
Greg Quinlan #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

The homosexual push for 'equal' marriage," otherwise known as genderless marriage, can only lead to a ban on heterosexual rights. With a President in power who endorses gay causes and readily misuses executive orders, and emboldened by their numerous wins for gay rights at the legislative and judicial level, homosexuals have now moved beyond equal rights to the 'more equal than you' level. As a result, gay organizations are working to ban that practice they fear the most -- heterosexual behavior.

The culture war is not slowing down; it's just beginning to gain steam as gay organizations turn to anti-heterosexual legislation, mandatory public approval of sodomy, federal funding of gay youth activist organizations and homosexual initiatives, required government training against 'homophobia,' 'heterosexism,' and 'transphobia,' etc., etc. This is more than a culture war; it is a war for our very own freedoms -- a war for the character and future of our nation. Homofascism will soon be, if it is not already, the greatest threat to our individual liberties in this country. So-called equality marriage is just the beginning.

Peter LaBarbera #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

Under Obama’s Navy, lesbians get the first traditional kiss; the sailor comes off the boat greeted by his spouse which is a woman usually, man-woman, woman-man, but now under Obama this political correctness we’re going to pretend that homosexuality belongs in the military. And actually Obama posted the photo of these two women kissing on his Flickr page which to me is another first—a president posting an indecent photo on his Flickr page because homosexual sex and homosexual practice is still indecent. It doesn’t matter what the trends say what the political correctness says, it matters what the truth is, and we go by the word of God and that’s indecent behavior. And to see our president glorifying it and saying this is one of his greatest accomplishments is really a sad day.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

The City of Springfield Missouri has announced it’s intention to "consider"an ordinance to give homosexuals extraordinary new powers to silence and punish Christian landlords and businesses through civil rights lawsuits. Framed as an “anti-discrimination” measure it is in reality a “Gay Fascism” Bill that will make disapproval of homosexuality illegal in the City of Springfield and grant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders (GLBTs) legal standing to sue their opponents, primarily Christians. Starting in the 1980s in cities like San Francisco, homosexuals have forced many U.S. cities and numerous states to adopt similar “Gay Fascism” laws with disastrous effects on Christian landlords and businesses. Empowered by recent successes, they are now pushing into conservative cities.

Bryan Fischer #homophobia #racist joemygod.blogspot.com

This is black genocide. Let me put it bluntly. If you are for the legalization of homosexuality, you are for the acceptability of homosexuality, you are for the normalization of homosexuality, you do not care about black males. You have no compassion in your black heart for black males because they're being decimated by HIV/AIDS. So why am I opposed to the normalization of homosexual behavior? Because I love black males. I want black males to live long, prosperous, healthy, disease-free lives

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

Many pundits are weighing in on the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow open homosexuality into the organization. I, for one, am not surprised. It is not generally known, but the youth hiking and camping movement we know today in America as the Boy Scouts, has its roots in pederasty. Pederasty, also known as Man/Boy Sex, is the overlapping common core of the now open male homosexual and still hidden male pedophile communities. It involves primarily sexual relationships between adult men of any age and boys roughly from age 7 to 17. It is the most common form of homosexual relationship in history and the means by which a great many young men are recruited into a life-long homosexual identity.

Bill Peterson #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

According to Peterson, chair of the [Montana] House Judiciary Committee, there are at least two prosecutable offenses—felonies punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. One is the "recruitment" of non-gays. "Homosexuals can't go out into the heterosexual community and try to recruit people, or try to enlist them in homosexual acts," Peterson says. He provides an example: "'Here, young man, your hormones are raging. Let's go in this bedroom, and we'll engage in some homosexual acts. You'll find you like it.'"

Peterson hasn't actually seen this happen, he says, because "I don't associate with that group of people at all... I've associated with mainstream people all my life." The other offense, in Peterson's legal opinion, is the public display of homosexuality, since he believes the Supreme Court's decision only applies to private acts behind closed doors. Being gay in public, he says, is a wholly different matter: "In my mind, if they were engaging in acts in public that could be construed as homosexual, it would violate that statute. It has to be more than affection. It has to be overt homosexual acts of some kind or another... If kissing goes to that extent, yes. If it's more than that, yes."

