
Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

Video games are the problem. All modern American mass shooting stories report these young men having played violent video games, and trends of violence among males who play video games shows how they affect the well being of themselves. One simply has to keep an open mind and realize that video games are the major cause of the violent attitudes of these young men. After playing a round of Grand Theft Auto they gain a thirst for violence and start cussing like sailors. I have seen this in my own neighborhood. --Elvis is King (talk) 00:58, 14 November 2014 (UTC)

They result in the tainting of these kids' minds and being young and impressionable, they tend to repeat these words. --Elvis is King (talk) 02:01, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

Sure, but how are these kids' minds worse off by knowing certain words for concepts that they already knew about - poo and that icky stuff mom and dad do sometimes? Do the words have some magical properties that brings whoever knows and uses them closer to moral decadence? (talk) 02:09, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

If they know these things, they will repeat them. It is all about worldview. If they hear these things, it leaves a certain impression that they are okay and accepted, which leads to inevitable moral decay. --Elvis is King (talk) 02:37, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

Don't plenty (adult) devout Christians also use those words, though? Are they infected with moral decadence then, or might this supposed connection between words like "fuck" and "shit" and a hedonistic non-Christian worldview just be a superstition? (talk) 02:45, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

It is merely the truth. The Scriptures say that one is to use clean and undefiled speech, so these persons are obviously sinning by using such foul and reprehensible language. It is simple, really. One just has to consider that there is none of this sort of vulgarity in the Scriptures, so there is no need for God-fearing persons to defile their vocabulary. Aside from the Biblical authority, it simply sounds crass and unprofessional and children need not use or hear it. --Elvis is King (talk) 02:48, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

[Taylor] Swift obviously dresses in this fashion to sell heathen self-love and to ruin God's plan for the world, because her kind are all for secular humanism. The Word is God's revelation to humanity, and as such is not worldly like the attire that Swift is ruining America's moral foundation with. There is a glorious time in America's history where such attire would have been against the law, but it is not. Alas, this great corruption is akin to the corruption that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed over. I weep for America's future, and I will not tolerate being libeled as a fan for the seductress who wants to see the demise of America. --Elvis is King (talk) 16:38, 20 June 2015 (UTC)
Again with these blasphemous assertions? You may insist on denying the sins you commit, but God sees through your lies. Repent and perhaps the Lord Almighty will show you mercy. (talk) 01:22, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
I do not commit sins. I am right with God, and I spend considrable time studying His Word, and excising liberal vulgar heathen abominations. --Elvis is King (talk) 02:30, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
Such arrogance. Have you forgotten that pride is sin and humility is virtue? You lie, you blaspheme and you commit the sin of hubris, and then you lie once more to deny all your sins! Such shamelessness! By God, sinner, repent! Do you truly wish to invoke the Lord Almighty's wrath upon your person? (talk) 02:54, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
You do not realize that I am more principled and conservative than you could ever hope to be, and I revere and am right with the Lord. I do not engage in liberal sins like all of these atheist nerds who don't care about anything. --Elvis is King (talk) 03:09, 23 June 2015 (UTC)
So you persist in your denial and your arrogance? Truly, is there any way to make you see the error in your ways? May the Lord guide you back to the flock, for verily, you are a lost lamb that has wandered greatly from the sacred path. (talk) 03:17, 23 June 2015 (UTC)

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

Are you ignorant to the truth? I must say, that you have done nothing but scoff ignorantly at my truthful essay. The Founders were not mere tax evaders, but crusaders for the Republic founded upon the Law presented to man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Crooked Hillary Clinton will have to answer to those four dead in Benghazi, and also have to answer for those emails at some point, because you simply cannot do wrong and get by. It's not how this works. It is a cultural issue, and in the 1950s people were happier and there was not a doubt who the father was and there were no divided holidays where a child didn't know if they were going to mom or dad's for Christmas this year. Those were the days! All of this sex outside of wedlock kids got from trash TV and pornography online is a cryin' disgrace! What Madonna did is pave the way for the evil seductress Taylor Swift to cause men to spiritually stumble in the ways of the lust of the flesh and it is shameful. THIS is not acceptable! See my essay HERE for more information. --Elvis is King (talk) 03:38, 6 August 2016 (UTC)

