
Swaffington #racist englisc-gateway.com

My views on non-white immigration is very simple: I'm 100% against it, no ifs or buts. It's a form of genocide against whites and the English people. I think its racist to turn a blind eye, racist to witness the decline of the English for the sake of political correctness. I hope that answers your question?

For the record: My sales are very good, because I dont pander to PC. I write about real, proud men, not sheep!

wodensson #racist englisc-gateway.com

The EDL are not getting any new recruits what with their recent demise with Tommy going etc. The rump that is left and running things will not change and any recruits they do get will be surrounded by the current nonsensical ideology and happily wave jewish & queer flags oblivious to any other way.
It speaks volumes for the sorry state of nationalism in this country that the EDL are still the main kids on the block, and this civic nationalism firmly rooted in.

As time goes by and more families have orcs integrated into them, civicness will of course grow even more, as its a happy excuse for the person with the daughter living with an Arab, or whose auntie brought back a Masai warrior from her African holiday; as they hold British passports now and are as British as bully beef.
There are at least 3 EDL'ers that I know of who have Thai wives that they take on demos.
Naturally the one dimensional "militant muslim" is the enemy approach takes out the other various orcs and puts them in the "friendlies" camp. And bollocks about the Chinese sticking to themselves and being no problem gets spewed out, regardless of the fact they are taking OUR homes - OUR jobs - making ghettos in OUR cities - installing Triad crime in OUR towns - using OUR NHS etc etc.

Seaxan #fundie englisc-gateway.com

I am sick of seeing muppets with that pathetic gay rainbow imposed over their pictures, especially when they are straight. It's especially sickening when a child has it because mum and dad have no spine.


I think their plan is to express their perverted views onto their children every time they see a rainbow. Oh look kids, another man has just been bummed, let's celebrate with some sausages and chocolate spread.

Devon Du Blois #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the Baltimore riots]

This was a cat 5 chimp out for sure. I live close to where it happened, only about an hour from Baltimore. Lord Baltimore must be rolling in his grave. I hope I remember this story right, but I believe it was Lord Baltimore who gave a man ownership of as much land as he could cover in a day. When the English people first came to North America it was such freedom and liberty unlike no man before or since has experienced. Now, the blacks and other minorities, along with liberal whites, are going to destroy this civilization.

Ceawlin #racist englisc-gateway.com

The "liberal whites" are anarchists and satanists, they have no real agenda but mass destruction, many of them are being recruited by Freemasonry who have their own agenda for causing revolutions and wars. The Blacks are also just puppet creatures who have been conditioned to want to destroy white civilization, none of them have the brains to seek the true cause of anything, they are all destined to be the victims of their own stupidity. The people who pull their strings will have them for their slaves in time to come, they have no idea of the master and servant agenda which is driving them to behave like savages. They are not shaking off their chains, they are merely preparing themselves and the other civilized peoples to be placed in chains.

Witnere #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the Baltimore riots]

I admire people like "Battle Cat" and Tommy Sotomayor for having the courage to tell the truth. But so many black people are wed to and profiting from this myth of institutional racism that they're really pissing in the wind. There is a race war coming, it'll likely start in America, and blacks et al will copy it over here. At that point, or just before preferably, we need to kill the Quisling bastards who caused it before taking them on.

Ceawlin #fundie englisc-gateway.com

This Pagan Police Association stinks of the Illuminati, whose whole goal in life is the destruction of Christianity, and when the Christians are finished off, then they may come for the heathens. Christianity and paganism are so linked as to be cousins of belief, once upon a time there were many Gods, and some people began to place one higher than the others. When the Hebrews were choosing El, we were choosing Woden, the only difference is they believed in a Messiah, and when the Messiah came, known as the Christ, some of their number refused him, and had the Romans kill him. To this day some people hate the notions that the Messiah has been and gone, and hold out that he is yet to arrive. These people loath Christianity, and will do anything to destroy it. Including the promotions of pre Christian worship, so be careful that the neo pagans do not have an ulterior motive.

I would like to think that we as the English people have advanced a little since the old days, and the worshiping of the stars the moon and the sun is like looking back to the seventies when people had flared trousers. Satanism is also linked with paganism, but there again Satanism is the worship of the anti Christ, so there is an ulterior motive there in. An old English pagan would have no idea of the "anti-Christ", he would understand good against evil and know to recognize one from the other.

Seaxan #racist englisc-gateway.com

[The British police force has its own pagan association]

The Police Pagan Association...... gladly beating and arresting white racist Heathens for the sake of diversity and the ethnic cleansing of those dirty Anglo-Saxons.