The Brotherhood #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

The Nicaraguan pastors shielding Isabella Miller from her lesbian mom say they will gladly go to prison or be put to death before surrendering the child to authorities.

The Brotherhood says that they forgive their persecutors, but will stand firm in the defense of Isabella, now 10 years old, who “has become an innocent victim of an ungodly agenda.” “Her wellbeing has not been given much or any consideration. According to the Bible we believe that God has given Lisa sole responsibility to care and protect her own daughter since she has no known father. According to the Bible it is a war between good and evil, a battle between God and Satan. As congregations we stand united in this spiritual warfare against evil.”

The Brotherhood add that they are willing to suffer imprisonment or death in the cause of protecting Isabella. “The fact is that suddenly we find ourselves having to choose between obeying God and man made laws,” they write. “We have chosen to obey God. We are willing to give up our rights, go to jail, or even die, for the cause of helping anyone become free from a sinful life and helping that person to live in obedience to God’s Word.”

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia joemygod.blogspot.com

[Linda Harvey's letter to gay-friendly companies]

Dear [name of company]: I am writing to you as a [former or potential] customer, to tell you why I will not be doing business with you, purchasing your products or services, nor speaking well of you to my family and friends. You are highly-rated by the "Human Rights Campaign" as a company supportive of many aspects of the homosexual activist agenda.

I am hoping you have done this out of ignorance about the true nature of both homosexuality and the goals of aggressive homosexual advocacy, such as that promoted by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

In businesses that welcome homosexual and transgender people, workers who don't agree with these lifestyles often feel unwelcome and increasingly, encounter a hostile work environment. Some of these workers have been sued on trumped -up charges of "discrimination," just for politely expressing these values, even in their own private lives and on their own time!

In short, these are not my values. I think homosexual activism is doing harm to America. My values are to be kind to everyone, but not to condone or encourage immoral and high-risk lifestyles. By your company's support of homosexual behavior, which is changeable and unnecessary, you have insulted my family and my principles.

I do hope your executive decision-makers will at some point, see the truth and reject this conduct, but in the meantime, I am afraid we cannot patronize your business in any way, and for the present, I am going to recommend to family and friends that they also take their business elsewhere.

Robert Oscar Lopez #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

They’re after your kids, plain and simple; all their other issues are mere window dressing. They have convinced themselves that gays are a tribe unto themselves, so their consuming goal is to populate the tribe so they don’t disappear. Parenthood is their great white whale. They want to have children to love them and call them Mom and Dad. They need to get those children from you because biology prevents them from siring them naturally. Gentlemen readers, these folks are trying to find a way to get the sperm out of your testicles and into their laboratories; lady readers, these folks need to find a way to implant an embryo of their sperm in your womb, keep you obedient during the gestation, and take your baby away forever.

The main item on the gay lobby’s agenda is patently insane. People don’t generally want to let lesbians milk sperm out of their testicles. People don’t usually like the idea of gay men gestating babies in their wombs and then taking them away. (And no, 'visitation' plans where these gamete donors get to see their progeny a few times a month are not a good arrangement; that stuff’s really creepy.) [snip] According to some historians of the so-called killing fields, in the 1970s, the Khmer Rouge hunted down people with eyeglasses and killed them en masse. They did this ostensibly because they worried that people who were too intelligent might challenge the draconian policies of the government. Fortunately, the Human Rights Campaign has no killing fields, so I and my contact lenses are safe for now. God grant that the awakening of reason come earlier rather than later.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

Just because Secular Humanist America began to decriminalize sexual sins in civilian law starting in the early 1960s doesn’t mean criminal sanctions against homosexuality are “un-Christian.” Indeed, given the enormous damage to our culture from the so-called sexual revolution, it was obviously a big mistake for us to have done this. Knowing what we know now it is arguably more “un-Christian” to support the status quo than to support a return to the legal framework of the 1940s and 50s regarding sexual misbehavior.
There is one easy, guaranteed method of protecting oneself from ever being subject to the Anti-Homosexuality law in Uganda: Don’t Commit Sodomy! We all seem to forget, in the dense propaganda haze of American popular opinion, that homosexuality is defined by voluntary sexual acts. Homosexuals are no more compelled to commit sodomy with each other than a married man is compelled to cheat on his wife.

