
manicdepressivebaeddel #fundie manicdepressivebaeddel.tumblr.com

["CAFAB" refers to people who were assigned female at birth (i.e., trans men) and "CAMAB" refers to people who were assigned male at birth (i.e., trans women).]

When people talk about sexuality and gender being fluid, I tend to cringe a little.
Like, gender being fluid is a privilege only CAFAB people have. They tend to view gender as a glittery playground when they can pick different gender flowers at their own whim.
While CAMAB trans people view gender more like a field covered in thumbtacks, each step they take is prickly and painful and the more they walk through it the more they are likely to bleed out.

And with sexuality like, I think it completely ignores the role that compulsory heterosexuality has on womyn, and how discovering themselves and working though patriarchal standards has more to do with it than any sort of fluidity.

Anyway basically i’m saying that gender and sexuality aren’t really fluid and saying so is privileged and done at the expense of trans womyn and lesbians

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