Paganism is a faith for all colours, creeds and beliefs....... now let's all feast on some Halal meat, and don our Jewish skull caps whilst we dance around Irish clovers.

Rainbows, I see rainbows and pride. GAY pride, oh what joys our government provides. I shall adopt two male African babies and several female Indian girls if you please. I give thanks to Elton John for his enlightenment into adoption. I have bummed my partner several times, and he has never given birth. Why Odin? Why would you make us infertile?

Hodekin #racist englisc-gateway.com

The Kith of Yggdrasil to which the police officer in question is secretary is Universalist, insomuch that it sees no distinction between different races in terms of them being Germanic Heathens. If an Eskimo fisherman or a Zulu warrior wanted to join them they would be welcomed with open arms!

The fact that the Kith are members of the Pagan Federation (which operates a strictly PC attitude to all manner of racial attitudes) corroborates this. The only reason that the Policeman in question can hold his 'Pagan' office within the Police force is precisely because of the PC strictures placed upon him, his faith and his organisation (The Kith of Yggdrasil).

They are not Folkish, I am Folkish, and I am a member of the Odinic Rite which is unashamedly Folkish and where would be Germanic Heathen Eskimo fishermen and Zulu warriors would be politely but firmly refused entry for all the obvious reasons.

Ceawlin #fundie englisc-gateway.com

The trouble is "National Socialism" destroyed the German people, never again should aristocratic cabals be allowed to direct the actions of a country. Most of the German aristocratic elite were involved in the occult and were homosexual. That does not fill me with pride of country.

Witnere #racist englisc-gateway.com

I can't open a newspaper, switch on my radio, or surf the 'net these days without encountering a grave warning about the rise of antisemitism in Europe. So the prime movers behind mass immigration are now saying their covert war on indigenous Europeans has now rendered our homelands unsafe for them, the inference being it's somehow our fault? Does anyone else know a more audacious race in existence?

Hodekin #racist englisc-gateway.com

English first last and always, but while we have foreign incomers (hopefully not for ever)........

I'd rather they had a White face and not a black or brown one.
I'd rather they came from Europe and not Africa, Asia or the Middle East.
I'd rather they had traditional family values and not the culture of 'no father'
I'd rather they were prepared to work for what they want and not rely on benefits.
I’d rather they had a strong anti-Islamic ethic, which the Poles do!
I'd rather they had a healthy distrust of Marxism, which the Poles do!
I'd rather they had a healthy distrust of Jews, which the Poles do!

I would much rather they were not here in the vast numbers they are, but as they are (for the time being at least) I for one am prepared to mix with them and associate with them and view them as racial comrades in a way I could never do with Blacks, Asians or Arabs.

It's far from ideal that they are here, but as they are, let's incorporate them in the battle against the REAL enemy.

EastSaxon #fundie englisc-gateway.com

The problem is not Christianity itself. The problem is cultural Marxism which has penetrated every aspect of Western culture.

Sadly the Church has been infiltrated and needs to be as nice, friendly and inclusive as possible to put bums on seats. Christianity is being watered down in an attempt to be as popular as possible against the rising tide of militant atheism. This is not a failure of Christianity itself, but a symptom of the modern world which puts a monetary value on absolutely everything and doesn't really care about identity, tradition or faith. It is a weakness of the people involved who devalue their religion out of fear and a desire to be liked.

These people are heretics and should be burned at the stake not gifted with public money.

I'm sympathetic to both Christians and pagans. They both make up part of our history, tradition and identity. Paganism is ours, they're our gods, the English are descended from Odin himself. It is a religion deeply bound up with ethnic identity. However, even paganism has been hijacked by the left. It's popular amongst the hip young crowd who are looking for some deeper spiritual meaning in life but who have been taught to despise Christianity and themselves and their people. The agenda behind hating Christianity is rooted in the same desires to make white people feel guilty for the slave trade and to hate themselves in general.

The love that Christians seem to have for Israel is a modern aberration aided by cultural Marxism and populism. Christians should not support Israel. The correct point of view is that because the Jews reject Jesus they are going to Hell for their beliefs. That is what the people of this country believed up until the modern age, when Jews were shunned and expelled from the country. Imagine what a powerful idea it would be if fifty million English men and women in this country believed that Jews were going to Hell.