Since the alternative to passing this bill is to allow the continuing, rapid, foreigner-driven homosexualization of Ugandan culture, I am giving the revised Anti Homosexuality Bill my support.

Bryan Fischer #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

Will America’s young women be just a bit more likely to experiment with lesbianism now that JCPenney is mainstreaming it? Too any objective observer, the answer must be yes. Is this a good thing? To any objective observer, the answer must be no. Research has indicated that lesbians suffer from increased levels of depression, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, breast cancer and vaginal diseases compared to heterosexual women. Thus what JCPenney has done, by increasing, even if ever so slightly, the chances that young women will experiment with this behavior will turn out to be a tragic thing for some. JCPenney will have to share some culpability for that.

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

If the teacher lives a perverted lifestyle, what is vernacularly called a homosexual, one must be very careful when studying with such a person. Many times a father will want his son to learn to play the piano, or another instrument. Perhaps the only teacher available is an Arab, and the father hires him as a private tutor. But we suspect them of this kind of behavior and we cannot endanger our children in this manner. When we say that Jews are not suspected of this behavior, we are talking about the average person. But as soon as suspicions have cropped up regarding someone, we must be very careful. This applies to households, and even more so for principals, who cannot hire these people for teaching positions. This applies even if the person was not convicted of a crime and did not serve time in prison for these crimes. The fact that there are questions about his behavior is enough. There is no smoke without fire.

Pastor Phil Kayser #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

In a society that was being converted, homosexuals could continue to be converted as they were in the church of Corinth. Even after a society implemented Biblical law and made homosexuality a crime, there are many checks and balances that would be in place. The civil government could not round them up. Only those who were prosecuted by citizens could be punished, and the punishment could take a number of forms, including death. This would have a tendency of driving homosexuals back into their closets. I think I have demonstrated how even capital punishment can be restorative. Other aspects of penology such as restitution, indentured servitude, etc. are certainly restorative.

Illinois Family Institute #homophobia #wingnut joemygod.blogspot.com

[Illinois Family Institute encouraging parents to pull their children out of classes headed by gay or liberal teachers]

1-Parents can go to their middle school and/or high school websites and find out which teachers sponsor gay and straight alliances and liberal political activist groups (e.g. AWARE).

2- Parents can also ask what texts will be taught or used (e.g. The Chocolate War, Fat Kid Rules the World, Angels in America, The Laramie Project, or The People’s History of the United States) by a particular teacher. Parents should ask for the reading list for the entire year. Teachers who have a reasonable degree of respect for the values and beliefs of all parents will not have highly controversial texts on either required or recommended reading lists.

3- If parents have children who have already gone through the school or have already completed a year or more, they should ask those children and/or their friends or friends’ parents which teachers are known for bringing their politics into the classroom or who displays a “Safe Space” sticker, the inverted pink triangle, the rainbow flag, or the lower case Greek letter “lambda” on their desk, classroom door, or wall. Students usually know who the liberal, activist teachers are. Liberal teachers develop reputations, often as the “cool” teachers.

Matt Barber #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

We have arrived. Shame on you, America. Our children – our adults – are depraved. They are 'occupied' by envy. They attack innocent people, beating and killing them for sport. They murder one another in the streets without love or mercy. They disobey, gossip, slander and hate God. They are insolent, arrogant, boastful 'little monsters.' They invent ways of doing evil. Hannah Montana is what America once was. MTV Miley is America today. She 'evolved' because we 'evolved.' You saw it on display. It’s ugly. It’s Satanic.

Matt Barber #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[Matt Barber on how abortions caused the CO shooting]

In our perverse society, a woman exercising her 'right to choose' death for her innocent child represents 'courage,' while the Batman shooter’s 'choice' to kill innocent moviegoers represents cowardice. And it is. They are both acts of cowardice. The only relevant difference is the victims’ age. Let me be clear: Am I comparing this incredibly wicked, illegal mass murder at Aurora’s Century Theatre to the incredibly wicked, legal mass murder committed at Planned Parenthoods across the country each day? Absolutely – and you can quote me on it.

