
Kirk Cameron #fundie bizstandardnews.com

Conservatives seem to be bending over backward to avoid blaming the recent Las Vegas shooting on easy access to high-powered weapons.

Fundamentalist and former actor Christian Kirk Cameron has blamed the shooting on “liberal Hollywood.”

“The shooter was influenced by Hollywood values pushed in violent video games and rap music,” said Cameron in an interview with Charisma magazine. “If we had a Bible in every home and prayer in school, we wouldn’t have these problems.” But Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was in his 60s and most likely didn’t play video games or listen to rap music.

Jim Bakker #fundie bizstandardnews.com

“I’m urging people to make these regular donations so we can offer up special prayers to guarantee their homes in heaven,” Bakker said. “People need to look at this like a down payment on their heavenly mortgage.”
“Heaven has all kinds of property, ghettos, shacks, apartments, starter homes and mansions,” Bakker said. “Send in your love offering to ensure you have a palatial mansion in heaven. You want to make sure you are in a good heavenly neighborhood.”

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