Like I mentioned, I'm sympathetic to pagans too. Not the pagans that I'm sure we've all seen: the hippies, the lefties and other degenerates who profess to be pagans or bloody witches just to be different and edgy. They don't have any moral objections to homosexuality or abortion or any of the other social plagues we are facing because they don't have any real faith. They picked an obscure religion so they could be tool cool for the universe and rebel against the current system, but without doing anything actually rebellious such as speaking out against immigration.

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

as for the rest, it is my personal view of the Desert Faith called Christianity, as for the term surrender monkey's, take a look around at the Christian Church, is there any strong pro-white Leadership from either Canterbury or Rome?? Obviously not, it has already been mentioned, Christianity is a Globalist Religion, much like Islam, where it seeks a Universal human brotherhood, therefore, the Tribe, or Nation or Ethnic Identity has to be subsumed or completely killed off to accumplish that Universal brotherhood of Man, and that is the crux of my ill feeling, or emotional argument with Christianity, if you think its aimed at you personally, you'd be mistaken, its aimed at the very idea of Universalism, which in itself is Globalism, both aim to kill off the very human idea of Tribe, Nation, Ethnic Identity and everything that is Natural in the Human animal, in short individualism, seperatism, deference, against Globalism/Universalism, which is same, indiferent, one Identity, One Tribe, Human Tribe, in short, the 'Brotherhood' of man syndrome!!

As for the English, converting for political reasons, then the Earl, Lord didn't convert for the good of the Tribe, but for his own personal reasons, If you are saying that Jesus is some sort of Worthy Lord to swear an Oath to, you'd be barking up the wrong tree, at the time, as now, the English were very Tribal, the Travaling Christians selling the word of the Desert God, did use emblishments, lies and other forms including adoption of Native Heathen Practices and Festivals such as Easter and so on to ease Conversion, by adding a made up Christian Spin to it..

I'm sorry if my view on the Christian Faith offends you, but I didn't begin this thread, I am simply posting my views on the Desert Faith, Jesus was not English or Germanic, he was a Jew, therefore why should a Tribe of Germanic Origins swear any Oath to a Forigner??

My Native Gods do not expect me to bend the knee or bow to them when making my offerings, or looking to them for wisdom, help, and encauragement, as the Christian God does..

If you are content to follow a Forigen Religion then that is your road, it is not mine, I have returned to my Native/Tribal Beliefs and ways, that is my road, and I am happy with that!!

BTW, Neopagenism, I, we are not Pagens, Pagen is something invented by Hippies, and Academics of the Classical World, I/we follow the Elder Ways which are Earthen/Harth = Heathen, we are apart of Nature, and the Natural Cicle of things, we are of Nature hence Heathen, not pagen!!

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Members of this forum call non-white people 'orcs']

English women/girls who go with anyone who is not English, is lost to us and their country, they are as much apart of the treason infesting England as the British Political Establishment, and the liberal/socialist minions who push such treason..

I have no Orc friends or need any, and i detest the likes of Billy Brag and his inclusive dreams/agendas if these views makes me an ist/ism in the twisted sick minds of the politically fashionable then so be it, but then I like you, am a creation of the warped, sick, twisted agenda of the likes of Billy Brag and the rest of em, we are the monster that haunts their fluffy minds, we are the shadow walkers that they fear, and they made us, and they know, its us that will destroy them...........

And I long for Pay Back!!

Yngvi #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On footballers wearing rainbow laces for gay rights]

The growing trend to plaster homosexuality all over the place means that it gets into the minds of my children - who often watch football too.

What adults get upto is up to them and none of my business - but it should stay exactly that - none of my business. I don't want my children thinking its okay as I wish for grandchildren and continuation of my blood line. All of this rainbow symbology is brain washing kids to believe 'hey its cool to be gay'. Its sick targetting things which children enjoy and especially using many young peoples idols such as football players to promote it.

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On gay rights]

It isn't dying out, nor will it, as I've mentioned, there will always be intolerance toward Oddities, and trying to force normal majority into look at these freaks as normal or another member of the human race is simply going to get people's back's up, until sooner or later, it back fires, as we see toward immigrants and multiculturalism, sooner or later there is going to be one almighty mess of bloodshed, and the Minorities of what ever form will catch the lot, because of either Socialists or themselves putting their oddities out in front and making themselves stand out...

They have rights? Only via that farce called 'The Human Rights' law, and that was a big mistake in itself.. They have no rights, they are a minority a must accept that, and quit pushing themselves out on show, and making a song and dance about their oddities... Human rights lets em marry and adopt kids, and that isn't going to help the kid's understanding of what is and what isn't Natural and normal, it isn't normal and it certainly isn't Natural... It should be against the law, not the way it has become...