But again, like the Batman murders, our nation’s 55-plus million abortion murders post Roe v. Wade are not the cause of our culture of death; they are merely a symptom. Ultimately, the cause stems from something much less complicated. We as a nation – as a people – have turned our backs on God. We have rebelled against Him and have forgotten that it was He and He alone who gave us 200-plus years of prosperity, unprecedented in world history. We have left Him, so why are we surprised He’s leaving us? We have said, 'We don’t need you, leave us alone.' And so He has.

N.Y. Archbishop Timothy Dolan #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

(reacting to possible legalization of same-sex marriage in New York)

Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America – not in China or North Korea. In those countries, government presumes daily to “redefine” rights, relationships, values, and natural law. There, communiqués from the government can dictate the size of families, who lives and who dies, and what the very definition of "family" and "marriage" means. But, please, not here!

Our country’s founding principles speak of rights given by God, not invented by government, and certain noble values – life, home, family, marriage, children, faith – that are protected, not re-defined, by a state presuming omnipotence. Please, not here! We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought; we acknowledge that not every desire, urge, want, or chic cause is automatically a "right." And, what about other rights, like that of a child to be raised in a family with a mom and a dad?

Mat Staver #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[on the election results]

The event we have just witnessed was far more than a general election – it was a referendum on the soul of America. We grieve today like we have lost a friend or a close relative. Millions of Americans looked evil in the eye and adopted it. Some Christian observers called the Democratic Party platform for 2012 a 'Romans 1 Platform,' and they were right. Abortion, same-sex marriage, and immorality carried the day. The great values on which America was founded were set aside because of selfishness unbalanced by biblical truth and commitment to Jesus Christ. Race and ethnicity overrode values. The America we love is sick and needs renewal and healing. The world hated Jesus, and it is no surprise the world hates the followers of Christ.

Bryan Fischer #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Russia is not being homophobic, it’s homorealistic – the Russian government is trying to take the issue into consideration and establish public policy to contribute to public health, as this lifestyle is not be promoted, endorsed or granted special legal protection. Homosexual behavior is just as risky as drug abuse. I think the Russian government is right to be concerned with propaganda on teenagers who are at the age of struggling through sexual identity issue and we should help to channel these urges in productive behavior. Heterosexuality is God’s design.

Matt Barber #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

America has forsaken her first love. She has finally, and fully, given herself over to a licentious Lothario with whom she has increasingly flirted since her youth. He is sin – and, notwithstanding full knowledge of who he is and what he intends, with him she has lain. America has tasted the poisonous fruits of lust, pride, passion, and envy – sloth, frivolity, iniquity and entitlement. She has tasted of their sweet deception and found it irresistible. She has danced in the streets, intoxicated by the very poison that will be her undoing. America has rebelled against God. She has shaken her fist at Him and arrogantly cried, 'We don’t need you. We don’t want you. We know better than you. Now go away.' And so He’s going away. We have exalted a party that seeks to – and in many was ways has already done so – enshrine into law the celebration of sexual deviancy and mock marriage. The rain is descending. The floods have come and the winds beat down on our great nation.

Focus on the Family #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Today, in the state of Colorado, we are breathing smoke from a number of wildfires burning out of control. As of this morning, near Focus on the Family, it’s being reported that 15,000 acres have been consumed by fire and some 34,000 people evacuated by the Waldo Canyon fire. More to come, I’m sure. Wouldn’t we all agree that it’s better to prevent a forest fire, if and when possible, than treat the immense damage in its aftermath? These questions are similar to what the National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) is asking Congress and state legislatures about our nation’s approach toward pre-marital sex.

Certain questions arise: Why aren’t our schools, our states and our nation placing a clear and unquestionable priority on sexual risk avoidance (SRA)? Why are we intentionally spending billions of dollars handing kids matches (condoms), which result in careless (sexual) “fires” and treating victims who have been unnecessarily burned by sex (STDs, pregnancy)? Wouldn’t prevention be cheaper and healthier? “Safe” sex education – or promoting casual sex, while handing out condoms and birth control to kids – is analogous to passing out matches to kids in school, and telling them, “Be sure you play safely with these in the forest and, above all, have fun!”

Randall Hermann #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

ArsTechnica reports that "failed Christian shoe promoter" Randall Hermann yesterday released a video game titled Kill The Faggot. The game briefly appeared on the Greenlight section of the downloadable games site Steam before being yanked following complaints.

