
Anonymous #racist zogsnightmare.com

The Illegal Obama Presidency: Shitskin was born in Kenya!


Obama has lied his way into the presidency....

According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the president-elect claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania.

Many are suspicious of the President-elect's past, and Berg filed a lawsuit to force Barack Hussein Obama to produce a certified copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he can run for the office of President of the United States. However, he is being fought. The DNC On Sept. 24 filed a motion to dismiss the Berg action. Why? What is there to hide? Why not produce the original birth certificate and be done with all the suspicions against Barack Hussein Obama?

A few months back, a birth certificate was posted on the internet which shows that Obama was born in Hawaii. Yet some say this birth certificate is a forgery and again, his grandmother states that she was present at the birth, in Kenya. So what is the truth?

One explanation is that Obama's mother Ann Dunham, flew to Kenya in 1961 with Obama's father to meet his family. According to some news reports, Ann Dunham, was not accepted well by her husband's family because she was white:

"Obama's racist family did not take to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama very well, because she was white, according to Sarah Obama. Shortly after she arrived in Kenya Stanley Ann decided to return to Hawaii because she later said, she did not like how Muslim men treated their wives in Kenya. However, because she was near term the airline would not let her fly until after the birth of her baby. Obama's grandmother said the baby—Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.—was born in Kenya and that shortly after he was born,

However, by the time she wanted to leave Kenya, it was during the late stages of her pregnancy. She was not able to board a plane because the airlines wouldn't allow women so close to birth to fly. It is instead believed, that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya as his grandmother apparently stated. Then, after he was born, his mother returned with him to Hawaii where his birth was REGISTERED on or about August 8th, 1961, in the public records office in Hawaii. Yes he has a legal Birth certificate registered in Hawaii but he was truly born in Kenya where he wasn't registered.

This shitskin has no right to be president of anything other than the local NAACP or Black-Supremist cult. We are just gonna give the presdency of the country over to a man who wasn't even born here?

It's all about race, and the commies are gloating over the election of this shitskin. Who cares about the law? Our new patron saint for diveristy Shitskin Obama must be top dog. See how far we have come...It's a historic day in the civil rights movement....To the commie filth this is all that matters. Their nigger president and will also discover that a nigger sold out to the jew can destroy this country just as easily as a white guy sold out to the jew!!

Anonymous #racist zogsnightmare.com


High-steppin' yellow & black Supremist Barack Hussein Obama, hangs out with his vile, subhuman relatives from Kenya:

<img src="http://www.zogsnightmare.com/nsmlies/attachment.jpg">

Will this be America's next first family?

These greasy, black-skinned beasts should be chained up and slaving for their white masters! Instead, these filthy-animals are treated like royality by the jewish puke that run our media... We must take this country back!

In the above photo, Subhuman Nigger-filth Barack is standing behind Kezia (stepmother) in a very muddy Kenyan family photo. Including in the pic are his brother Abongo "Roy" Obama, who is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim. Barack's brother argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture."

White Power #racist zogsnightmare.com

I am white white, but I think I might have part injun in me! Creek I think to be precise! Creek look white from the pics I saw?! Crap does this mean I spoiled the white race?? This really is buggin me! Injuns must be part of the Aryan Race!? Am I white? I mean I am white really white but I have part native american!? Is there a good place where I can look up my family history??

Anonymous #racist zogsnightmare.com

This dead shitskin Martian luther koon was born Jan 15th, but the traitors decided to make nigger day January 20th, to coincide
with future presidential inaugurations.

We can all forsee the coming media propaganda:
"The first niggerican-american president takes the oath office
on martian luther coon day. It's a great day for America,
a historic day in civil rights..."

The truth:
It will be a horrible day for White America. Chains of slavery, forged by anti-white vermin and white traitors will now be offically placed on all of white America. The master will now be the slave.

our world has turned upsidedown.

If buttercups buzz'd after the bee,
If boats were on land, churches on sea,
If ponies rode men and if grass ate the cows,
And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,
If the mamas sold their babies
To the gypsies for half a crown;
If summer were spring and the other way round,
Then all the world would be upside down.

This genocidal war to exterminate every facet of White existence is brought to you by our eternal jewish enemies and their kosher conspirators in the Mass media.

The Martian Luther shitskinned holiday was signed into law in 1983 by Republican President Ronald Reagan, of all people. Reagan has provided another extremely obvious example of how the conservatives are just as sold out to the jew as the liberals.

How about a James Earl Ray Day for the great White Patriot
who put a bullet into the carcass of subhuman shitskin King?

ZOG's Nightmare #racist zogsnightmare.com

The Mexican invaders breed like roaches. These mud women come from a society where sex with children is considered acceptable and they are constantly pregnant. In America, the aliens pop out kids that become instant US citizens due to an extremely evil law that grants Birthright Citizenship. Another tool of treason passed by our corrupt politicians with the sole purpose of legalizing illegal aliens. With plenty of legal anchor babies in America, the muds can even apply to legally bring family members in from mexico. The illegal alien baby-machines are allowed to stay in the America and are rewarded all kinds of benefits like Food Stamps, Free Medical care, Public Housing, Welfare Checks and other giveaways that just don’t exist in Mexico. Our government rewards the Mexifilth with goodies while the white taxpayer is forced to pay the bill for the invaders that are killing us.