I have a question Barry, why should you care what or how Queers and other Oddities are treated???whistle.png

Forcing Tolerance onto the majority is going to back fire and that isn't going to be pretty when it does, and the Liberal/Left will be to blame...

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the death of Michael Brown]

Personally, they all get what they ask for, and what's coming to em............sorry if i sound like a White Supremisit, but, my conclusion is, you can't have a decent respectful and civil society with these Jig's and Mohamed's and Must-Haffa-leak's, these savages are incapable of living in such societies, without bringing the said societies down to the level of their Mind Set...

Of course, these savages have been pandered to by the White apologetic Liberal/Left for the past fifty odd years, these Savages are beginning to believe they are untouchable, and entitled to special treatement, so I don't point the finger straight away way at the Savage, but at those Wet Demented Liberal.Left White's who have been pandering to em and making up all sorts of pathetic excuses for the poor bloody savages!!

Andy #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On the film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes]

So I took my son to watch this movie today and being politically aware I was able to see the connections to todays situation and its political message.

Firstly the apes are stronger and able to live comfortably in less hospitable environment
They have made their own simian community run by the apes for the apes, they are happy to live without heating, light etc Just as in black countries they cannot seem to develop the comforts and conditions equal to the ones developed in white countries.
Though they use their natural resources (oil etc) to make the riches that can buy white nations comforts.


The humans, all but one was white as far as I remember, were trying to restore power, trying to better their life's.

The two communities come into contact and the inevitable conflict ensues. Showing that two different racial groups cannot live together.

Simian flu or Aids and now Ebola

The apes recognise power not those with a more educated nature ( like the Orangutang Maurice(western name))

The ape with the non western name Kobu or whatever kills his son Ash for dishonouring him by refusing to kill a human, honour killing

The apes are set to be wiped out until they steal/adopt the white man/humans technology

Now I AM NOT saying that blacks are apes, but that the film unintentionally I am sure makes a political statement about the mixing of the two racial groups (blacks and whites).

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

["There you go, mind you, it was a different world back in the 70's."]

You mean, before Feminism and general Political Correction took complete control!!

Yes, I remember, when a man could fondle a womans arse in a night club without being accused of sexual assult or treating women like sex objects, when you could call a Black Fellow, a Black Bastard, without the Thought Police suddenly springing out of the nearest brick work and bushes, to arrest you for Thought Crimes!!

Eassex cempa #racist englisc-gateway.com

I am rather happy being Englisc and 'White'

From the film 13th warrior,
'Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning'

Well I have had a good long look at my line and as far as I can see no All-Father thought it a good idea to include any 'coffee coloured people by the score' into it.
Every culture has an 'All-Father so if it had been a good idea at least one of them would have done it.

I say who are these idiots that think they know better than Woden when it comes to the plans for his people !!

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On the lack of women in racist groups]

As i said in my above post, Females ain't as Territorial as men are, if at all, no offence toward the females, but even they must admit such truth, that is usually left to the male population, although it wasn't in pre-conquest England, if it came to the crunch women would join the men and both sexes would fight side by side, but since the conquest that was changed, with all this Ladies, weaker sex and Damsels in distress crap..

Men and women are not seperate we are simply to halves of the human race, in Old Englisc there was no word for woman, both sexes were as one, in the word 'MANN'...

There was no battle of the Sexes, another invention by the Liberals and Feminists, no women's Lib. both sexes in pre-Conquest England Stood together, worked together, fought together and if it came to it Died together, that is how it should be now, we don't need the ideas and views and inventions of the Liberal-Lovvie/Left clouding the issue, we are all of one Tribe, the Englisc Tribe, we are Nationalists, not Lefties, we are Strong and tough because we are Nationalists, the Lefties and Feminists are weak, sensitive, big girls blouses, we are better than them because we follow the Natural ways, the Natural Law, the Strong Survive, the Weak go to the Wall, the Lefties are Weak so they go to the wall...

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

Exactly, when people are forced into living in fear of prosecution for speaking out for so long, sooner or later that fear turns to hate, anger and frustration, that builds gradually until it needs an out let, with no out let, it blows up, when that happens, you get bloodshed and war it has no option because it is given no voice, no hope of being heard or heeded, so it has no other way but to turn into violence, bloodshed and..............................!

That is the out come to this mess, only now we know who is at the center of all this, and they haven't done themselves any good at all, they will pay, for this act of aggression against the White Peoples of this World!!

