
Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

[Concerning God's order to exterminate the Amalekites.]

Their descendants were just as bad Wayne. They were as corrupted as their ancestors.

"Even the little babies? Do you really subscribe to the idea that sin is inherited by generations of people?"

I have never said babies are evil, but they certainly are sliding down the side of the hill that has "sinner" on it.

What do babies do when they are young? They take everything and think it belongs to them. They scream to get their way, they cry for attention etc etc etc.

When a child is taught about God, then they settle down and stop doing bad things. So, children are not perfect angels right out of the womb.

This is EXACTLY what we would expect to see if sin is inherited and passed down from Adam & Eve.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

[Discussing God and the problem of evil.]

In an atheistic world, it would not matter if we went around killing each other because the species would still exist just fine!

To see how this is true, just observe other species who kill members of their own.

You are essentially arguing that humans are special, which is a theistic argument, which means the problem of evil is refuted.


We do not live in an atheistic world. We live in a theistic world.

If we lived in an atheistic world, you would see us running around in anarchy.

The mere fact that we have order and laws means that the theists automatically start out with a +1 in the debate.


This is a very tired argument.

It is my belief that the atheists do not kill or rape "just in case" God is real. They want to have some kind of leg to stand on if the judgement day occurs.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

When you can't believe that China did not exist before the Flood, that does not mean it DID exist before the Flood.

[When we have evidence that it existed before the time of the claimed Flood, then it's NOT INCREDULITY, fallacy-finder!
It's based on THE EVIDENCE, NOT "sole.y on their incredulity/disbelief."]

We have no such evidence that China existed before the Flood.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

(Explaining why he thinks time travel could not be used to prove God's existence or nonexistence)

And if he travels a neuron [sic] through time, then good for him.

but I have bad news for atheists. Even if we invented time travel, the most popular place to go would be Jerusalem circa 1 B.C. and watch Jesus' whole life from birth to death. We would not see Jesus though. Why? I'm glad you asked.

We wouldn't see Him because God would obviously know about what we are doing and He's not going to allow every human being to witness all the miracles first hand. Remember I said that stuff was a one time deal?

So an atheist going back in time and saying, "Aha! No Jesus!" would mean absolutely nothing. Of course He's not going to be there. God isn't stupid.

So even with time travel, atheists still would not "get their proof."

I cringe when I watch Back to the Future and watch Christopher Lloyd in the beginning say, "Or witness the birth of Christ!" and he sets the date to December 25, 0000. I always facepalm that.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Another very strong proof that God is real is the fact that writing doesn't go back more than 6,000 years.

You see what I mean about God being hidden but still leaves us clues?

If we really existed as a species for thousands and thousands of years, writing should go back 50,000 years at least, possibly even 100,000 years.

Atheists say "coincidence" or "Luck. Pure luck" that the origin of writing goes back to the time that God is said to have created the universe.

but you have to ask yourself this one glaring deep troubling question, "How many times can a person say 'coincidence' or 'luck, pure luck' before it stops being a coincidence or pure luck?"

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

One of the main reasons the dating methods can't be trusted is that creationists would bring modern things to scientists to get tested; such as old tires and rusty pipes and when scientists dated them, they got ages in the tens of thousands of years range.

Really, a tire is 10,000 years old?

Frank #conspiracy freeratio.org

The "neocon" movement was (for the most part) founded by left leaning liberals, and became a school of thought among a small circle of academics and Jewish intellectuals (before its adoption by the Bush administration) ... so I was describing conventional conservatives (not so much neocons ... although neocons are even bigger douche bags ).

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Critical thinking has to be TAUGHT to people. It is no different from religion being taught to others.

Some people have never heard of critical thinking and logic. If it has to be taught, it is a religion.

This is why Dawkins wants "critical thinking" in elementary schools. He wants to hook 'em away from God young.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

How can you say "The Bible writers were wrong" but "the scientific writers are right?"

Were both not written by humans?

If science is just a conspiracy by the Illuminati, then science can not be relied upon.

If I told an atheist, "prove to me the sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth without consulting a scientific textbook" you wouldn't be able to do it.

I find it very unfair that atheists can cite scientific books as evidence but I can't cite the Bible as evidence.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

The argument of "Which religious text do we believe, Self? Why trust the Bible?" is an invalid argument because even if the Bible was the only holy book in existence, atheists still wouldn't say it was good enough evidence. So it is a dishonest argument.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Mathematics is also great proof of God. How is it possible that:


can be figured out by carrying a digit over the top? What if that didn't work? How would we multiply without calculators?

