
strgzr #conspiracy forum.prisonplanet.com

As important as getting out the truth about 9/11, it is equally important to point out the scam of peak oil. The peak oil lie is being used to increase control by the globalists, and steal what's left of our freedoms. Through taxes, and restrictions, we are being pushed daily into economic, and energy slavery. With suppressed technologies, and dependence on oil, most all of us are like junkies waiting for the next fix. I know in my heart it's not meant to be this way. We are created to step off this earth and move into the universe.
The only thing holding us back are the psychopaths that are bent on our destruction.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force #racist forum.prisonplanet.com

And the whole time the White anglo-saxons are MURDERING their own babies, the friggin muslims are multiplying by the dozens!AND they do not have a bright and happy future planned for you idiots!


Foolish white women, all in the name of "FREE-CHOICE" you are destroying your own!

Aqua Teen Hunger Force #conspiracy forum.prisonplanet.com

Quote from: maximumrebel1 on April 17, 2008, 09:50:51 PM
"The founders would roll in their grave if they knew a woman or Negro were going to be president next year. Gotta love what we have become."

I think the "founders" would be happy as a pigs in mud knowing that their secret vision of a new world order was coming to fruition at long last. They were freemasons and were planning this nation to be the beginning of the order of the ages.

AKA the one world, one people, antichristian government!

chris jones #conspiracy forum.prisonplanet.com


Sounds as if they write what the masters want them to, same here people think if its in print or from a talking heads its words that come down of the mountain.

We learned that fluoride is a poison that accumulates in our bones. It has been associated with cancer in young males; osteoporosis; reduced I.Q.; and hip fractures in the elderly, to name a few. George Orwell would have been dazzled by the promotion of this toxic by dental and public health officials and concurrently, the avoidance of this issue by the environmental community. We think it has a lot to do with the sordid 50-year history of the promotion of fluoridation by the U.S. Department of Public Health and the American Dental Association. Rather than acknowledge the accumulating evidence of fluoride's threat to human health, they have en-trenched themselves in a position that has produced tactics that include the harassment of scientists and dentists who speak out."

Red7Paladin #fundie forum.prisonplanet.com

I'm reasonably educated on those subjects you mentioned. Belief in the evolutionary process of creation is favored by the Luciferians because that allows for the possibility that they will continue to evolve into gods. Yahweh God has no need to create using evolution, so why would He. Yahweh spoke the universe, the earth, and all living things into existence.
Kabbalah is at the heart of Freemasonry, totally Luciferian, and, therefore, Satanic.

SOLOMON #conspiracy forum.prisonplanet.com

Just some more facts here...Both Hitler and Stalin were jews. Hitler was put into power by america and Britain and everyone at this point should know that Hitler was funded by america during WWII by way of Prescott Bush.

Now here is where no one has given this any thought and yet we all have been fooled.
Claims have been made that Hitler killed many because they were not the "IDEAL GERMAN" which in his mind was blond haired and blue eyed. If he supposedly thought that, why then did he not kill his own self since his HAIR WAS BLACK AND HIS EYES BROWN!!!!!
Hitler didn't fit the "IDEAL", so how could he impose it on anyone else? Once again all of the LIES are being exposed...

1. Hitler was jewish...His last name is/was Schicklgruber

2. Was not German himself as his own ideal of what a German should look like he did not live up to.

3. Received money/funding from america and Britain to fight WWII.

4. Never slaughtered MILLIONS of any people...These are the LIES told by JEWS AND AMERICA for the creation of Israel.

Joe Stirling #conspiracy forum.prisonplanet.com

Protect your children today, warn them about the Secret Societies now, before it's too late. The Masons badly want to mind-control as many kids as possible to protect their power and control. Freemasonry is a dangerous criminal cult, network, organisation.

They will tell your kids it's all good when in fact it is the opposite. Your kids will become Masonic drones/slaves and they in turn will destroy your whole family and society with it. How can one person talk to another, knowing this evil is out there ?

People don't realise that Freemasonry is also Mormons, Opus Dei, Jehovah's Witnesses, Common Purpose, Round Table, Speculative Society, Knights of St. Columba, Rotarians, Shriners, Co-Masons, Eastern Star (female masons), etc.

Do not listen to one word from a Mason's mouth. They can only repeat or defend their brainwash, they are told nothing else. They are also sworn to protect each other. They have been dehumanised and will only listen to their twisted Masonic Controllers.

The Freekmasons use hundreds of different names worldwide to confuse and deceive. We have challenged them all over the Net (13 months ago) to come and talk to their victims in front of a live, filmed audience and they have refused, because it's all true.

Checkout www.secondfamily-uk.com www.ljpr.info www.henrymakow.com www.rense.com www.ivanfraser.com
Far too many to list here, just follow the links and read the truth for yourselves. Your future depends on this knowledge.

Our advice to all members of this criminal organisation is to leave today, modern technology will expose and incriminate "YOU".

Contact your local politician or media, this has to be banned immediately. Please forward this to everyone you care about. ASAP

Amishism #fundie forum.prisonplanet.com

Anyone who defends the Jesuits is truly a deceiver.

I'm not concerned with your "anti-catholic" complaints, we are all free to worship as we see fit, and my religion says the pope and his system is the antichrist.

Beyond that, they are just globalist hell bent on world domination. And you support them. This is where freedom of religion ends. You and those like you are traitors who should be removed from these shores.

There will be name calling and complaints, it is to be expected.

NOT A TERRORIST #fundie forum.prisonplanet.com

Most people now-a-days pray for things like winning the war... Using prayer for murder is worse than being athiest. They also pray for selfish thigns like God can you give me more money, sex, and please don't let me get my gf pregnat. Kids on the other hand pray to the anti-christ (Santa Clause) in hopes that the anti-christ will ful-fill their selfish desires. Making your kids beleive in santa clasue might seem cute and fun but do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to jesus. Celebrating christmas would be like nailing jesus to the cross again year after year.

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