
King Wenceslas #fundie cathinfo.com

(He's referring to Taylor Swift)

A pop deva descending deeper and deeper into darkness.

By the time she is 40 she will be a complete mess like Jackson, Winehouse, etc.

The devil knows when to take them. When they are completely his.

Mithrandylan #racist cathinfo.com

Slavery as such isn't immoral, if we understand it merely as the compelled servitude of one toward another. "Indentured servitude" is really probably a more precise term, distinguishing it from chattel. I'm not so sure one can find any support for the morality of chattel slavery.

The two documents you referenced are not supportive of chattel. From what I've been able to find, they are not papally sanctioned raids for a slave trade but rather permissions to enslave those infidels whom the Portuguese were driving from their lands (Both documents are letters written to Alfonso V of Portugal from Pope Nicholas V). Which of course has always been a fairly usual practice among nations, and not one the Church has ever condemned.

As far as the Jews go, I think the usual measure taken by princes was simply to expel them or force them to identify themselves. I'm not so sure slavery would even have occurred to such princes as an especially wise idea, since Jews were known to corrupt Catholics. Would a Lord really want his Lady waited on by Jews? When the Jews proved troublesome, as they usually did, segregation-- not servitude-- was the remedy.

Maria Regina #conspiracy cathinfo.com

When I was young, I attended a speech by Bishop Sheen. I was not impressed. The way he carried himself and his style of dress suggested that he could have been gay. He loved the limelight.

Why did Bishop Sheen tell Bella Dodd not to reveal the names of the 1200 communist agent infiltrators in Catholic seminaries who had arrived at positions of power within the Roman Catholic Church?

Although Bella Dodd might have been killed for such a revelation, it might have spared the Church from the horrific loss of faith that occurred. Had she revealed the infiltrating rats, think of how many souls might have been saved, think of how many lives might have been saved, for these rats were also known to have killed devout bishops, priests, and seminarians who might have exposed them or prevented them from doing their nefarious deeds.

Croix de Fer #fundie cathinfo.com

To ask God to have mercy on an atheist Jew (enemy squared of God), who committed suicide, is to lack the Catholic Faith.

1) suicide is an unforgivable sin; it's a sin against the Holy Ghost, which is unforgivable
2) enemies of God (Jews and atheists are among His enemies) who die unrepentant are damned for eternity

There is a high correlation between "Catholics" who ask God to have mercy on dead atheists, Jews & people who commit suicide, and people who believe in "BOD/BOB" & "invincible ignorance".

victim of the sspx #fundie cathinfo.com

What you think you should do about the muslim colonization of Europe? Must work for a political change, take the left out of power, and give Europe back to the people, and return it to its roots. That or extinction and we will be genocided once theyre the majority.

Pax Vobis #conspiracy cathinfo.com

Mr Bourdain's "wife" was into all kinds of weird, pedo, child-abuse stuff. I've heard her social media is filled with pedophilia symbolism and worse. I've also heard that Mr Bourdain committed suicide because his "pedo" actions were going to be made public.

Similar to Mrs Spade, who was involved with the Clinton Foundation's alleged abuse of children, she committed suicide (or was murdered) because she knew that the truth was going to be revealed. Mrs Spade was hanged with a scarf, which apparently has some sort of symbolic meaning in the "pedo" underworld.

The good new is, that these people are being brought to light and the "pedo" sacrifices/abuses are being ended (and hopefully litigated), after decades of involvement by the elites and global govt. There is VAST evidence that Trump is attacking and ending these demonic activities. God have mercy on us!

Maria Regina #conspiracy cathinfo.com

Indeed, too many people, eyewitnesses, not counting the concert goers, have ended up dead supposedly as suicides. This makes the Las Vegas story sound even more fishy -- the product of yet another FBI-CIA-Military Industrial Complex conspiracy, just like the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

happenby #fundie cathinfo.com

The Church, along with the majority of Catholic tradition, the majority of saints who mention it, as well as scripture, have always promoted and defended geocentric flat earth. History, Church teachings, quotes and writings prove it over and over again. Math and science also prove people and water do not stick to a spinning ball.

If you have other proof, please provide it. Otherwise, save your disses. Saying that it is impossible because you think it works a different way is not proof. You need a non-pagan source of some sort, or your arguments are moot.