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

Video games can have tremendous negative effects on children and adolescents. They promote inactivity, and health problems such as obesity. In fact, video game companies such as Nintendo even have warnings on the games that basically say that one should take breaks every hour to stop harm to the eyes, and even seizures due to overexposure. Video games are often paired with a poor diet, which can consist of high-calorie snacks such as potato chips and high-sugar soda such as Mountain Dew. This is very typical in America, especially in cities and suburbs where there is not much for children to do.
It is often safer for parents to keep their children in homes playing these games than going outside due to city crime such as child abuse, gun violence, and bullying. Video games offer a shelter and sanctuary from this. Nonetheless, they cause health problems and can promote anti-social behavior and they may disconnect from parents.
Violent video games such as the Grand Theft Auto series promote violence in young boys, and despite an "M" rating, parents buy these sort of games for young children. These children are exposed to crime, immorality, drug abuse, gun violence, and obscene language at a young age. While the ESRB is doing a good thing placing appropriate ratings on such violent games, parents often do not look at these ratings and will unknowingly buy young children these atrocious titles. One who is aware can surely tremble as a parent buys a child Mortal Kombat for Christmas, and will know that the horrifying content can have a great effect on the well-being of the child! Even Christian churches will have youth group activities where young men will play games like Halo! This ignorance toward game content can promote young men emulating these characters in the violent games they played as children, and has shown links to certain violent behavior promoted recently. The Supreme Court upheld the "free speech" right of an extremely violent and gruesome game as if it were an actual form of speech. Images shown of the game include a beast breaking the body of a woman in half with gore spewing out. Surely one would not want their young child to see this! Nonetheless, this issue is one that will need to be solved by parents to protect the well-being of our children.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

There may not be a particular verse about a particular situation, but the Bible makes it clear that these means are intended SOLELY for the purpose of continuing the species. This is the SOLE, the ONLY purpose. The Bible makes this extremely clear, and anyone with an open mind can see this. Just because there is not a SPECIFIC verse for a SPECIFIC situation, does not make it okay. The Bible does not reference pornography, so does that make it moral? The Bible does not mention marijuana, so does that make it moral? Of course not. The Bible has references against sexual immorality and intoxication. --Elvis is King (talk) 04:04, 13 November 2014 (UTC)

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

Little kids and moron adults who refuse to move out of mommy's house play video games. This is an obvious truth. When married men make them mistake of playing video games, the marriage terminates. Is this really a hard concept to understand?

[I think my irony detector just broke... can't decide if this guy is serious or not.]

I am serious. Grown men playing video games is destroying the family by resulting in men neglecting their real life responsibilities in childrearing and work, and often results in health problems that can lead to premature death.

Mona #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

"well, our 9/11 conspiracies article tells a different story" A wrong story, which I've edited out. The Administration knew, and Bush was briefed about Islamisist planning plane hijackings. he did nothing. this is a fact. All reasonable people are "Truthers" if to believe that is to be a Truther.

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

Trump has pledged to eradicate the menace that is pornography, and has stated that it ruins American families. Lust has ruined this great nation, and hopefully he also makes godless seductress heathens like the vile liberal Taylor Swift put some clothes on.

Economically, Trump will allow the American economy to grow without all of these burdensome regulations like the communist plot of ObamaCare that forces people to buy subpar health insurance and is a trojan horse for such vile policies as Crazy Bernie's single payer garbage.

Trump, I believe, will show the sound judgement to create the best foreign policy ever seen in this nation, because he values security over whiny liberal pleas of political correctness.

Centrally, the border wall must be built regardless of whether Mexico is going to foot the bill. The border is wide open and drugs, criminals, rapists, thieves, murderers, and even terrorists can sneak in to the United States due to the lack of border security and you simply cannot have a country without borders.

Hopefully, you will come to your senses and vote Donald J. Trump in November so that America can be a safe, God fearing nation that is righteous and not obsessed with sex, homosexuality, "equality" and "fairness," and all of this other politically correct drivel.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