The JEW!

Teutoburg Weald #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

This stinks rotten. For a long time now the Liberal West has been pushing, and salivating over Putin's declaration that his country will not bow down to mass immigration and special treatment for Foreigners, then the start a Ukaranian Spring Revolution, no doubt the Jews were behind that as they were behind the Arab Spring Revolutions??

So the Government falls into the Western open border policies of mass Immigration? Which would obviously push Putin into a Border watch position, when were they going to start a Russian Spring Revolution to bring them into line with the Liberal West and its aim of swamping the White Nations with unwanted Turd World Invaders??

They've been after Russia and Putin for a good while, Russia is the last bastion of White Ethnic majority and domination, so it sticks in the side of the Liberal West like a long Thorn that can't be pulled out, plus Russia is not open to Zionist Influence and pressure, so now they are attempting to either bluff Russia into backing down, or at worse, push Russia into War???

As I say, It Stinks rotten!!

Obuma's Confused is he?? I bet!

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Discussing whether it is accapetable to call black people "niggers" or "coons"]

As for the N or C terms, the Darkies use em to each other all the time, but of course Darkies using such terms is fine, and its not Racist when used against one of your own, but old Nasty, Racist Imperialist Whitie, shouldn't use such terms, when speaking of Darkies, it might offend the Darkies frail Human Sensibilities mighten't it, and we shouldn't do that, it might make em cry, and the Bum badits of the Libral/Lovvie-Left might get cross at one, and report you to the CRE, Thought Police and RationalWikie and one might be put away for crimes against a Protected Specise, much like using the term 'Bum Bandit's' when speaking of the Libral/Lovvie-Left, it might offend them and they might come up to me riding side saddle, in their tight converted Leather Trouses, and shaven Arses, and Smack my hand for me, and give a make over...........................



PS. I couldn't resist this post, you've got to have a laugh at the Darkies and the Libral/Lovvie-Lefties, well, i need to.....

The Sycophantic, shit for brains, bunch of make up wearing Bum Tarts! And if your a Darkie, Libral/Lovvie-Lefty fucking Bum Tart, then in this day and age yer the most Fashionable, sheek, perfumed rag-head Bastard on the face of this fucking shit hole of a planet, and being a Muzzie, your twice the most Fashionable, Sheek, Perfumed rag-head Camel Humping Bum-Tart Bastard on the face of this fucking shit hole of a Planet........

Sorry not PC, but ha, sack me.............................

Sceadugenden #racist englisc-gateway.com

My eldest son came in from school yesterday and informed me he may be getting in trouble for making racist remarks in class. The heinous " crimes" were asking if albinos were a race. daring to call black people by their scientific name, Negroids, and dis agreeing with the " out of Africa theory". Looks like I get the chance to tell the Marxist self hating hand wringing teachers how things really are .

Eassex cempa #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[Background: Woden's Folk is a racist cult based on an "ancient prophecy" that is actually a piece of dialogue from Robin of Sherwood, a 1980s TV series]

It's funny how the central core of wyrd of our folkish faith is understood by us and never understood by the oh-so moral lefty arses.
Wyrd had me doing a random chain of searches via google and the ensuing linked topics last night.

The linked topic took me to the WF page on theRational Wankie site for the critique of all and sundry that the left don't like.
One thing they got all moist about on Rationalwiki was the usage the Hooded Man prophecy from the 80s Robin Hood.
Well all fair in a world that does not have a Northern Germanic faith that, as mentioned above, has wyrd at its core.

The left may well see nothing wrong with the pope getting revelation from the White Christ and then transmitting it to the faithful, so why is Wulf of WF picked out for seeing a revelation in the works of a person, priest or not, who just happens to write for a program.
As it is said, Wyrd goes where it must and if it needed to find an outlet via the pen of another then so be it.

Let's be honest here, putting diluted animal shite on the field you grow food crops on sounds disgusting if you don't understand the mechanism involved in the crop, so if you don't understand the web of wyrd then how can you judge the harvest of revelation and the field from which it came forth.

Teutoburg Weald #racist englisc-gateway.com

[On Nelson Mandela]

Are you defending the Black son of a Whore??

Those White South African's built South Africa, the Black Natives didn't, besides those Whites of Germanic Heritage have been there for generations, I suppose you might as well say that we Englisc should go back to our Ancestors Homelands, Anglen, Saxony, Denmark, and so on, I bet the Waelasc would love that..... Besides, what's Racism?? a nothing term invented by the Liberal/Left or by their Jewish masters, to beat the White Nations with, of course, it doesn't apply to the Shit Coloured Races dose it, they can't be racist can they, like the Jews can't be racist either, after all, they are the chosen people of the Christian God, right....

