
Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org

What has happened to Christians, today? Not so long ago, you could easily identify the Christians. Their dress was different from the dress of the world. Their conversation was different. Their associations were different. Even their countenance was different. And that’s the way it should be. Sure there were people around who were offended by the Word of God, but they did not claim to be Christians, they did not talk like Christians, they did not go to places Christians should not go and they did not talk like Christians. What happened?

Until recently, I was a member of a forum for Christian Homeschool Families. Generally, this was a supportive and encouraging group. We answered each other’s questions and encouraged each other. But, one night, I noticed a question about dealing with a mouthy tween. The parent was frustrated that her tween was talking back and, in general, had a bad attitude. In reply, I suggested that the parent use the attitude adjustment knobs built into every child. In case you’re curious, these are located between the top of the leg and the lower back. We all have two of them. In addition to suggesting that the attitude adjustment knobs be used to correct the child’s attitude, I suggested an implement to use as a rod.

Proverbs 23:13 (KJV) Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

Later, I came back to the thread and noticed that my post was gone. The Christian homeschool group had deleted my BIBLICAL counsel. I posted a new reply to the thread, without the snarkyness, and with Scripture. But, that post was deleted as well. What was I missing?

2 Timothy 4:3 (KJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

After my second posting, my post was deleted and so was my membership. I was in a group of “Christians” who would not stand sound doctrine.

We have seen this for a long time in the liberal churches. Churches which tolerate all manner of sin – divorce and remarriage, women pastors, homosexuals in leadership, immodesty, worldly music, etc. But we have always been able to point to the liberals. Today, the liberal theology is creeping into fundamental circles. We have people flocking to the likes of Greg Locke and C. T. Townsend – men who were trained in our fundamental circles, men who know better, but men who have compromised the Word of God on the alter of popularity and wealth. Meanwhile, we have other men who are graduating from Bible Colleges which were once beacons of the fundamental movement, such as Bob Jones University and Ambassador Baptist College who are building the foundation of their ministry on texts other than the King James Bible. While their desire is noble: to reach the masses, you cannot get pure water from an impure fountain.

If we are to reach the people, we must use the Word of God. If we consider history, no major revival has ever started outside of the KJV. It is the only Bible for the English-speaking people. As Christians, we must cling to it. We must cherish it, we must study it and we must live it. As we turn away from the Word of God, we will lose our only true reference to right and wrong.

Bro. Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org

As someone who is legitimately a Christian, you are also a new creature. The things of the world you once enjoyed should no longer be pleasurable to you. If you drank liquor, the Spirit of God should convict you of that. If you were one who spent time in dance clubs, and you are saved, the Spirit should have shown you that modern dancing is a sin! Likewise, when you were saved, the Spirit of God should show you that immodest apparel is a sin also. As a new creature, you have the individual soul liberty to do what you want to do, but what you want to do should reflect becoming a new creature through salvation.

So what should a modest lady avoid? Over the years, styles of dress have changed. Sadly, the styles of dress have become more revealing to the point where many women, whose character is far from harlotry, are dressed in ways which could easily cause a man to stumble into sin. Hollywood, the popular music culture and the fashion industry all encourage you to show off your body, but a Christian lady should know that her body is not her own.

1Cor 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

As a Christian, you have been purchased already. Paul referred to himself as a servant. Literally, a bond-slave belonging to Christ. Therefore, since we are not our own, we belong to Christ and we should do the will of Christ. For a lady, dressing modestly is the will of Christ.

Bro. Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org

Holding hands leads to an arm around the shoulder. An arm around the shoulder leads to an arm around the waist. An arm around the waist leads to kissing, which leads to petting, and so on. Among other lies, popular teaching today tells a teen to know when to stop, but the problem is that sexuality is a process that was never intended to stop. Trying to stop the sexual process only creates a greater desire to complete the process. This desire cannot be legitimately fulfilled outside of marriage and therefore leads to a temptation to sin, if not the sin itself. God’s plan is that the relationship be built on a solid foundation of trust and devotion that is demonstrated through the union of marriage.

But at what point has a sexual sin occurred? That really is the question, right? Since Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, “—whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart—” we must conclude that the sexual sin occurs when the illegitimate desire for physical contact occurs. Clearly Jesus’ statement in Matthew 5:28 applies to someone just looking at another person. If a sexual sin can occur just from looking at someone, it can also occur as a result of any physical contact. In fact, physical contact is a clear trigger for sexual desire. This is why Paul was inspired to write in 1 Corinthians 7:1 “—It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” However, just as physical contact is a trigger for sexual desire, it is also a means of fulfillment as well as an indication that the illegitimate desire is present. Paul further explains saying that every woman should have her own husband to avoid fornication. Have you ever wondered why, at a wedding, the preacher tells the groom, “You may now kiss your bride”? Paul has set the standard for us. There should be no physical contact between a dating couple before they are married.

