
Mickey Smith (a.k.a. JESUSISGODTV) #fundie cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com

No one on this earth KNOWS what the center of the earth is made of, because no one except God has reached the center of the earth.
No one but God KNOWS how big the center material of the earth is because NO ONE HAS EVER DRILLED THAT FAR!

Now, stop using baseless evolutionary theories taught in schools!
None of those THEORIES have ever been proven!
All those theories are completely baseless and unproven.
But, as I have said before, the power and belief system of evolution is so well guarded that governments and corporations are spending billions of dollars just to try to prove the Holy Bible is false!
But, their evolutionary theories are failing and falling apart, and these so called scientists hope more than anything that they can prove life exists outside of this planet.
Then, they will lie and say that there is life on other planets, and that THAT life is where we came from.

Go teach your evolutionary crap somewhere else, because I will keep on defending the Truth of Jesus Christ!

Targash #fundie cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com

What scares scientist the most is if they do find the ark it calls into question there own beliefs. To say that this group already had the answer and went to prove it is rediculous as well. You always start with a hypothis and work to prove it. All science is done that way and the context in which science is presented is really based on faith in science as well. So there is not difference. I have a open mind what it could be. Its possible it could be the ark or a shelter or just simply wood. What astonishes me is the scientist who already toss away the possibility. Narrow minded thought like that is what keeps TRUE science from happening. Some may think the bible isnt historicaly accurate but there sure is alot of evidence to confirm many stories or at least make them plausable. But I guess its easier to see fact in the MISSING link than faith in a boat on a mountain.

Al #conspiracy cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com

What if the last remaining Neanderthals were the pharaohs of Egypt. What if they were smarter and were the designers of the pyramids. If you look at some of the pharaoh xrays they had very elongated back of the heads. So do the Neanderthals. Why did they were turbans? Why did the Egyption Pharaoh's royal line interbreed so much? Maybe they were trying to maintain the last of the Neanderthal blood line. Could Helen of Troy be the last of the Neanderthals? The Greeks took her from Egypt then the Turks from Greece. Why so much blood for one person? This is a wild theory but every time a see a skull of a Neanderthal and an Egyption Pharaoh they look identical. So maybe they are. If you read the bible story of the great flood one of the reasons for the flood was to eliminate a different race of people. The bible version is angels with people. What if it was just Neanderthal and people.

seattle, wa #fundie cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com

[comment is in response to the article:HOW WE'RE EVOLVING]

I find it funny that you cannot prove any of this, but you believe that we evolved from primates. Evolution is nothing but a theory, but when you have the Bible right in front of you and it has been proven that God created this world, yet so many people just choose to ignore and find it more fasinating to think that everything just formed on its own. I feel very sorry for all of you who choose to ignore Gods exsistance and will be going to Hell for that. I pray that God will work in your heart and open your eyes.

rv #fundie cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com

The reason dinos exist is because when God cast lucifer out of heaven with 1/3 of the angels lucifer the devil now tried to create what god created in the garden animals, etc. so all the reptiles are related to satan. the snake was created in satans image. man is created in gods image.

Sent Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:22 PM

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