
Biff #fundie freeconservatives.com

[After explaining why a poster didn't capitalize the word "god"]

And you can only wish there is no God. You better start capitalizing it now since you will meet Him one day and He'll probably ask you why you didn't give Him even this smallest respect.

Lazarus #homophobia freeconservatives.com

Homosexuality is not an issue of genetics - It is a sexual deviency derived from a depraved mind... Its is no different than a pedophile, rapist, or necrophiliac... I have never seen a homosexual male or female who didnt have serious phychological problems... Go to any big city in this country and ask the local coroner, and he will tell you that the majority of suicides are committed by homosexuals...

Kathy30 #wingnut freeconservatives.com

The abortion industry hasn't been about choice for a long, long, LONG time. It is all about abortion all the time with every pregnancy.

I have seen women who grew up together, lifelong friends, become enemies over one's decision to have a baby. It's very personal to them. Having a child is a betrayal of the abortion principle. It's not about choice.

Lazarus #fundie #homophobia freeconservatives.com

God has clearly condemned homosexuality as a sexual perversion - its spelled out plainly in the scriptures...
There is nothing genetic or natural about it... It is a volitional choice made by the individual... All this talk of genetics is nothing but Satanic disinformation... Nothing about homosexuality is accpetable... If you accept homosexuality as a legitimate alternate lifestyle, then so also must you accept pedaphilia, necrophilia, and bestiality as legitimate alternatives...

Defining What Is Wrong With Politics

Because we can't make a strawman that is a better example than Doc

BarkleUSA #wingnut #conspiracy freeconservatives.com

[On the Egyptian uprising.]

I wish I could share your optimism. I wish I could imagine the Muslim Brotherhood singing "We are the world" along with Michael Obama and Willie Nelson and The Gores lending their spiritual support. I wish I could believe in young idealistic Egyptian students imagining secular,progressive freedom from religion, free speech on their twitter accounts, their right to bear arms, truth, justice, their Facebook right to assemble, and The Egyptian Way.

Unfortunately, I am too old to be that ignorant.

Wake up. Wake up you pompous ignorant ass! What we are witnessing IS the Coming Insurrection, The culmination of leftist, Marxist and Islamic Radicals to destroy Capitalism.

That you chose to view this in any other context is testiment to your utter ignorance of Obamas and the leftist blueprint for global transformation.

Wake up and smell the ashes of slaughtered Jews... or not. Your choice.

I have witnessed the last "democratic uprising" in Iran and now have little patience for ignoramuses.

Kathy29 #kinkshaming #homophobia freeconservatives.com

Polygamy, polyandry, beastiality and pedophilia are just on the horizon waiting for homosexuals to break this new ground. So is masochisiim, sadism, partner swapping, and just about anything else including sex with a snake if someone holds its head.

No one would claim that none of these things exist. They exist. Some are quite popular. Mere existence is not the issue. The issue is imposed and widespread societal acceptance of these practices. Children are the most malleable. That's why the homosexual lobby is forcing schools to incorporate homosexuality in every subject. "Bobby, Abraham Lincoln was gay. He was a good president. There's nothing wrong with being gay. You might like being gay yourself." In a few years it might be "Bobby, Abraham Lincoln liked being whipped with a strap. It made his pee pee feel good. You might like being whipped with a strap yourself."

TeenageRepublican #homophobia freeconservatives.com

Homosexuality is not natural. If it was, nature would have a purpose for it. So, I personally have come to believe that homosexuality is either one or both of two things:
1: A choice.
2: A sign of sexual abuse.
And by all means, if you want to make that choice, then don't let me stop you. No, I'm not saying all homosexuals are sexually abused. So don't throw kittens at me... yet...

Un Con Troll Able #homophobia freeconservatives.com

So heterosexual servicemembers should be forced to live with, dress and disrobe in front of, and shower with openly homosexual individuals?

How is that different from forcing heterosexual men and women to live in the same room, dress and undress in the same room, and shower in the same open bay showers?