When considering the various options of employment, college is the least worthy of them. Unless one wants to study law or medicine, there is absolutely no valid reason for a person to go to college to seek employment. Employers would sooner hire those who have not attended a university as they have not been indoctrinated with far-left propaganda and have not been taught by the American educational system to think inside the box in place of actually being creative. Socialist professors make it their goal to ensure that people do not think logically or critically, and accept their dogma as the only truth.
The K-12 public education system is a money grubbing machine designed to pump out drones for further university indoctrination. The Common Core standards ensure that every student in every school is learning the same overly complicated, overly drawn out rubbish and they make sure to stifle any form of creative thinking. The goal is to get money by getting children through hoops and tests, and to ensure they perform well on the pointless ACT/SAT assessments in high school, and can jump through more hoops in a university in order to gain nothing but a piece of paper that isn't worth the paper or ink that is printed on it. Most "sciences" and especially "social sciences" or "liberal studies" or "arts" are by their very nature inherently worthless, as they provide virtually no net gain whatsoever.
While some may claim the atmosphere of universities fosters intellectual discourse and challenges, and provide great opportunities for students to grow, the opposite is quite true. The trend, particularly in secular universities, is that one partakes of morning indoctrination, completes a few worthless assignments, and then proceeds to partake of behaviors deemed perfectly acceptable in secular society including profanity, modern pop music, sports, premarital sex, drugs, alcohol, violent video games, (such as Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat) and this all results in health problems such as obesity, STIs, cancer, and heart disease, and it results in the poisoning of a student's mind toward secular socialist atheist propaganda and their general demeanor is of a hedonistic lifestyle.
One just has to realize all of the poisoning of one's character, morals, political and religious values, does not translate into a well-paying job. Many pointless courses that teach nothing, learning abominable Satanic behaviors, and all in all just becoming a sad case results in one working at the minimum wage fast food job one was attempting to avoid by going to college, and the person who worked at said restaurant right after high school is now the manager of the person who wasted so much time and effort in obtaining a useless sociology degree. This person's mind is not expanded (actually it is much more close minded after all of the liberal indoctrination) and their financial situation is worsened by being in six figure debt.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

Public schools as of late have seen girls' scores soar above boys' because schools have been geared toward the needs of girls and schools seek to emasculate boys by preventing healthy roughhousing and having psychiatrists prescribe boys drugs such as Ritalin. Then boys often come to hate school because radical feminists seek to prevent men from being men and forcing males to go through counseling to "discuss their feelings" and other liberal hogwash treating all students as if they were female. Colleges, because of this trend, see a trend of 60/40 female to male ratio because of feminist drivel such as romance novels in literature and ineffective therapy and attempts to push feminine traits on boys and young men making them frustrated and fed up with the system unless they agree to the school's desire to become effeminate.
Liberal ideology has also eliminated most male role models in public schools, such that less than a quarter of the teachers are men now.[1]
In areas on such standardized tests as ACT and SAT, girls have typically scored higher in areas such as mathematics and science. Colleges have become majority female, and the feminization of men is strong on college campuses with events that openly advocate female superiority. Females are also intent on emasculating males by forcing them to see "chick flicks" and concerts of female singers which also promote feminist nonsense, strongly continuing a trend that begins in high school which results in a large number of males taking up historically female programs such as psychology and nursing; this begins in school where teachers and administrators teach boys and girls to be girls and not only condone but encourage such emasculation which only continues throughout the boys' lives as learned behaviors are strongest during the crucial formative years these boys are in school.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

Bacon is a liberal, immoral substance. It can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, coronary artery disease, high cholesterol, and other problems. Many people in the Western world insist on eating this rubbish. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, bacon can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because of the preservative sodium nitrite.
Eating large quantities of cured meats like bacon could damage lung function and increase the risk of lung disease. Eating processed meat like bacon, sausage and deli meats is associated with a huge risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Bacon was prohibited by God, but many Christians consume it regularly because Christ apparently "eliminated" the law, rather than "adding to it".
"Bacon mania" is the passionate zeal Americans have over bacon. Many on this website suffer from it, apparently. Bacon possesses six ingredient types of umami, which elicits an addictive neurochemical response.
Bacon is a prominent feature in many American diets. Some sandwiches, including Wendy's Baconator features six or more strips!!
Eeeeeeeew, raisin bran, he cries. Soon, he has a heart attack since he ate bacon for breakfast. Oh the humanity! How will they ever pay for their liberal bias?
One must realize that if God intended humans to eat bacon, He would have never prohibited it, and Jesus came to fulfill the Law, rather than replace it.
As America grows even fatter, bacon consumption is on the rise.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

Matthew 5:28 is one of the most important verses in the Bible as it features the Lord Jesus Christ prohibiting lust. As many people do not heed this commandment, the verse is one many heathen liberals like to ignore or deem "archaic" and suggest that modern society should accept human sexuality as a norm, and seeing the degradation and soon to come fall of America and Western Europe for accepting lust the verse is therefore imperative to know to save the culture and the world from liberal hippie historical revisionism and deviation from the nuclear family.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