Before its removal from Greenlight, games critic Jim Sterling downloaded and tested the game, which launched via Herman's game shop moniker Skaldic Games. The resulting YouTube video revealed a crude game that has players aim a bullseye to shoot and kill people who say such things as, "Can I put my weiner in your butt?" and "Whoops, I just dropped the soap." (After playing a minute of the game, Sterling shouted, "Where is the fucking satire? What is it satirizing? Not really anything. It's just being 'the thing.'") The game makes very clear that its goal is to shoot and kill homosexuals (with liberal use of the pejorative F-word in the game's title, at that). Players get points for killing gay people—more points if the person killed is transgender—and they lose points for any straight people they kill. It's hard to make a judgment call about the "most" offensive thing in this game, but we were particularly disturbed to hear the game's announcer celebrate a kill by saying, "AIDS carrier eliminated."

In a statement posted to another gaming site, Hermann wrote: "These people that think if you are even remotely homophobic, you are 'hateful' and a 'bigot,' and do everything they can to destroy you in every vicious way possible. So I decided to go down a path that most developers are afraid to go down: to piss these people off by making the most overly offensive game possible to these idiots to prove a point."

Hermann appears in the promotional video for a "Christian skate shoe company" that failed to launch last year after its Kickstarter campaign was canceled. According to materials for the shoe company, the product was intended to "promote the words and teachings of Jesus Christ through quality footwear." Herman's Twitter page notes that he is a "composer, 3D artist, game programmer/designer, skateboarder, and follower of Jesus Christ." His IMDb page lists a number of video game credits.

The video game has attracted wide attention on Reddit and in the gaming community. The below review clip of Kill The Faggot has been viewed 118K times since yesterday.

Jeffrey Kuhner #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

The homosexual lobby wants to outlaw Christianity. This is the real meaning behind the uproar over Chick-fil-A. The chicken sandwich franchise has become a lightning rod for the culture war. Liberals despise it; conservatives back it. Supporters of gay marriage want to prevent the Atlanta-based chain from expanding, demanding new restaurant permits be denied. The left’s goal is to reduce Christians to permanent second-class citizens. Now they are coming for our freedom of speech. This is Christophobia — the dominant bigotry of our time. Christians unite, before it’s too late.

Brian Brown #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

They object to us using a photo of a crowd scene, which symbolizes the tens of thousands of New Hampshire voters who are part of our effort. They're upset that the photo was not taken at a NOM rally. Seriously?! NOM using a common use photo in the public domain is considered a great scandal, yet they can redefine marriage—the most important social institution of society against the wishes of New Hampshire voters—and nobody is supposed to object? It's as if the institution of marriage gets mugged, and they complain about speeding in the neighborhood when someone rushes it to the hospital!

David Barton #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

If you want education you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good scientist you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good musician—1962, ’63, the U.S. Supreme Court in three decisions said no more fear of God in education, we want education to be secular. All right, that’s a theological issue. How’s that working out? In 1962, ’63, America was number one in the world in literacy, we are now number sixty-five in the world in literacy. We don’t have the fear of the Lord, because guess what, we don’t have knowledge, it goes down.

Rick Santorum #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. [Sex] is supposed to be within marriage. It’s supposed to be for purposes that are yes, conjugal—but also procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. This is special and it needs to be seen as special.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Permit me to clarify the definition. Sodomy is one MAN inserting his genitals into the mouth or anus of ANOTHER MAN. Say it again. Say it out loud so your ears hear it. Picture it in your mind. Picture Barney Frank and Elton John in action. Barney Frank putting his genitals into Elton John’s. That is what they want to tell us is normal—no wait—tell our children is normal. Into that 'union' they are asking permission to place children. Would you let them put YOUR grandchild into a sodomy-based family? Why would you let them do it to someone else’s child? Have normal people lost their minds?

Linda Harvey #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

How corrupted do children have to get before adults will cry out and say: no more. I hear people saying, ‘well we don’t want to get into politics.’ Abolishing slavery, wasn’t that politics? Didn’t Christians like William Wilberforce rise up and fight in the political realm two centuries ago to do what was right? They were called extremists then too. But actually no, this is not only about politics. Homosexuality is ripping apart people’s lives and families. I can’t tell you how many sad tales I’ve heard from people who’ve seen the destructive effects of homosexual behavior in the life of a son, a daughter, a brother or a sister. The first battleground of ideas is one’s own mind. We need to equip our kids to stand firm in their convictions and know how to defend them.