If carrying over the one on top of the 9 did not work, how would we multiply? Seems awfully convenient to me that it "just happened" like that?

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Next time you see an earthquake, watch how the crucifix on the wall does not shake. The reason is because the devil will not touch it.

This has been documented. Scientists can not explain it. Everything else will shake except the crucifix on the wall.

Jaybees #elitist #racist #psycho freeratio.org

A very common argument against capital punishment is that many innocent persons are executed.

The difficulty with that argument is that the execution of innocent persons actually performs a useful function.

Those who are executed are frequently black (unless they happen to be wealthy) or poor whites. I haven't done any research on this, but my general impression is that when someone of wealth or high social standing is tried in a case where capital punishment is possible they get off the hook, like O.J., Leopold and Loeb and others.

All of which works out well from society's viewpoint. The poor person who commits a capital crime is far more likely than a wealthy person to commit similar crimes if he escapes the chair or gas chamber or firing squad. The wealthy person who gets out from under that threat is unlikely to commit a capital crime again.

So, executing innocent persons may actually be an argument FOR capital punishment.

TheSage #fundie freeratio.org

There is no greater threat to science than atheist mentality.

Highly religious Theists invented the scientific method, classical physics, electromagnetic theory, and quantum theory. After atheists finally took over science in the late 1960s and early 1970s and claimed religion was holding back science, we immediately stopped finding cures, physics became stuck with untestable theories, and technology started growing much slower than anticipated.

Atheist mentality is that everything outside of the evidence, outside of the box, outside of your personal incredulity, outside of what most scientists believe is fantasy and imagination, nonsense, fictional, foolishness, magical thinking.

Atheists try to prevent people from thinking outside in this way or having creativity and imagination because thinking outside is viewed as nonsensical fantasy to most atheists. That's why they discourage thinking outside of the evidence.

In the past when Theists ran science, creativity was not discouraged like how it is now intentionally by atheists.

When we look back at the history of science we see that vast majority of the ideas that caused science to grow the most were all ideas that were initially viewed as nonsense, and these ideas were outside of what most scientists believed.

Since atheists run the peer reviewed journals now, they only let in ideas that match into their own personal incredulity otherwise it is viewed as nonsense and fantasy and not let into peer-reviewed journals.

If atheists hadn't taken over the peer reviewed journals, and creativity and imagination wasn't intentionally discouraged by atheists, how far do you think science would be?

Since atheist mentality causes the greatest destruction to creativity and imagination, how far do you think science would be if Theists still ran science?

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

If I told you that your child would get 50 million dollars if you, the father, would just punch him in the face and put him in the hospital for a few weeks. Most people would do this because the temporary pain of a few weeks in the hospital is NOTHING compared to the 50 million you would have after 3 weeks of being in the hospital.

Heaven is like that 50 million dollars, except there's a LOT more where that came from.

Free Indeed #fundie freeratio.org

[Now, I dont "believe in" god. If God appeared and spoke to me, I would believe him!]

Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you? How about any direct lineage fossils, have they appeared?

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

I've seen a bunch of atheists argue on this board that God killed the whole population in the flood and he's a bigger murderer than Hitler and we shouldn't praise someone more evil than Hitler.

But, I am shocked by this. Atheists seem to pride themselves on rational thinking and logic. How does logic not dictate to the atheist that the world is God's to DO AS HE SEES FIT? God is the creator and owner. Since when does God follow orders?

Why would the laws God gives us apply to him? It would be like asking, "Why isn't that cop getting pulled over for driving 100?" Well, who's gonna pull him over? He's on top! The laws are made for us, not the cops.

Why do atheists always like to argue God is murderer? In fact, God by definition can not murder. Murder is HUMANS murdering HUMANS.

biblethumping #fundie freeratio.org

[In answer to a question as to why there are no water stains in cave walls if there was a global flood]

It's likely the sea stains were erased just after the Tower of Babel. Sea stains are a form of language and it would have been confounded like everything else.

how are they considered language? well they convey meaning and anything (that is everything) conveys meaning in the universe. So it really does not matter if you do the research or not, if sea stains aren't found it's due to CONFOUNDATION not because they were never there.

catholicguy #fundie freeratio.org

But that's just the point, see. Science isn't based on personal experience. That's where your reasoning is at fault.