American society was created by the Founders to be a beacon of hope for those who were hopeless under the tyranny of the British empire. However, it is now apparent that American society has plummeted to where a known war criminal can run for President under the banner of a major party, and even though she was responsible for the death of four people in Benghazi, Libya, and also cannot account for over 30,000 emails that likely were containing sensitive information, she is lauded by even "President" Barack Hussein Obama and Bill "Philanderer" Clinton as "the most qualified person to seek the office." This is a sickening cultural problem. So, where did it begin?
Madonna is a performer who flaunted everything out, and various sitcoms aired that are a far cry from the golden Leave it to Beaver days. However, this is only the beginning. Now, American society is represented by witchcraft, horoscopes, ouija boards, sorcery, lust of the flesh, and the standard bearers of the culture are coarse heathens such as the vile liberal Taylor Swift, who decided to flaunt provocative attire that is only appropriate for the bedroom of a married couple.

Elvis is King (James Wilson) #fundie rationalwiki.org

It's quite simple. We either ban the homos or else we fall like Rome. Therefore we have to outlaw homosexual behavior and punish it with life in prison because God hates a culture that glorifies sin and deems righteousness as prudish and old fashioned behavior. We wonder why kids have discipline problems today. Liberals have ruined our culture just like they already have in Europe. What are you implying? Taylor Swift is an abomination unto the Lord and a disgrace to our Republic. She flaunts her flesh and moans in a seductive fashion in her "songs" which celebrate premarital relations. She flaunts her flesh and exposing her breasts damns everything that the Founders made great about America. --Elvis is King (talk) 03:01, 18 December 2016 (UTC)

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

One really has to realize that American society has turned for the worse, due to the narcissism in society shown simply by the "selfie" phenomenon. People are obsessed with themselves, and with trivial gossip pertaining to the lives of others. They are also obsessed with sex, which is a necessary evil for the purpose of procreation, an establishment created due to the fall of man. It, in theory, should be outright banned because it is offensive to see plastered all over this decaying society. Society has made a terrible turn for the worst, as this is all modern society cares about, and any form of morality or intellect is disregarded as "antiquated" or "old-fashioned" or "uninformed" and the hedonistic free-for-all they glorify is the way to go.
Consider the decline in entertainment:
American entertainment has taken a nosedive in morality in recent years and scholars both conservative and liberal with any sort of credibility will be the first to note this. In the 1950s such programming with conservative values as Leave it to Beaver existed and musicians with timeless longevity and who had moral values and work ethic (see Elvis Presley for instance) were dominating the cultural sphere. Today, vulgar sitcoms such as Two and a Half Men with its excessively raunchy humor and the similar Big Bang Theory as well as musicians who promote vulgarity and indecency and dress indecently and do indecent things such as Justin Bieber with his public urination and marijuana usage and many rap singers who rap about violence toward others and abuse of women and crime and drug usage as well as the vapid female stars such as Katy Perry (she frequently exposes herself inappropriately; commentator Glenn Beck noted her occult and demonic "Dark Horse" performance) Miley Cyrus (who has smoked marijuana in public and has dressed indecently and done indecent things on stage) Taylor Swift (who writes vapid material pertaining to the exact same subject matter ad nauseam with absolutely no substance whatsoever and dresses very provocatively on stage {please refer to the 2013 CMT performance attire which cannot be linked to here due to family-friendly values} and condones such vulgar things as alcohol usage and serial dating) and others. One must also note the rise in violent movies and video games which promote senseless killing; many violent video games feature shooting of innocent people and law enforcement officials and the military uses video games to train members because the games help to desensitize young men from any guilt resulting from killing. It is no coincidence that homicide, suicide, violent crime, and bullying has risen in occurrences as soon as this immoral culture devoid of conservative values and Christian principles arose. Without a virtuous, moral culture, the American founders said this system will not work. If God is taken out of the public sphere, there is nothing but utter depravity. God blessed America for being a moral beacon of freedom but economic collapse and natural disasters have been brought to America because of an immoral liberal atheistic culture.
Liberal Taylor Swift promotes drug abuse, self abuse, welfare, dumbing down of public discourse, homosexuality, and lust and self abuse due to her provocative and immoral attire.