So if the Boers have to leave South Africa and return to their Nations of origin then that counts for us as well, and the Americans of English origin, and Canadians, Australians and so on, once you start that, where you going to end??

Steed #racist englisc-gateway.com

I believe Judeo-Christianity has always been a control mechanism to pave the way for conquering Europe. There is no doubt that had Europe remained Pagan we would not be under Zionist occupation as we are today (and thus our nations would not be multi-cultural, multi-racial ones). Heathenry teaches kinship with your ancestors, Christianity teaches kinship with every human being on Earth.

That said, the reason our people adopted Christianity as our own is because it appealed to an ancient concept within our blood - that of the 'saviour'. There is such a notion as the Aryan Krist. So essentially, what the Romans and Jews did to subdue us was to wrap their non-European religion in an outer shell which appealed to deeply-held archetypes within our race soul such as the (Aryan) saviour. It is because of this that I don't blame our people who cling to Christianity (as many of my own ancestors did). They were and are drawn to the religion by its very English/Pagan values (whether they know that or not) but unfortunately they fail to identify the Judaic, non-European aspects of it and how harmful those aspects are to our national and individual identity.

In short, Christianity has good and bad aspects intertwined.
The good parts = Heathen and indigenous
The bad parts = Judaic and alien

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[Neopagan fun die saying that Christianity stole from heathenism]

As for why our later ancestors converted was by thieving, our own native beliefs and celebrations, lies, and the obvious threat of violence, and fire and brimstone, a mix of all those things, plus the use of the All-Father Woden, as the image of their God, all seeing, wisdom and power, otherwise, they wouldn't have a God.. Also the use of their term..............."In my Father's House there are many Mansions."

Which looking at it was stolen from the Heathen view of Asgurd and the upper and lower realms, where every God as his/her own Hall, at least this is my view, what ever it took to convert our Forefather's, the wondering Monks used it, to Convert our People, much as Islam has and is trying to do, the Desert Religions are much like leaches, latching onto a Tribe and bleeding it dry of all that is good and true...

As for the above view that Elves and such creatures are simply stories, you've never heard of Nature Spirits then? Everything of Nature, is alive, and as such has its Spirit, its guardians, that protect the life force of what ever Natural creature and thing it might be, even Rocks, Stones, Rivers, streams and such natural things vibrate on their own spiritual levels, and as such Nature Spirits, Elves and such live in these places and objects of Nature..

What might be in the Jewish History and story book otherwise known as the Bible, may be fictional Myths or legends, but the idea of Nature Spirits being such, is untrue, take a good close look at Nature around you next time your out, and listen, it is alive it breaths, it vibrates on its own level of Spirituality, only man made modern brick and tower blocks are dead, a City is teaming with life, but its Spiritually Dead....

Would you say for instance all the treasures of the Germanic/Norse Sagas are Fictional Stories? Myths, Legends are simply Kids stories? No smoke without fire..

Witnere #racist englisc-gateway.com

[David Cameron and his wife attend a Hindu ceremony]

And his stupid wife who feels the need to dress like a foriegner. I have never met an Indian who gave any concessions to our culture indeed many of them are at pains to tell Englishmen we have no culture in as rude and aggressive a manner as they can. I have no time for lickspittles like the Camerons and their ilk.

Steven #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Hmmm. Westgate Shopping Mall, in Kenya, is owned by Westfield America, whose boss is Frank Lowy. This is the man who, together with Larry Siverstein, bought the 99-year lease to WTC 1 and 2 fifty days before 9/11. Silverstein Properties also held the lease on WTC 7. The insurance payout was huge: £5.4 billion. Rumour has it Israeli commandos are assisting the Kenyans. Oy vey.

Teuroburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On a gay pride parade being attacked]

It was against the law once in this Country, and it should be again, they are Minority, and should go by the voice of the Majority and not the other way around as it is today, Minority Rule..

These degenerates are abnormal, not normal, they keep their degenerate desires to themselves, or they pay the price, there is such a thing as Self Discipline, not succumbing to your emotions, and base lust...

I'm no Liberal, never have been, and I don't agree with giving these Human abnormal Degenerates any soap box to spread their abnormal degenerate bile!!

They keep themselves to themselves, they stay where they belong in the shadows along side all other Degenerates, such as Transgenderists, Pedo's and other natural mistakes..

