
TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

BTW, microevolution, sure, no problem.

Macroevolution? Uh, no. No proof at all of this, and nothing in nature showing it to be true. A big ol fairy tale repeated often by the church of Evolutionary Thinking and the Church of i am.

It would be easier to believe Jim Tressel could become Charlie Weis if only given enough time and let volcanoes, sun spots, radiation, gravity, meteors, and cows passing gas do their work. That wouldn't even be macroevolution since they are the same species, but you have to admit pretty unbelievable for Jim to ever become Charlie.

TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

Not. It took years with a supercomputer to track the intelligence of the DNA from a most obvious designer. Jeepers, how when you put so much money, human time, and have to use supercomputers all the while trying to do nothing more than map the genome what does that tell you?

Oh yeah, some believe all that intelligence built into such perfect order came from nothing before it all mutated by accident.

It takes billions of times more faith to believe all that intelligence in the genome just happened rather than believing the much more simple conclusion of an intelligent creator who put it together in the first place.

Computers have 1/99999999999999999999999999999999999 of the level of sophistication of the genome and human body, but no one in their right mind would look at the inside of a computer and say it just got here by random mutations and happenstance.

It really is a complete insult to my intelligence to even discuss this topic. It was born out of racism and incomplete scientific thinking, and the initial Evolutionary theories have disproven in multiple ways. All that did though is cause the stubborn faith based evlutionary crowd to come up with new theories and sub-theories all the while spinning out more of their myths along the way before they get blown up by new scientific finds.

I will give you credit for one statemnt. That is that evolution is man made, as in man made up like you claim the other religions are. It absolutely should be classified along with relgions as it has so much faith based theory in it that it surpasses most world religions in that department. I will agree with you though that you are entitled to believe whatevver you want. Free will was always part of God's will, and that is fully explained in nature, and by the Bible.

TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

Evolution takes billions of times more faith than Christianity. Few Evolutionists agree with one another on many of the basics of Evolution.

Many of Darwin's initial key theories have been totally debunked, bu tall that has led to is more and more strung out theories that over time continue to get debunked.

Evolution is no less of a Religion than any other. The whole premise to keep the lie going is to deny God ultimately. Countless scientists have admitted as much. They have admitted due to the findings over the last half of a century that Evolution as commonly taught is impossible, but the only other possible alternative is something they could never agree. That is there is a God they have to answer to. I have watched many of these scientists admit they knew evolution was not true, but no way were they going to submit or believe in any God that created them. That is the real issue my friends. It has nothing to do with science, but rather it all has to do with Lordship. The Evolutionists have propped this false theory up so that they can remove guilt, and in the process can make themselves their own little gods of their own world.

NorthPoleBuckeye #fundie mbd.scout.com

God did not concoct evolution to confuse everyone, Satan has pushed that lie from the beginning so people would not follow God. God does not want dimwits, He does want you to "study to show thyself approved unto God". Your problem is you want to be able to explain everything, and that my friend is impossible. Our minds cannot comprehend fully who He is and what He has made.

TB777 #fundie mbd.scout.com

I mentioned how the proponents of Evolution were Racist, and that had a lot to do with their flawed theories form the get go. This is one of those dark little secrets that Liberal Evolutionists like to hide from the public. It saddens me to read intelligent individuals who think Evolution makes sense. It sickens me to read Christians say the same. Many believe that Evolution is very possibly the great lie that is discussed in Thessalonians about the end of time.

I would like to see discussion on Racism and Evolution. Read the links below, read Darwin's very racist comments, and then discuss.



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