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

God has proven Himself in so many different ways yet liberals refuse to admit evolution is a hoax that Darwin made up to justify engaging in bestality with monkeys. Homo relations simply bear no fruit and kids raised without a mother AND father are more likely to have a sad childhood and will be confused about God's natural laws. A man and a woman being in union with one another in holy matrimony is as simply understood as gravity. Yet liberals seem deeply confused about how this works because they lack the moral clarity the Bible provides. Taylor Swift is an evil succubus and I am confused as to why obscenity laws aren't being enforced. They're used to keep porn off the channel next to Cartoon Network so kids don't watch porn, and therefore because obscenity isn't protected speech the blatant sexual nature of Taylor Swift is unprotected obscenity that no one in the right mind should enjoy. The moaning and the breasts and all of the twerking and blowing of kisses and everything. --Elvis is King (talk) 04:31, 18 December 2016 (

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

t is simply the fact that only a fool can deny God. God created this world and due to sin, we degenerate. Evolution cannot exist because we decay instead of improve due to sin. This is as obvious as anything else. If God intended for anal reproduction, He would have made it so. He didn't. He clothed Adam and Eve because nakedness became shameful with sin. Taylor Swift is attempting to subvert the will of God! She is flaunting her flesh and enjoying the numerous men who spirituality stumble over her moral decadence and sensual demeanor. --Elvis is King (talk) 04:39, 18 December 2016 (UTC)

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

God created humanity in His own image (Genesis 1:27) and in Genesis 3 Adam and Eve rebel against God thereby corroding the perfect nature of the world, bringing about death, sin, disease, famine, and other such issues. One of the struggles humans have is that of not following God's commandment to keep chaste until marriage.
In today's society, even people who call themselves "Christians" say that kissing is "just kissing" and they think nothing of premarital kissing. God is not with these people who will even call themselves "conservative evangelical Christians" and may belong to such liberal groups as the Southern Baptist or United Methodist groups or the Satanic Catholic Church. Some of these same churches are the same churches that allow vile secular music from such despicable as rappers like Eminem, seductresses like Taylor Swift, and other arbiters of immorality, and also allow violent video games such as Halo.
The Whore of Babylon, more politely known as the Roman Catholic Church, is ultimately for premarital kissing although to be fair to Rome it still has managed to be less vile than the evil seductress Swift.
Matthew 5:28 says not to lust after a woman or else it is adultery, and Leviticus 20:10 says that the penalty for adultery is death. It is important to know that hugging, kissing, and hand holding are considered sexual acts, and thus are prohibited by God until marriage and even within marriage are only to be done sparingly behind closed doors.

Elvis is King #fundie #homophobia rationalwiki.org

So, let's talk about whatever you're wanting to discuss. Homosexuality is simply unnatural and unacceptable. Whenever a man can conceive a baby from another man's seed out of his rectum, then I will accept homosexuality and homo "marriages." However, this of course is physiologically impossible because God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Taylor Swift is an evil succubus who is extremely bad for our country and she's causing many men to spirituality stumble. Her song "Wildest Dreams" contains blatant sexual moaning, and the music video contains her in crass attire and having immense desire for a man without decent clothing. Since her career began in 2006, she's been selling sex under the pretense of a family friendly celebrity. Family friendly her demeanor and attire is not. Any God fearing nation that respects the laws of nature shouldn't allow her crassness and classlessness. She is an evil seductress who will cause men to spiritually stumble in the ways of the lust of the flesh and it is shameful. THIS is not acceptable! See my essays HERE and HERE for more information. --Elvis is King (talk) 04:07, 18 December 2016 (UTC)

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

Matthew 5:28 says not to lust after a woman or else it is adultery, and Leviticus 20:10 says that the penalty for adultery is death. It is important to know that hugging, kissing, and hand holding are considered sexual acts, and thus are prohibited by God until marriage and even within marriage are only to be done sparingly behind closed doors.

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

The Cult of Taylor Swift is a false religion reaching its way across the United States of America and the rest of the Western world. It is based on the presumption that the acceptable moral teachings are against the Lord Jesus Christ and for pornography, lust, fornication, paganism, self love, drunkenness, and also rejection of Biblical truths and sound Scriptural doctrine. Taylor Swift is the evil demonic agent responsible for this utterly atrocious exercise of feminism and socialism.