Homosexuality is the product of a genetic defect or mental illness. The fact that homosexuals cannot procreate within their sexual identity makes it self-evident that it is not viable as a "lifestyle." It is a non-self-sustaining deviation.

As far as the individual who stated he would leave the service if "gays" are allowed to openly serve, I urge him to reconsider. I would advocate him joining what will undoubtedly be a very large sub-culture in the military (comprising both officers and enlisted) that will devote itself to thoroughly intimidating "open servers" to the point that they want nothing more than to permanently walk out the front gate and not look back.

The line has to be drawn somewhere.

The first time a couple of "open servers" walk into an NCO or Officers Club holding hands -- that club will become a "gay" bar.

Of course, you just write the names down of those who patronize the establishment. Then deal with them later.

Dr. Doom #fundie freeconservatives.com

Krauthammer has not spoken of the other option: Israel will exact final vengeance on the Palesterrorists. There is only one way to deal with them: bomb them into extinction. Annihilate the savages without mercy. And if the Arabs protest, email them photoshopped pics of their capitals with big, fast-growing mushrooms towering over the buildings.

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

For those towel-head countries, a fair warning: 'If you harbor those hell-bound bastards, envision your major cities turned into glass-lined craters. We're done with trying to reason and compromise. If you kiss al Qaeda's camel-humping asses, or support them in any way, you're dead men. You have one week to turn them over to us. After that, look for the US to plant a new crop in your countries: huge, fast-growing mushrooms.'

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

The reason the Obamination of Desolation won was that grossly uninformed (and misinformed) voters believed the lies and myths from the DNC's propaganda ministry, the media. The press is liplocked on the dick of the Magic Lawn Jockey.

Fact: the drive-by media are solely responsible for the Obammunist being the POTUS-elect.

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

And they propogate the multiculti bullscheiss. African-American, Asian-American, Latin-American, blah blah blah. Every one of those abominations says, "I'm this or that first, and American second."

IMNSHO, if you're so damned proud of your ethnicity that you consider yourself American as an afterthought, then drag your sorry foreign ass back to wherever the hell you claim to be from, because this is AMERICA, and in this country we are Americans FIRS

DoctorDoom #racist freeconservatives.com

Sounds like another one of Screwy Louie's NoI morons. Buy a clue, you ignorant bastard: without whitey, you'd be living in your beloved Africa, running around naked and engaging in endless tribal warfare.

Remember who has all the guns, you non-Cauc nutcase.

Lubbock #fundie #wingnut freeconservatives.com

the Left pray daily that we'll have another terrorist attack on this nation while GWB is in office. They kneel at the altar in their Godless Church of Liberalism and ask their Demon God for more spilled blood of innocents at the hands of Militant Islam.

omegatrump #fundie #homophobia freeconservatives.com

Homosexual behavior occurs and develops much the same as any other sin. Many Homosexuals are introduced to it as children through molestation etc. Recruitment into the practice plays a major role. The power of suggestion, (children set up to ridicule and teased plants the notion in their head). The Scripture teaches that there is Pleasure in Sin for a season. After that comes Judgment.

I personally believe that Homosexuality is a Spiritual condition. Demons are spirit beings, their job is to infect the thought processes in individuals and convince them to follow their lower nature, the sin nature. Heterosexuals, those who choose Homosexual, and those who are not sexual at all can be influenced into some form of besetting sin. Virtually everyone who is willing to "set aside the sin that doth so easily beset them" can repent. Salvation and 'deliverance' can be theirs through the provisions of Calvary.

BuckeyeMike #wingnut #racist #psycho freeconservatives.com

"I think it's time for someone to turn Mecca into a sand dune."

Hell, then our present alleged president and the rest of the Liberals in the U.S. would DEMAND that Ground Zero be the Muzzf**ker's new Mecca!

In fact, I'd bet that the alleged president, Congress and all the rest of the libs would demand that, since we'd be the guilty bastards that smoked Mecca....WE would have to pay to transport ALL the sand monkeys over here to the New Mecca for their anal....uhhh annual Hadj...or whatever the hell they call it!

