
Hugh Ackmann, studied Engineering Technology at Pennsylvania State University #fundie quora.com

The World is a Lot Less Scary without the “Godless”, ‘Faithless’ Self Serving, Non-Believers, who would otherwise Rob, Steal, Kill, Murder, Lie, make False Accusations, and generally be a Menace to Decent Society!

Without a healthy Fear of God, and Fear of Punishment, ‘special’ Humans feel free to do whatever they want to Serve themselves!

The Devil says, “Do what thou willest”!

That means, ‘Do whatever You want!

And that’s Pretty Much what we have in Society, Now adays!

Someone who Rejects God may very well serve the Devil!

Steve Dragon #racist #fundie #psycho quora.com

Goegre Floyd was a rotten criminal. He deserves to be killed and then burn in Hell with Staan. He should have enever even been born into this world. Criminal apes need to be aborted and their little brittle baby bodies stomped on the floor and cast down to Help where they will be raped by the Devil for eternity. Fuck Goerge Floyd! Fuck his gay retarded family! Floyd was a hideous mongrel monster that never meant to be born! His mother should have had hear motherfucking tubes tied to prevent this beast creature from ever having been born at all!

Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt quora.com

Atheists attack Christianity, and not other religions, because they already know God exists and who He is.

Their irrational anger and hatred is evidence that they know God exists.

Why would anyone be angry at a Being who doesn't exist?

They demand proof when it is literally right in front of them.

The other evidence is that they accept abiogenesis and macroevolution without ever questioning it. Even though there is no evidence for abiogenesis or macroevolution.

Why do they never question abiogenesis and macroevolution?

Because they are the pillars upon which their delusion depends on.

They are already living a lie to begin with, so a few more can't hurt; especially if they support their position, even without evidence.

What a terrible existence for them, is there any wonder they are so angry?

Olaf D - "The Men in the Arena" #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger quora.com

calling one historic tribe Germanic and the other not, is based on what ? Material culture or modern Germany's wishful thinking and nation building myths with supporting historiography.

DNA studies of historic samples blowing these myths apart.

For example suevi or svevi were not what those German pseudo historians would want you believe And people before them knew it very well that.

R1a presence predates R1b on territories from Rhine to Vistula collectively called Germania. Before Catholic crusade to conquer and convert fellow Christians and ostsiedlung.
But we are till present day trapped in this late XIX-th century nationalistic chauvinism designed to grant Germans a historic reign over their imagined lebensraum, by denying peoples (that turned out via genetic testing of today to be by en large the autochtons on the land contrary to German theory making Slavs appearing out of blue from somewhere else, presumably swamp) their history, and right to their homeland.

Ash Atlanson #moonbat #psycho quora.com

the destruction of the twin towers was the real world equivalent of the destruction of the Death Star.

the World Trade Center was (shockingly) the center of worldwide trade. it housed some of the biggest—and therefore most oppressive and harmful—companies, and most influential capitalists on the planet. luckily on 9/11, around 2,000 scumbag imperialists died in the attacks.

no hero would interfere with those attacks, because the attacks themselves were heroic actions. to quote Leftöver Crack; fuck world trade.

Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt #ableist quora.com

Because atheists' are by definition learning disabled and dullards.

They can't even think that big to begin with. They think the movies Prometheus and Frankenstein are based on true stories.

Now that science is starting to refute Neverbiogenesis and Neverlution they'll be saying it was aliens that are our creators lol.

Anything but God you know.

They always toot their horn that they're so smart while believing that jello came alive one day from a lightning bolt hitting a mud puddle and then the jello compiled its own DNA from nothing and then populated the world with plants and animals lol.


Bryan Starr #fundie #wingnut quora.com

You have to realize most people are idiots.

Millions of people will vote for Biden even knowing he has basically destroyed the country in 3 yrs, along with his Democrat lackeys.

That's millions of idiots.

So, evolution is also where most of the atheists hide, because they think it means God doesn't exist.

The problem though is that macroevolution and abiogenesis are shot down pretty easily. They're both complete bullshit and imagination.

So, if macroevolution and abiogenesis don't exist what does that leave? God.

You have to be real stupid to think all this just came about by chance.

Ask a evolutionist how invertebrates became vertebrates - ask them for proof.

Ask a evolutionist to show you the transitional fossils between the last whale ancestor and a whale- they will show you a picture of a four legged creature and a picture of a whale- with nothing in-between

Ask a evolutionist to show you proof that abiogenesis is possible- and they won't be able to.

