
Various Posters #racist #fundie chimpmania.com

(from a thread regarding AOC saying “my identity is the descendant of many different identities. I am the descendant of African slaves. I am the descendant of Indigenous people. I am the descendant of Spanish colonizers… I am a descendant of all sorts of folks. That doesn’t mean I’m Black, that doesn’t mean I’m Native, but I can tell the story of my ancestors.”)

(The Confederate): If it walks like a spook, talks like a spook, and acts like a spook it must be a spook !

(Rip Tide): Once you become, if only part, a descendent of a nigger the rest of your descendents are no longer relevant.

(Paddyroller): Think of a quart of your favorite ice cream. Think of a quart of your favorite ice cream with one drop of shit mixed in.

(Massa Skim): I recall when this spigger tried ooking niggerbabble at one of Reverend Sharpcoon’s events. If there’s one thing I hate more than niggers, it’s Wiggers and race-traitor humans such as herself who try to act like wild apes.

(Tired of Them): She/it never had to say a thing. It looks like a nigger to my eyes.

(igor): One drop is more than enough sweetheart. That’s all we need to know... and try as you might, I can confidently assure you that once you identify yo’self as a nigger no Human will take you seriously. Ever.

(Beige Mix): I hope she takes an Ancestry or 23&me DNA test and learns she's not a nigger, after the initial surprise she might alter and improve her political goals.

(Chimp Trainer): Pretty unlikely. The native Taino were almost entirely wiped out in Puerto Rico. The island was settled by Spaniards and their nigger slaves. This thing is not a Spaniard.

(nigger down under): We're are not surprised AOC. We know you're an AOC. Ape On Crack! Fuck all you niggers and nigger lovers!

Johnny Johnny #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

This happens in the US and is called welfare. We can see how responsible, grateful and productive the nigger becomes when it is dependent on human money - not. Libtards are tacitly acknowledging that the coon is unable to create wealth or anything beyond jenkem, for that matter, and so dole out cash like candy to the backward, spoilt, entitled overgrown baby that is the nigger sub race.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(on a thread about an article regarding Southern white people having more black ancestry than the rest of the rus)

(Monkey Pez): I call bullshit. Not one nigger or nigger lover in my Southern line and I've gone way back in my ancestry.

(Frenchy): The "study" is a load of bunk, designed by nigger coddlers to humanize the nigger beast. Thanks, but no thanks. Whoever funded the grant for such a study was led down the primrose path.

(Casper): Bollocks I say. They done a study like this in South africa a few years ago. They were trying to do the same thing. They said that most of the Boers were also 2/3% Nigger. The Fcuktards are only trying to push the same agenda.

(Obongo): I call both studies bullshit and nothing but. White Southerners and Boers are NOT nigger and the niggers know that. Fucking nigger coddlers.

(Honey Jigaboo Boo): Same here. My family is from the south and we are as light skinned as you can get and full of blue eyed redheads in our family line, and we can trace our history back to at least 1415. We OWNED and WORKED niggers, we didn't muh dick them. It would have been the equivalent of screwing my lawn mower.

(white devil): Oh what a steaming pile of libtard nigger loving propaganda. We take our bloodlines very seriously here in the deep South and as such I know all about mine. I had a great grandmother who used to research our family history before you could do it online. She would go to the state capitol and dig through the archives. She researched our family all the way back to the 1500's and there was not one single burrhead nigger in the pile. Not one. Our family has been in the South since before George Washington came to this country and we are pure white. This "study" is nigger nonsense, right up there with flying gypshuns. I AM the South and damn proud.

Sheeitavious #racist chimpmania.com

(On affirmative Action)

Government programs which, long
story short, require niggers to be hired in jobs they could not otherwise get, taking the position from a human. See gibs and racism for a discussion of closely related topics.