Naturalized-Texan #wingnut freeconservatives.com

By definition, there has never been and never will be any possibility of right wing totalitarianism. By definition: totalitarianism = leftism; leftism = totalitarianism. For example, Communism, Nazism, and fascism are all leftist and are all totalitarians. Since modern American liberalism is closely related to Communism, Nazism, and fascism, it has strong totalitarian tendencies. In sharp contrast, the right is, by definition, anti-totalitarian.

Gonzo67 #transphobia freeconservatives.com

"Obama appoints transgender activist as advisor"

What was the purpose of informing everyone that this freak is a "trans-gender" appointee? Wasn't IT'S credentials enough to merit the appointment?

No, the REASON for pointing out the sexual preference was to throw it in the face of Americans. It was to say "Look, we know the majority of the population still thinks this to be wrong, and the majority of the population still does not agree or condone this type of "sexual deviation from the norm" so we're appointing this person just to FORCE you to accept it.

I can bet there are at least 10 other people, STRAIGHT PEOPLE, that worked in the same building as this fugly, porcine looking freak, yet none of them were likely even CONSIDERED because they don't run around in public screaming at the top of their lungs about their sexual deviations.

This isn't about not wanting this freak to have any job. This is about not wanting this freaks PRIVATE LIFE shoved down my fuking throat.

Or maybe, you're interested in knowing who I screw, when I screw them, and what kind of sick shit we do in private?

is that it? Is that what you liberals are after? If so, then why is it you only seem to be interested in the male pole smokers, the female carpet munchers, and every Tom, Dick and Harry freak with a sexual identity crisis? Something you liberals want to tell us?

If you don't want your private life ridiculed, KEEP IT FUKING PRIVATE ASSHOLES!

Faithful Servant #homophobia freeconservatives.com

In the real world homosexuals (especially males) are generally predatory perverts who wouldn't think twice about bedding a 14 yo boy. You want to think that "Will and Grace" is a realistic picture of homosexuality. You're wrong. It doesn't show the incredibly widespread depression, drug use, disease and utter depravity of teh homosexual fetish community. These are people who are deeply ashamed of thier fetish, but that have been pushed by certain radical elements to publicize thier perversion in order to be more widely accepted. This makes their perversion normal in their eyes and this makes it easier to find someone who will glove up and give 'em the 5-finger anal salute. It makes it easier for them to find willing BOYS to rape. I'll bet that you've never heard about the homosexual counseling clinic in Portland, OR that was shut down because the couselors there (male and female) were using it to hook up with newer and younger victims. It got hushed up by the media and the gov't in Portland because they got threatened with a discrimination lawsuit, so most people have never heard of this event. I can guarantee you, though, if it happened in Portland, it's happening elsewhere. This is just one more piece of evidence of how wrong homosexuality is. I can tell you from painful personal experience that homosexuals are truly screwed up people. Depression, drug use and suicide run rampant among homosexuals. No one talks too much about this small fact, but it's there none-the-less.

Native American #homophobia freeconservatives.com

[Reasoning out that Jacob Robida, responsible for the recent attacks in the gay bar, was in fact gay.]

No, of course not. After all, the only way a person can be identified as a homosexual is by their chosen behavior.

So we are limited to doing the following:

* noting that he frequented a homosexual bar - people who spend time in homosexual bars tend to be (you guessed it) homosexual

* noting that he had no known girlfriend - another clue

* noting that he committed multiple acts of violence - homosexuals are known to commit domestic violence at a somewhat higher rate than do normal, heterosexual couples, and homosexuals are also known to commit sexual molestation of children at higher rates than do heterosexuals

So yes, of course we have no way of knowing for certain that he was a homosexual. But it's the most intelligent guess we can make at this point until (if ever) we uncover some evidence to the contrary.

Naturalized-Texan #wingnut #dunning-kruger freeconservatives.com

AlGore got an Oscar for his Big Lie Propaganda film about global warming. If anyone was looking for proof that the claims of human-caused global warming are entirely political and have nothing to do with science, that Oscar certainly provides it.