Ask a evolutionist why, after gazillions of generations of fruit flies they've tried to make evolve, none evolved.

Wake up.

Wanda Dailey #fundie quora.com

There's no need to prove God the Creator to anyone - - let God do it for you! That is, He has already demonstrated who He is in extraordinary ways to all of mankind, but because of foolish pride issues, arrogance & trusting one's educational level, what their idol may have said, or trusting in their own analytical conclusions, or etc., etc., etc., atheist and a majority who believe in God's existence, but are not reconciled to our Father-God, have cut themselves off from God. We need to remember, our Father-God didn't send Jesus to reconcile every person, even though salvation is available to everyone, but Jesus came to reconcile those who earnestly seek to know who He is & is not & have a desire to “get right with God.” If there's someone you'd like to help in their discovery, try to keep in mind they may be superficial, in that, while they have questions it's not necessarily because they actually have a personal interest in learning, but have a ulterior motive.

Kay Fay, 20years as a trained and experienced catechist and lay minister #fundie quora.com

Atheists worship Satan to make a mockery of Christians because they don't want to be bothered with God or God's followers practices, so they mock. However their practices, particular the black masses are not innocuous as they think because they are opening portals to the dark world. We see in Scripture when Judas took of the bread knowing he was planning to betray Jesus. So not discerning the body of Christ. It was during that action Satan entered him. This is a warning to not play around witb God or blaspheming the Holy Spirit. This is the spirit of the antichrist in action in the world. Underneath those layers it's satan trying to get at Jesus. He obviously can't because Jesus overcame Satan once and for all but he can work on people to get them away from Christ.

Jesus came to give life more abundantly and the evil one is a destroyer who brings death.

I'm sticking with Jesus.John 10:10

John Smith #racist #psycho #wingnut quora.com

Slaves were given meaning to their pathetic existence. They were given food, shelter, water. They were kept in cool climates. They were treated better than by tribes or muslims. Slaves were also more orderly, since they were not free to throw their shit at each other, like the monkeys that they are. Colonialism in general brought law and order to the subhuman monkeys, who were originally muslims (of course).

Vic Newman #fundie quora.com

Yes, a feeble attempt to understand reality. Creation continues forever, the Earthly creation will end at the End Of “Days” when God sees the Earth as good [the Bible is a predictive book], so creation is a more advanced form of evolution. Aeons [today eons] were spiritual Beings concerned with time as are the “Days.” In ancient times all and everything was the result of spiritual beings. The Catholic Church decided the living universe was a pagan teaching and Catholic scholasticism or science invented the clockwork, mechanical universe.

Science is the gathering of data no more no less. Nothing in science “explains” anything or proves anything, it comes later with the theory-opinions that scientists generate from their imaginations which generate the strong beliefs in science, always keeping to the guidelines of the original dogmas of science that the universe is an accidentally generated clockwork machine in which life and consciousness cannot exist. So somehow in an unknown manner, which science is unable to demonstrate or replicate “scientifically,” life and consciousness appeared.

Which means that matter or the Mineral Kingdom is more intelligent than science as it can produce life and consciousness.

Gary Ayers #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger quora.com

Gary Ayers
Then please offer examples and data that prove the existence of The Patriarchy.

I really tend to think that it is like God to the feminists: It is apparently eternal, omiscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It has been crushing the female sex under its boot for ALL of human history, and yet each generation of feminists believes that THEY will be the generation that will FINALLY destroy it. Even though feminists NEVER have made up more than 7% of the female population of any country at ANY time since their movement began.

Gary Ayers
Oh PLEASE tell me you're not a male feminist. Those are documentedlybthe worst type of men.

Set aside the feminist propaganda for a moment: did you ever consider that maybe there was good reason ancient cultures governed their women and girls in such a way? Maybe with a 60% divorce rate (80%of which initiated by women), a 76% single-parent rate, and a 70%-and-increasing hookup culture participation rate, maybe women are proving they're lousy at picking men? And the rest of your diatribe is about 50 years out of date, isn't it? And if corporations actually could get away with paying women less than a man for the same work, why wouldn't they hire only women? Think how much would be saved on labor costs alone. But that isn't true and you and every other feminist fucking well knows it. And what rights have been taken away from women? Abortion was merely returned to the states to decide as their populations wish. It was not outlawed or “stripped” from women.