Maria Regina #fundie cathinfo.com

Lord have mercy. Parenting today is becoming more and more difficult.

Even if a person homeschools his child to avoid these immoral issues and mandatory vaccinations, if that child becomes seriously ill and is taken to a hospital, that child will be immediately given ten vaccinations even if very sick.

If the parents refuse vaccinations or cancer treatments for their child, then CPS may kidnap that child. force vaccinations and cancer treatments, and then place that child in a foster home where that child will receive all vaccinations and be sent to a public school.

Lord have mercy.

Carissima #fundie cathinfo.com

Hi, longtime reader of CI, new to posting.

Traditional Catholic to my core, love Holy Mother Church and accept all of Her Teachings without reserve, and by God's grace working to resist and fight any and all modern errors and heresies.

So seeing all this flat earth talk I wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

In regards to how the Firmament is placed above us, and after that the universe with endless galaxies beyond it, I have asked myself, where is Heaven located PHYSICALLY?

Is it in some other dimension entirely?

Perhaps it's only a 'spiritual place' and not physical at all?

I am no theologian but being Catholic and hoping to go there someday, I'd like to have a visual to ponder during meditation.

So what does modern science say today..

The Big Bang Professors over at NASA say that 'Beyond our own galaxy lies a vast expanse of galaxies. The deeper we see into space, the more galaxies we discover. There are billions of galaxies, the most distant of which are so far away that the light arriving from them on Earth today set out from the galaxies billions of years ago. So we see them not as they are today, but as they looked long before there was any life on Earth. '

Sorry but as a Catholic, I don't buy it.

After reading Scripture, and taking it LITERALLY, I know that Heaven is PHYSICALLY located above my head, beyond the sky and on the other side of The Firmament. I know for a fact that modern day atheist scientists over at NASA, and others, are purposefully LYING to us about 'endless space' and 'the ever expanding universe' and all with the goal of separating Man in relation with his Creator.

Because with endless light years between Man and God, there the 'Perfect Deception' can begin to form in men's minds. Sinners at ease knowing that 'the space between' gives them plenty of time for their pleasure and fun, and it just keeps getting BIGGER.

Several years ago I laughed at a science channel program when I heard the narrator say that there are 'universes beyond the universe' (lol) even then I knew what modern science was trying to do..attempting to push my God and His existance further away from me.

Being a great sinner with much to answer for, it was not so terrifying to think of God's Eyes seeing me from a million light years away on the other side of the zillionth galaxy. Though for me now it is a much different reality when I step out on my deck outside and look straight up and imagine Him looking right back at me from the other side of the sky.

No more 'space between'. And even on a better note, and following on the same line of thought, it is so much more Beautiful when contemplating The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary and The Angels, and my Sainted Friends in Heaven.

Heaven is a PLACE, and I hope to go there.

Mithrandylan #conspiracy cathinfo.com

The reason they've been so successful is that, from day one, they ingratiated themselves in higher academia, and at the most prestigious schools. They were positioned to influence the world's leaders. From there, it's a matter of simple diffusal to the rest of the education system. Everyone wants to be (but can't be) like Harvard, Yale, etc., so they copy what's going on there. And of course, it helps that the critical theorists were all profoundly regarded amongst their professional peers in sociology, cultural anthropology, etc.
Fast forward seventy five years into the experiment and add to this already rotten institution the fact that now everyone goes to college, things have gotten exponentially worse. Higher academia has been, since the early twentieth century, the principal testing grounds for cultural Marxism. It's (ironically) little more than a factory of mass propaganda production, dispassionately programming those on its assembly line to be sensitive to [insert hot button topic here].
Now, most of the people coming into university today (and keep in mind that's most people, period) are idiots, and they're even worse when they get out. They're conditioned to be socialists from day one of public school, really, and university reinforces all of that and helps them apply it to the world.

And the university ends up being "right" in a really sick way, because of course, once the student leaves college they don't get a fair wage (because the market is saturated with a bunch of losers who all have the same degree and no experience), they don't have any property (because they've been raised from day one to live with their parents forever playing video games, plus they don't have the credentials to get a good job), they won't have any legacy (because if they can pull themselves away from their parents basement long enough to meet someone they're sure as hell not going to marry them, although a bastard or two might be produced), and they'll be pretty peeved about all that stuff-- thankfully, the university already warned them ahead of time that the world is an unjust place populated with racist elites who will do everything to keep them down, so at least they can't say they weren't warned!

