
dean-the-map #fundie dean-the-map.tumblr.com

I'm Dean, I'm 22 years old, from the UK and I'm an anti-contact paedophile exclusively attracted to boys ages 2-13. Paedophilia isn't wrong acting on it is. I'm a leader with a youth group.

My messages and asks are always open and I'm always happy to talk, you can message me here, twitter or discord. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my best to answer them.

I run a discord server for anti-contact MAPs with a friend, if you want more info message me here or on discord Dean#5840, non-MAP supporters and anyone interested in learning more are welcome too.

Daily reminder that if you’re a MAP, considers yourself “anti contact” or “non offending” and you work around children, interact with children or go to public places where there are a lot of children,
You’re not anti contact, you’re not non offending.
You purposely go in places to get close to children, and choose to work around children to get close to them.
Not only is this creepy as hell, but it’s also how offending pedophiles behaves to get closer to children to abuse them.

Um, yes, yes I am. I am anti-contact and non-offending by the definitions of those terms.
I choose to work around children because I like working with children, not to get close to them. Nothing creepy about it, I do it for the same reason any adult chooses to work with children and it’s no more creepy.
To be anti-contact means to be against all sexual, romantic or otherwise inappropriate contact with children. It’s the opposite of pro-contact. You can be around children and still be anti contact learn definitions before you try to use our terms.

You’re a pedophile. Working with kids. Thats “inappropriate contact”.
Also i find it very hard to belive you dont work with them to hurt them because YOU’RE A PEDOPHILE.

Did you even look at my blog for a second? Did you take a moment to look at MAPs blogs? Clearly not, because if you had you’d know we completely agree that adult/child relationships are inherently harmful and we are completely opposed to them! If you truly cared you’d spend just a little time looking at our blogs.
You never know, you might rape someone in the future, anyone could, so we should keep everyone locked away from everyone. 80% of child molesters aren’t paedophiles so shall we keep everyone away from children?
We should keep people that are likely to cause harm to children away from children, not those that don’t pose any immediate risk. Anti-contact MAPs don’t pose more of a risk to children than teleiophiles do, we fully understand that children are not capable of consenting and we understand the harm adult/child relationships can cause.
minor attracted person minor attracted people nomap pedophile pedophilia

dean-the-map #fundie dean-the-map.tumblr.com

why do you lead a youth group when you’re a pedophile? i hope someone exposes you and you aren’t allowed around these children!!

Why do you work with women when you’re attracted to them?
See how ridiculous that sounds?
#minor attracted person #minor attracted people #nomap #pedophile #pedophilia #anonymous ask

dean-the-map #fundie dean-the-map.tumblr.com

You’re a pedophile. Working with kids. Thats “inappropriate contact”.
Also i find it very hard to belive you dont work with them to hurt them because YOU’RE A PEDOPHILE

It’s really not, but okay, whatever.
So because I’m a paedophile I must be a liar? Don’t you think it’s possible that someone who, by definition, loves children might want what’s best for them and might want to work to give them a good childhood. You seem to be stuck on the idea that paedophiles want to harm kids, which is complete rubbish. I’ve got no desire to harm kids, I just want to protect them and make sure tey can be safe and happy.

You just admited to being *sexually* attracted to them lol. Likeing to work with kids is one thing, wanting to fuck them is another.
And if you want to protect them then you can make an active effort to not purposefully engage yourself with them and encourage other “non offending pedophiles” to do the same.

Yep, I never denied that fact lol
I like to work with kids and I also happen to be sexually and romantically attracted to them. The two don’t influence eachother, I’d work with kids even if I wasn’t a paedophile.
You’re implying that anti contact MAPs are dangerous when the reality is they are no more dangerous than teleiophiles.
Source: guesswholovesnomaps minor attracted person minor attracted people nomap pedophile pedophilia