Society bends over backwards catering to women now. Show me where men have gotten women thrown in jail on false accusations. Why do women get less prison time than men for the same offense? Why is the entire domestic violence infrastructure built on the feminist Duluth model of sexual power, where the woman is automatically presumed to be the victim in every case of domestic violence, even in cases where it is CLEAR that the man is the victim? Why is sexual behavior in women treated as less serious or explained away when such behavior would be considered reprehensible in men, such as sexual assault of school students?

So just spare us the women are so oppressed schtick. The facts of today's world render it invalid.

Anonymous #conspiracy quora.com

(In response to "Has anyone lost something big via the Mandela Effect?")

I am going anonymous on this one; I don’t want people I know thinking I am crazy. My experience isn’t as big as your question is asking, but I believe it is bigger than average. This might take a bit to sort out the multiple levels of a Mandela effect—

In my senior year of high school, we watched a movie: Of Mice and Men. This was based on the classic novel of John Steinbeck. This movie starred Bill Fagerbakke (playing Lennie) and Gary Sinise (playing George). Most people know the name “Sinise,” but they might not remember Fagerbakke. Fagerbakke is perhaps best known for his role on television show Coach. He played the role of the aging “dumb jock” that could never graduate, and sort of transitioned into a member of the football staff. Fagerbakke is on the far right in the picture below.


When I watched this movie for the first time in my senior class, I remember thinking that Fagerbakke was the perfect actor to play the role of Lennie; Lennie is a mentally challenged character in the Steinbeck classic. If you can imagine, Fagerbakke looked similar to an overgrown Dennis the Menace with his blond hair, and wearing the old blue jean overalls. In fact, this movie was such a hit, that Fagerbakke and Sinise would work together again a few years later in a movie of Stephen King’s The Stand. Once again, Fagerbakke played a mentally challenged character. Further, Of Mice and Men was obviously an inspiration landing him this next role. In fact, he even wore blue jean overalls in this movie as well. From The Stand, Fagerbakke is pictured to the right, below.


Now, the weirdness begins:

In 1994 or 1995, my wife and I watched Of Mice and Men together. She would often pick up movies on her way home and we would watch them together. I was excited to watch the movie and I told her how much I enjoyed watching it again and that we had also watched it my senior year of high school. Here is the first problem: She reminded me that I had graduated high school in 1988 and that this movie was released in 1992. I said, “But that isn’t possible!” You can imagine the long conversation we had over that. It bothered me, but what could I do? Reading the box, it CLEARLY stated 1992. How could I have watched something four years prior to it being released? Of course, there was nothing I could do, and there was nothing to be done; I simply had to let it go. On a lighter note, we both at least had a lengthy discussion about how Fagerbakke was perfect for the role because of his acting on Coach.

So, this little incident had bothered me for many years. From time to time over the years, the conversation would come up again. I was always lightheartedly dismissed as “mistaken.” More recently though, I hadn’t thought about this incident for many years. But then “The Mandela Effect” had been gaining in popularity. I had dismissed it as a common psychological phenomenon. In my opinion, it is intuitive that most people wouldn’t notice C3PO’s subtle silver leg, a wrong quote from Star Wars, an unusual spelling, etc. Taking The Mandela Effect seriously was something I judged as silly. Regardless, it was at least interesting to read about, but not something I would take seriously.

A couple of nights ago, I was reading more about The Mandela Effect, and I suddenly remembered the “Of Mice and Men incident.” I was still disturbed by watching a movie in 1988 that came out in 1992. Being curious, I decided to do some googling and I was VERY surprised at what I found:

The movie doesn’t exist! Everything I have written above, every high school memory, didn’t happen! Further, the discussion I had with my wife about how Fagerbakke was perfect for the role never happened! Oh, there WAS a movie! It DID come out in 1992! Gary Sinise WAS in it. But, Fagerbakke wasn’t in it!

Let me repeat that. Fagerbakke WASN’T in the MOVIE! John Malcovich played the role of Lenny! Sinese and Malcovich are pictured below.


Let all of this sink in: Me watching the movie in high school in ’88 with Fagerbakke never happened. Talking with my wife in ’94 or ’95 about Fagerbakke’s acting while also misremembering a ’92 movie never happened. Numerous conversations through the years about misremembering the YEAR certainly happened, yet numerous conversations through the years of Fagerbakke’s never happened!

