
Coby #sexist love-shy.com

Considering the hell men have to go through in the feminised world today where everything is skewed to favour women in all areas of life, but especially in the dating scene, then the new system would have to be one which would quickly and swiftly reverse the damage done to our societies by the incessant terrorism of men by feminism and it's policies propped p by governments and institutions. So I'd propose of system of male choice in the dating game. All I'd recommend is one law and one law only with regards to male-female relationships. No matter what a man says to or asks of a woman, a woman cannot say no. A no from a woman could be reported as easily to the Police as a current day rape, and would also be punishable by a jail sentence.

Call me a misogynist, or call me angry from perceived mistreatment of ordinary men under the hammer of feminism, but it's the only way for society to make up for years of torment and give ordinary men not only the chance to date a woman without the fear of ever hearing a no, but also the chance to date out of their league and the chance to produce better-looking offspring.

A woman saying no to a man under the new system could be classed as equivalent to raping the man. You may think this is misoginist and harsh, but wake up guys, ugly men are going to prison daily in feminised countries for even looking at women, when the women will claim is that she was raped, only in actual fact to only be looked at by the wrong type of guy for her in the wrong way.

The only system that would work is one where the dating minefield would be pushed to the female side of the battleground.

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