
John A. Davison #conspiracy jadavison.wordpress.com

Barack Hussein Obama is the only truly dangerous president in our history as a Republic. He hates Democracy in any form and will go to any length to destroy it. Jerome Corsi properly identified this man even before he became President with his “The Obama Nation.” I would not be a bit surprised to see Obama engineer a devastating attack on the homeland from his radical allies in the arab world. Such an attack would allow him to declare marshal law and further his ambition to nationalize the entire economy. His treatment of Israel is a disgrace and reveals the real Obama as the enemy of Democracy wherever it may exist. Nothing would please him more than to see our ecomomy collapse entirely. That is how Adolf Hitler gained power in Germany. I hate to have to paint such a pictue of our President but his history both genetic and post partum leaves me no alternative. In my opinion we have a mortal enemy in the White House. What makes matters worse is a Supreme Court which I believe has become impotent to implement the Constitution as defined by the Founding Fathers. Our affluence has weakened our will and ethical fiber as it has other civilizations before ours.

jadavison #fundie jadavison.wordpress.com

[Please direct any and all active irony meters away from your computation devices at this time. Thank you.]

Darwinism is the most failed hypothesis in the history of experimental and descriptive science. That failure expresses itself in the degenerate tactics the Darwinian mystics are now employing in dealing with their adversaries. No longer able to defend their dogma and lacking the intellectual and moral fiber to abandon it, now they can only lash out blindly at those who have always known that there was a purpose in the history of life, a history which I believe is now complete.

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