
JimG #fundie forums.catholic.com

So what could we do to restore the dignity of marriage?

First, honor the commitment to fidelity and permanence. Make divorce difficult. Require grounds for divorce. Eliminate no-fault divorce. The very fact that it exists vitiates the marriage vows even as they are spoken. Assign and enforce alimony as liquidated damages when one abandons a lifetime commitment.

Make adultery a civil offense with civil penalties, as well as a ground for divorce and alimony.

Limit the availability of contraception. It is contraception, after all, that first broke the link between marriage and children, and ultimately led to children being treated as commodities.

That's a start.

melbourne_guy #fundie forums.catholic.com

In san fransisco theres a protestant church thats especially for gays. I saw it on a reality t.v show called 30 days , and a straight protestant was debating with the gay pastor. The straight guy was firing bible veres at her ,and her only defence was "jesus loves every body". The defence was pretty sad.

setter #fundie #homophobia forums.catholic.com

[When asked what the underlying psychological "disorder" behind homosexuality is, and not really answering the question at all:]

Man is a rational being meant to dominate and control his passions and appetites in accordance with what he was made to be in the image and likenes of his Creator.

Desire that contradicts natural and moral law = disordered desire = symptom of underlying psychic disturbance.

Homosexual desire = disordered desire = symptom of an underlying psychological disturbance.

Robert Sock #fundie #homophobia forums.catholic.com

I predict a much higher conversion rate to Christianity for homosexual Atheists than for hetrosexual Atheists, starting in the near furture. The reasoning is simple: Homosexual Atheist are going to become aware much more easily that their sexuality is based on evil spirits than will the heterosexuals. God love us all, but the Holy Spirit will lead repentant homosexuals to a much higher spirituality, analogous to the parable of the Prodigal Son.

People everywhere, especially conservative Christians, are experiencing a low morale these days, and all the more so if Clinton is elected president, but they forget that God can bring good out of evil. No matter who is elected, things are going to be just fine because we are one nation under God, and He has not abandoned us.


reggieM #fundie forums.catholic.com

In raising the dead, Jesus proved that evolution is not responsible for all of life on earth. This refutes Darwinian theory. I don't know how Catholics can give such unqualified support for evolution, myself.

estesbob #homophobia forums.catholic.com

In addition we have twisted the meaning of pedophilia in an attempt to hide the overwhelmingly homosexual component of abuse. Homosexual rape , statutory or not , of post-pubescent boys is passed off as pedophilia rather than the homosexual action it really is . As an example the media continually talks about pedophilia priests when in reality there was very little pediophilia involved and very little abuse of girls involved

phil19034 #fundie forums.catholic.com

It's Divine Law.

Masturbation is an unchaste behavior. Masturbation is the "gateway sin" to other sexual sins.

If we learn chastity, etc., then boys will not do this. The only reason why boys do it is because they hear others talk about. So they get curious and try.... But like drugs, masturbation is addictive. Also, as boys grow, masturbation leads to an objectification of women. Masturbation also (unlike popular myth) typically does not make a man a better lover, but rather a more selfish lover.

Finally, masturbation separates the love of another person from the congeal act, meaning it makes it more difficult to "make love" when married.

As someone who used to be addicted to this sin (and still sometimes suffers from withdrawal) masturbation is very dangerous as you grow. It also leads to porn addiction, etc. which is usually very bad for a marriage.

My suggestion: whenever you feel the urge to masturbate, start praying multiple "Hail Marys" until the urge goes away.

I pray this helps.

God bless and Happy Easter!

Qoeleth #homophobia #sexist forums.catholic.com

I suggest that the recent rise of homosexuality is a reaction made by a patriarchical culture to the movement to give women equal rights. Homosexuals are trying to derive women even of the status in human relationships.

A homosexual is effectively saying "I can go ahead and have a sexual relationship without including women, without having the consent of a woman." Homosexuality seems to be all about reducing the power and status of women- of making them unnecessary. I think, in spirit and effect, it is almost akin to rape.

adrift #fundie #homophobia forums.catholic.com

I have never heard of a person who was "proud" to have an illness. A pedophile who remains chaste is the same as a homosexual who remains chaste there is no sin. It is when they engage in sex that it becomes sin and there is not a bit of difference between them. When you state that it is not a sin to be a homosexual that does not engage in it you are correct but that is equally true of a pedophile. It makes no difference who is hurt. I would postulate that there is no such thing as a sin not being harmful. Homosexual acts hurt the people involved. Look what it has done to our country. There is movement similar to the beginning of homosexuals to make pedophilia acceptable. I disagree strongly that it hurts no one. Do you believe committing a mortal sin doesn't hurt you?

