
skynes #racist panheads.org

Any nation or people that ever screwed with the Jews, faced the full wrath of God, no exceptions.

If the UN are planning to screw with the Jews, then we can kiss the UN goodbye.

skynes #fundie panheads.org

Ppl all came from ONE place and spoke ONE language then spread out(ever heard of mitochondria Eve?)- Adam and Eve, Tower of Babel. Animals give birth according to their ow kind. If this is a lie - Why does all the evidence support it? Dogs give birth to Dogs, Cats give birth to Cats. what was special about these 'ancient' animals that they could do something today's animals cannot?

Nedarbi #fundie panheads.org

Excactly. thats what i hate about scientists and their stupid evolution theory. ooh yes evolution is positively right and christianity is wrong because we said so and we have absolutely no evidence to back it up. thats what it's like. just because they are big scientitst, people believe them and refuse to think for themselves on the complicated stuff. on stuff like evolution all scientists have are theories.

Nedarbi #fundie panheads.org

i realize that but honestly. the evolution theory says that the earth was formed by two astriods colliding and forming the earth. now thats stupid. sure maybe the lord did use evolution. i accept that but alot of theories taht go along with evolution are very idiotic.

Nedarbi #fundie panheads.org

yah sometimes scientist come up with this lame evidence. i personally am shocked that people actually believe in evolution. think for a second guys. think of all the evidence supporting evolution that scientist have said either through tv or newspapaers or whatever. now after you have all of it in your heads think about how FAR FETCHED and IMPOSSIBLE it all sounds and IS. i think that when people believe in evolution it is just themselves denigning god and trying to escape him. the simple conclusion that i can see is that evolution is just to far fetched of a theory for any one to truly believe

bob #fundie panheads.org

Okay, I will surely get yelled at for saying this, but oh well. I question the 19th amendment (gives women the right to vote) often because of what has been accomplished due to that. A lot of women don't always vote by a person's political viewpoint, but on how they look, like Bill Clinton for example, who was "hip" had 4% more votes by women then men, which is a large amount. Let's face it, women make up the majority of the population (51%) so what they vote is what goes (hypothetically). I just don't think a lot of women put enough thought into their votes. Am I trying to portray men any better? No. But I just thought that i'd throw that thought out there.

bob #fundie panheads.org

Well, I don't think a woman will win the presidency in the near future. I just don't think that it would be a good idea at the moment or possibly ever, I agree with Skynes, SOME women are unpredictible, and that would be really bad. Or you could get a femi-nazi for president and they pass a bunch of stupid laws against men, which would be obsured

lee #fundie panheads.org

i don't believe god ment for woman to lead the u.s. i don't believe god ment for woman to be president. woman are too emtional to be president, that is just my opinion.and if we have had man as presidents all this time, then i don't see a way we could get a woman president. this whole woman power thing, is just wrong, woman can't live with out men, but men can't live with out women.

skynes #fundie panheads.org

Plate Tectonics SUPPORTS my point, doesnt counter it. If the mountains were much flatter and lower(which I believe they were) then the possibility of a world-wide flood increases exponentially. Raise the sea beds, lower the mountains. You got enough water for a world-wide flood. Which by the way would also rip apart any evidence of billions of years.

bekah #fundie panheads.org

It makes sense- We had this guy in our school last year talking about creation/evolution and apparently most dinosaurs were vegetarians, not the man-eating monsters they're made out to be! Dinos and humans could very well have co-inhabitaed the earth... Another thing to say is that saying to someone who believes in evolution that you don't believe it because the Bible says so, while being very true, simply will make you look as closed-minded as them. There are soooo many things which logically don't add up in the theory of evolution that it would be muchmore effective to quote them! For example, steam from volcanoes condensing to cover 70% of the earth's surface....?

Nedarbi #fundie panheads.org

evolution is just a theory that some people made up over time. i could make up a far fetched theory right now in my head and it WILL have just as much of a chanve being right as any other theory... for the reason above i dont think god used evolution because there are a billion theories out there and it is VERY unlikely that evolution was the one god used just because man thought it up.

sky_flashings #fundie panheads.org

Personally, I think the first female President will be asassiinated. I know that women are becoming more equal and stuff like that, but it seems to me that there's too many people out there who wouldn't like it so much that they'd protest in bad ways.

skynes #fundie panheads.org

Many ppl use the words about Creation and Evolution differently. This is how I use them. evolution - I take this to mean the atheistic humanistic materialistic religion. That life came out of nothing on its own and evolved over billions of years with no supernatural help to create everything on this earth.