It's just that those who are really "keeping them down" are the ones who sold them a bill of goods about that education in the first place, and who pushed them along the indoctrination assembly line with the impression that they were developing virtue when they were really just killing whatever brain cells were left.

Joe73 #fundie #homophobia cathinfo.com

I agree with a lot of what is being said. I believe homosexuality is usually related to identity trauma in childhood. There is a spiritual battle as well of course, the devil and other fallen angels want people to be confused and follow sin.

I thought I was homosexual from 14 to 18 and 1/2 years old. I went to counseling, and I finally believed It was not a born condition. There are certainly sins that increase homosexual desire (like exploring pornography), but their are wounds that make it easier to have a desire for it.

Knowing why allowed me to heal tremendously in about half a year. I used to have homosexual feelings all of the time, but now they hardly show up, and the wall that kept me from having feelings for women is very gradually moving out of the way.

But yes, not being close to God allows one to be in homosexuality more readily. I had to fix my terrible relationship with God, I was always asking for stuff, but not willing to give. I was living a double life, pretending I wasn't living in lust. It was after I began to fear hell, and turned to God for help, and received it, that I was able to change.

LaramieHirsch #fundie cathinfo.com

Throughout American history, since the time of the colonies, there has always been this situation. A Leftist oligarchical team feeds the angry mobs, utlizing the heckler's vote to undermine good and decent people on the Right.

The Right, being the rule-followers that they are, have an inadequate response every time, and they are undermined with "unfair" tactics. The Right is comprised of rule followers and believers of a traditional way of some sort. As such, they have invested their money, time, and families in the status quo, and they have too much to lose to commit to the fight against the Left in a full capacity.

The Left has utlized the anti-Logos spirit against the Right. This is what happened when Whig revolutionaries placed an oligarchy in power with America's First Civil War/The American Revolution. Tory loyalists mostly wanted to keep their heads down, keep to their work, not be bothered with radical movements, and stay out of the line of fire.

This same Leftist war against the Logos also occurred with the War of Northern Aggression/American Civil War. Radical agitators in the North were inciting mobs and violence, holding up abolitionism as its cause/pet project, and with the compliance of the oligarchy in power they were allowed to attack, demean, villainize, and destroy the dignity of Southerners who rightfully thought it their constitutional right to split from the Union of states--which was supposed to be a EU-style conglomeration of different countries. But thanks to Abraham Lincoln, his war morphed the nation into a horrific superstate.

Now, Leftist Zionism is our religion and national policy. If you are an annoying minority who is against this, then you are anathema, and open to attack.

We've reached the next iteration of the Left's perpetual war against the Right. The ever-present and never-ending war against the Logos. Against God. Against sensibility. The Right will lose, just as it lost during the Civil War and the American Revolution. We shall be run over, honestly. Objectively speaking, there's no other way to see it. There's simply not enough people who are inspired enough to step out of the comfort zones they've worked hard to build up and invest in.

jvk #sexist cathinfo.com

I think most women are better fitted to be at home baking cookies and changing diapers.

I think that St. Joan of Arc was called by God to fulfill a special mission, which she did in as feminine a way as possible. All women are called to sanctity. Some as wives and mothers, others as nuns, and others as single women. All women are called to fulfill their God-given gender roles in a modest manner, imitating the Blessed Mother as much as they can. And St. Joan of Arc obviously did this or the church would not have declared her a saint.

Radical Feminists are evil women spewing their liberal poison everywhere, desecrating the holy and sacred calling of motherhood. And they have obviously spilled their poison over onto the Saints, now, too.

