
Phoenix #fundie instinctmagazine.com

You take responsibility do you? Then how is it anyone's fault but your own that YOU were infected? Were you raped? I was! I was 12. How old were you, and was it consensual sex? If you don't have enough sense in your vapant mind to automatically assume that EVERYONE'S positive until you KNOW better, then there is NO ONE to blame but yourself.
It's always a safe bet that anyone who is willing to BB is positive, or willing to take that risk. What that man did was NOT criminal. It was IRRESPONSIBLE, SELFISH AND FAKE. If you're having sex, you are taking a huge amount of risks. Sex is messy. It's dirty and its fun. Make no mistake however, it is not anyone else's responsibility to look out for your well being, except your own.
This victim attitude is worse then this rape culture nonsense (it's going too far in a lot of places.)
What about HPV? Syphyllis? The list goes on and on. What about the flu? Are you going to through some douchebag in prison for going to work with the flu, spreading it to others? What if one of those other people he spreads the flu to is below 200 Tcells (AIDS) and dies? Should that worthless scumbag asshole with the flu caring only about himself be put in prison?


You're a whore. That's the reason you're positive. Don't be acting a god damn victim. Own it bitch!

Charlesmick #fundie instinctmagazine.com

[At least in the state of Florida it is a third degree felony to have intercourse without disclosing your status. It doesn't matter if your viral load is undetectable or if you use condoms. And they definitely do prosecute these cases.]

then you should also know that new hiv infections in the sunshine state are on the rise and way out of control (correlation? Check nyc, San Francisco and then check their laws and public health approach) If you are gay in Florida you should know that there is little to null safer sex education in the gay community.

You should also know that those laws are a miscarriage of justice, a simple travesty but after all is Florida so we can't expect much.

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