Further, I also discovered that the show Coach didn’t come out until 1989.

But I was there! I “know” what I remember! Or do I?

In my opinion, any ONE of these events is disturbing. But the collection of them all together! The MULTIPLE conversations through the years about it!

I tend to believe that there is something to learn here. I think it may be more a symptom of how our minds really work, how SERIOUSLY unreliable memory can truly be, and far LESS of any evidence for some paranormal or superordinary phenomenon. But the jury is still out, and I am still disturbed by it.

Alf Jones #sexist quora.com

Actually women need men a trillion times more than men. Men created civilization, society, democracy and alllll the countless amenities and benefits that jaded, crone, old-bitter-hags enjoy. Men only need women for 1 thing. Women need men for everything. Enjoy!

Chris L Lesley #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

Question: Did giants exist before the deluge?

Chris: It takes no effort to dismiss anything everything, even reality.

Every animal was giant in the past.
Every plant was Giant in the past.
Every single celled organism was giant in the past.
Every human was giant in the past.

The question would be easier to answer, “What is not giant in the past?” … and that answer is “nothing but babies.” (they’re still rather small)
To dismiss giants shows people are uneducated, academia is incapable of educating beyond a point.

Pre deluge everything was larger and there are no exceptions.

If evolutionists didn’t mislabel 98% of the fossil record extinct, then ignore it they could learn what is actually in the fossil record.

Martin Watts #fundie quora.com

Native American tribes enslaved whites and ethnically cleansed each other.

The first peoples in the Americas were white Europeans who ironically went on to become the Native Americans we associate with being red skinned.

Antoine Boyle #homophobia quora.com

I do feel like there is a pressure to put yes constantly in this society, because if you don't then you are a bigot or whatever.

Should homosexual people be allowed to legally adopt children? taking into account the following information:

1 - Same sex couples experience much higher levels of domestic violence than their heterosexual counterparts. Some studies show that the rate is at least three times higher than that of heterosexual couples. It seems unkind to force children to be exposed to this higher level of violence.
The book Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence by two homosexual researchers “estimated that 650,000 homosexual men are victims of domestic violence each year, compared to figures from the FBI which showed that last year 1,300 hate crimes were reported.

2 - Homosexuals have a much higher rate of molestation than Heterosexuals
As much as 33% of child molestation is committed by homosexuals, and yet they only make up about 3% to 5% of our population. To allow homosexual couples to adopt children puts the children at greater risk of molestation.

3 - Homosexuals have a higher incidence of infidelity. In regards to homosexual monogamy, homosexuals remain faithful to one partner about 25% of the time. This is a much lower fidelity rate, than their heterosexual counterparts, which is 80%. It is not unusual for homosexuals to have hundreds of sexual partners in a life time.

What kind of stability will be afforded a child who is exposed to that kind of change of a significant other? I also say this against those heterosexuals who also co-habitat, it is unkind to children to expose them to continual relationship changes

Simon Elliot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist quora.com

Absolutely not because if that were the case then Islam would be reduced to 0.1% in China, it would have banned Uighurs from rights, put a symbol on Uighurs and Muslim restaurants would be closed.
Those you see in prison or who have been detained are guilty of supporting Islamic extremism or separatism, the Chinese government does not react without reason.
For those who say "Uyghurs terrorists are a myth" then it is blind or ignorant on these matters who would do better to shut up if he does not want to make a bad figure.

See this links:

Dom Clark #racist #wingnut quora.com

Isn't Jewism the ultimate and purest fascism?

Quite the opposite. Fascism is fundamentally good while Jewry is fundamentally evil. Jewry directly opposes almost all of the foundational ideas fascism is built on. The essence of Jewry is domination through parasitism motivated by pure greed. Fascism is built on the ideas of hard work, self-reliance, charity, humility, submission to legitimate authority, and service motivated by selflessness.

Sound Minds Eye Found #conspiracy quora.com

Everything we have been told or taught over the last several thousand years has been Luciferian Inversion, what’s real portrayed as fantasy, fantasy given as truth, so they can avoid karmic penalty, look over here not over there, while the answer is behind you. IE 9/11 when the first 2 towers were exploding, before the planes were added, (it was the sleight Of hand that drew attention away from the 3rd tower where the uamashita gold and server for GeSARA just happened to be.) Controlled demolition in the background while CNN was reporting on it, because they think we are dumbed down sheep. Are we not, though? How long are we going to stay falling for rich mans tricks? Pentagon was a missile. Gesara related, and some other things. Funny how they find passports of the guys and the news anchor already had a suspect, Osama Bin Laden. Kind of like the Nashville Xmas bombing, which was a white hat attack on a CIA or NSA data Collection point.ahere the FBI has a suspect and his passport, untouched near the explosion. The announcement was the white hats, who are trying to preserve every life they can. Now, back to the Sasquatch.

