
Andi Garcia #fundie kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com

A fellow blogger from A Spiritual Warfare Devotional Blog, encouraged me to write yet another experience I had with, well, demons. Some of you may not believe, but I will say yet again, they are real, very real. So here it goes—

I was baptized in August of 2015, August 16th, to be exact. Best Sunday of my life! After I was baptized I had a few experiences, even before then, but it was after I was baptized that I sensed more of the spiritual realm, or it became more real for me. One evening, it was about 5pm on a Thursday or Friday, I was cleaning, doing my chores for the weekend so I didn’t have to be running around doing it all weekend long. I had been playing my music from Pandora, I had on some spanish worship music and singing along while cleaning. I was really into it, because some songs made me get emotional. I kept cleaning. Then the music would stop mid song. I’d check my phone and see that it had just stopped, so I’d push play and it would restart the song or skip to the next song. This happened quite a few times and I’m like what the heck. I checked and rechecked my internet router to make sure it worked. Everything was fine. As I was knelt down checking it, that’s when I felt I was not alone. I was the only one home at the time. My son was at football practice. So I prayed and continued with my chores. I just stopped playing the music altogether because it was taking up more time for me to check and recheck it because of it stopping. (In hindsight, they didn’t like what I was playing) I had the feeling of anxiety. I don’t know if any or a few of you have ever been in a physical altercation with someone, but I got the feeling of someone about to invade my personal space. I trained in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and boxing, so I knew when it would be hand to hand combat you’d get an adrenaline rush. Well that’s the best I can describe it. I had the feeling someone was about to pounce on me. I had to keep checking behind my back. I was very uneasy. It was light out yet, but my house seemed darker than usual. I prayed some more. It wouldn’t back down. I said aloud, “You need to get out of my house, I belong to my Father God, you are no one, in Jesus name I command you to leave!” That made me feel better, my anxiety subsided just a bit. It was almost time for my son to get home from practice, so I jumped in the shower quick and as I was washing my hair, I felt that feeling of not being alone, I poked my head out of the shower and nothing. I had left the bathroom door open and through the curtain, I could see the sunlight coming in through the dining room windows which was across the hall. I continue to shower and I don’t know why I looked but I saw, through the curtain, a hunched over figure walk right in front the windows. Mind you, I live on the 2nd floor. There’s no way, it was someone from outside. I jerked that curtain open so fast, but there was nothing there. But that feeling of anxiety was back and the air seemed thicker. I quickly began to pray and shouted, “I COMMAND YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS, TO GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!” I messaged my lil big bro Carlos and told him what was happening. He’s a real prayer warrior, intercessor. He prayed and I prayed as well from home. I felt much better, just in time for when my son came home. Needless to say, I was worried to go to sleep, but then thought, NO! My God’s got me. I went to sleep and was ok, for the time being———

Andi Garcia #fundie kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com

The following day I decided to check out a dealership for a newer used car. I’m a single mom, no other income but mine. I thought I could wing a small payment. Little did I know God had other plans for me. Within an hour of me sitting down I was, somehow the owner of a brand new vehicle!!! I have never owned a brand new vehicle in my entire life. I had only dreamed of it.

See what I didn’t tell you was that on Tuesday of last week I had gotten an invitation for a Nissan sale..etc..you know those flyers that come in the mail..I looked at it and set it on the table and said out loud, “Man God if I could buy one I’d do it but for right now I’m good, but if you think I need a new one send me a sign.” The next morning my muffler falls. Coincidence? Then at the dealership, everything seemed to fall into place. I didn’t have to hardly speak and when a question came up, as I would start to ask, it was answered for me. My youngest son and oldest daughter were with me and they too sensed a supernatural force at work. I sat there and said, “ok God whatever happens is your will..not mine but yours”. And like I said I was an owner of a brand, spanking new vehicle! Through my troubles, I kept the faith, and let Him lead and He blessed me. When we got in to take it home I said, “thanks to—?” And we all chimed in and said, “THANK YOU JESUS!!!”

J.J Sylvester #fundie kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com

I went home and went to bed. That night the Lord visited me in a dream. I saw the spirit he was tall about 7 ft. skinny and resembled an very un-kept man. He used to try and follow me after I left his house. But somehow I’d escape him, I suppose it was because I was always praying on my way home. He turned up outside my house and I remember running in and looking out of my letter hole. There was a man by my gate attending to the rubbish. The spirit said to him, “Where is that boy? Where did he go?” I remember peeking out the letterbox and thinking ‘Don’t you tell him.’ but the man pointed at my house. Strange thing was, I noticed the spirit couldn’t get past the man, and he returned back to my friend’s house. That man was an angel that stood guard outside my home.

