
M.A. Masters, Architect #fundie fountainsofthegreatdeep.com

Time is up for the 'fun-n-games' of non-scientific evolution, which includes the following;

*Old earth 'Plate Tectonics' or the whimsical idea of 'coasting-colliding' continents and the 'breakup of Pangea' all rooted in science and taught as "fact". Plate Tectonics is a pseudo-scientific fraud used as an 'excuse' to vainly try and prove an 'old earth'. This theory will be completely debunked with true science backed by the Scriptures. Earth is a geological mess and the foundations are out of place big-time (Ps. 18:15, 82:5) due to a massive series of titanic volcanic eruptions, or fountains of the great deep.

**"Dinosaurs died 65 million years ago...." No they didn't. True archeology and human history coupled with massive volcanism proves otherwise. The Jurassic fairytale is nothing but a cartoon-concocted lie 'supported' by models in museums, and Hollywood....

***The factless Copernican heliocentric universe which has zero proof, requires the Earth to perform orbital 'gymnastics' and the moon to shift into reverse orbit (this in itself is absolutely hilarious and rejects the very principal of observable science...), and has been taught as non-scientific dogma for over 400 years. The Bible and true science emphatically denies that the Earth 'rotates' daily on an 'axis' and 'orbits' around the sun yearly. The very opposite is Biblical and true and heliocentric voodoo is Satan's second grandest lie cast upon mankind (followed by "you really won't die" which duped Adam and Eve in the Garden...). Many won't be able to swallow just how deep this fraud extends, and the great extremes mankind has gone to promote this lie along with "astro-evolution". But it is all about to end as scheduled in Revelation, and fast so buckle up!

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" Genesis 1:1

"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7

"The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." Psalm 24:1

"Who (Jesus Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" Colossians 1:15

Earth is not a "planet" (wanderer) nor does God call His Earth a "planet" in His Holy Word. Therefore should we???

M. Alexander Masters #fundie fountainsofthegreatdeep.com

On top of the dynamical problem of the Moon's orbit, NASA's claim to have had actually "landed" on the Moon six times is mere madness. Avionics are calibrated to the Earth. The Moon has no aviation beacons, no radar systems, no ground control etc., thus the Astronots had to literally fly by the seat of their pants (well, actually standing up while piloting the three-foil-thick Mr. "LEM"). And flying by the seat of your pants a quarter of a million miles from terra firma in the extreme vacuum of space filled with mega radiation attempting to "land" on a massive object orbiting at ~65,000 mph inside a non-tested vehicle, is nothing but suicidal lunacy.

The Holy Bible, God's Word, emphatically denies a lunar landing because the Scriptures proclaim a stationary Earth.

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring nothing the understanding of the prudent. I Corinthians 1:19

The Universe is much smaller than claimed by "science", yet still incredibly massive. The fact remains that scopes do not give distances. No doubt the Sun is much smaller and closer than the alleged 93 'million' miles. The Sun's radiation is immense and we are protected from this radiation by the magnetic field called the Van Allen belts. Most Moon "hoaxters" claim that the belts themselves are radioactive, which is true as they are deflecting the Sun's radiation. The real danger however lies beyond the belts where there is NO protection from the Sun's intense heat in the extreme vacuum of space. These belts extend roughly 15,000 miles beyond the Earth's crust and perhaps a few thousand miles more. Regardless, there is still well over 200,000 miles that the Apollo spacemen had to travel and spend several days "exploring" the lunar surface within this mega radiation. Not to mention all oxygen had to be packed... They did remember to pack a few 'beef sandwiches' and some 'butterscotch pudding'...

M. Alexander Masters #fundie fountainsofthegreatdeep.com

There is only room for one truth when it comes to Creation. Thus the orthodox evolutionary theories must fall or better yet, be completely demolished. These theories include Plate Tectonics and the Big Bang. You cannot “mix” Biblical Creation and evolutionary theories. They are like oil and water. Yet when faced with answering THE central question everyone must come to terms with, our origins, many folks wish to intertwine the two into one. Either one is true, and the other is false, period. You cannot fit a square peg in a round hole but many try simply because of their built-in, or better yet engrained scientific ideas that we all have been taught since kindergarten. When these concepts come tumbling down upon proven to be false, many will be left bumfuzzled as to why these ideas were even taught in the first place. Therefore we have a defense mechanism that goes up when our engrained “learning” is challenged. Rightfully so as these ideas are taught as "truth" in everything we see and know. "What is truth" Pilate asked Jesus... So let’s begin to swing the evolutionary wrecking ball and explore truth. Exploring truth will inevitably expose lies and massive fraud.

"For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." Isaiah 66:2

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