Anyomous #conspiracy #sexist quora.com

Is Doctor Who pandering to SJWs?

The answer is obviously yes, unless you think it’s by chance that in the past season as the SJW’s rose, suddenly Jesus was black, all of history is whitewashed, the doctor will be becoming a woman, and the sidekick is a black lesbian. All they need is an Asian and they’ve ticked all the boxes - and you guessed it, next season will also have an Asian. And it’ll go like this - the women will be in charge, they’ll be brave, intelligent etc., and the men will be complete wimps, stammering about hardly able to put a sentence together. Apparently this is ‘progressive’, despite the fact to anybody with a brain, it’s regressive.

Given most people are indoctrinated, they probably see this as normal. Regardless, whether you like the pandering or not, the show has lost it’s magic. Tbh I wouldn’t say SJW’s ruined it, even before the pandering, after Matt Smith’s departure, the show’s just…..boring. Far too iterative, they need better writers - but finding good writers is hard when SJW’s will lynch anyone that even slightly deviates from their agenda. But, I don’t know why they can’t find good writers, could be a number of reasons.

Josie #fundie #crackpot quora.com

(Part 1)

I was a bad girl that found the light after 40 years. I use to study about serial killers and criminals…being that I was raised pretty much in the streets, I grew up in pretty bad neighborhoods and was flopped around from house to house and went to the shittiest schools which I didn't show up to much. I know about all that gangster street life and other criminal behavior, most of my friends had been to prison for at least 4 years, my first husband just got out a year ago and went In when I was 20 and finally has a relationship with our son… I studied a lot of true crime, as far as religion I practiced some which craft and used Ouija boards even since I was a kid, used to make my own when I was like 13 I liked everything dark and macabre….I was raised Catholic but didn't believe in God for the most part, I blamed God for the sadness of the world, for having to see my little sister get hit by a car when she was 4 and I was 11, I blamed God again when my uncle died, and also just because we were an extremely poor family with 7 kids that were hungry wearing hand me downs and saw violence and way too many funerals at too young an age. I blamed God or decided he didn't exist for 40 years until me and my fiance started Ghost hunting, totally for fun, not believing in much, laughing about it really. Then one night we used a Ouija board in a national park at 3 am and all had gone wrong, the planchet was so fast and told us sick evil things, we jokingly had summoned something evil that played with our minds and had my partner acting not himself at all. He became violent and even his face didn't look the same anymore…the smile in photos were becoming smirks and after a couple weeks the paranormal activity going on made the movies look like a joke…even our car was acting up, the lights on and off and everything electrical was disrupted, and it kept getting worse, the television electrocuted my fiance, no not shocked, electrocuted! The washer and dryer would turn on and off, doors slamming, and eventually my fiance wouldn't get out of bed for 2 weeks, wouldn't allow me to put the light on, felt like he was burning, he went from chaotic and cruel to crying in a corner afraid, it was very real…as a skeptic I can assure you demonic oppression is real, we summoned a real demon, yes, a real demon…

Peace John #fundie quora.com

What is the strongest proof that God does exist?

The strongest proof that God does exist, I mean the true God who dwells in heaven and owns the earth is that no matter how knowledgeable we think we are, we still ‘die' at the end and no one can stop that, for the fact that we can stop death is a big proof that God does exist.

Theo Tsourdalakis #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt quora.com

What role does our Neanderthal ancestry play in our aggression today?

zero role.

What exactly do you think Neanderthals were?

Humans have always been human.

Neanderthals is part of the macro evolution myth which is devoid of credible scientific evidence.

Evolutionists have a vivid IMAGINATION but are really poor on credible scientific evidence.

Dr John Sanford (Geneticist and inventor of the Gene Gun) said :

“The bottom line

is that the primary axiom [of Darwinian/Macro evolution]

is categorically false,

you can't create information with misspellings,

not even if you use natural selection.”