Ex.: After studying for years at an esteemed college, Sarah lost her best job opportunity to an utterly unqualified sheboon due to affirmative action.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(on a thread regarding violent attacks on Asian-Americans)

(White Marylander): The MSM is not reporting nigger on asian attacks so Asian people have to go out of their way to get the story out. How can MSM report attacks when 95% of the perpetrators are niggers. The MSM just can't report that their cuddly wuddly pets are running around like viscous dogs and attacking humans.

(NiggerAway): The MSM and the owners of the Big Tech companies are the libtards responsible for hiding the truth and censuring what the public hears about. These same owners wouldn’t know a real nigger if they fell over one. The nigger pets they ‘know of’ have been bathed given proper clothing so that their pets are presented in the best light. It’s because they’ve never been hunted on the streets of the big cities by the feral niggers that the owners are denying the truth. We humans who are hunted, are very aware of how dangerous shitskins really are.

(EastAsianSoutherner): As someone who is of East Asian descent, this infuriate me and it pisses me off that younger Asian-American SJW are coddling to niggers by blaming other humans. About almost every incident that occurred against Asian-American comes from these subhuman coons, and the Asian-American community are not pointing to the source of all current anti-Asian hatred (which is niggers and their libtard coddler "allies" from Coonlifornia and Nig York). My social circle includes white Southerners (who are commonly mislabeled as "white supremacist" by the media). I also have to deal with niggers unfortunately since I live in the jungle of Metro Apelanta. I could tell you that I never encounter violent anti-Asian attack from other humans but my family have encounter burglaries by niggers and I have been mugged by niggers. Niggers are jealous of Asian humans succeeding while they never accomplish anything as a group except for turning cities into shitholes, enrolling at NU, and making life unpleasant for humans.

Proud Irish White #racist chimpmania.com

Unfortunately it appears that almost my entire extended family is all "woke" and got on the BLM bandwagon. What to do? It seems I'll have to remain officially neutral, especially if I want to see the grandbaby and keep peace in the family. However I refuse to kneel to anybody, especially a nigger. As a matter of fact I won't have anything to do with them, anyway.

Chimpmania #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

[from the ‘Chimpmania glossary’]

A race traitor who thinks niggers are "just like us." They tend to be very arrogant, call anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them a "racist," and most of the time they live in all white neighborhoods and never have contact with the groid. They tend to be hypocrites and if Barack Obama was white or a Republican, but still a nigger, they wouldn't give two shits about him

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a man being arrested because of racist tweets)

(Paddyroller): The Brits have gone bonkers with respect to niggers, as has most of Europe. The first step to defeating a cancer is prevention. The next step is proper early treatment. The next step is aggressive therapy. If it comes to it, death cures cancer. Not only is Britain failing to treat the nigger cancer, it is encouraging its own death by importing more niggers. What happened to the days of “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves?”

(Apefricoon Devil): Libtardism has replaced Christianity as the official religion of the UK. In Britain, if you express a desire to live among your own kind and don't treat a disgusting nigger ape as a fellow "human", you'll get arrested and charged with the made-up "crime" of "racism". A more insanely farcical scenario than this is hardly imaginable.

Around 1700, Daniel Defoe said most Englishmen were ready to fight to death against Popery without even knowing whether Pope was a man or a horse. The UK's current suicidal nigger-worship mania, however, is far more dangerous and much less comical.

(Napa hater): No offensse to my British friends on here- but I’m so glad my relatives told the king to fuck several hundred years ago. Of course America will follow suit I’m sure! Not this American vet - I promise you that!!! Our grandparents and the tough British kept them from speaking German in the 40’s now Britain’s National language will be Swahili and clicks and pops because of spineless shitheads!


boon-avoider and Dixieman #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a story of a black guy killing and decapitating a hamster)

(boon-avoider): A thousand times I’ve said this here, niggers should NEVER have access to animals any higher than another nigger. This is just one more, of countless examples shown here, that niggers possess no humanity! No human would ever do this, only a soulless and worthless shit-ape nigger

Also, how does an abomination from the shitholes of hell wind up with the name “Christian”??!??

