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Some recent advice from a Florida Sheriff shows that America hasn’t slipped as far into delusion as Britain and Europe. But the reactions illustrate a key fantasy of the left.

This is a follow-on to my recent post, British Islamophobia. Give that a quick read if you haven’t yet.

So, about two weeks ago, a workplace shooting in Orlando which killed 5 prompted a local sheriff to post footage of that and the Pulse nightclub shooting in a video encouraging citizens to arm themselves.

Here are some of the highlights [emphasis added in italics]:

“Folks, now more than ever is the time for our citizens to be prepared to serve as the first line of defense, not only for them, but for their families—

What’s next is to fully understand that this is war, and you better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your family, and those around you if attacked—”

Ivey stressed that attackers rely on people running, hiding, and waiting for help, rather than fighting back.
And what was it that the British police advised right after the London Bridge attack as the best strategy to deal with violent attackers?

“Run. Hide. Tell.”
Leftists responded predictably to the Florida Sheriff’s well intentioned advice, “calling it “fear-mongering” and encouraging vigilantes.”

Keep in mind that the typical leftist has never explored any logic or thought outside of their own emotional belief system. That’s why your ability to reason through a belief system (even one you completely disagree with) must mean you secretly support that belief system.

The typical leftist also projects—constantly. Most times when the hurl an insult, especially the ones that make no sense, they are picking out an insult that makes sense to them or terrifies them and figuring it would hurt you just as much as it would hurt them.

So, when they accuse a reasonable safety message about self-defense as “encouraging vigilantes” it’s because vigilantism is EXACTLY what they would do if they armed themselves, much like the leftist who recently attended the congressional baseball game.

And when they criticize the reasonable message of self defense as “fear-mongering” it’s because fear-mongering is exactly the sort of tactic they would use to encourage action.

For years, I was stumped by a leftist response in a debate I participated in, until I came to understand the leftist proclivity for projection. On the subject of belief systems and human nature, I presented a reasoned argument and as one support provided some quotes from Viktor Frankl, a world-renowned psychiatrist giving his professional opinions of the psychosis that led to the Nazi death camps based on his first hand experience in them. The argument bounced off the leftist’s skull and his only comeback was “Way to pluck the heart strings with mention of the holocaust there.” I couldn’t understand where he ever got the idea that I had presented an emotional appeal. Projection finally explained it. Whenever they mention the holocaust, it is only in a context meant to provoke bad-feels. So if I mention it, that must be the only reason, because how can anyone have different thinking patterns than the self-absorbed leftist?

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