Dr Ben Carson; ex Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at one of the world's greatest hospitals (John Hopkins), a groundbreaking surgeon, best-selling author, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom said:

"I think one of the most damning pieces of evidence against evolution is the human genome.

You can see that you have very complex, sophisticated coding mechanisms for different amino acids, and various sequences that give you millions of different genetic instructions -- very much like computer programming, which uses a series of zeros and ones in different sequences, but gives you very specific information about what that computer is to do."

Frank Schlernitzaver #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger quora.com

Uh, none of the evidence of eviloution is undisputed, it is ALL disputed, and highly disputed BTW, as it is all based upon flawed and imaginative assumptions,preconceived assumptions again btw.

And there is no way to KNOW the sea floors are any younger than any place else on the earth. Answer me this where did the sea floors come from if they are younger- did they just poof appear or what; your thinking is almost comical when thought out. All the matter is same age ALL of it, none of it could be any older or younger unless it was CREATED later (lol).

Yes the materials have been sifted sorted BY the global flood of Noah’s day; we see the flood strata everywhere on earth. And the water receded back in to the earth and the Mtns rose up after the flood as Bible tells us and we see the overt/obvious evidence of their too in the inverted broken strata layers so we KNOW they rose up and water runs down hill, it always has btw, except in Grand Canyon where it had to flow up hill for millions years to form the canyon but that is the only exception (lol).

Gerald McDonald #fundie quora.com

What is the evolutionary benefit of coughing?

Imagine you are the first ever life form. Some how you grow to have lungs and when you eat something it goes down into those lungs. (don’t forget evolution is supposedly guiding your formation, so it doesn’t realize you need a stomach or an esophagus for food to travel to the stomach), but it gets the lungs right, but the food goes down the wrong way, and the gods of chance an luck have not had the time nor knowledge to have developed a cough reflex to push the wrong stuff back out of the lungs. So you did, because you were haphazardly formed by the gods chance and luck of the evolutionists.

Evolution did nothing to help any organisms. They were designed and created by God.

David Bump #fundie quora.com

Question: Why are pigs similar to humans in some ways?

David Bump: God thoughtfully provided an animal suitable to raising as common cattle that would be helpful in studying for human medical purposes and at least one replacement part. Notice also the use of guinea pigs, rats, and mice in medical testing and research.

William Tong #crackpot #psycho quora.com

( Part 3 [Final] )

There are widely varying opinions on what to do about the problem of Sasquatch. There is the Kill ’EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT ’EM OUT crowd. I'm one of these. Then there is the “we're going out in to the woods naked and banging drums to chant our Bigfoot prayer of protection and wave beads and crystals around til they show up and dance with us. Then we'll all get high and communicate telepathically and sing Kum Ba Yah My Lord” crowd. These are the ones who grossly (and fatally) underestimate just how dangerous these creatures are. Unless everyone never wants to camp, hunt, fish, or so anything at all in the woods again, these creatures must be terminated. Keep in mind that compared to them just how feeble we really are. Even the fastest, fittest, and strongest of us is pathetically easy to kill by a Squatch. We're slow. We're loud. Compared to Bigfoot’s mastery of the woods and the art of evasion and concealment, were stupid and easily frightened.

One last thing. What IF Uncle Sam decided to inform us plebes that “hey guess what y'all ain't crazy after all heh heh. Yep. They're real. Chew on that why dontcha?” Next thing you know the Sierra Club and PETA and a gazillion funky tree huggers are screaming to make all Sasquatch lands protected. Well, they're everywhere so guess what Joe Logger? You just lost your job. Sorry Sammy Salmon Fisherdude. The Squatch need that food. Go work at Burger King. No more camping Mr. Civilian. We can't guarantee your safety in the woods so sorry. Hey Carl Cattleman we're just as bummed as you that a Squatch clan ate 43 of your cows. But they're Federally protected now you so you can't do anything. It's their land now. Move if you don't like it.

Think about it.

William Tong #crackpot #conspiracy quora.com

( Part 1 )

Although I've never had a personal experience with Sasquatch, I firmly believe in their existence. I'm not a man prone to gullibility or fanciful whims; there is simply too much evidence if one knows where to look and what to discard as false. Thousands of eye witness accounts universally describe them as fearsome, noisy, aggressive, and deadly. There are also accounts of indescribably “friendly” Bigfoot that will leave “gifts” if you leave them food. The Snohomish, Salish, and other First Nation tribes more or less co-existed peacefully with Sasquatch, worshipping them as gods. To this day their legends speak of respecting and fearing the Sasquatch and never doing any harm whatsoever to them. The Utes and Navajo speak of Sasquatch as aggressive and evil. Many of their legends tell of hairy giants stalking, stealing, and eating young children. So much so that many tribes finally allied and suffered hundreds of casualties driving the Sasquatch clans all the way up to the wastes of northern Canada.

