
Tristan Emmanuel #wingnut #fundie trumpthemedia.com

Yes, that’s right Mr. President, we do believe you would use any possible means to extend your presidency and obviously you would have to disarm the U.S. electorate to accomplish this feat. But the blatant lies and obfuscation about your long term agenda isn’t the issue in the immediate foreground – but I will address it in short order.

What is immediately problematic is your rhetoric. What America needs right now is not stricter “gun control” but stricter “nut control”. Unlike many Western countries, America’s policy towards the homeless, and those who are mentally unstable, is a sham. Unlike truly humane countries, America releases too many of these disturbed individuals back in to the populace with no nut registry, no background check of substance abuse and no safeguards in place for the innocent people that walk among them.


Of course, the political climate in Washington has its sights set on toppling the Second Amendment; not empowering the people to defend themselves. And this leads me back to the initial assertion that the President raised – the one about “crackpot theories.”

One can’t help but wonder, Mr. President, given what you have rammed through Congress or decreed by Executive Order over your tenure, if in fact your ultimate aim is to embrace your Anti-Christ destiny and seize power the way you seize every opportunity to use that bully-pulpit to berate Americans.

We know that there are “nut jobs” on the left with “crackpot theories”. They were the ones who accused the American government of orchestrating 9/11. Remember when Rosie unveiled her crackpot theories on Twitter and her personal blog? She blamed Bush and several high ranking administration people for pulling off the greatest act of terrorism on U.S. soil. Many of her looney actors and actress friends embraced the same “conspiracy” theories – I believe Matt Damon was one of them – without a shred of evidence and slandered the President. And of course the media stood by and said nothing to defend the President at that time. But then evidence is immaterial when your fuelled by seething hatred for George W. Bush.

Tristan Emmanuel #fundie trumpthemedia.com

But Mr. President, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are the leading jihadist of our day. By definition you are a traitor because you have harboured, aided and supported “non-terrorist” organizations that seek to destroy America. That makes you an enemy of the state by any standard. The fact that you are safe-guarded by your sycophants in the media and the Democratic Party is the only reason you continue to harm America with impunity.

Based on your past behaviour, your policies and you reckless treatment of U.S. interests and tradition there is no doubt in my mind that you would do anything you could – if opportunity presented itself – to remain in power and continue your crusade against American exceptionalism.


But mark my words, there is nothing crackpotish about recognizing your designs to undo America. That is why the best remedy is not “gun control” but “nut control” and the biggest nut of them all is you, Mr. President.

Only a megalomaniac such as yourself would continually flaunt your anti-American policies in the face of Americans at a time when healing and national unity should be front and centre. Only a man with a reprobate mind like yours would consider it appropriate to use these times to chastise his opponents. Frankly, I’m really surprised that the unstable nut jobs from the looney left haven’t made hay over the repeated “no gun zone” massacres under your administration. I mean its all too coincidental that these shooting have happened under your watch. It’s really not that hard to see how these massacres have actually embolden your tirade against American’s founding documents and traditions.

Yes, its time for “nut control” and that must begin with electing a new President. And one of his first acts should be your impeachment, Mr. Obama. Even if such an impeachment is after the fact, and even if its mostly symbolic. For the sake of history, you need to be impeached.