
Graffiti Forensics #homophobia truthrevolt.org

It could be called preemptive marketing. Instead of waiting for some mayor of some city to proclaim his protest of Nabisco graham snacks, they throw the homosexual community a bone with a commercial featuring wholesome, family value homosexuals. People I don't even know are relating a graham cracker with family values. Even when I know it doesn't exist in reality. I bet the majority of homosexuals don't even eat graham crackers. I bet the activists will encourage the gay community to support Nabisco by buying their products. And soon, graham crackers will become more commonly seen in the cracks of their couch cushions.

Ben Shapiro #fundie truthrevolt.org

Conservatives in America are polite. We tend to follow Ronald Reagan’s old, kind-hearted formulation with regard to our political opponents: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.” As Dinesh D’Souza put it in his biography of Reagan, “His view was that [leftists] are well-meaning but mistaken.”

That’s a nice idea. It’s also wrong. The left is not well-meaning. Its politics represent the visible portion of an iceberg; its values undergird those politics. There is a reason the politics of the left result in misery, destruction, and tyranny: the values of the left reject any sense of traditional morality.

Western civilization was built atop certain values, too: the values of the Ten Commandments, which testify to the Godly capacity of man while recognizing the animalistic behavior to which men are drawn. Yet the left opposes each and every element of the Ten Commandments, preferring its own vision of humanity, which degrades men to the level of animals in order to achieve a perfect equality. Remove man’s capacity for choice – or the necessity for choosing – and men become biological oddities to be manipulated or discarded as necessary.

That is the vision and the mission of the left.

In my new e-book, I examine the Ten Commandments and leftist opposition to them – and demonstrate why leftism must be confronted on its basic morality rather than dismissed as merely ineffective.

tom tuttle #racist truthrevolt.org

No one in their right mind travels anywhere where muzzies are allowed to invade without being vetted

That includes Detoilet and Minneapolis and any other leftist pesthole who's mayors are enabling the iman hussein's muzzie assault on America