Nationwide, many people disappear in National Parks. When their bodies are found, at times they had suffered massive injuries akin to a high speed car wreck… whilst hiking in the middle of the woods. Law enforcement is always quick to claim it was a bear (whatever flavor seems to be present in that region) and any civilians with knowledge of the event are intimidated and harassed by Federal agents into silence. While certainly not EVERY disappearance can be attributed to foul play by Hairy Jack, there are enough so that even the Feds (affectionately referred to as MOB or Men In Black) cannot plug every leak.

Liam Johnson #racist #wingnut quora.com

Guilt. Europe is dominated by sneering liberals who basically hate their own country. If you said to the average Japanese person “would you like a few million African migrants over the next decade?” they would reply “of course not! That would totally change our racial and cultural identity. We are fine the way we are. Why would do such a crazy thing?” To the Japanese (or Chinese) it seems perfectly natural to want to preserve your identity. In Western countries, multiculturalism and racial diversity have become new religions. People are hysterical about both and won’t tolerate any criticisms or objections. In general, it is the liberal middle-classes (hidden away in the leafy suburbs) who defend multiculturalism and mass immigration, and it is the white working-class (those who have to deal with the consequences) who oppose it.

Edward Smith #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

(sigh… another creationist answer to my question.)

What would dolphins look like if they went back to land again? Would they become bipedal and have hands with opposable thumbs, or would they have hooves like their ancestors?

Dolphins were never land animals in the first place. Your question betrays a total lack of knowledge of biology, the fossil record and even the definition of evolution.

The idea of such as you believe is pure fantasy and only true in the wild imaginations of evolutionists.

Menno Mafait #crackpot #fundie quora.com

The invalidation of the theory of evolution as the explanation for the origin of intelligence, language and laws of nature:

• Despite centuries of exhaustive research, the theory of evolution still hasn't provided a satisfactory explanation for the origin of intelligence, language and laws of nature. Let alone, how they are related;
• According to the biblical world view, God has created laws of nature – including laws of intelligence – to make his creation run like clockwork. Being based on Natural Laws of Intelligence embedded in Grammar, only Thinknowlogy implements the intelligent function of words like definite article “the”, conjunction “or”, possessive verb “has/have” and past tense verbs “was/were” and “had”. Other Controlled Natural Language (CNL) reasoners are limited to sentences with present tense verb “is/are”. They don't accept the words mentioned above.

I am using fundamental science instead of cognitive science:

• Autonomous reasoning requires both intelligence and language;
• Intelligence and language are natural phenomena;
• Natural phenomena obey laws of nature;
• Laws of nature (and logic) are investigated using fundamental science (Basic research - Wikipedia).

Thomas Munos #fundie quora.com

“How do creationists explain why whales still have leftovers of their hind limbs? It serves no function.”

Creationists believe we are seeing evidence of ID in the left over hind limbs of whales, which shows robust design. Rather than evolution, we see many designs packaged into the genome to enable different designs to manifest as the environmental conditions changed. These changes aren’t mutations and natural selection, for this is way too inefficient, but it is programmed to switch based on environmental factors.

According to Creationists, the oceans were very shallow before the flood so the hind legs served a purpose of helping whales become dislodged should they find themselves in very shallow waters. Also, some scientists say it helped with mating so that too may be an additional function that it performed.

God in designing life, has intelligently designed life with a multitude of designs in the genome which can be switched on or off by environmental factors. After the flood, the need for the hind legs became unnecessary because of the deep oceans so the hind legs shrunk away allowing the flow of resources to flow to other critical organs. Rather than evidence for evolution, this is evidence of ID. A prediction of ID is that over time we will see that mutations are not the cause of this change but biological triggers are switched on or off by environmental factors enabling different designs to manifest themselves for different environments. Just like some creatures loose their sight when they start living in dark caves, so the whale lost it’s hind legs when they were no longer needed. Again, this is evidence for design and not evolution.

