
Jim Jones #conspiracy english.pravda.ru

[Read the whole article, its amazingly funny]

First, let's back-track a bit - is there anyone who questions the American penchant for false flag operations in order to sway public opinion?? Do you really need a history lesson, going back to George Washington, the USS Maine incident, The Lusitania sinking, Pearl Harbour, failed Bay of Pigs, Gulf Of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Oklahoma Bombing, WTC #1, Twin Towers, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon et.al. People, successive administrations have been using this ploy and refining it for centuries AND you keep falling for it! Why would they change their modus operandi when it has proven to be so successful? Why change, when they have been able to refine the delivery of the propaganda to a point whereby they easily control the minds of the masses by simply broadcasting their syrup to Mum and Dad average Joe American while the feed on their Big Macs in front of the TV at prime time viewing? Of course Joe American will believe CNN, FOX and the other CIA controlled media outlets. After all, they have done before. The delivery of this false message has been steadily refined with such incidents as have been played out at the likes of Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon - hell, the same actors have been "outed' at both sites and still people won't accept that these were all staged events to test the control of the masses.

The current situation falls back to a strategic swing in world power. With hindsight it is easy to pin-point, although some of us suggested at the time that it was a pivotal point in history. I refer here to the failed McCain/Zionist sponsored Georgian war. This attempt to further weaken Russia and provide an oil pipeline which would have economically crippled Russia, through Georgia, ended in disaster for not only the Zionist, but also America. America was shown to be a toothless bear in the region - unable to support the criminal regime that it was sponsoring, while Russia clearly demonstrated that it was a power in the region and a supporter of it's friends and allies.

The flow-on effect of that incident has shaped much of what is happening in the Middle East today and the coming events in America. We see now a major shift in strategic alliances in the region, all based on the various parties perception of who will be the major player in the region - HATO or Russia. Even Georgia, that once stout US ally, is now looking to join the Russia Union! Indications are that Ukraine will follow suit although the Ukraine admission to the EU is an obstacle there. Further afield, other states are looking to their backyard and re-evaluating their alliances. With the minor hic-up of Libya [where Medvedev was lied too by the US and HATO], Russia has steadily spread it's influence in the Middle East. Strong support for Syria and Russia's return to Iraq has not gone un-noticed by the Zionist.

The Zionist, fixated on destroying Iran, have been thwarted in their attempts to drag Iran into the illegal war in Syria. Despite, several unprovoked blatant military strikes on Syria and Iran - which were outright acts of war and violated international law - and the false flag gas attacks blamed on the Syrians, Israel has not been able to draw Iran into a wider confrontation, nor has it been able to provoke a retaliatory strike from Syria which could be used as a pretext for America to enter the war, once again in support Zionist causes.

The Zionist feel threatened - they see their meal ticket, America, being reduced in capability in the region while their supposed enemies have grown and strengthened. The Syrian conflict has once again further weakened the American position in the region and not only has Russia shown military might, they have set themselves firmly at the head of the world diplomatic and statesman's stage. Rather than seeing Syria roll over quickly, the Zionist have witnessed their worst fears, Syria has grown stronger, has solicited more world support and obtained new allies and friends and is also winning the war. The time that this war has taken has seen Iran become stronger and rearm and develop newer weapons. To top it all off - the Zionist have had to witness the building up in strength of Hezbollah, an army which defeated them in 2006, with much fewer resources and a numerical disadvantage of 10 to 1 to the Zionists. Iraq is re-arming and the Zionist are unsure as to Iraq's future plans - hence the increase in the terror campaign there, instigated by the Zionists.

With increasing desperation, the Zionist are doing all that they can to widen the conflict in Syria and to draw America into the conflict. I read an unconfirmed report that Russia had shot down two "American" ballistic missiles, fired from the area of the Mediterranean close to the South of Spain and aimed at Damascus. Supposedly, Russia went onto immediate "alert" and contacted the American military who avowed no knowledge of the launch. Israel also came out denying it's involvement; why would they do that? Isn't this a case of "me thinks they protest too much?". My opinion is that these missiles were launch from one of the 6 Dolphin class submarines Israel has and was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the accord on the destruction of chemical weapons and draw Russia into the conflict so that would trigger American support for Israel. America has a base in the South of Spain, close to where the launch took place - a perfect cover for yet another false flag operation!