Bennie P #homophobia forums.catholic.com

In reality there is no such thing as 'homosexuals' there are homosexualist - that is persons who performs homosexual acts.
We are all born hetersexuals, but a misguided few will participate in homosexual acts which would would then make them homosexualist.
Though someone may have had in the past Committed homosexul acts, but has repented and living a chaste life according to his/her vocation in life, well that person should not be considered a homosexualist anymore, unless they still actively commit homosexual acts. Homosexual is not a noun but an adjective.

Buck Crosswhite #homophobia forums.catholic.com

The only reason I can think of for homosexuals to adopt children is because they want to have sex with them.

Before everyone gets all nuts on me look at the first man to adopt children in Florida. Then he went to jail for molesting them.

Besides that homosexuality is an abberation and children shouldn't be turned over to abberrant people to rear.

PetersKeys #fundie #sexist forums.catholic.com

[Army promotes first woman to four-star general]

I find this saddening. Women have been masculinated enough these days because of things like feminism and modernism. By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands or others. These types of jobs go against everything in a womans God given maternal instinct and nature and suppresses them unnaturally.

Teek #fundie forums.catholic.com

My daughter is a sophomore in high school. She attends a local public high school. (No Catholic High School in area.)

Her literature teacher assigned a book that has a lot of objectionable content. I saw it when she was doing homework and idly picked it up so I’d have something to do while she was finishing up a math problem, and flipped it open and that was the beginning.

“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote. It has some graphic violence. It also has prostitution, sodomy, rape, gang rape by “queens” on a 16 year old boy, children watching their mom have sex with random men, child molestation, and so on.

I sent an email to the teacher objecting to the content and asking to meet.
She is allowing my daughter to use a different book. We have not yet met-we will this week.

I asked my daughter about the class, and she started crying. The book before this was “The Highest Tide” by Jim Lynch. In it, a boy is obsessed with his adult babysitter’s female anatomy, describes it often, and “has his way with the sheets” when thinking about her. It also discusses graphic terms for sexual pleasure and where it is located in women, and uses excessive profanity.

My daughter said she can’t get it out of her head, she feels dirty and she is ashamed because it made her curious and she has been wanting to find more stuff like it, but she hasn’t, but she is so ashamed.

I am livid.

She wrote about her disgust with the objectification of women in the first book. Her teacher said “Boys will be boys.” I know that isn’t much, but it was an adult woman talking about masturbation to my daughter without my consent.

I think by secular standards the stuff was mild. By my standards, it was deplorable. I need help navigating with my ideological point of view in this sea of filth. On line it appears that these books are not common, but also not rare, in the high school setting. Therefor this isn’t a case of a piece of literature that will unanimously be understood as inappropriate.

I plan to meet with the principal and the teacher as soon as I have my case together. I have typed up the objectionable passages—eight pages, 31 seperate passages from just one of the books! I am going to ask the teacher to read a few out loud to us in the meeting. The language is prohibited by the school handbook. I don’t know why they think out loud and written would be different.

Fr. Vincent Serpa #fundie forums.catholic.com

[Why is non-religious "gay marriage" not ok?]

The union of two members of the same sex is simply not marriage. To say that it is, leaves the union that marriage has always been without a word to identify it.

If we begin to assign the word “cat” to dogs, we are left without a word to describe that small feline that people have for pets.

Further, changing the name of a thing does not change the nature of what that thing is. A rose by any other name is still a rose. The relationship of two people of the same sex will always be that—regardless of what one calls it. It will never ever be the union of two persons whose individual sexualities complement and complete each other in every way. Only marriage is that. We are talking honesty here. To say that two different things are the same is simply not the truth!

ChuckMonk #fundie forums.catholic.com

But once the news hit and thoae groups were forced to report on it, those women suddenly felt in the clear. Which means they think those groups are enough now.