If anyone would produce a documentary that told the truth about global warming - that it is the natural recovery from the 500-year Little Ice Age and is being caused by increased solar activity, i.e., a hotter sun - that documentary would never even be allowed to be shown in theaters, much less get an award.

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

[Replying to an atheist's words "I shouldn't have to make a religious affirmation I don't believe in. Since the government represents me as much as it represents a Christian, all points of view need to be accomodated by favoring none".]

As a patriotic, God-fearing American, I really don't care what you or any other atheist might be opposed to, nor what you believe. We've kissed the asses of the whining microminority of heathens for way too long.

You have every right to complain, and we in turn have every right to ignore you.

Lazarus #wingnut freeconservatives.com

To Leftists, peace is when all opposing political views are silenced permanently... The means justifies the ends... No action is a sin if it ultimately brings about the Communist agenda...

This "woman" (if indeed woman she is) is only showing her true colors to like members of her species... Such is the stuff that the Nobel Prizes are made of...

We are in fact in a monumental global struggle between those who would promote freedom and liberty, and those who would cage us and police our thoughts and our lives...

MrSanity #homophobia freeconservatives.com

I took my kids out for ice cream (and no, I wasn't harassed by the border patrol), and two lesbians were making out next to the front door of the establishment. I was disgusted, but didn't say anything about it. I'm kind of ashamed of myself for not saying anything to the restaurant owner. It was all for public show. "Deal with our lesbianism wherever you walk" type of thing.

I don't care what they do behind closed doors, assuming no children are involved. But it's my business when I can't leave the house or turn on the TV without seeing that garbage.

TeenageRepublican #wingnut freeconservatives.com

*Planned Parenthoood is using mother's day for fundraising*

This is why liberals are closer to the Nazi party than right-wingers are. They are trying to celebrate a second holocaust. I'm glad my state is having a ballot to decide if a "fetus" is a person (go to thread "Colorado May Ban Abortion" for the info) so that I know that there are some sane people out there. It took thousands of signatures to get it on the ballot.

Wyatt Junker #racist #transphobia freeconservatives.com

BorACK is an emasculated child. I've been thinking about it for awhile. What are the black Spock's vices? I think he is a symbiot. That is to say, he has no roots so he adopts them whenever he needs them, then pirates the uniform like a chameleon. I also think he's probably gay. Still in the closet though. He married a manly wife. Sure she gave birth... I think, but I think the Drudge story that has yet to be is that she really is a man, or a partial man. I think she has one of those hidden testicles caught somewhere between her taint and her giner, trapped up in the folds somewhere between the stinky poo maker and the shaved runny abscess. If you dare photoshop her hair onto her brother's head, they are identical people. BorACKACKACK wouldn't miss a beat if he had anal sex with him in drag because it would also be her. I think they are two of the same people, probably one person really who Hananah Montanas around part time.

Wyatt_Junker #fundie #senpai_noticed_us freeconservatives.com

[More Insane Ranting about FSTDT]

I guess after awhile - the mental indoctrination of atheism and all the circular blowjobs that come with it in a forum like FISTED that help reinforce their charade - you begin to lose track of language itself to accomodate newer, less refined definitions. Inaccurate, is kinder. Wrong definitions of words entirely is in fact what it is.

My point is that they just take their ideas for granted and don't examine them any longer. Redhunter actually thinks that religion should be proved. That God should serve man. That God should be put on trial. That God should be man's caddy.

Is it stupidity or the incremental layers of assumptions that cause this kind of ignorance? They just assume that proof is a part of religion and don't question it, and why would they? They OWN proof, right? Its theirs. Therefore, it must bleed into everything. Proof.

And yet faith is antithetical to proof and vice versa. Best not to let that get in the way of their agenda. Better to use words that have lost all meaning in order to retain their screeching-like-a-high-pitched-whine world view.