Dianna Cotter #conspiracy english.pravda.ru

The house of cards is about to come tumbling down around Barack Obama's ears as the momentum of evidence builds. Law enforcement has found his birth documents to be "highly suspect" as a forgery. His draft card has similarly been found by law enforcement as being "highly suspect" as a forgery. The smoke screen cover created by his birth certificate, hiding Minor v. Happersett in a shadow of false mockery, has been blown away. Leaving the Supreme Court case alone on the stage, glaringly exposing Barack Obama as an usurper, an unconstitutional President of the United States.

The American Press is deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about this defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States. It is hiding Barack Obama's Fraud as it has been revealed by a Sheriff in Arizona. The silence of the American press would be unbelievable if it weren't so blatantly obvious.

It is nearly as egregious as the audacity of Obama's fraud itself.

Paul Craig Roberts #conspiracy english.pravda.ru

The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists' office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.

Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.

It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later killed by police, and from whom we will never hear anything, and not the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo. An important fact that supports this inference is the report that the third suspect in the attack, Hamyd Mourad, the alleged driver of the getaway car, when seeing his name circulating on social media as a suspect realized the danger he was in and quickly turned himself into the police for protection against being murdered by security forces as a terrorist.

Hamyd Mourad says he has an iron-clad alibi. If so, this makes him the despoiler of a false flag attack. Authorities will have to say that despite being wrong about Mourad, they were right about the Kouachi brothers. Alternatively, Mourad could be coerced or tortured into some sort of confession that supports the official story.

The American and European media have ignored the fact that Mourad turned himself in for protection from being killed as a terrorist as he has an alibi. I googled Hamid Mourad and all I found (January 12) was the main US and European media reporting that the third suspect had turned himself in. The reason for his surrender was left out of the reports. The news was reported in a way that gave credence to the accusation that the suspect who turned himself in was part of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Not a single US mainstream media source reported that the alleged suspect turned himself in because he has an ironclad alibi.

Some media merely reported Mourad's surrender in a headline with no coverage in the report. The list that I googled includes the Washington Post (January 7 by Griff Witte and Anthony Faiola); Die Welt (Germany) "One suspect has turned himself in to police in connection with Wednesday's massacre at the offices of Parisian satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo;" ABC News (January 7) "Youngest suspect in Charlie Hebdo Attack turns himself in;" CNN (January 8) "Citing sources, the Agence France Presse news agency reported that an 18-year-old suspect in the attack had surrendered to police."

Another puzzle in the official story that remains unreported by the presstitute media is the alleged suicide of a high ranking member of the French Judicial Police who had an important role in the Charlie Hebdo investigation. For unknown reasons, Helric Fredou, a police official involved in the most important investigation of a lifetime, decided to kill himself in his police office on January 7 or January 8 (both dates are reported in the foreign media) in the middle of the night while writing his report on his investigation. A google search as of 6pm EST January 13 turns up no mainstream US media report of this event. The alternative media reports it, as do some UK newspapers, but without suspicion or mention whether his report has disappeared. The official story is that Fredou was suffering from "depression" and "burnout," but no evidence is provided. Depression and burnout are the standard explanations of mysterious deaths that have unsettling implications.

Once again we see the US print and TV media serving as a ministry of propaganda for Washington. In place of investigation, the media repeats the government's implausible story.

It behoves us all to think. Why would Muslims be more outraged by cartoons in a Paris magazine than by hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed by Washington and its French and NATO vassals in seven countries during the past 14 years?

If Muslims wanted to make a point of the cartoons, why not bring a hate crime charge or lawsuit? Imagine what would happen to a European magazine that dared to satirize Jews in the way Charlie Hebdo satirized Muslims. Indeed, in Europe people are imprisoned for investigating the holocaust without entirely confirming every aspect of it.

If a Muslim lawsuit was deep-sixed by French authorities, the Muslims would have made their point. Killing people merely contributes to the demonization of Muslims, a result that only serves Washington's wars against Muslim countries.