What is really happening is that the report hit and those groups reluctantly cut Weinstein loose, and once he lost his protection, now it was safe to come out and accuse him— More than safe, now you get hero-points and sympathy for just making the accusation, proof no longer required. But before the NYT report hit, these allegations were apparently well-known and widespread. Until the media gave the go-ahead, his victims obviously felt like they had no back-up, but once the media gave the go-ahead, they feel no fear at all.

I believe Weinstein is probably a pervert, but I’m disposed to believe that. I think all of these Hollywood progressives and liberal men are perverts. I don’t know why the NYT decided to take down him in particular, but dollars to dimes says there are more of his type still out there but since they aren’t being cut loose yet, there’s no accusations being put forward. Which means these women do trust the media’s power to protect them and their careers— But they don’t trust the media to actually do so.

Qoeleth #fundie forums.catholic.com

It seems to me that atheism is, if properly considered, treason.

In countries with the Queen as Head of State, she is held to be ‘Queen by the Grace of God’. In the USA, the Pledge of Allegiance involves expressing belief in ‘one nation united under God.’ It seems that by believing the God does not exist, a rejection of the notion of the Sovereign Divine Right of the Crown is negated, as well as the notion of a ‘nation united under God.’ Therefore, it seems that atheists are guilty, ipso facto, of treason, at least in the USA and Commonwealth countries.

iceman #fundie forums.catholic.com

[Why are people still afraid of teaching about homosexuality as if it's something that can be taught or caught?]

That is precisely the point. It is something that can be taught, promoted or "caught" - not like a virus but like a bad habit especially to vulnerable youth with emotional insecurities. It is a deviant unhealthy behavior reflecting severe emotional retardation. Why on earth should any reasonable person accept the teaching and promotion of such dysfuntional behavior expecially in a school setting?

Any belief by the under thirty crowd that homosexuality is simply an alternative lifestyle choice is a perfect example of the affect of indoctrination in school and the media intended to promote this societal blight. Don't be naive and believe that abnormal, unhealthy and even destructive behavior cannot be taught to people who otherwise would not be inclined to behave in this manner. Terrorist suicide bombers are another perfect example of such an affect.

ExGratia #fundie forums.catholic.com

(On whether or not it is a sin to perform an abortion to save a mothers life)

One thing we need to keep in mind is that doctors are not gods. There have been cases of doctors telling a woman "one more pregnancy will kill you", the woman ignoring the admonition, and going on to deliver a baby and live. Only God knows the hour and moment a person will die. Not only do miracles occur, but also fallible men make mistakes.

I remember a thread in which a woman vehemently defended her mother (to the point of calling her a saint) who had aborted the poster's older brother or sister because a doctor said she would certainly die if she didn't. Her mother may or may not be a saint now due to repentance, but the effects of her error have had lasting effects on those around her; for one, her daughter's conscience is not properly formed due in part to this action.

This isn't a matter of putting the life of a baby over that of his mother. This is a matter of putting our faith in the medical machine rather than in God. And only God can save your immortal soul, which is ultimately what matters.

Zealous Zeth #fundie forums.catholic.com

If his holiness would like to crusade the middle east, he would first need to wage war against liberalism, as the cursed EU wouldn't support a new crusade. We would need to reinvent feudalism and righteous monarchies. The holy inquisition would need to be reestablished.

Elizium23 #fundie forums.catholic.com

(The green part is a quote from elsewhere, included in Elizium23's post.)
2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved."
To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability.

The case against masturbation is not solely based on Onan's sin. It is, of course, a strong argument for its Scriptural basis, but the primary principle here is stated in the Catechism. "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." This is a consistent and logical application of Divine Law to human sexuality. From this principle we also condemn sodomy, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, pedophilia, sexual fetishes, BDSM, and the like.

Openmind77 #fundie forums.catholic.com

[a "Hindu" arguing with a Baha'i]

The other reason why you and your fellow Bahais should calm down (so to speak) is that the real Christ will be appearing pretty soon (maybe in a couple of years). This will be a great shock to you and your belief system. There is nothing wrong with your religion (I think it is just great and wonderful), but do not keep these wild expectations that your leader is the Avatar for everyone - I am afraid you will be soon very, very disappointed.

[Baha'is comment: That's very interesting my friend. What is the source for your inference that the real Christ will be upon us very soon?