I must have woken up and went back to sleep as there was a second part to the dream. In the dream the Lord sent me a letter with instructions on it. I remember the letter, it was A4 paper, outlined and the words were in red ink. This was the first of many of those letters in my life.

On the paper it said to return to my friends and cast the demon out.
I STRONGLY don’t believe you have to know names of demons to cast them out, BUT I was told his name of which I have never repeated again, AND to cast him out in the name of Jesus.
I was terrified the next day when I woke up. I had never done anything like this before. I have to admit I felt a bit stupid also. My friend knows me from school before I gave my heart to the Lord, so all the worse thoughts of ridicule was swirling about in my head. I went to another friend’s house to speak to his mother about my dream (They are believers), and his mother said go and do what the Lord is saying and she prayed for me. This was after I had told my own mother. She was scared and said “Don’t get involved! Stay out of it.”

I went to my friend’s house and prayed for him later that day. As I stepped into his house that knowledge came back to me, it was the Lords will I believe, and I told my friend what it was. We giggled and sniggered after I told him my dream and what the Lord has commanded me to do. I said to him the Lord says he will set you free. After I pray for you the demon will leave and your body will be left to recover naturally, within two weeks you will be back outside. I also said the Lord said to tell you, if he helps you and you turn your back on him the spirit will return with more. And you will see that your situation will be worse than now. I asked him if he still wanted me to go ahead with this and he said yes, so I did. It was a normal prayer, the best a new-born Christian could do, lol. There was no shouting, laying on of hands, dancing or heavy poetry, just a few simple words from a shy 17-year-old. Within two weeks, he was back outside and fully recovered. That’s his words not mine.

Kingdom Daughter #fundie kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com

I want my son to be excited for the Word always. I want him to know it and sense how much God loves us. Now, my 10 year old has always been very spiritual and has always loved God but I want more for him and I don’t want him to let time go by like I did. He is the one who always reminds people when they’re wrong or he feels they do wrong, he says “You need Jesus” or “They need Jesus”. Some will laugh but he is completely serious and he will say, “you’re laughing now but when He comes you won’t be”. He is right!

Andi Garcia #fundie kingdomdaughterblog.wordpress.com

I asked my son, over the phone that night what happened and he said the following:
Mom, I was in bed and I heard a rustling in my closet and thought it was a mouse but the noise got bigger/louder and so I thought the dog (his friend where he was staying had a dog) had come in and got into the closet. I didn’t think anything of it. I then heard the closet door slowly opening and so I turned to look and I saw something roll out of the closet. I froze. I felt a tug on the blanket that was hanging off of the bed. I small head, soft ball sized, with red flaming hair had rolled up onto the bed somehow and found its way up to my chest and sat there and looked straight at me. MOM, it was the most ugliest thing you can imagine. I freaked out and ran out of there and tried to tell my friend what happened but knew he wouldn’t believe me. I had him drive me to Aunt Melissa’s house. Don’t ask me how I knew Geena (my oldest daughter, his older sister) was here, I just knew to come here and she would be here. Mom, please believe me, I’m not crazy. I’m not!
It took everything I had to not curl up into a ball and just cry for my kids. I was never a crier. I couldn’t be. I had to be strong for my kids. For if they saw me show weakness, their world would crumble. I couldn’t afford to have that happen. I asked him, I had to, if he had been drinking? Smoking? Etc. He said no mom. I drank Friday night after work. This was Sunday morning when this happened. I hated to have to ask, but I did. I told him he had to pray with his sister and I would pray from here. He was too frightened and upset to hear me. I spoke to my daughter and had her call their cousin to come for them and take them to my brother’s house. From 5am until 8am, I was in prayer. I prayed, pleaded, asked, you name it I did it. I asked God to please help them. To please give me answers I so desperately needed. I was exhausted. I had gotten the idea in my head to not attend church that day. I got a little whisper that told me I needed to go. I quickly got ready and headed out to the early service. I usually wait until noon service but I knew if I waited I’d fall asleep or be more exhausted.
God works in a way that we will never understand. That day, the sermon was on spiritual warfare and how the devil will attack, why, and what we need to do. It fit the bill. I felt better.