Anonymous #racist zogsnightmare.com

Our own race has betrayed us.

Many have lost their facilities after drinking the poisonous wine of diversity, handed to them by the filthy jews. They have grown soft, stupid and easily manipulated. Our race is full of cowards, brainwashed sheep-people, mindless pawns who are easily used. Not all of our people are in this poetic condition, a few hearty souls and free-thinkers still exist, but their cries of anguish are often drowned out by masses screaming the shitskin mantra Obama, Obama, Obama!

The shitshit will be president-elect by the end of the day, regardless if he truly wins the popular vote or not. Our electoral college is firmly behind Nigbama and that is all that matters. The jewsmedia have been predicting a landslide or mudslide for shitbama. This will happen by hook or crook, if the polls are wrong and the nigger doesn't have the support then they will resort to fraud, they must have a president nigger so that they can get even with whitey for slavery.

It matters not that a junior senator with only 4 years in congress doesn't have a clue about how to run the country, ALL THAT MATTERS IS RACE!
All that matters to the presidential shitskin Nigbama is race!
Race trumps all!

During the upcoming shitskin presidency, we can expect harsh, draconian oppression from this power-mad shitskin that will break all previous records.
With crime and corruption at record levels, this power mad nigger
might even pull a Stalin on us....

Whitey is in deep shit and we have our own race to blame.
Our people have allowed the jew to gain such a firm foothold in this country that they can run it like marionette. Jews scream their poisions and most of our people are more interested in beer and ball games to notice.
Jews will get their nigger....these kosher creatures and their muds allies should have been purged long, long ago but our people have choosen slavery to them.

Just like the niggers whom were brought to America as slaves, our people have sold us into slavery, slavery to the jew with their front man the nigger.

With the beginning of the shitskin presidency next year, expect a gradual erosion of the right of whites and a steady increase in slavery. Some oppression will happen quickly, possibly the round-up of thought-criminals and dissenters. But the overall destruction of the white people's rights will most likely be through gradualism. This is how the jews got a nigger in the Whitehouse, through decades of tele-jew and media brainwashing.

Hell wasn't built in a day, and our brave, new nigger-controlled world
will be exactly that for whitey: A total Living Hell!

ZOG's nightmare #racist zogsnightmare.com

To be a leftist in modern America, your required to have selective vision.
You must train yourself to ignore the crime and the vast multitude of evils the shitskin races commit. Or at the very least, make up hundreds of creative excuses to explain why that spic had to have sex with a puppy,
or rape that 91 year old grandmother, or that 9 year old girl, or that corpse!

Anonymous #racist zogsnightmare.com

[discussing the Virginia Tech shootings]

1. Anti-gun liberals will soon push for massive, new gun-control legislation.
2. Media jews are already planning "Massacre at Virginia Tech" A new made for TV movie similar to their Columbine High School shooting movie.
3. The news media: The ratings for FOX and CNN are going through the roof.
If it bleeds it leads! The hooked-nosed media swine are rejoicing.
4. The attorneys. Shakesphere said it best about lawyers!

swampkat #racist zogsnightmare.com

This kind of nigger crime has been covered up for years by the MSM.....And since obongo was"elected" it's just given the nigger more arrogance to attack and harm whites....Of course you have niggerlover race traitors saying that is was because of slavery and other such BS,but the truth is that the nigger is a subhuman species that is controlled by Zionist government,who passes laws to protect them,and is following the Zionist agenda by using the nigger to harrass and contaminate the white race....

SEAN K98 #racist zogsnightmare.com

This country will need to reach rock bottom before any revolution takes place. The question is , will there be enough white people left to fight off the hordes of billions of non-whites. Im afraid tactical nukes and a near complete annihilation of all humaniod life on the surface may be the only answer. Our kind must remain safe inside an underground bunker as we devistate the surface above. Like bug bombing your roach infested kitchen. If there are too many non-whites to fight off conventionally , than nukes are the only option. Unless of course we invent an ethnically engineered bio weapon that attacks certain biological differences in non-whites. The second revolutionary war could be a very clean process of us just standing back and watching the non-whites drop like flies. We would be like " sorry mr. nigger ,but we have no idea why your skin cells are liquifing and desolving away, god must be angry with you". Anyway the revolution #2 is fought , either the hard way or the easy way, one thing is certain, WE BETTER FUCKING WIN !!!

Mark Mansion #racist zogsnightmare.com

What's needed: The Ethnic Cleansing of every Non-White In America

We all know what must be done and someday it will be. Until our day of victory, we must continue to pray that our liberation comes swiftly. Yahweh will grant us complete victory over the mongrel hordes, but only when Yahweh wants this to happen. It could come from a biological weapon, or maybe a disease that kills only non-whites, but our future release is assured, The lord won't allow our people to be enslaved forever. Their reckoning day is close and the death of all spics, niggers, kikes and other non-white mud-people is assured. All Praise Yahweh!

ZOG's Nightmare #racist zogsnightmare.com

Every true aryan's blood should boil when they think about how this
country has been all but destroyed by the jew.

Every true aryan should be enraged when they see some nigger
bed down with a white woman and make their abominations.

Every true aryan mind should be filled with thoughts of homicide when
they hear about thousands of queers marching in a "pride parade".

Every true aryan should be horrified that the White House has
turned into the Black House!