
Joanna #fundie obedienttomyhusband.blogspot.com

You say you are a submissive wife.
You say he is a kind, undemanding husband.

I am suspicious of that.
Have you really got a husband who is so careful all the time not to require something uncomfortable of you? Is that really such a good husband? I am suspicious that you have him on a choke collar. He doesn't dare ask some things of you because he knows how you would respond.


Submission is only called upon when there are disagreements. If you are happy with his plans, or agree together there is no submission in these things. It is when YOUR OWN PLANS have been spoiled that you can practice submission. It is then that you need to DIE to your SELF and follow God's plan for you as a wife.

Joanna #fundie obedienttomyhusband.blogspot.com

(RE: Divorce, in response the question, "What if one spouse is abusive? Towards the other spouse AND the kids?")

1 Cor. 7:10-11 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

What can I say? We do not have to be treated kindly to stay with our spouse. We can endure some hardship. But if you or the children are really in danger, find another place to stay until things can be worked out. You are not to leave your husband, and if you must be apart for a time, always be ready for reconciliation. Living apart because of danger is not necessarily Leaving your husband, I don't think. But again, we can meekly endure some things, we don't need to seek escape simply because he is unkind in speech or action.

I hope I was clear here. There is an epidemic of wives leaving their husbands when the Bible plainly says, Let not the wife depart from her husband. Put your full trust in Jesus, surrender everything and every situation to him and let him teach you. If you want to obey Jesus, he will make a way for you, If you want a loophole, well, there are plenty.

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