John Grace #conspiracy cathinfo.com

As I was passing a town today school girls were streaming by. The tragedy is the school is 'Catholic' in name only. If a school is a place of error and lies it is not a Catholic school. A Catholic school should only teach truth. We need to be getting our leaflets and our people to these girls.
Many lapsed Catholics are exposing the big pharma. Tomorrow I will spend my morning sitting in with families facing eviction and taken to court by banks. People try and keep them out of court and sometimes it is just kicking the can down the road as the banskters will always change tactics.
Last year I got to speak to a bank manager when we visited his branch to protest and all he could say was 'no comment'. He could send out threatening letters to vulnerable people but had nothing to say when confronted.
Doctors have to review giving anti depressants to those in debt and Catholics in banking have to have a rethink. Here we are creating awareness about those dangerous vaccines. People are becoming more aware.
A few nights ago I was watching a film about the UnaBomber. Technology, IT etc etc has destroyed children. A girl our family know won't come out of her bed room and spends her days on 'Snap Chat' . When a younger cousin told me she was going to see 'Drake' I had to enquire from a cousin more my age. Apparently he is a nigga, a rapper.
The trads, the patriots are the bad guys and off our rockers yet the real enemy are those corrupting children and destroying. I am not suggesting we go bombing. Far from it but an intelligent leaflet backed with the faith goes along way.
Now they are starting with the vaccines on boys in Ireland.

White Wolf #conspiracy cathinfo.com

I have study the Protocols of Zion at length. One thing to keep in mind is that they came to light in post-revolutionary Soviet Russia. The problem with the Protocols is we have no way of knowing whether they are disinformation or a legitimate circular distributed to agents in the lodges. The problem with analysis of stuff from the enemy is that it is... uh... from the enemy, who we know is the father of lies and a murderer. When studying conspiracy there are two trails to follow: Money and the bodies. If people blurt information and then disappear and turn up dead that registers on my radar. The problem with the protocols is that they seem to be left where they could be found. Now, do I believe the content? Absolutely. But the devil is in the details. The protocols detail a set of operations that were probably put into place as long ago as the French Revolution, and then the names and places were changed.

When considering conspiracy, it is hard to stay ahead of the curve, as we say in mathematics. Take what happened in NYC on 911 as an example. Now, we all know that the official story is about as plausible as Santa Claus, but people argue over whether planes hit the towers, a missile hit the Pentagon, whether micronukes were used, and et cetera. Or take chemtrails. People argue over whether it is biological warfare, weather manipulation, famine inducement, or all of the above. The big picture, of course, is in the Apocalypse. Antichrist will come, establish a world empire, and control all commerce as far as possible. Then we have Fatima, the annihilation of nations, conversion of Russia, and triumph of the Immaculate Heart. The $64,000 question is as follows: Does the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart correspond with the era of peace that follows the reign of Antichrist? At this late date, and make no mistake, we are on the verge of the global famine described by Blessed Jacinta: "Don't you see all those roads and fields full of people crying because they have nothing to eat?" (That is what has been happening in Africa, recently spread to Greece and Venezuela, will shortly break out in North America, and then hit Europe. The parallels between current events and the collapse of Rome are astounding. Rome also gutted its currency by substituting lead and iron for gold and silver in coins and etc...) But anyway, at this late date, the answer to the $64,000 dollar question remains obscure. This refers us to the Gospels, where Our Lord tells us that the dates and times are not for us to know. That very fact leaves me in awe. And I am certain that the events of 2017 are going to resolve that question. Either the New World Order Zombie Police State is going to start to crack up and disintegrate (and, much as I am rooting for that scenario, it is not going to be pretty, folks.) or the organized demonic forces that have been pushing for a systemic societal collapse at least since 2008 are going to succeed and we are going to descend into a tyrannical chaos similar to the French and Russian revolutions.

Forget about politics at this point. Forget about Pius XI's "Catholic Action". That time is over. The only thing the political hacks understand at this time is cannons, not canons. The weapon we must take in hand is the Rosary. Sr Lucia (the real Sr Lucia who I think was murdered by the Vatican circa 1958-9) was interviewed by Fr Fuentes and she said that "As for the Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary, no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and nations... With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls."

We are, at least in the US, in the agitation propaganda stage. The zionists, jews, masons, satanists, whatever you want to call them, are instigating for a revolution, and the truth is their most powerful tool. The tactics of satan have not changed since he tempted Eve. Yes, Eve would be like God, knowing good and evil. Yes, she would not die, as in cease to exist. What he told her was 99% true. The 1% lie was that she would burn in hell for all eternity as the enemy of God and slave of satan. That is the bottom line. We must wade through the 99% truth in the protocols to find the 1% lie. And our opponent (in human terms) is an angelic intelligence who can tell us how many microbes are in our dog's guts and trace them all the way back to the primordial abiogenesis of creation (which I can guarantee was NOT the "Big Bang", which is just nonsense.) (But that is another topic.) If we do not fight this battle under the banner of the Immaculate Heart, we have no chance of winning.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, you are our only hope.