Do you have any information on how we, too, can attain to your knowledge?

Also, I would not hold your breath about the Bahai population being 7 million, I think the next set of figures may well shock you.]

There is not just one single source that says that the Return of the Christ will occur soon - it is multiple and many sources (even Billy Graham - who I don't think that much of - said so just last month).

Dicerning #fundie forums.catholic.com

[This is a Roman Catholic Board]

A woman cannot becoem a priest in a similar manner that a man cannot become pregnant. A woman attempting to become a priest would be an attempt at a homosexual marriage.

Priests are married to the Bride of Christ...not the groom of Christ.

A priest stands in Persona Christi. Similarly it would be like a woman playing the role of Clark Kent in the Superman (woman) movie.

KathleenGee #fundie forums.catholic.com

I some how agree with P Benedict and the late Cardinal Francis George....that after secularism has destroyed society, the Church, as it has done in the past, will rebuild society and the family.

For now, we devout Catholics are a small minority in my part of the country. But we are strong and vibrant and provide many gifts of presence, giving, and culture to the secular community.

KathyA #fundie forums.catholic.com

(On why one-piece swimsuits are appropriate but a two-piece is not)

I heard Jason Evert speak once and he explained that the belly button is the "window to the womb", a most sacred part of a woman's body, and therefore should be protected. He also drew an analogy between the "veil" that protects the Body of Christ in the tabernacle and clothing as a veil for the belly button.

bogeyjlg #fundie forums.catholic.com

In rape, the victim is lowered to that of a mere object to be used to achieve the rapists own ends. That use of someone as an object is pure hatred.

When one masterbates, they are most often using an image of another to satisfy their own sexual desires. In the same token, they are using the other to achieve their own ends. That is still hatred.

Thus I see no difference.

Flambeau,Fr. Vincent Serpa. #fundie forums.catholic.com

I feel like God wants us to have a big loving family, and my wife and I feel called to have many more children, so naturally we turned to adoption. Unfortunately, many of the Houston area Christian adoption agencies aren't accepting any new parents, or aren't having informationals( the first step) for a year or so. There is one great agency, who claims to be Christian, but they allow same sex couples and single parents to adopt children. They are able to get us started immediately, but I have been postponing as I think giving a child to a same-sex couple is morally evil, and the Adoption agency is the prime agent of the moral evil. Would I be materially cooperating with evil by adopting a child from here?

No! On the contrary; you would be rescuing a child who would otherwise be denied a family life with both a mother and a father. Get to it!

otjm #fundie forums.catholic.com

Not to make too fine a point of it, but Hitler killed about 10 million. In the United States alone, we have killed something like 54 or 55 million killed through abortion, and that is just in the U.S. Include all the other countries which promote and approve abortion, and the number is incredible.

Pretty much makes ISIS the "junior varsity" team our President declared them to be; they are just more efficient in using graphic imagery

lutheran farmer #fundie forums.catholic.com

I lived what I thought was a moral life before I was baptized Christian. I thought I was doing a pretty good job.

Once I actually studied Catholicism and understood God's law, I found that my morals were based only on society's morals and therefore, were subject to change. I was fortunate to be born and raised in a country whose morals are loosely based on God's law. However, they are not the same as God's law, but merely based on what we humans tolerate from one another. I would call it morality based on non-interference with others, rather than based on some deeper philosophy. Injury or death to those that do not have a voice to object, is morally acceptable in a society that bases it's morals on the lack of interference with others. I accepted the laws of my country as morals simply because they were the laws.

I didn't question or ponder much until I took a philosophy class which challenged me to work morality out for myself. Only then did I see the terrible shortcomings of laws based on non-interference with others. We are all connected in both sin and happiness. The closer I moved towards following God's laws, rather than society's, the happier and more fulfilled I became. The difference is like the darkness versus the light. It is our soul that longs for God's law. Once you become aware of the needs of your soul and it's natural longing for God, you can't be happy without Him. The happiness you thought you had pales in comparison

freesoulhope #fundie forums.catholic.com

[How can people possibly think that 1500 years of Christian teachings can be wrong, and what's currently taught in the non-Catholic world is right?]