If Muslims are responsible for the attack on Charlie Hebdo, what Muslim goal did they achieve? None whatsoever. Indeed, the attack attributed to Muslims has ended French and European sympathy and support for Palestine and European opposition to more US wars against Muslims. Just recently France had voted in the UN with Palestine against the US-Israeli position. This assertion of an independent French foreign policy was reinforced by the recent statement by the President of France that the economic sanctions against Russia should be terminated.

Clearly, France was showing too much foreign policy independence. The attack on Charlie Hebdo serves to cow France and place France back under Washington's thumb.

Some will contend that Muslims are sufficiently stupid to shoot themselves in the head in this way. But how do we reconcile such alleged stupidity with the alleged Muslim 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo professional attacks?

If we believe the official story, the 9/11 attack on the US shows that 19 Muslims, largely Saudis, without any government or intelligence service support, outwitted not only all 16 US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, Dick Cheney and all the neoconservatives in high positions throughout the US government, and airport security, but also the intelligence services of NATO and Israel's Mossad. How can such intelligent and capable people, who delivered the most humiliating blow in world history to an alleged Superpower with no difficulty whatsoever despite giving every indication of their intentions, possibly be so stupid as to shoot themselves in the head when they could have thrown France into turmoil with a mere lawsuit?

The Charlie Hebdo story simply doesn't wash. If you believe it, you are no match for a Muslim.

Some who think that they are experts will say that a false flag attack in France would be impossible without the cooperation of French intelligence. To this I say that it is practically a certainty that the CIA has more control over French intelligence than does the President of France. Operation Gladio proves this. The largest part of the government of Italy was ignorant of the bombings conducted by the CIA and Italian Intelligence against European women and children and blamed on communists in order to diminish the communist vote in elections.

Americans are a pitifully misinformed people. All of history is a history of false flag operations. Yet Americans dismiss such proven operations as "conspiracy theories," which merely proves that government has successfully brainwashed insouciant Americans and deprived them of the ability to recognize the truth.

Americans are the foremost among the captive nations.

Who will liberate them?

Nicolas Bonnal #conspiracy english.pravda.ru

Tolkien and the Illuminati: The dark side of LOTR

Think of the great eye of Sauron, the all-seeing eye which symbolizes NWO and echelon surveillance. Think of Mellon, the password to get in the Moria, the name of an Illuminati and bankers' dynasty. Think of the semiotics surrounding the Dark Lord, think of the ambiguity of Gandalf (a wizard? Or an "incarnate angel», as stated Tolkien?), of the weird initiations of the hobbits, think of the compelling hunger for rings, jewels and of course bloodlines, not to mention the omnipresence of orcs, dragons and monsters, and you can easily guess that there is a dark side in Tolkien universe: and after all, isn't he a British gentleman? Let's not explore my devilish side, quipped once Hitchcock in France. Britain has been during all Victorian age and later a land of witchcraft, of golden dawns and of many occult societies of writers and researchers. There is nothing neutral in British pop culture. This is what makes her so fascinating and so efficiently working on the masses.

Yet the gigantic proportions of Tolkien success are not reassuring, and many researchers, not all Christians, seem to think that Tolkien was on the dark side of the force, even if he was a devout catholic and a presumably traditional mind; he could easily been manipulated by superior forces and sources. Curious and insane Narnia of his boring friend CS Lewis confirm this unfair assertion, with its creepy centaurs and talkative fauns, Lucifer courts, fake quests and sinister lion-god.

Of course we can say that Tolkien mainly denounces what he describes... But is that so sure? Was Tolkien a counter initiate, or was he a mere eye-opener, to take Sam's words in the cavern of Moria, whose message would have been distorted by the Illuminati who control media and video-game industry?

Talking of Moria, I know a place in Spain called Moria. It's in Santander, Cantabria, and it designates a cliff that serves as pasture. There are other curious names in Spain and northern Portugal which are related to Tolkien: Gondor, Gondomar... all connected to legendary and Celtic Galicia and Compostella, this magic and telluric road of the western initiates prior to Christianity. But what is the secret meaning of the Moria? Is it material, a metal, a source of rich, or a rare raw material? Ask Gandalf but don't dig too much:

The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril was the foundation of their wealth, so also it was their destruction: they delved too greedily and too deep, and disturbed that from which they fled, Durin's Bane.