Sorry my views don't tally with the modern view of the Liberal idea of what should be, I've seen enough of this modern Liberal World to know it Stinks, its decadent and ripe for destruction, so what's left of the Normal Natural Human can begin again.

wesle #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Members of this forum refer to ethnic minorities as "orcs"]

im against a white history month for the simple reasons that our history is far far to complex and interesting to compress into a single month and if there was a white history month it would be used as a (false)justification for only teaching our history in that single month the rest of the year being slavishly devoted to learning about various orcs.rather then a month we should be demanding that our history be taught all through the year rather then a single month.

tjlowery87 #racist englisc-gateway.com

[Thread: "Ethnic cleansing of the English"]

in my own opinion,i think that the reason for the englisc ethnic cleansing is because the musslims,blacks etc.are scared of the englisc.so are other none Germanic countries(Obama ass has bascicaaly spit on the relationship between England and America).so what are theses goverments and other races afraid of?its simple,the ENGLISC ARE THE BULIDERS OF NATIONS.if it where not for the englisc there would be no usa,or austrillia and other countries in the anglosphere..the englisc have been fighting and whooping ass sense day one.and that scare goverments and also other races.......just my 2 cents.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On the discredited prophecies of Mother Shipton]

As always you have to fight your way past author's eager to cast doubt on whether she even existed, but then she's English. 'Scholarship' plays the provenance card to nothing like the same degree elsewhere in folklore. Nostradamus is too famous and publisher-friendly to suffer lasting critical damage while those from designated victim-cultures are simply considered untouchable. One only hopes the the judeo-oirish criminal syndicate that runs Hollywood never alight on these stories. Placing the old girl in County Cork and casting LIam Neeson or Gerard Butler in drag wouldn't really do her justice, though they would certainly be ugly enough.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The conflict is simple to explain: North Korea wishes to remain sovereign, to govern itself as it pleases and to be in charge of its own money supply. Zionist-banker-tyrants wish to take over ownership of North Korea's money supply and to dictate to them the values they are allowed to hold as a nation. These Zionist-banker-tyrants will fool us, the West, into doing their dirty work by lying to us about North Korea. They have done this countless times before and every one of our people who has fought and died in a war in the last 20 years (some would say the last 100) has done so based on a lie.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

[On the Boston bombing]

Boston's official website [or the one I saw anyway] gloatingly describes an English city taken over by oirishmen, so unless it's the usual method of writing us out of the historical narrative, and more of our people live there - even today - than officialdom cares to admit, my sympathies will be limited since I share none of the 'humanitarian' [international] instincts people cultivate in the erroneous belief it makes them civilized. These explosions make no obvious sense as part of the gun-grab even so, not unless they've a mind-controlled 'white-supremacist-NRA-fanatic' in the frame for it. Likely another anti-muslim stunt if they've a Saudi Lee Harvey Bin Oswald figure under guard at a local hospital, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

Teutoburg Weald #fundie englisc-gateway.com

[On the lack of Wiccans in racial nationalist groups]

Do you mean those who hang around Stone Henge in white Frocks, and flowers in the hair, these sorts, ain't Followers of the Elder Ways, at least not in any Germanic form, they are simply playing at being druids and such, which is far from being of any Germanic heritage...
Middle-Class! Its them that hate us, a bunch of rich kids, playing at Revolution until they grow up and then they piss off back to Mummy and Daddy and get a Job at Daddy's Bank or Firm....

When i say hate us, i mean they hate their own people, I.E. The Englisc, It is the likes of them that are Fabians, Masons, Neo-Nazi-Liebour, the New Tories, the Lineral Internationalists who despise their own People..........

They wouldn't know what a real Heathen was if they were shown one!

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

Non-native presence in England is like a balloon being held under water. The downward force on that balloon is the hand of the Zionist Government and its use of multicult dogma, propaganda, welfare, tolerance, positive discrimination etc. Sever it and the balloon rises out of the water, i.e. most immigrants leave.

But the fact remains that some will still remain. The 1/4 black, atheist, football-loving, beer-drinking, working chap who receives no special treatment, speaks no language other than English, has mostly white friends and cares not for political correctness will NOT leave. He would have to be physically ejected and his group of white friends would protest.