(Dixieman): We all know that the feral nigger tried to muhdik the poor hamsters before killing them. There isn't one redeeming quality about these feral animals, and this story here just goes to prove that without a doubt!

Paddyroller #racist chimpmania.com

(describing the “One Drop Rule”)

It only takes one drop of nigger DNA to pollute the gene pool and make a nigger, no matter how light-skinned it appears. A drop of nigger DNA pollutes the gene pool in much the same way as a drop of kerosene pollutes a glass of drinking water. Watch out for the groid that has just a stroke of the tar brush. They can chimp just as a full-blooded nigger.

Various Posters #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

(in response to a story about a racist police chief being asked to resign)

(Dred Scott): Its gotten so bad that hard working humans, trying to support their families through honest work, are being fired from these jobs for speaking about their disapproval of niggers doing the exact opposite.

(Massa Skim): These lads are speaking truth. Niggers sold their 'soul bruthas' to YT in exchange for shiny bling to show off, liquor to fuck themselves up with, and hogs to MUHDIK. Then by the grace and might of YT they were spared the horrors of being cannibalized by their Apefreakan kin and instead offered free housing, free provisions, and a better life then what they would've had if they remained in the muddaland. And they still have the nerve to bitch and complain because their lazy asses were put to work (which they're now exempt from). Ungrateful beasts! Humanity made a big mistake bringing their merchandise over from Apefreaka to the new world. Send them back!

(Dixieman): Expect for the Thought Police to coontinue to get worse. Can't have anyone stating or printing facts about the true nature of the nigger parasite. The only reason we have such an enormous amount of National Debt can be traced back to LBJ's "War on Poverty" which was the beginning of the GIBS train for niggers. Trillions, and let that sink in for a minute, TRILLIONS of dollars have been wasted on handouts to niggers year after year trying to uphold the myth that these feral animals are Just Like Us. It is going to get worse with the nigger loving and coddling administration in office now.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to a story regarding a black sheriff’s deputy being denied a burial at a “whites only” cemetery)

(Paddyroller): There still some hallowed ground in the US.

(The Confederate): Cant a white man die in peace without these fucking niggers and nigger lovers throwing a shitskin next to him ?

(Chimpmaster): So they changed it to “the right of burial of the remains of human beings,” instead of the original well thought through "white human beings". Still it doesn't qualify. But the nigger will be buried at Sonnier Cemetery in Oberlin LA instead which coddles to shit skins. Maybe the sow misread Oaklin Springs as Ooking Springs?

(Georgia Son): We all don't want niggers corpses stinking up our hallowed ground. Can we at least have that?

(Dixieman): Nice to know that there is still areas where humans can Rest In Peace without their areas being contaminated with toxic nigger remains.

Apefricoon Devil #racist #fundie chimpmania.com

(from a thread titled ‘Fossil Discovery Proves Humans and Niggers Not Related’)

Apidima 1 and Apidima 2: Two 210,000-year-old (Almost) Human skulls found in Southern Greece

"The Apidima 1 skull, belonging to a male, and Apidima 2 skull, belonging to a female, were found lying vertically against the wall, on the same sedimentary layer, side by side and 15 cm away from each other. The anatomical study of these skulls, dated by the U/Th method between 220 and 130,000 years ago, shows that they can be attributed to the same group of hominins found throughout Europe and that they present a combination of "Neanderthal" and modern (Sapiens) human features."


Why is this discovery so significant?

Here's the answer. Ever since the discovery of the so-called "neanderthal" skulls throughout Europe, and in some parts of Western Asia (Anatolia (the land of ancient Greeks) and Caucasia), there have been a small group of anthropologists who vehemently opposed Libtards' "Out of Africa" myth. They argued that the fossil record suggest that Europe's "Neanderethals" were direct ancestors of modern Humans (Homo Sapiens) and further argued that the libtard delusion/propaganda of "Neanderthals" going extinct and being replaced by invading Apefricoons is just a massive, politically-motivated lie.