Maybe there scared of being wrong? Maybe the truth hurts to much!! Some people cannot deal with it on a mental level, they are happy to be in denial. In other words, for some people, it doesn’t matter. Some people think that they are the centre of all truth and that they cannot be wrong, they believe that they are infallible. Some people are paranoid, and think that God will punish them for being Catholic. Some people are sadly brainwashed, and are unable to make reasonable choices for themselves, and they are lead by other peoples logic with out question, and feel guilty if they oppose their teachers. Some people are just spiritual slaves, or feel that it is enough just to believe, and that religion doesn’t really matter, so-long as the church is nice. For some its just pride, pure and simple.

Deacon Jeff #fundie forums.catholic.com

Default Re: Are furries so bad?
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it must be a . . .

I live in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh hosts the annual "Anthrocon". I can tell you first hand, it is disgusting and it IS all about the sex. This from an "entertainment worker":

"My city Pittsburgh has hosted the Anthrocon conventions for the past nine years due to the big profits for the city itself, and this year the furry fan-dom group has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Pittsburgh Aviary.

Wonderful, BUT I ask myself...is Pittsburgh being duped into believing this group is something other than what it is?

Having worked in the adult industry for decades, and having owned adult websites back in the mid-nineties, I'm fairly well-versed on adult fetish categories.

I'm not going to bore you with descriptions or lengthy explanations, you can Google it and find all the information on the subject matter yourself, but I will get straight to the point with this:

Gross link removedAn adult X-rated video of a plush furry fetish sexual deviant in action. (Warning! Obscenity. This is a simulation of bestiality.)

My professional opinion is that Anthrocon is a CON, and this is not just simply a group of thousands of grown adults who love furry animals----think about that for a minute!

My concern is for the children, and that's why I am writing this piece. I stumbled on a chat forum where a parent was inquiring whether it was safe for their 14-year-old son to participate in the furry culture.

When you read some of the answers that are given, it will send chills down your spine----most notably the answer about how only a very SMALL percentage of them are into bestiality.

Even more disturbing to me as a parent is that our local news media personalities have not taken the time to investigate this for what it really is, and thus, when the Anthrocon convention rolls into Pittsburgh, they giggle and promote it as a children's fantasy.

"There is no city that welcomes us in the way Pittsburgh does," said Samuel "Uncle Kage" Conway, chairman and CEO of Anthrocon told the local newspaper. "People here have embraced walking foxes as part of the scene."

This sense of acceptance is important for attendees, who come to Anthrocon to join a community of like-minded anthropomorphics devotees hailing from 25 countries and every state except North Dakota, Mr. Conway said. More than 1,100 attendees dressed in full-body fursuits will walk in a parade Saturday afternoon inside the convention center.

Take my word for it; it is not in any way, shape or form a child's play fantasy game.

It is an x-rated adult fetish group with a fur fetish, similar to diaper, rubber, and other strange materials and objects used as sexual stimulation fetish tools."
Link not give due to improper links within article. Go ahead and google it if you care.

Those who "believe" (probably sincerely) that this is a only a small part of the culture are naïve.

Deacon Jeff

Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum

saxum #fundie forums.catholic.com

You’ve described England. Multiculturalism and political correctness has destroyed us. The Land of Hope and Glory is dead and gone. We won’t produce anymore Winston Churchill’s or Isaac Newtons. The most popular name is now Muhammad. Get ready America. It’s gonna happen to you.

mikekle #fundie forums.catholic.com

Oh, I would say hate is very much involved in abortion, in order to work at one of these places, or have any kind of involvement requires some level of hate within the person.

I would say if the doctors, nurses, staff, etc were truthful, they are most likely very unhappy, hateful people, but they have learned how to put on a good poker face.

WordFuzion #fundie forums.catholic.com

Actually, I know in my heart and soul God was in the works on 9/11. If you start reading the stories of the people who were supposed to be at the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks, you will find an odd phenomena. Hundreds of people were late, got held up in traffic, took the wrong train, etc. that prevented them from being to work on time.

I do not believe for a minute that God would pour out his wrath on this country. Remember, he was willing to spare Sodomm and Gomorah if he could find but ten innocents. And also, if he was going to do that, then why send Jesus? He gave us the free will to make the choice. Some people will abuse it. But I don't think he's going to punish the innocent with the gulity.