Linda Harvey #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[on CA's ex-gay bill]

Similar bills may soon be introduced in New Jersey and a few other states. It’s the latest strategy of those who oppose biblical morality to portray high sexual standards as being mean and hateful. Good luck with that because most of America is starting to see how false and harmful the gay agenda is and it’s our youth who are particularly at risk. There are no words to describe how seriously evil this is. It can affect certain children in a make it or break it way.

Imagine you are the parent of a thirteen year old son who announces that he think he might be gay and wants to start daring other guys! You as a well-informed Christian know this is not the way he was born and that he could easily start down the road of spiritual, emotional and physical tragedy. But no counselor in California can now share this information with your son if they choose to follow this law.

Scott Lively #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

We need to stand firmly and unapologetically on the hard truth that homosexuality is not a benign, morally neutral social phenomenon. It is an insidious and contagious form of sexual perversion condemned by God as an abomination. I cringe even writing these words because I know the wrath I am inviting on myself. Still, someone needs to say this boldly and publicly because it is the truth, and only the truth can set us free of the political correctness that has imprisoned us until now. The homosexual agenda represents an existential threat to Christian civilization and we're in the final phase of the war, losing badly. It all hinges upon you, Christian reader. Either get into the game in earnest, immediately, or wave goodbye.

Frank Schubert #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

If you could go back to 1973, would you participate in a march to save society from the scourge of abortion? Would you go to Washington to show the Supreme Court that you are one of a multitude of people who are demanding that they not use our constitution to create a great moral and civic wrong? If we lose the Perry case, or the companion Windsor v United States case challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the damage to the country will be severe. Soon, people of faith who believe in marriage as God designed it will be targeted for punishment. Then the government will use all its power to indoctrinate children into accepting this new view of marriage as a genderless institution that exists for the pleasure and satisfaction of adults. Over time, marriage will lose its meaning, and society will lose the one institution we have that is designed to connect parents to children.

Trestin Meachem #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Let's be clear about something, my mission, my purpose in life is to stand against the homosexual movement. Not to persecute or hate gay individuals, but to stand against and defeat the homosexual movement. I will never stop, as long as I draw breath. I will stand against them when they attack the churches. I will stand against them when they attack individuals. I will stand against them in my old age. I will stand against them in sickness and health. They can kill my body, but my spirit will never submit to their tyranny. I will expose their hate and rage. I will expose their persecution of religion. And I will expose their hidden plans. This secret combination has made a powerful foe. This is only the beginning!

Wesley Scroggins #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

A public school board in Missouri has banned Kurt Vonnegut's classic novel Slaughterhouse Five because it "teaches ideas that are contrary to the Bible." This action came after a protracted complaint campaign by local university "professor" Wesley Scroggins.

Shortly before 9 p.m. Monday, the school board voted 4-0 -- three members were absent -- to keep Laurie Halse Anderson's "Speak," an award-winning book about date rape, and remove Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five" and Sarah Ockler's "Twenty Boy Summer." Wesley Scroggins, a Republic resident, challenged the use of the books and lesson plans in Republic schools, arguing they teach principles contrary to the Bible. "I congratulate them for doing what's right and removing the two books," said Scroggins, who didn't attend the board meeting. "It's unfortunate they chose to keep the other book."

Andrew Breitbart #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[On joining GOProud's board of directors.]

I am not endorsing gay marriage, I'm not endorsing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I will be the harshest critic of the activist gay left, who I fear more than al-Qaida. But for these people not to exist in a two-party system, for you to tell them they're not welcome in the big tent, I have a huge problem with that and I'm going to indulge in my all '80s Depeche Mode, Cure, New Order fetish and we're going to have a big 'ol gay party at CPAC.

Maggie Gallagher #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[on launching the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance]

The goal of the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is to create a supportive community for those who have been threatened for standing for marriage, to nip the climate of fear being created in the bud, to expose for fair-minded Americans on both sides of the debate the threats being made, to conduct high-quality qualitative and quantitative research documenting the extent of the harm, to develop legislative and community proposal to protect Americans right to engage in the core civil rights: to organize, to vote, to speak, to donate, and to write for marriage. Isolated and alone, we can be suppressed and intimidated. Together we are too many to be treated as second-class citizens.

