
Gay Christian Movement Watch #fundie #homophobia gcmwatch.com

Spiritual health advisory: AME pastor spreads deadly spiritual virus

Its our urgent duty to inform you that Dr. Teresa Brown, the assistant pastor at New Bethel AME church in Lithonia, GA is spreading a deadly disease called SIV. The Spiritual Immunodeficiency Virus is a highly infectious spiritual disease which disables an individual’s ability to know truth and defend themselves against false teachings. The consequence is those who are infected, infect others and can kill the spirit. SIV is an equal opportunity killer and those who do not embrace God’s truth are at high risk.

Brown, also a professor at the Chandler School of Theology, told NBC’s progay, African American flavored newsblog The Grio multiple lies and distortions about homosexuality, the bible and the church [source].

The article itself attempts to do in the “black church” what political homosexual activists have done in the military with the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy. As we have told you before, the church activists have the same agenda as the political activists. Tear down any and all barriers to homosexuals gaining unrestricted access to positions of power within the church.

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