DoctorDoom #conspiracy #wingnut freeconservatives.com

Let's suppose that the Kenyan-born usiurper leaves office on 20 Jan 2013. A day later is is revealed that he is not a natural-born US citizen. Want a constitutional crisis? There's one that could destroy the country. The United States went for four years without a president. Absolutely nothing that he did as POTUS would be valid. No bill that he signed would be law. No EO that he issued would be valid. No treaty that he signed would be in effect. No expenditures that he authorized would be legal. There would be a four-year vacuum of power.

This isn't a fugging game. It's a critical issue that must be addressed ASAP. That c**ksucker could end it in a matter of minutes, but he absolutely refuses, and has spent millions to prevent the answer from being given.

America has a need to know, RIGHT NOW. We're paying that arrogant, lying son of a bitch, and he's flipping the bird at us. Answer the f**king question, Obasshole!

CONSERVATIVE HERO #racist #wingnut #homophobia freeconservatives.com

Two fags wearing rings is just another example of the "liberalism" that does not mind the genocide of millions of babies, of the borders being "open", of the monkey that is going to shit in the White House soon, of the weenie candy asses who are afraid of the Second Amendment, and of the cowardice in fighting terror. Those who support any type of liberalism support the whole.

Native American #homophobia freeconservatives.com

No human offspring has ever resulted from any homosexual behavior.

Thus those who engage in homosexual behavior, if they wish to perpetuate homosexual behavior among human society, must turn to indoctrination instead. As such, one technique of indoctrination they can employ is to deny children an environment of a father and a mother, and compel them instead to be raised in an environment of two practicing homosexuals, and to attempt to teach those children that such an environment is "normal" or "acceptable".

BuckeyeMike #wingnut freeconservatives.com

[When asked how many Muslims he knows]

What the HELL does this have to do with anything? Why do you libfuks always think that if one does not "personally know" (muslim, fag, commie, liberal{I'm being redundant}insert your choice here) or any other dregs of society, that we don't have the right, nor the ability to form an impression, or conception, or speak with any confidence about that muslim, fag, commie, etc.?

medved #fundie #magick freeconservatives.com

And so, the question for evolutionists: How do paranormal capabilities evolve?

For instance the little dog who knows precisely when his owner first starts to
come home (the featurette you see on German cable channel); how did the little dog evolve that capability?

DoctorDoom #fundie #senpai_noticed_us freeconservatives.com

[Regarding Members of Fstdt]

They're utterly incapable of doing anything creative, and they must therefore use what minimal brainpower they have to attempt to mock or discredit others. They're just Web vandals. They try to destroy what others do.

[Check out the thread for more bitchy remarks by the Free Campers]

Philly Rabbit #wingnut freeconservatives.com

*Obama Reverses Stem Cell Ban*

I'll see your late term abortions and raise you the killing of abortion survivers and the disabled. I wonder how the brave new world crowd will determine who's disabled enough to no longer be considered worthy of existance?

This stem cell research is a multi billion dollar industry in the private sector to begin with. This is totally unnecessary and it will be another drain on the federal treasury for years to come and it will produce absolutly nothing positive but will only be more experimentation by the Frankenstein crowd.

The abortion crowd cheers their approval today as this is hardly a surprise as Obama pays back the abortion gangsters who donated to his campaign.

BarkleUSA #fundie freeconservatives.com

[Replying to a thread concerning the summary dismissal of a lawsuit filed due to the "inability of Muslims to use a Quran for courtroom oaths"]

—the Quran teaches that honesty must be afforded other Muslims, but lies are fine for infidels (i.e. everyone else).

Therefore, for a Muslim to take an oath on a Quran would only serve to guarantee that what follows is a pack of lies.

The Bible, on the other hand, is the scripture of the one true God and His son Jesus Christ – which compels all to take the oath more seriously.

The Quran has no place in a courtroom - other then as evidence of terrorist indocrination.

BarkleUSA #fundie freeconservatives.com

Having spent several tours of duty on liberal forums (in the spirit of JFK’s mission to enlighten the underdeveloped, uneducated and stupid peoples of our planet) I have come away with valuable insight into how liberals actually “think” (here I use the term THINK liberally).