Michael Brown #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Is the SPLC, by its own criteria, the real hate group? It still carries weight in plenty of circles here in America, and so when it categorizes an organization as a hate group, many people of good conscience are influenced by that designation, one which is quite stigmatizing and destructive, as evidenced by the recent events involving FOTF and AFA mentioned above. Yet it is the leaders of the SPLC who are either irresponsibly attacking other fine organizations, or worse still, knowingly defaming them. Who then deserves the title of 'hate group,' Focus on the Family or the Southern Poverty Law Center? Who has been guilty of demonizing others and spreading hurtful, inaccurate information? Whose actions and words have been hateful? The record speaks for itself.

David Barton #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

We've got to get to the point where tolerance is seen as a sin because we're tolerating a lot stuff that destroys our families, that destroys our own character and we can't tolerate that stuff. We have to get back to the point where hate is a virtue, at least certain kinds of hate. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil and we need to have a hatred of things and get off this fence of having no passion about anything. You know, 'I tolerate anything, I'm not going to have a passion good or bad, I'm not going to hate anything.' We just can't do that and we've got to get back to that same type of intolerance, that we're going to be intolerant of liberalism.

Scott Lively #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Uganda is being murdered. The nation once called 'The Pearl of Africa' by Winston Churchill, a lush and beautiful country as fertile as the Nile Delta. The murderers are the lavender Marxists, the now-global network of sexual revolutionaries bent on remaking the entire world in their own perverted image, whose juggernaut has toppled even once mighty Britain, crushing under their lavender boots after eight centuries the symbol of its Christian power: the Magna Charta, whose first principle had proclaimed 'The English church must be free!'

These revolutionists of Sodom, who march triumphantly through all the major cities of the western world to flaunt their defeat of moral law, and who hold both Hollywood and the heart of America’s president in their iron grip: These very same zealots have fixed their malevolent gaze on Christian Uganda.

Jacksonville anti-gay pastors #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[coalition of Jacksonville pastors campaigning against proposed LGBT non-discrimination ordinance]

We oppose this bill for multiple reasons. First, fundamental evangelical Christians with a biblical worldview agree homosexuality is an abominable sin according to Romans 1:22-32, and anyone supporting this bill may be in danger of having a "reprobate mind". Therefore we are refuting the small group of local pastors supporting this bill as they do not represent the majority of main stream Christianity. Second, we our calling on the city council to repent and reject this bill for these reasons. We reject the theory that this is an "anti discrimination bill" as the bill takes away the rights of the majority of our citizens and gives special rights and class to a small minority of people. We have spoken so politically correct we have desensitized a generation to homosexuality, it is not an alternative lifestyle, it is sodomy, perversion and sin. We know God will bless or curse this city according to our law and public policy as Proverbs 14:34 states "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

Frances Kelly #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Gender segregationists will be extremely disappointed when they finally realize how many wedges they created by advocating for separate marriage for genders. There's the wedge between evangelicals and the gay agenda. The wedge between Catholics and gender-segregated 'marriage.' The wedge between parents and homosexual propaganda in school. The wedge between businesses and their money when they are sued by monogender couples. The wedge between freedom of religion, and coercing people of faith to obey new gender-segregating marriage laws. The wedge between procreative biology, and the infertility of two 'married' men. Which came first, the pro-gender position or the wedge? For millennia, people have honored gender integration in marriage. Don't blame NOM. Gay rights activists are the ones pushing segregation. The biggest wedge of all is separating men and women in marriage.

Jim Garlow #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Everybody on both sides of this issue full well knows the implications, that these are two locomotives coming at each other and those two locomotives cannot exist on the same track on the same time, and one is the radical homosexual agenda and the other one is religious liberty. They cannot be in the same country at the same time. People at the upper levels on both sides full well know that, they are fully, clearly aware that religious liberties, the capacity to worship God as we do, will be shut down if the radical gay homosexual agenda actually succeeds. If I were Satan, this is key, if I were Satan, I would want to destroy the image of God on the planet. How do you do that? You’ve got to destroy the institution of marriage. If I were Satan I would want to destroy marriage on earth with divorce, I would want to destroy it with redefinition.