Also, I'm sure there were many people who came to faith that day either before their deaths or people who were affected by the attacks indirectly. I have no doubt that God heard EVERY SINGLE prayer that day, from the WTC, from flight 93, and from me and my Mother in Michigan, praying in front of the TV and crying.

It was very hard for me for years to see the pictures of the people who were falling from the WTC. One in particular haunted me up until this year. Then I realized that this poor man's body was hurtling towards the ground, but his soul was safe in God's arms. His arms were full that day, but His love saved the most important part of these people - their souls.

I hope that makes sense. I've read alot about 9/11, because it was really upsetting for me and if something scares me then I start to study it until I understand it and then I'm not afraid anymore.

Humanum Genus #fundie forums.catholic.com

[On Fred Phelps, the famous anti-homosexual activist who protests at funerals]

He doesn't label himself democrat, he VOTES democrat, he DONATES to democrats, he even participates in democrat funding events.

He is not a Christian conservative, he is a homophile coddling liberal democrat pretending to be a Christian conservative.

Dinah_Rose #fundie forums.catholic.com

I was browsing in the library the other day and found a number of books that were morally problematic for one reason or another. Some were anti-Catholic, others were anti-religion, others glorified immorality. You get the idea.

While I could not afford to do so for every bad book I came across, I was wondering if I could check out a particularly bad book and "lose" it. I would pay for the loss, the library would be compensated, and the book would no longer be available. Is this stealing? Or, if it is, can I just keep re-checking the book out on a regular basis so it is not available to others?

Pimpsta #fundie forums.catholic.com

Every week I go to Confession thinking that I have committed mortal sin because I will see a bare-chested woman on an uncensored music video or on reality shows like "Girls of the playboy mansion" or the plastic surgery show "Dr. 90210" or when watching a love scene in a no-under-16 movie or even a national geographic program about an African tribe where the women don't cover themselves. Television and magazines shove nudity in our faces and it just seems impossible to escape it. I feel completely guilty and think I am going to hell after seeing nudity even if it is unintentional. I hate going to Confession each week confessing "seeing impure images", the priest is starting to get the impression that I'm a porn-addict when that's not true at all. Please tell me - Is it a sin to see nudity? Grave or venial? If some of it is not, how do I judge between what is sinful and what is not so I don't accidentally profane the Eucharist when receiving it.

Lisa_N #fundie forums.catholic.com

You cannot do a grave wrong in hopes of making something right. Even if the mother was risking her life by continuing the pregnancy, the reality is that there was not 100% risk of death for the mother but the abortion was a 100% risk of death for the baby.

If this is a real scenario then of course the children are angry. I used to date a boy whose mom died in childbirth. She'd had six kids and there was no reason to believe she would die giving birth to the seventh. THe kids were STILL resentful of their little sister and they were in their late teens. Frankly kids are mad at their parents who die even if it's in something besides childbirth. It's the result of immaturity and fear of abandonment.

I still don't see how you could justify the abortion so maybe you can present the argument more clearly. A couple of angry kids is hardly a reason to kill someone
Lisa N

westNwewaxation #fundie forums.catholic.com

Yes, the first thing is to "love God with all your heart and soul", then the rest follows.

Also I just want to say that I have actually been in reparative therapy. They do not "zap you" that is kind of a reference to early attempts at therapy done I don't even know how long ago. The therapy now has evolved and (if it is not outlawed) will continue to evolve, to build upon the desire to turn toward whatever heterosexual functionality a person has (most even gay men have some) and learn creative and even pleasant ways of turning away from same-sex fantasies, and making that turning away from evil a sort of routine habit that becomes "second nature". I have heard the analogy of ruts in a dirt road applied.

The more you drive through the rut with porn or even homosexual fantasy that you voluntarily stick with and daydream about, the deeper the rut gets. But if you learn to turn away from that "rut" and stay out of it as much as possible, God can and will fill in those ruts to some extent. It is different for everyone. Some have a sort of bisexuality, others have deep-seated homosexuality to the point where they are repulsed by heterosexuality. But avoiding inappropriate sexual thoughts and filling our minds with scripture and other good thoughts is key.

Lastly I just want to say that despite all God did for them, some of the Israelites ACTUALLY DID want to return to Egypt! It's a great lesson for us.