Croix de Fer #racist cathinfo.com

To warn people of the wickedness of Jews and their hatred for Christians.

They were true adherents to the Faith of Abraham. They were true Israelites, just as the Catholic Church, which was founded by Jesus Christ, is the true Israel. The Jews who conspired against, rejected and crucified Jesus Christ, and still reject Him, today, became the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9). They ruptured themselves from Abraham and his fullfillment - the Catholic Church. They're outside the ark of salvation, today, just as many ealier Jews who worshipped & offered sacrifices to Baalim instead of the true God as foretold by the prophet Jeremias. The modern Jews, and since they rejected Christ, exhibit the genetic curse stemming from the events in Matthew 27:25, hence they're not of the same phenotype as Christ and the early Hebrews, and, arguably, they're not of the same genotype, especially after the Diaspora, which was also punishment from God for their rejection of Christ.

Salvation is of, not "from", the Jews. That means the early Hebrews - adherents to the Faith bestowed upon Abraham - were saved for worshipping the only true God. The verse in John 4:22 ("salvation is of the Jews" spoken by Christ) refers to the Israelites who, due to their huge sins, had been delivered by the the Lord into the captivity of the Assyrian king. Subsequently, nations were sent to inhabit Samaria, but the Lord showed all nations that he had not delivered up His people because of a physical weakness, but solely on account of their sins. God sent lions into the Samaria to persecute the new inhabitants. When the Assyrian king learned of their predicament, he sent them a priest to teach them the law of God. However, they never fully withdrew from irreverence & sacrilege. Many of them returned to worshipping their idols while worshipping the true God at the same time (basically polytheism).

The Haydock Bible further explains, "It was on this account that Christ preferred the Jews before them, saying, that salvation is of the Jews, with whom it was the chief principle to acknowledge the true God, and hold every denomination of idols in detestation; whereas, the Samaritans by mixing the worship of the one with the other, plainly shewed that they held the God of the universe in no greater esteem than their dumb idols. (St. Chrysostom in St. Thomas Aquinas)"

Yes, which is why He called the Jews who rejected Him, and still reject Him, today, "the Synagogue of Satan who call themselves Jews but lie". In rejecting Christ they rejected their own Mosiac Law and prophesy that He fulfilled, hence they ceased being real Jews.

Yes, but the Synagogue of Satan refers to her as a "hair dresser whore", and they sought to kill the Apostles before, during & after Pentecost. They still persecute the Church to this very day, hence why I posted this thread.

Let's back up just a bit. Firstly, in order to stay in Abraham's tree, the Jews had to believe in Jesus as the Christ. Their rejection of Him ruptured themselves from that tree. What part of "for you are all one in Christ Jesus" don't you understand? It means only people who are baptized into Jesus Christ with water and spirit, and believe in Him, are saved, despite their race, sex, economic status or other demographics. But the key is they must be baptized into Christ and live His teachings. You also conveniently omitted verses 26 & 27 (calling for both Faith and Baptism, which logically lead to the truth in verses 28 & 29 proclaiming we are saved in Jesus Christ. So if a Jew continues in his faithlessness and rejection of Jesus Christ, and he doesn't get baptized into Him, how does that Jew put on Christ? How is he one with faithful, baptized Catholics in Christ? He isn't. When he dies, he is damned for eternity.

St. Paul is telling us in that verse that Jesus Christ destroyed the genetic supremacy requirement, which the Jews still believe and teach about themselves to this very day, for salvation. This salvation and higher status reserved for Jews is the real racism, not the "Nazism" Tall Tale that's indroctrinated into the masses as a tactic to deflect attention away from racism inherent in Antichrist Judaism.