So the theory of macro-evolution wasn't based on the personal experiences of Charles Darwin (combined with a rigged publish/peer review process)?

The reason science will never get past seeing THIS [miracles] as personal experience is because it doesn't have the tools to study, replicate, corroborate it. That isn't my fault or any fault in my reasoning. It is a shortcoming of science.

If there is good evidence for the supernatural, science will gladly investigate, but it will not investigate simply because of mere stories.

Science HAS investigated it. The point is that science cannot, and will not, meet "pseudoscience" on a level playing field just yet. Even if it wanted to, stumbling blocks exist in the form of a rigged publication/peer review system and the almighty dollar. The upshot is that atheists gleefully slip through the toll gates without paying a penny. Yeah, that does annoy me, especially when they rub salt into the wound with arrogant condescending behaviour, trying to learn those silly theists a lesson. But I take pleasure in this, that every time I talk to an atheist it really does feel like I'm talking to a dead man walking. It's just a matter of time. Did I say that out loud?

biblethumping #fundie freeratio.org

[On Yeman]

I would only support the use of nuclear weapons. For me it's clear our military can't overpower these terrorist by conventional means but if we gave them a taste of nuclear terror then they might think twice about attacking us with explosives stuffed up thier asses.

adren@line #fundie freeratio.org

In-fact, I claim every single movie from now on that is ever produced that contains sci-fi or supernatural elements to be both fact and true, and hence part of the religion of adrenalinism, and hence as atheists you are forbidden from watching such to remain true to your skeptical nature.

Afterall, watching such a movie would be supporting woo-woo belief, almost like going to church!

I also claim every single video game that was ever made and ever will be made with any supernatural element to represent a fundamental belief of adrenalism, and hence skeptics are forbidden from playing any video games since they would be partaking in delusion!

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Is There Definitive 100% Set In Stone Proof Of God? No, And That Is The Proof
I have just realized that we theists are looking at this all wrong.

There is no such thing as "Proof of God" where one can use an example and say, "That Proves God!"

The proof for God lies in the fact there is no proof of God. Atheists always like to ask theists, "Where's the evidence for God?" (As if the atheists are pretending like a theist out there will challenge them with something new that hasn't ever been thought of over the past thousands of years and say "Wow, you're right! God exists!".)

We have been going about it all wrong. God never gives out proof of his existence. But, since God DOES NOT give out "stone cold proof" this is PROOF of God because the FACT that God doesn't provide evidence is EXACTLY what we would expect from a God that does not provide evidence!

Atheists asking, "Where is the proof/evidence of God?" have got it completely backwards. There isn't supposed to be any evidence for God because God doesn't provide any evidence. And if God exists out there, and chooses not to provide evidence for his existence, then guess what atheists?

Having no proof of God's existence is proof of God's existence.

I hope I just boggled all of your minds with a brand new argument never before heard over the past thousands of years.

Ask yourself this simple question, "If the Christian God is real, and He isn't willing to provide us with evidence, what would we expect to see?"

The answer is, "Exactly what we see right now."

IBelieveInHymn #fundie freeratio.org

I guarantee Congress and Senate are going to investigate this Obama character. The White House now refers to Mao as a great philosopher. Mao murdered 75 million people!! What has America come to? Communism is on the way!! Atheists will be free to kill all Christians just for reading a bible!!

Remember people, I've said all along in this forum that communist-atheism is evil and vicious, not to mention, they are evil dictators!! Well, that's what America is coming to. THE CHANGE!!!

Now, I just find out that another White House spokesmen refered to Hugo Chavez as a good man. wow just wow.

I'm stunned at this country

IamJoseph #fundie freeratio.org

If Genesis was not in the public domain, Darwin could have been successfully sued for plageurism, lift off and manipulation. All he did was switch words like kind for spiecies, seed for adaptation, etc.

Self-Mutation #fundie freeratio.org

Last Thursdayism is false because I clearly remember events from before Last Thursday. It does not follow that God could have fixed our minds and experiences to make us think we only felt things before last Thursday. For example I have a note with the date on it, "Wednesday, July 15, 2009." This would not be possible if the world was created on "Thursday July 16, 2009."

rhutchin #fundie freeratio.org

(I always wonder why Christians don't pray for a cure for malaria or an end to earthquakes. Maybe they're just selfish bastards who don't give a damn for anyone but themselves?)