Ross Wind #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com


It is said the chimpanzee and the bonobo share 98.6% of their genes and has the same number of chromosomes but are incompatible they cannot reproduce.


An early evolutionists fake news is surprisingly still part of today’s urban legend; both have the same number of chromosomes. No, they don’t. humans have 46 and big primates 48. Few people know this, it seems that the pig is closer genetically to humans than the chimp. In other words, chimpanzees and humans are incompatible.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

What do you think of the recent find that the Neanderthals moved further South and were technologically more advanced than previously believed?

It serves to proves what Creationists have said all along. The Neanderthal were humans. Not humans that became humans from some animal. And this also lends credence that there are no such thing as evolved into humans. Humans are and always have been human.

Dianne Paulsen #fundie quora.com

Soon, God the Father will Demonstrate HOW He can imprison 7.9 Disobedient, SELF-Leading God-created Souls, in hell for Eternity.

You just wait.

or you could . . .

RUN to GOD, and beg God the Father to teach ‘you’ to live His Unselfish Ways, so that ‘you’ will become selfless, like Jesus, our Example, so ‘you’ are working WITH GOD, instead of with satan, AGAINST GOD.

TIP: ‘Good Intentions’ lead to hell.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Part 2)

In the past, no one from the past is around to testify that evolution had actually occurred, so the claims about the past are not admissible as evidence, no matter how much the evolutionists cry, “but the similarities, the similarities”, because we see life forms born all day long, with similarities, but they are being born from other kinds of life forms. We’ve seen this pattern occurring for thousands of years. And whether they like it or not, what is observed holds more weight than anything they imagine had occurred.

And one great evidence that shoots holes in the speculation of evolution is the fact that if evolution had been going on for billions and billions of years, why is it not observed today. I mean, we are talking about bacteria replicating something other than more bacteria, or else how did they supposedly get to the place of being called humans.

And to tell the truth, even if evolution moves to slowly to occur, we are talking about what has supposedly occurred in the past. And millions of years has already occurred. So why isn’t the “bewitching” hour for many of the different kinds of life forms occurring all around us?

What has been said is that the different kinds of life forms all came from different kinds of life forms. Bacteria to frogs, or mosquitoes, or bananas, or apples. Maybe not quite in that succession, but if bacteria had evolved from something, shouldn’t we after all of these supposed millions of years that have already passed, be seeing bacteria replicating something more than other bacteria?

So, the question is guys, why are we expected to fall head over heels in accepting what is not even observed occurring.

William Tong #crackpot #magick quora.com

( Part 2 )

And here is where it gets dicey. Man and Nature are in a constant battle. Sometimes we forget that our wonderfully advanced technology and seeming dominance of the planet is feeble at best. In recorded scientific history we've barely scratched the surface of God’s unique and mysterious planet. In short, we’re not nearly as badass as we believe. Imagine a fully grown Sasquatch. He stands anywhere from 7 to 9 feet for the “lowland” species topping out at a staggering 12 feet for the “highland” or mountain Squatch. Each one has roughly the strength of a grizzly with the temperament to match. They can run as fast as a deer. It has been recorded that any ammunition under a .338 Magnum will simply bounce of their incredibly dense skin and musculature. They are omnivorous, meaning they’re happy with your prized watermelons OR your blue ribbon steer or pig. Usually all of it. For some reason they hate dogs and will kill them no matter their mood. They are extremely territorial. If your farm or weekend cabin is in a place they want to hunt, they will do everything they can to drive you out. They will throw rocks, branches, even small trees. They will grunt, whistle, growl, shriek, and “woop”. If they feel threatened, they WILL attack… and rip their victims from limb to limb. They possess an ability known as infrasound (an ability to project an incredibly effective low frequency sound wave that can temporarily paralyze our and other prey animals nervous system). That's the reasoning for people saying they heard a Squatch growl and they felt frozen to the ground and couldn't move.

Ronald Small #fundie #crackpot #pratt quora.com

Question: When I was a child, I was taught that dinosaurs were reptiles, but now it seems that they are treated like ancestors of birds. Does this mean that dinosaurs were in between the evolution of reptiles and birds?

Ronald Small: There is no such thing as evolution. That is why no one can show me an example of evolution. NOT ONE. Evolution requires new, novel genetic information to form out of thin air. Show me a single case of it. It doesn’t exist. Dinosaurs did not evolve into birds. For goodness sake, REPENT YOU HEATHEN! Buy a Bible!