
E. Reagan Wright #fundie castaliahouse.com

[On a report about Wizards of the Coast adding LGBT representation to its games]

Remember, the WotC Gay Initiative is about reminding everyone that you cannot escape the hivemind. Read the announcement – they intend to double down on their gay quota and have committed to including gay and trans and bi and queer characters in every product they sell from here on out.

If you are a normal person, and you want to use WotC published materisals, you will have to do additional work to renormalize them. You will have to genderswap. You will have to retransition. You will have to de-queerify.

Which is an extra middle-finger to their core audience given how much work they already expect DMs to do to turn their official campaign books into material usable at the table. You already are handed a second rate novel and a few NPC stats and told, make some stuff up but make sure your players only color within the narrative lines or this book will devolve from almost useless to completely useless. It’s a sign that they are more concerned about looking good to the entryists than producing materials that DMs can use without heavy, HEAVY time investments.

The QuQu #fundie castaliahouse.com

The founder of the #AltFurry, John Kelly (@jmktwit on twitter), made the observation that O’Sullivan’s Law held true in the case of #GamerGate, and had a devastating effect on its impact in mid-to-late 2015. As such, #AltFurry is an EXPLICITLY right-wing and EXPLICITLY radical furry political movement. It will stand as a bulwark against the furry fandom completely surrendering to the excesses of the left. It’s motto is “We must ensure the existence of our species, and a future for Furry children” and its core principles are “Anti-speciesism is code for anti-furry” and “species-mixing is furry genocide”.

It is also a furry supremacy movement. Too long has social justice rhetoric been used to advantage one group of humans over another. It’s us non-humans’s turn to utilize the same absurd rhetoric to point out human privilege wherever we see it, and institute furry affirmative action policies to take down the homosapientarchy. This includes demands for increased furry representation in media, demands that people unpack the knapsack of human privilege when performing cultural criticism, putting an end to humansplaining, seeking legal permission to wear a fursuit in driver’s license photography, getting the phrase “yiff in hell furfag” labeled as hate speech, and more.

If you want to join the #AltFurry movement, you simply need to adopt a fursona, and start using the #AltFurry tag on social media accounts to do the work of the movement. If you’re tired of the fandom slipping leftward and want to demonstrate the absurdity of the increasingly common rhetoric based off of hierarchies of privilege, join the internet’s least privileged group and help us weaponize it against the very humans who invented it in the first place.

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