The end of morality of America was birthed on December 13, 1989, and this began the irreversible trend of utter moral decay and decadence in the United States of America. Taylor Swift, cult extraordinaire, would begin to sweep up the same sheep who buy iPhones, iPods, iPads, and other similar liberal products.
In 2006, Swift released her first album, and it became the wool over eyes necessary for the parents of innocent young girls to allow such filth and corruption to enter the home. In the home, parents are instructed to keep vigilant against liberal secular humanism penetrating the familial bond.
One must note that Swift promoted a venue that allowed the sale of alcoholic beverages due to the simple fact any perceived notion of innocence or piety from Swift was merely a marketing gimmick to start the career of the fledgling pop star. Matthew 7:15 states to "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." This is relevant here due to the fact that Swift has promoted fleshly desire, while pretending to be "America's sweetheart" as part of an intentional gimmick. [2]

Central beliefs

A tolerance of homosexuality, alcohol use, immorality, self love, and a rejection of the truths of Protestant Christianity are the central beliefs of the ideology fueling the Cult of Taylor Swift. Christianity is the source of morals for Western society, and the complete erosion of these are the necessary jumpstart the Cult needs to start its evil. Swift was raised in the Roman Catholic Church which staunchly promotes Roman paganism including worship of the Saints and of the Virgin Mary under the guise of Christianity.

Elvis is King #fundie rationalwiki.org

God intended procreation to be simply something that was done, much like with animals. Satan, however, convinced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit and Eve convinced Adam to eat of it. Thus, original sin was born, and immediately after the sin was committed, Adam and Eve knew good and evil much like God. The first thing that happened was that they became ashamed of their nakedness, and God gave them a covering. This shows that they then knew the evils of lust, and the ramifications it would have on them. A lust for the flesh is punishable by death according to God (Leviticus 20:10) and Christ condemns it (Matthew 5:28) and Paul says it is better for a man not to marry and abide as Christ did. (I Corinthians 7:8) Despite all of these Scriptures condemning this unholy abomination, humanity has degenerated to the point that lust is not only acceptable but encouraged in the public sphere. Self image and worth has become based on nothing more than a contest of personal appearance, and people are so enamored in such vile sin that they will openly fornicate and talk of intentions to fornicate, thus bringing back the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah worldwide. They say that it is perfectly normal and natural, but this is a lie of Satan.

ikanreed #fundie rationalwiki.org

[Re. violence against Trump supporters]

You can think I'm sanctimonious if you want. But you know what? That doesn't make you any less of a Nazi collaborator in the long run. There are actual white nationalists in multiple cabinet level positions in this country. The democratic process is being ripped to goddamn shreds by voting restrictions, gerrymandering, and more than a bit of corporate cash. Media processes are falling apart into regurgitating outright bullshit. And yes I think less of anyone who'd look at 1930s Germany and decide "There is no point where I'd stand up and oppose this." You can call that sanctimonious if you want. It may well be, but it's deserved sanctimony. I think you haven't considered your own place in the world. I think a little less of your morality because you're not willing to decide when to fight.
And again, I was talking about violence directed at nazis not at lost elections, so leave your straw man at the door. Do you think I advocated violence when Bush won by scant margins in 2000 and 2004, just because I thought he was a shitty republican ass? Do you think I advocated violence at Mitch McConnel when the republicans took the senate? I'm talking specifically about Nazis because there are a sudden fuck ton of them.

RobSmith #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

In fact yes. The colostomy bag is not disinformation put out by the Kremlin and the Russian SVR because they fear Hillary will implement a missile defense system causing a costly arms race ala Reagan v. Gorby which Putin can't afford and will bankrupt the Russisn Federation all over again. The Trump coddling Putin lie is another myth concocted by the MSM/HRC/DNC bunch. Barack Obama already is coddling Putin with the Syrian ceasefire which coddles Assad and is the next step after kissing upto the Aystollah and Iran. This means abandoning our CIA allies, ISIS. So no, the colostomy is not Kremlin disinformtion. It's either anti-neocon disinformation from American defense experts, or its real. I think maybe there's less thsn a 10% chance that Hillary does not have a colostomy.

JasonCarswell #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

I despise this cliché but you sheeple need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