In his famous book upon the Illuminati and the mind control (and as Tolkien has inspired so many games and dungeons and dragons...), Fritz Springmeier writes of the Moria that it designates the hierarchy of the Illuminati! About the rings and the opus, he even writes:

Rings are also used to signify what activity the slave is doing, and what rank or level they are in the occult... Some Illuminati survivors are always looking for a ring. Rings play a significant part in the lives and programming of slaves. One section that is coding-programming found in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind then."

The lord of the rings is Sauron: so he is the main character; the heroes are labelled fellowship of the ring. So they depend on the ring. This is too Illuminati agenda. There is another key-word connecting Tolkien good guys to Illuminati: bloodlines. Aragorn, who wears the winged disc in the movie, descends from Isildur the sinner, and feels weak for that reason; but for that reason too he will be the king, a restorer of a new order - the fourth age. His strange wife, Arwen, a Jungian silhouette of his soul, will not be happy too to lose her immortality. But it is too late.

In the Silmarillion, Tolkien creates too an uncertain mythology and horror; he was so fond of his worlds that he designed during fifty years dynasties, genealogies, thus presenting the horrendous manipulations of Melkor:

There countless became the hosts of his beasts and his demons, and the race of the Orcs, bred long before, grew and multiplied in the bowels of the earth... and thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orcs in envy and mockery of the Elves, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes.... This it may be was the vilest deed of Melkor, and the most hateful to Ilúvatar.

Orcs comes from Virgil's creation (Orcus, the death), a source too much ignored by the commentators (after all, Tolkien could speak fluently Latin, and Virgil wrote the best epic ever).The gloomy creation of Tolkien mixes now with our own brave new world made up of biotech and artificial breeding. Some conspiracy theorists could join Tolkien too in their descriptions of reptilian-like persons and leaders (think of the name of Sauron). We can also say that the pagan gods of Tolkien behave like the dei otiosi of Mircea Eliade, the lazy gods who have retired from this world and who are omnipresent in primitive mythologies. They have abandoned us, hastening the despair of great Noldor leader Feanor.

Some others will notify that Tolkien defends a wrong dualistic conception (which is somewhat Manichean, I mean, strictly heretical from a Christian point of view) of the world with a powerful source of evil, sometimes superior to the good one. The progressive and implacable destruction of the middle-earth in the Silmarillion (named after the jewels!) is somewhat depressing. Is our world sentenced to such a death?

We have been many times told about German and Nordic roots of Tolkien works. Yet Melkor name has a Sumerian resonance, and so has Tolkien pantheon with his many gods and goddesses inspired by various Mesopotamian mythologies. These lazy gods look like weird oriental deities, whom the prophets and our bible thought no good at all.

And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim... And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth. (Judges, 2, 11)

So, was our good Christian forgetting his religion while writing his fantasy books? One may say that is just kid stuff...yeah! This was the case too for Mary Poppins, for Peter Pan, for the wizard of Oz, all devised by minds involved in the occult, in masonry or in theosophy! The Illuminati agenda matches perfectly, and so do the conspiracy theories, when it comes to children's literature or to children's movies!

As Melkor plays (wields, says Tolkien) with fire and cold, a little bit like Nazi scientist Horbiger, and dreams like Leonardo di Caprio that he is the king of the world, an horrible spider grows in the dark, but not in an hazardous place:

There, beneath the sheer walls of the mountains and the cold dark sea, the shadows were deepest and thickest in the world; and there in Avathar, secret and unknown, Ungoliant had made her abode.

Why the hell James Cameron chose that name, Avatar? Amazing pop culture!

But let's not change the matter and let's conclude, opening new gates: it is clear that a book like LOTR opens our minds and our eyes to another reality. I think that Tolkien was sometimes overwhelmed by his talent and imagination (sixty thousand pages of manuscript: where was he getting himself and us to?); but he challenged and analyzed - I shall get back to these points - the perils of modern world, "magic" (technology) and industrialization, IE the destruction of any wild or traditional landscape. He saw too, like Lovecraft, that we are surrounded by mysterious, forgotten and ubiquitous monsters. But who needed to awaken them, except video game industry?

I give the last word to the Illuminati Gandalf, reminding my readers that in Hebrew (as well as in Arabic) Anor means...the light.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."