One point of contention was the term “elitist”. To a liberal the term elitist refers to one typically with an Ivy League education who by virtue of their command of a particular subject matter is especially qualified to set policy decisions that affect a “desirable outcome” to a “social challenge” for the “greater good” of the unwashed NASCAR masses.

I offered up my own definition of the term, which by the way, got me banned from three liberal forums all on the same day:

Elitist – A pretentious, quixotic, arrogant, overbearing, overreaching, self-appointed, self-righteous, self-important pin-head liberal sycophant partisan hack that believes they have been chosen judge, jury, enforcer and executioner to decide for the rest of us how to live, love, marry, think, learn, pray, worship, vote, speak, eat, smoke, drive, spend, conserve, work, play, hunt, procreate and die.

This of course did not go over very well with the libs who hold elitist in high esteem as the arbiters of social conscious and as crucial advisors on social policy.

I just wonder if my definition is incomplete??

DoctorDoom #fundie freeconservatives.com

That resonates with every Christian who grieves over the muzzie harassment, oppression, torture and murder of fellow Christians. To hell with the Koran/Quran/Qur'an — that's where it originated. And to hell with the barbarians who behave like stone-age savages at the behest of that vile book from the twisted mind of a demented pedophile.

<p>You want to see "mishandling" of your demonic book, muzzies? Give me a copy and watch in horror as I apply its pages to the only place where they are of some small value.

Timberwolf #fundie freeconservatives.com

['Some of you here believe that a global Flood did actually happen and that most modern geologic theories are wrong. So. I wonder. How is it that all (and I mean all) oil companies use geologists who accept and use current geologic theories about oil placement in the ground, how it was formed, where it might be located etc etc? Obviously, if the Earth isn't 4.55 billion years old and a global Flood created all the oil in the world in one fell swoop, then geologists wouldn't be having such success using 'false' theories...right?']

Where does oil come from if the Earth ISN’T billions of years old? Weeeellll, from the same source that y’all think it does—but then again, maybe not. Just because the thinking is flawed, doesn't negate the fact that the oil is indeed there.

You see, peat does NOT take 100s of thousands of years to form—the Mount St. Helen’s eruption showed us that. Peat (the base from which coal and oil form) forms in less than 10 years, therefore the time needed to develop coal, oil and natural gas does NOT take MILLIONS of years, but likely thousands.

But, yes the ever-infamous "but", fact is methane is not only the most abundant compound on Earth, but throughout the universe. It is then plausible that the intense heat and pressure close to the mantle of the Earth (where methane is quite abundant) is where the oil is formed and is "pushed" up to the surface as a result of its formation. This could also explain why our oil reserves haven’t "dried up" as was the dire warnings of 30 years ago.

Doctor Doom #fundie freeconservatives.com

Ice is less dense than water for a given volume because it expands as it solidifies. It is of course the only substance that does, and the only substance that needs to do so. What would happen to fish and other life in ponds and lakes if ice sunk as it solidified, thus causing them to freeze from the bottom up?

It's another example of an infinitely wise Creator/Designer planning for everything.

Lazarus #fundie freeconservatives.com

The maintenance of the earth is now, and has always been, in the hands of Jesus Christ - The second member of the Godhead... It is unmitigated arrogance to assume that the pathetic efforts of mankind could either destroy or preserve this planet or its environment...

Gonzo67 #psycho #fundie #dunning-kruger freeconservatives.com

I'm not a Military General. I don't HAVE to formulate a battle plan and a presidential policy to enact a "kill them all" method. I don't give a shit if it CAN or CANT be done. My BELIEF STAYS THE SAME. Kill them ALL. Every last one of them. Maybe each person in America can be responsible for killing 10 muslims. When you killed your 10, go have a seat in California and wait till everyone else finishes. Once everyone is in California, we'll look around. Any muslims left? Yep... Ok, Start round two.

I don't give a shit HOW, just do it.