Other Eric #fundie forums.catholic.com

(Other Eric shows just why he's trying to make a career out of law)

If you do not have the good sense to keep yourself free from associations with dangerous men, why should you expect that our government will respect your bodily integrity? The key issue here is the human dignity of the American people. If, by strapping a man to a board and turning his flesh into an instrument of pain or his every waking moment into sheer horror, we protect the American people, then we have preserved human dignity, not contradicted it.

East and West #fundie forums.catholic.com

[In response to a post arguing for the rationality of atheism]

I would have to disagree with almost everything you have said. First, the Atheist position is self refuting because it has to assume that the universe comes from nothing. This is contrary to reason. It cannot be self existant because the universe passes through time or is in time. This being the case, if the universe (or multiverse) always existed, it would have to pass through an infinite number of "days" to reach this point in time. But you cannot pass through an infinite number of days. No, nature has to have a begining and cannot come from either itself or nothing.
Second, Atheism is not the simpler position. To actually believe that self aware beings came from billions of completely random processes is less simple than the idea that an intelligent being has order the universe and brought self aware beings into existence.
Third, I believe that Atheism creates many more objections than the theistic poistion. I await your response.

WonderAndAwe #fundie forums.catholic.com

LGBT Propagandist: "Hey Jimmy, I hear you like boys."

Jimmy: "Yeah, but I really wish I didn't. It feels wrong"

Propagandist: "That's just close-minded bigots infecting you. Being gay is a beautiful thing and super-duper normal! Here's a box of free Trojans. Go explore your sexuality!"

Jimmy: "No, I'd rather not and never. It feels wrong and I don't want to do something like that."

Propagandist: "Jimmy, don't deny your desires. And if you're worried about how you and another man can have sex-"

Jimmy: "No, shut up and go away. I don't want to be gay."

Propagandist: "Okay, you're still in the closet. I understand. Don't worry, we'll help you come out and be proud of your sexuality."

*this kind of thing goes on for several months until...*

Jimmy: "I give up, I guess I might as well embrace my homosexuality."

Propagandist: "That's the spirit! And from what I hear, hunky Jack Williams is single and also just came out of the closet. Why don't we set you two up?"

Despicable, ain't it?

Nino #fundie forums.catholic.com

no no no! an athiest can NOT be a good person for where did they get their values..from an aztec god who demanded human sacrifice..or a left wing nazi god who blamed the jews for every wrong,or a commie leader who demanded all concessions as in Yalta thus placing some 750million innocent christians in the tender hands of good ole Joe (thats whay FDR called him) hands and thus some 43 million were murdered! no..one who believes in only ones self cannot be deemed ..good...only like a bachelor who has no wife and children..what does he know about life anyway?..there is no goodness in a athiestic culture...cuba,china etc..please I am double parked and this is pure nonsense....only Jesus brought goodness into this stupid bleak cruel world....Let us all pray that this marxist anti-semitic muslim coming into the white house will live for his entire first term,,to prove once and for all that marxism is nonsense..just a gang exploiting people..let us pray that he lives and changes to see the light...signals are being sent that ..well...again please join me in prayer for this young man and for America..and of course for humanity..Nino

Jean_Marie #fundie forums.catholic.com

[You have me confused with someone else, obviously. I have never advocated anointing a Prince of the Church and Successor of the Apostles as a leader of our civic government.]

However, I have, and still do advocate anointing a "Prince of the Church and Successor of the Apostles" as a leader in our civic government.

Let the Bishop of Rome choose one of our American Bishops to be our "king"! I would support that whole heartedly!!!

phil19034 #fundie forums.catholic.com

who are we kidding.... this is simple. The ISIS is using the refugee system as a way to invade Europe and secularists who want to rid the world of Christianity and/or religion want a Muslims invasion. These secular fools actually believe that by having Muslims enter the west, they will eliminate or neutralize Christianity and the Muslims will then become "educated" and change their views.

FaithOfAbraham #fundie forums.catholic.com

I've come to the conclusion that there are mainly two types of so-called atheists.

On believes there is God but is just in so much denial that he is hardened to it and fights to keep convincing himself and everyone else that there is none.

The other certainly believes there is God but is simply lying about lack of belief to deceive on behalf of working for Satan.

So I take what they say about their atheism with a big grain of salt.