During one summer, there were four teens in our youth group: two girls and two guys. Let’s call them Dan, Mark, Anne and Sue. Of course, these are not their real names. Both of the guys claimed to be called to preach, and demonstrated a keen ability to preach. Dan found out about a birthday gift that Sue was planning to give him – a kiss. Later that night, he asked for his birthday present and she gave it to him. A few minutes later, Anne and Dan sat in the back seat of a car watching Sue and Mark in a passionate embrace. Now several years later, three of the four have had illegitimate children, two of the four have already been married and divorced, three of the four have been heavily involved in drugs and alcohol. And one still struggles to this day with her walk with God. Was all of this the result of the one kiss? No, not completely, but the one kiss was a match dropped in a sea of gasoline that was the unrestrained emotions of four teenagers.

Bro. Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org


While it is true that in the eyes of God a sexual sin is no different than any other sin, it is a transgression of the law of God. However, sexual sins also have a unique aspect to them. Sexual sins can create a unique set of penalties that remain with you for the rest of your life. Unlike stealing, for example, the memories of a sexual sin will taint your relationship with your spouse. Sexual sins can also eliminate your qualification for certain aspects of the ministry. These sins destroy homes and lives. Since you can never completely recover from a sexual sin, what can you do if you have already committed the sin?

Acknowledge your sin to God. Confess it. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The idea of confession throughout the Word of God is two-part. Confession involves an agreement with God that what you have done (the sin) is wrong. After all, if you haven’t done anything wrong, why do you need forgiveness? Second, confession involves repentance. While we often think of repentance as the guilt associated with sin or as doing something to make up for the sin like a type of punishment, neither is true. Repentance is actually a turning away from the path — literally, to think differently. So, when you confess your sins to God, you agree with Him that they are wrong and you turn from the sins.
You should also find a prayer and accountability partner. Although you do not need to reveal all of the sordid details, you need to find a prayer partner and let him in on the secret. This may be a parent or your youth pastor, but it should be someone you know would not gossip about you. James 5:16 gives us the example here: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” By taking your problem to someone else, you now have someone else who is praying for you, as well as someone who can keep you accountable.

You also need to commit your future dating relationship to the Lord. After you have confessed your sins to God, and repented of them, you need to seek the will of God in your dating relationship. It is likely that you simply are not ready to begin dating. As we have discussed earlier, dating is simply a process for confirming whom the Lord has chosen for you as a spouse. You need to submit yourself to God’s will in this matter. This may mean that you do not date for several years. You should even consider breaking all relationships with anyone of the opposite sex. This way, you can simply avoid any temptation to sin by not being around anyone who can cause you to sin. Finally, you need to take some steps to prevent this mistake from happening again. After you have confessed your sins, you need to cleanse your thought life.

Bro. Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org

Who Is Responsible For Your Children?

Godly parents take responsibility for their children.

Just this week, I’ve read of the following events from LOCAL schools
A vicious attack of a five year-old in a school bathroom
> Four different instances where teachers sexually assaulted students
> A convicted sex-offender being allowed to chaperon an over night field trip (who knows what happened on that trip
> A physical assault on a student by a teacher
> A shooting at a local high school
> I know of one student, who attended a local high-school, who was mocked because she always dressed like a young lady
> Schools are being ordered by the Obama administration to open their bathrooms and locker rooms to anyone to accommodate the perverts.
> We know that floor plans of public schools here in the United States have been found in the middle east. Safety should be the concern of every parent, but millions of parents send their kids, like sheep to the slaughter, to school every day.
> From kindergarten, children are subtly being taught lies about the Bible (i.e., “billions of years ago,” evolution, etc.)
> From kindergarten, children are being taught that deviant behavior such as homosexuality is acceptable. In later grades, kids are taught how to perform sex acts.
> Sexual assaults by students, on students are common place.
> Children are regularly being charged and convicted of distributing child pornography among themselves.
> Physical assaults are commonplace
> Emotional bullying and abuse is commonplace.
> Parents believe their school is a good school. Good compared to what?

Children spends 35 hours per week, plus homework time, being indoctrinated into the NEA’s socialist agenda while being taught that God and the Bible are mythology for the weak-minded. Parents get their children to ball practice, prom, band practice and choral recitals, but not church activities. Then, when that dear, sweet child rejects God, the parent turns to the church asking what the church and the Pastor did wrong.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

The command to train up a child is given to the parents, not the state. God didn’t give the child to the state, God gave the parents the responsibility to train, nurture and protect the child. When a parent sends his child off to a state school, that parent is abdicating his responsibility to protect the child. When a parent places more emphasis on school activities than church activities and when the parent teaches the child to “listen to the teacher” and “learn what the teacher teaches you,” the parent shouldn’t be surprised when the child rejects God and the parent absolutely should not blame the church, the youth group or the man of God.

Randy #fundie net-4-christ.org

...we are seeing their mockery expanded. These perverts have dared to take a symbol of God’s promise not to judge the earth and have perverted it to promote their sick and abominable lifestyle. We must strive to tell the true story of the rainbow. We must remind people that the rainbow symbolizes God’s restraint

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