Maybe non-Christians are the selfish bastards because they refuse to ask God to cure malaria and end earthquakes.

ihsan Karacaby #fundie freeratio.org

[About the discovery of a 35,000 year old flute]

These archeological finds once again refute the Darwinist claim that human beings share a common ancestor with apes. Darwinists maintain that the ape-like entities that supposedly lived tens of thousands of years ago, grunting to one another and living an animal lifestyle, came to live in groups and thus developed intelligent and social behavior. But these supposed primitive entities are not the only beings to live in social groups. Gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys and many other animal species live in groups. But none of these have developed the same intelligent and social behavior as human beings. None has made a 7-note flute, manufactured statuettes or, in short, exhibited any such intelligence and ability. Because intelligent and conscious behavior is unique to human beings. These objects dating back to tens of thousands of years, the remains of which have come down to us today, were produced by human beings possessed of intelligence and consciousness, the ability to calculate, plan and manufacture, and a soul given them by Allah.

Camille #fundie freeratio.org

There seems to be alot of confusion on this board regarding Christianity. I see people posting about "Christians" who believe in an old earth. "Christians" who believe in Evolution. "Christians" who believe the Bible has mistakes in it, etc.

This is what's called Counterfeit Christianity. There is no way you can call yourself a Christian and accept Darwin's theory of Evolution when the Bible is perfectly clear that there was no Evolution. No excuses whatsoever. Counterfeit Christians say Genesis shouldn't be taken literally, but they give no reason as to why we shouldn't take it literally!

So I want to make clear what the differences are between True Christians and Counterfeit Christians:

True Christians believe in the Bible. ALL of it.

True Christians are not sympathetic towards other belief systems. A true Christian cannot say that another religion "may lead to God." I do not like Muslims, but I do like the Jews. Although I do not respect Judaism (because it is false and does not lead to salvation), I do respect the Jews because of what the Bible teaches, and because of the importance of Israel in God's plan. The Jews have also been strongly oppressed, therefore true Christians are also proud supporters of Israel (like myself).

True Christians believe in a young earth, and creationism.

True Christians believe in the Trinity doctrine, while many counterfeit Christians reject it.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

(submitters note: The whole thread is pure gold)

IAmJoseph #fundie freeratio.org

There is an even more mysterious factor here. When one considers the abnOrmal freezing of water - namely it stops turning to ice at -4, allowing all fish to live - means there is a hovering control here. This denies ToE's adaptation, because clearly, the fish have no input here - they are not adapting, but are subject to a hovering control factor!

Lucis #fundie freeratio.org

in science, it doesn't matter if something is true or not, the important thing is that it's useful. for example, there is no evidence that space and time can warp like einstein said, but the theory of relativity is still a useful theory.

religion is the same. it doesn't matter if religions are true or not, the important thing is that they are useful.

hegotgame3 #racist freeratio.org

Actually black absorb more sun rays hence why solar panel are black. White actually reflects lights hence why you need sun cream when you go on the beach. How many black guys you know need sun cream? And also if you look at physical treats they dominate most of the sports which require physical strength (not like golf). The real reason why White ppls show up out of no ware (they will never tell you this in school neither mainstream science..) But its because white ppls extra-terrestial envaders (which is why there skin isn't use to the solar rays of earth sun) hence why you have all these empires which they built (watch the movie 10 000bc) but they had a war sometime 20 000 years ago and lust most of there tech...etc im not gonna get deep into but for those that are interested look up Michael Tsarion. Asians, Arabs, all the in-between colors are results of the mixing of both genes... and later with actual evolution some did develop smaller eyes..etc

Ever wonder why Hitler spoke of the pure blood Aryan race with Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with no Dark features? They added the Jew factor to confuse the masses... But if you research well and watch the symbolism that they used alot of symbols which are used by the British royal family and other ancient cult...

Lucis #fundie freeratio.org

Job 38:35: Can you send forth lightnings, that they may go and say to you, 'Here we are'?

If the Bible was written by people with not much knowledge about the world, how could they know that you can send messages with electricity?

Job 38:24: By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?

If the Bible was written by people with not much knowledge about the world, how could they know that the sun causes the wind on earth?

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