Pastor John McTernan #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Katrina was the greatest natural disaster ever to hit America. Now seven years later, to the day, another hurricane is heading towards this city. The fact the events are seven years apart is very significant as this number is biblically important. It is the number of completion: God created the universe in seven days. The church, city and nation have not repented and the homosexual agenda is far worse than it was in 2005.

New Orleans is still hosting Southern Decadence with open homosexuality manifesting in the streets of the city. It could be that God is putting an end to this city and its wickedness. The timing of Hurricane Isaac with Southern Decadence is a sign that God’s patience with America’s sin is coming to an end. Let’s all watch this very closely, because if New Orleans is destroyed, it is a sure sign that the final judgment for the national sin of America has arrived.

Scott Lively #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[Scott Lively on the Southern Poverty Law Center]

My prayer, as one who really does hate irrational prejudice, is that the Lord by His sovereign power will remove this dangerous, hate-spreading organization from our nation and cause its leaders and members to repent for their wickedness. I want to make clear that I am asking God himself to destroy their organization

Mike Heath #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

Overwhelmed, wearied and confused by years of attacks of all kinds a slim majority of Mainers grudgingly handed the sodomy movement the keys to Maine’s home. Tragically marriage, family, decency and common sense are all collapsing in the Pine Tree State. The truths of Genesis 19 and Romans 1 are becoming evident. I am encouraged by the efforts of Dave Smith and the Illinois Family Institute to avert this same disaster in the Midwest.

Fourteen states have fallen to the radical homosexual agenda. New Jersey is the latest state to pledge obeisance to this evil. And make no mistake, a society’s decision to turn it’s back on God’s definition of marriage can end only one way. Judgment and destruction. Now is the time for Christians everywhere to increase their commitment to groups like the Illinois Family Institute. No matter what happens this year with the marriage debate Christians must deepen their resolve to live as Christians in our modern world. We must choose to do this out of love for God and our fellow man.

Sexual sin is a destroyer. Jesus Christ is the creator. We are His creation, and we must defend and assert this proposition relentlessly in America. In God we Trust.

Pastor Kevin Swanson #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

When you have a state where the House leadership is performing a homosexual act on the front page of the Denver Post two months ago? Does God read the Denver Post? Do you think He picks up a copy of the Denver Post? He gets it. God gets the Denver Post. How are we going to repent of the sexual sin that is paraded in front of us in the wider culture? Why do we have to submit to theses sexual sins again and again? How many young boys are running out and doing the metrosexual thing with the skinny pants and the little fairy shoes? They’re working on the gender blender for themselves and they don’t want to look like a man and God is just so upset, He hates it when men are not manly in their approach.

Scott Lively #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

[Scott Lively on Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni]

The Museveni prayer is a model for all Christian leaders in the world. The leaders of the West have declined in proportion to their degree of rejection of God,” Lively said. Lively also believes Uganda will rise as a major African power as America continues to decline. He uses Britain as an example. “Britain was at its height as a world power when it honored God as the Ugandan president has just done. America’s greatness has similarly diminished as we have shifted from a Christian to a secular-humanist country. But watch now for Uganda to be blessed by God for their desire to be His,” Lively said. Lively added that Museveni is definitely drawing a contrast between Uganda and the West. “This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals,” Lively said. “On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve,” Lively said.

Larry Jacobs #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

The problem with the 'It Gets Better' campaign is that it, again, is special rights -- singling out a particular group that is no more harmed than any other groups, and really singling them out for special attention and special rights, special things that should also be shared with lots of other people that are being bullied. It really is, again, another example of money and resources being given to a special class, a group of people, and discriminating against many others who are being bullied.

Jeff Buchanan #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

The innocence of a child should not be required to wrestle with the complexities involving same-sex orientation. Nor should a parent be forced to educate their child on these issues before that child is mature enough to understand and cope with those complexities. Unfortunately, the current culture is going to force parents and church leaders to address the issues surrounding homosexuality and same-sex marriage with younger and younger kids. When Tommy comes home from preschool and asks, “Why does my friend Jennifer have two daddies?” we must be ready to provide sound answers grounded in compassion and truth. Theirs will be a generation that must face an assault upon their innocence unlike any generation before.