St. Paul also tells us the Jews are murderers of the prophets and they killed Jesus Christ, and they're adversaries to all men. (1 Thess. 2:14-15)

Here are some saints' teachings about the Jews:

"[...] God hates the Jews, and on Judgment Day He will say to those who sympathize with them., "Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with My murderers!" Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and, far from venerating the synagogue, hold it in hatred and aversion." ~ St. John Chrysostom

"If someone should kill the beloved son of a man, and then stretch forth their hands still stained with blood to the afflicted father, asking for fellowship, would not the blood of his son, visible on the hand of his murderer, provoke him to just anger instead? And such are the prayers of the Jews, for when they stretch forth their hands in prayer, they only remind God-the-Father of their sin against His Son. And at every stretching-forth of their hands, they only make it obvious that they are stained with the blood of Christ. For they who persevere in their blindness inherit the blood-guilt of their fathers; for they cried out: "His blood be upon us, and upon our children (Matthew xxvii.25)." ~ St. Basil the Great

"Since this wicked generation did not know that it should repent, but daily became more wicked, its last state was worse than its first ... The evil and adulterous generation of the Jews were to be condemned because of their hard and unrepentant hearts." ~ St. Bruno

"Jews are cursed and covered with malediction as by a cloak. The curse has penetrated them like water in their bowels and oil in their bones. They are cursed in the city and cursed in the country, cursed in their coming in and cursed in their going out. Cursed are the fruits of their loins, of their lands, of their flocks; cursed are their cellars, their granaries, their shops, their food, the very crumbs off their tables!" ~ St. Agobard

"I knew in my faith that the Jews were accursed and condemned without end, except those who were converted." ~ Bl. Juliana of Norwich

"One who dies a Jew will be damned." ~ St. Vincent Ferrer

Basically, this means Catholics must avoid partnering with these kinds of sneaks (albeit a Catholic org of clerics but obvious infiltrators) embarking on a subterfuge against the Church, despite their facade of "good intentions". It's no different than the earlier fathers and saints telling us to avoid Jews except when telling them of the necessity in accepting and believing in Jesus as the Christ.

You invert reality. This video shows Jews blaspheming Our Lord Jesus Christ and hating Christians, but you expend the energy and time being an apologist for Christ-hating Jews, and project the real racism and hatred manifested in world Jewry onto me or other Catholics.

You lose, Jew.

josefamenendez and White Wolf #fundie cathinfo.com

(josefamenendez): Yes, the school did the right thing, and her parents should have had the sense to home school her until graduation. The message is correct but becomes convoluted because instead of recognizing that this student was made an example of because of her illicit sexual behavior, she becomes a pro-life heroine, or worse, a cause for other girls to abort to avoid public shaming in a "Christian" school. It is a "lose/lose" for all. Unfortunately, In this day and age, having the child, the absolute right choice, seems to cloud the sinful circumstances which caused the situation. I'm not saying a Scarlet Letter is necessary, but being a cause celebre due to sin should be avoided. I wish her well with her baby. She will need it.

All of this could have been avoided had she been "sent away" like in the good old days, or cared for and educated at home by her parents without controversy.
As a sidewalk counselor for 25 years ( no longer) the situation was impossible- how can you impart morality in the two minutes it takes to get to the doors of the abortion clinic? We were lucky to change a few minds and save a few babies, but the root of the problem was never adequately addressed. I blame the zionist loving Concilliar Church which was too afraid to make waves and was totally behind the eight ball after Roe v Wade.

(White Wolf); If the girl was visibly pregnant the banning would be from giving scandal. If the girl were not visibly pregnant I am mystified by the ban. An unrepentant sinner would be banned as a form of shunning, according to the dictates of St Paul. More details are needed to give meaningful commentary...

OCHA, PG, and Croix de Fer #racist cathinfo.com

(OHCA): I figured those DNA kits are kike schemes to convince the weak minded that everybody has some blood of the inferiors in them.

(PG): I think I understand what you are saying, and I have suspected that. I have thought that the main purpose of this is to serve geopolitical ends. You can see it from the commercials where they say "I got tested, and learned that am from all nations". "Then there is the one where the lady says she discovered she is 25% native american, which is doubtful. If someone was 25% native american, they would know it, because they would probably have some cash coming their way. I suspect they are twisting the results to promote minorities, particularly the ones the jews are currently weaponizing against majorities(because that is the name of today's game). And, all of this serves globalism and not nationalism/sense of roots. I would definitely not trust the result of these tests in terms of interpretation.

(Croix de Fer): You hit the nail on the head. Also, the Christ-haters are collecting as much DNA as they're able from the population through these fronts for the purpose of developing deadly & highly communicable pathogens that target specific genotypes, while having the least transmissible & pathogenic effect on the Synagogue of Satan, or while developing a vaccine or inoculation ahead of time for themselves.

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