Wolf #racist englisc-gateway.com

All non white guests of this country will always be that,Guests.
Im sorry to offend anyone...well im not but anyway,English Folk are white Folk,simple as that.
I will not have some asian tell me he is english,just as i would not accept one calling himself scot,irish,welsh.Sick to death of the weak spirit we have somehow grown over the years.
Why do we always have to back down and say "oh its ok he was born here,you can bring your family over and they can spunge of our hard working folk and breed us out of existence"

Its time our folk got back the fighting spirit we are world famous for,nobody takes our little island without a fight!
No foreign mongrel is gonna spread there filthy culture to our lands,its time to fight back.

Racial Nationalists are the true nationalists,because there eyes are open,they have seen through the BS the left and its media are spreading.
Its time for nationalists of all forms to get our acts together.

Steed #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The Post-War rivalry between Britain (England) and Germany was by design. Personally I believe that WWII was partially engineered that way - to create a lasting friction between ancient cousins and prevent them from ever uniting when times called for it... like now.

Woden's Child #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The real problem we face in portraying our identity as Germanic are the self-haters, lefty academics, etc. These are the sorts that infect our education and media systems. Have you noticed that any time the Anglo-Saxons are mentioned, these sorts are always at pains to mention the 'they were only a elite minority and had little effect on our gene pool' bullshit? Do they do the same when discussing the origins of the Welsh and Scottish people?? Do they hell! Any time a programme featuring them is shown, it's full of the usual mournful sound of bagpipes and 'Celtic' flutes - and earnest talk of their rich culture and heritage, with the inevitable Welsh or Scottish voice-over . None of it's by accident either. There is a conscious effort to replace any idea of a distinct English identity with that of Britishness. The Welsh and Scots are of course exempt from this brainwashing technique. You will also notice that the Olympics and the Golden Jubilee celebrations are also pushing Britishness for all its worth - along with the fact that most of these televised celebrations have concentrated their efforts on England, just to drive the idea of Britishness into the English even more.

Guthlac #racist englisc-gateway.com

The ethnic English are the only English race and nation. No one else can be off us. The English are white, but that is just part of our ethnicity, culture and identity. It does not mean any white person can be a real English person, even if they would like to be.

Any fool and foreigner can claim to be English, but the real English the ethnic English know it for a fact. Their families are all English, they know as far as they have knowledge of or have traced they are English family history. Those that have some Welsh, Scots or Irish in them still put their English ethnicity first as they know that so many folk of those places are actually of English decent. In some cases by over a thousand years of English living those areas or of the English families moving to those places on mass over the last few hundreds of years.

Anyone here who claims to be English, yet promotes and puts first being British, civic/semi-civic and claims every tom, dick and harry white foreigner (let alone alone any other coloured foreigners) can be English is either misguided or a traitor. They are what they 'claim' to be against. They are enemies of the English and England. As just as much a threat to us as the lab/lib/con, the EU, multiculturalism, islamification and 'immigration' /importation of votes.

Yngvi #racist englisc-gateway.com

I'm English through and through and have stated I am definitely not British but with time running out I'm beginning to change my mindset and with more and more aliens entering our countries I think its time the people of these islands put aside our differences to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for what is truly ours!

If that boils anyones piss then i'm sorry but i'm past talking about doing something and fed up of playing silly games. My only hope is that those with any bottle are ready to get off of their butts and fight for our homeland. People talk of when the time comes but has it not come already?

If you talk the talk then its time to walk the walk - if not then go find yourself a hobby and stop pissing about because this is not a game. The bloody country is in shit order and far from the dream those brave people of WWII had in mind for us.

If you've got a family, a wife or husband or if you have children and you haven't already become active then you should be ashamed into doing so. Do not let us be remembered as the weak generation which got butt fucked by the EU - be the generation which fought for these islands and the generation which won with glory. The past generation's did it and we must now pay homage to them to ensure our future generations inherit these lands.


This sounds a little hypocritical but the last time we were forced into working together we nearly ruled 3/4 of the world - (however I certainly do not condone that achievement because I believe it is partially to blame for what's happening to us now) - but the point I'm making is that in hindsight if we all work together then taking back our own homelands should be a stroll in the park for us. This is why at present I believe the only thing close enough to be able to achieve this is the BNP.

Antony #conspiracy englisc-gateway.com

The BNP is an MI5 front. It's role is the traditional one of taking the steam out of conservative opinion by leading nationalists up the garden path. If it sows the seeds of further confusion to multiply the number of campaigning groups with similar names they do that too. This latest development doesn't surprise me at all. When I corresponded with members of the BNP a few years I couldn't help noticing how many of them, though English, actually lived in scotland. Corruption has its own stench. Read any unbiased account of Griffin's tenure and you'll be overwhelmed by it.

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