
Djhives #racist djhives.blogspot.com

(Does sexism go under racism?)

This will be quick, but I get the feeling some of you may be trying to 'wake up' females. You shouldn't be waking up ANYONE - but this it especially important to know that sharing intellectual information with women is COMPLETELY POINTLESS. Women don't care about the NWO.

Here's why.

1) Women don't care weather they live or die.

That's right, it's pointless to point out chemtrails in the sky, chemicals in their birth control, poisons in their diet coke, and aluminum sulfide in their deodorant and tampons. A woman is so stupid she has literally no fear of death. Remember what the honorable Vilar said, women are too stupid to care about life itself. Therefore I conclude that they do not fear it being taken away from them. Women also don't 'live' for anything, they have no goals, desires, ambitions, things to learn about or discover, or things to build and create. Without a reason to live they could care less about who or what is killing them....

2) Women are immortal

Men often divert their life's energies at obtaining some form of immortality on earth. Women are born this way and go through their entire lives in this condition - this makes them unafraid to die - for they have no concept of suffering. Babied by parents, then babied by the credit/welfare system, and then babied again by a mans labor - the woman outlives the man by 30 years because she never had to actually DO any life sustaining work in her entire life. A woman floats through life worried about nothing - so to bring her attention to things that might be killing her is like describing to someone who never suffered what suffering feels like. They won't be able to grasp the concept because they never have suffered before.

3) Women are stupid

Since women never have to contemplate suffering or survival their minds are in a grossly permanent state of underdevelopment - in other words, they are morans. They don't EVER have to THINK about anything. Shoes, chocolate, sex, and clothes is all that engages their primitive minds.


This is a refresher for you fools. In TV and in the movies they often show a male lead REASONING with the female lead on an intellectual level, often involving saving her life. This is FANTASY - it doesn't happen this way in reality. Even if women accept and listen to every warning you have about reality, it will NEVER sink in on the same level that you take it. Again, she doesn't care if she lives or dies. These creatures bleed every month -- and don't die, this only reinforces the immortality ideas that I've put forth above.... so don't ever think about 'saving a woman's life' SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT IT. Only YOU care about weather she lives or not.... never her

Djhives #conspiracy djhives.blogspot.com


Will the vaccine be given to the children first or to the adults? I will ask it another way: Who is the intended target of this round of LIFEKILL adults? Or children?

Is it better to keep the children alive and kill off their parents and raise a new generation of government addicet welfare orphans? Is the indocturnation of the new peacfull new world order EASIER to implement in orphaniazed children VS adults?

Or, do the resources children require (ie they need food, shelter, and most of all cannot WORK) translate into an EXTRA BURDEN on the living Earth and its precious resources?

Is it better to save adults? At least they can be made to WORK and require less resources than children do (ie adults can survive in a crapmed house/hive unit).

So who is the TRUE intended target here and why? And please explain your logic behind your conclusions....


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