
nighttestwing #fundie nightesttwing.tumblr.com

on mark salling


He didn’t just make one bad decision. He made 50000 bad decisions when he downloaded those photos. He made hundreds more when he downloaded videos. He made a mistake every time he wanked to the material in those photos and videos, every time he searched for that content, every time he saw a child being harmed and thought “yes, this is good for my penis”. He put his own orgasms above the lives and safety of countless human beings.

@this-daydream-is one of the only sane people in this discussion. You are pretty much the worst. And— “don’t ever let your compassion for them cause you to give them access to their prey"omg, are you a fucking idiot? XDDD

Professionals who deal with these things are in fact, professionals. They know perfectly well how to deal with pedophiles (with kindness and compassion, making sure they are mentally stable and aren’t in any danger of harming themselves, children, or anyone else) and they even know how to deal with child abusers (therapy etc. making sure they won’t repeat their crimes).

This lynching attitude doesn’t help a single child, and it’s incredibly sad that you fail to see that it does the exact opposite when the people who might need help cannot and will not seek help.

Also, when you are more concerned with Mark jacking off to child porn than the actual victims of the crimes, it’s pretty telling where you are coming from @officialweatherwax.

You people really should also educate yourself a bit so you wouldn’t come off as so ignorant. Learn the differences between pedophiles (perfectly okay, no one is harmed by their desires; attraction =/= action) and child abusers (they have victims, there are lives ruined and incidentally, most of the child abusers aren’t even pedophiles but predators of opportunity who choose the easy victims).

nighttestwing #fundie nightesttwing.tumblr.com

Mark Salling is dead and i can’t wait for Woody Allen to be next

Unfortunately psychopaths like you exist

He had thousands of images and videos of children being raped for jerkoff material so yeah lmao his death is cause for celebration

Yes, and with this attitude you are making sure there will be other children hurt and other victims of this kind of abuse, because the people with pedophilic attraction are shunned, told to die and then they’ll be afraid to seek the professional help they need. You must be proud of yourself.