## Lies: God (duh), capitalism (debt slavery), patriotism (not the same as community), exceptionalism (really? I mean really???), mainstream news (propaganda), benevolent governments don't exploit and oppress you (all governments are bad, period).
## America may be the richest country in the world, but you are not rich. This has nothing to do with boot straps. Most people work hard and most people are poor. (See the Wikipedia article on Perception gap.)
## You have the largest most oppressive military and secret agencies overtly and covertly active all around the world, and you do not control it. You're voice doesn't matter. A Princeton study of political influence shows the US oligarchy is not a democracy.
## The global war on terror is a fraud and has replaced the cold war (also hyper inflated) as a justification for the military industrial complex. The US military is consuming 60% of the disposable budget of the federal government as of fiscal year 2015. It's consuming 16% of the total federal budget. More than the next 8 countries combined - and that hollow military can't win a war.
## You have a farce of a democracy, choose the lesser of two evils then switch to the other evil when this one doesn't work out - all just for show. The secret and military worlds are money laundering machines at tax payers expense. The Chinese have already won WW3.
## You have the "greatest" Hollywood and corporate lamestream propaganda brainwashing machine. (See the Wikipedia article on Concentration of media ownership.)
## Don't believe the hype! You've been hypnotized to believe that the government and police monopoly on violence[wp] is to help you.
## When you think of Russian KGB, their propaganda, and Siberian prisons - that's nothing compared to the USA, it's "news", and the prison industrial complex.
## Hitler, the Fatherland, slave concentration camps, the Jews and non-pure-bloods = Shillary/Drumpf, Homeland Security, the US prison industrial complex for African Americans, Muslims, "illegals", and immigrants. (Some fucking melting pot.)
## Of the 10 high level threats to humanity the US only focuses on 2, interstate conflict and terrorism (because they are profitable). The 8 that are unstudied by governance are poverty, infectious disease, environmental degradation, civil war, genocide, other atrocities, proliferation in trans national crime.
## If you think things are shitty now, the oncoming global collapse, ocean life collapse, civil war and world war will knock you on your ass. And after it comes you'll still say I am crazy because you bought and paid for the hype.

Laurogeita Hamabost #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

Capitalism and democracy are incompatible with one another

Just look at the most "socialist" countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark and so on. They are also the most Democratic countries. Meanwhile the US which has the most unfettered capitalism of any major Western nation is also the most corrupt with media and politics in the hand of a few über-wealthy conglomerates. The answer is simple: Less capitalism is better for democracy. The best would be no capitalism.

Anonymus commenter #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

The editor(s) of rational wiki are a joke. Paid and abuse truth. They call satan a conspiracy theory as well as Jesus Christ. They also called Steven Jackson vs. United States Secret Service WHICH is documented fact that it's made up. Remember if something is true, Rational Wiki will say it's false. They also say we landed on the moon and call this real? LOL Every German from the Reich moved to America and started NASA. This site is a joke and so is every writer in it. The government planned 911 yet this jokesters say otherwise. They work for the government and are paid to tell you whatever they want to hide truth. Believe nothing they say. CNN is their favorite news channel so that should explain their "information"....Now delete this...HURRAY!! Before you get exposed. A site is being built to debunk this ridiculous and useless site. The truth shall set you free and this trolls are demented rodeo clowns. Sincerely...and mKUltra Deprgroammer. I OWN YOU.

Tyrasian #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

Well I'm very much a man of science and have never denied evolution. However I feel many social topics especially towards conspiracy theories and alternative social policy viewpoints is extremely hateful in a ironically irrational way. Maybe somehow there is a bad presence on this site, not atheist, not Christian, but possibly occultic and maybe satan worshipping, I understand many here don't believe in any concept of religion, but I feel there is a religiously satanic sect operating here on a grand scale. You can believe in science and nature but you also are allowed to embrace unrelated concepts also. Being a scientist does not make you a bohemian grove baby killer.

Typical lib #fundie rationalwiki.org

I believe that you should be punished for working hard, and your money given to pregnant teenage crackheads who have never worked and never will. I believe that Christianity must be replaced with Islam. I believe that the only sexual perversion is monogamy. I believe that George Soros and Sharia law are good for America. I believe that US troops are terrorists and should be killed by my ISIS brothers and sisters. I believe that Israel should be bombed and the Jews driven into the sea. I believe that men deserve to be raped by women. I believe that kids should be encouraged to smoke marijuana, but telling them to go to church is child abuse. I believe that blow jobs are morally acceptable, whereas animal testing is a heinous crime. I believe that killing cops is an exercise of freedom, whereas shooting black thugs makes you a racist fascist. I am a proud Obama voter, and will fight for whatever candidate in the next election is most like Obama.

ReptoidKiller #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

A whistleblower leaks Michael Jackson's last phonecall! It shows Michael knows he will be killed!
This is a banned radio interview that shows Michael is getting his life ruined by the Illuminati!. "Illuminati" isn't EXPLICITLY mentioned, but he says trhere's a lot of conspiracy going on!

