Pot or kettle, call it black if you want, fill it with nothing, then pull something out of it.
2. Create life. From non living stuff.
3. Create a new stable element.
4. Disprove the creation of coal in a lab. - show long periods of time are required
5. Cause a genetic mutation that adds information to an organism. Grow feathers on a pig.
6. Kill Christianity. In the Bible, God claims that satan will not be able to remove God’s word from the earth.

jimmy #fundie ooblick.com

I have studied evolution from the perspective of the oppostion, and have reached the conclusion that it is nothing more than a scam based upon proven lies. This is nothing more than a religion.

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