Paris Jackson did two things to expose Michael was murdered:
Posted images and warnings on her twitter and instagram
Paris Jackson describes hoe Michael jackson was the "fall guy" and and that there were people "pulling the strings"!
Here it shows Michael Jackson was trying to warn us of the Illuminati and that's why he died. He, again, mentions there was a lot of "Conspiracy" going on!
If you want more proof, search "Paris Jackson reveals Illuminati"!--ReptoidKiller (talk) 18:15, 3 November 2014 (UTC)

ReptoidKiller #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

Nikolas Schrek, a Satanist High Priest says Satanists control the media.
Full interview:
The ENTIRE video Nikolas proves that Satanists:
Want to control world dominion
Control the media
are hiding evidence Christianity is true
Radio frequencies control humans
Control Scientists
Getting rid of the "old order" for the "New Order".
Not only that, but the diamond sign JayZ and other celebrities are using are actually athe sign the Order of the Templae of Astartes are using, along with Anton laVey.

Even Austrailian celebrities are using it now!


And POKEMON! is promoting Feminism! The newist xcast character is even using the hand sign Anton laVey and Temple of Astrartes are using!

(ip address) #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

What is there is that one Youtube video that provides proof of the Illuminati? Like a whistleblower? Have you EVER thought of that?-- (talk) 09:58, 30 October 2014 (UTC)
In fact: here ya go!
That'll get you started.-- (talk) 10:00, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

You guys want a whistleblower with proof? HERE YA GO!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YY2LuJOxGw (Warning: Poe's Law in action!)

seriously, I stopped searching when I found out the word "proof" is misleading on Youtube. Who's surprised though?--???? (talk) 10:07, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

You people are stupid.
ANOTHER whistleblower: Tila Tequila. With PROOF!
Also some quotes:
"If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. -Prince Phillip
"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." Ted Turner" In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it." J. Cousteau, 1991 explorer and UNESCO courier
"We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." Mikhail Gorbachev
"World population needs to be decreased by 50%" Henry Kissinger
"Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing." David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club
My source: https://archive.org/details/WipeOutHumans-BillGates-VaccinesArebestWayToDepopulatePlanet Don't forget to watch the video!

ALSO don't forget all these henry Kissinger quotes made in this link about depopulation. I know how much you hate to use ytour eyes so I made sure they were all in text. :)
Boy are there a lot of quotes by him about the Illuminati/NWO/depopulation!
I honestly don't know you you are going to refute all this, as its HARD EVIDENCE. As a Christian I will stay VIGILANT and fight AGAINST the ILLUMINAIT. There are lots of whistleblowers on Youtube with PROOF evolution is a lie, along with atheism. Have fun living in denial.--(ip censored) (talk) 13:07, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

ReptoidKiller #conspiracy rationalwiki.org

(Arguing about whethe Katt Williams was joking about the Illuminati)

It's pretty obvious now that you guys are government paid shills! No one in his right mind would ignore what the BoN said. Actors don't just joke about admitting the Illuminati exists! Prince admits it, and now Katt Williams! You guys are obviously govt. paid shills, or sheeple. The anonymous user gave you quotes on THIS SAME PAGE to prove it since you were too lazy to watch the video he provided, and you refused to! Do you realize that Katt Williams is IN the Illuminati and he ADMITTED it? If you ARE a govt. paid shill, then you WILL be VERY surprised when it turns out Katt Williams WASN'T joking, and you will be brushed aside, and you realize that you were just a puippet all along

(The whole conversation is pretty funny take a look)

Tolerance #fundie rationalwiki.org

Much has been made over the question of whether eating meat is moral. The question generated so much debate because so many of the participants in the debate were atheists without any clear moral code. Lacking this, the only moral compass they possess is that of the society they are born in or that of their upbringing. In such a case the question of whether or not we are justified in inflicting pain on animals for our benefit comes down to nothing more than personal opinion and people will often defend irrational personal opinions vigorously.

If we contrast this with the unchanging truth of The Bible then our problems are resolved. Nowhere in the Bible is eating meat condemned. Furthermore the Old Testament tells us which animals we can eat. The New Testament expanded the potential smorgasbord. Given that the bible (and therefore God) has no objection to our eating meat there is obviously no moral objection on principal.

I see that the issue of "whence morality" was raised in the debate, but that nobody wanted to talk about it.

What about animal suffering?

The Old Testament specifies that animals be bled to death. Although authorities differ on the issue, it seems likely to me that the experience is unpleasant for the animal. Consequently there is no obvious reason for us to care about animal suffering.

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