Now these 2 male and female skulls, which have a combination of "Neanderthal" and emerging modern Human (Homo Sapiens) features, conclusively prove that humans are descended from those "Neanderthals" who lived, throughout Europe, hundreds of thousands years ago and that as (we, Chimpmaniacs, already know) Humans and Niggers are not related or descended from the same ancestors.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(in response to Biden opting to place Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill)

(Massa Skim): Great... I wonder how long before he replaces Grant with Obongo on the Fiddy Dollah beel

(Beige Mix): There's a wide array of mixed race actresses and entertainers & if one of them was on the $20 you could wear sunglasses and not notice what they were, but H.T. is just ... gross.

(Dred Scott): Not even in office a week yet and already kissing nigger ass with stunts like this. Despicable! That sow was nothing but a typical nigger criminal, not to mention one of the most hideous sheboons ever. Who wants to look at that turd pile? Oh well, after this administration ruins our economy we won't have to worry about it because our money will be as worthless as the niggers pictured on it.

(Tired of Them): No doubt we shall have a nigger on a British note sometime in the not so distant future. The vile creatures have only been here since the 1950s and I'm trying to think of a famous nigger from Britain. By the way, I've never heard of Tubman. I remember Ram-Man from the He-Man cartoons but was not aware of the legendary Tubman. I still can't think of a nigger from Britain that libtards could nominate to go on a note. Any suggestions?

(Georgia Son): It's just another ungrateful nigger, only known because of the criminal smuggling route known as the underground railroad. not fit to be wiped off on a shit scraper.

Paddyroller #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

We need a Constitutional amendment to repeal the 13th Amendment and the civil rights laws based on racial ‘scrimination.

Prohibition, instituted by the 18th Amendment didn’t work, so it was eventually repealed by the 21st Amendment.

Likewise, giving niggers civil rights didn’t work, and all laws that purport to do so must be repealed. It should now be apparent to EVERYONE that giving niggers civil rights was the worst thing that could have happened in the US, setting the stage for niggers infesting Congress (both the House and the Senate) with their stupidity. Think Hank Johnson. If that nigger is not elected to the Senate, its next best job would be the trash nigger, collecting garbage on a garbage truck, and supplementing its income by selling drugs.

Apefricoon Devil #racist chimpmania.com

I hate and despise those perpetually-drunk, turd-brained, middle-class hippies with every fiber of my being. The contemporary UK wouldn't be so coonfused and degenerate if those scumbags didn't exist. The porn & drug-addled vacuous libtards have made their grovelling & disgusting coon-worship the UK's official state religion. And any decent human who rebels and refuses to degrade himself and his family to "equality" with those apefricoon nigger beasts gets arrested and charged with a made-up, meaningless crime called "racism"!

Well, I, for one, had enough of those degenerate libtards. They can all go to hell, or f*ck off to some African hellhole (which is essentially the same thing). I am very proud of the fact that I'm a human and I will never apologise or feel "guilty" for not being a hideous and vile nigger ape. That foolish and misleading neologism "racism" implies that humans and niggers belong to the same kind, which is obviously not true. I'm no more related to a babbling coonpanzee than I am to a chimpanzee.

Those SJW bastards can cry all they want but I'm not going to waste my life and work myself to death so that all those wog savage apes can come to my land and appropriate the resources which rightfully belong to me and my kinsmen.

Tired of Them #racist #psycho chimpmania.com

I really hope and pray that a famine of never before seen strength hits Apefrica alongside a shitload of nig on nig wars and other virulent goodifying events. It's the only way we can get rid of enough of these creatures that cause us inestimable chagrin. If the source of the evil demons is wiped out then humanity has a chance. Niggers that live outside the darkie coontinent will then have to lend a helping hand by stepping up their killing of one another. I'm the type of guy that will never be truly happy until they're all effing gone. As my username might suggest to you...I am sick to the back teeth of seeing and hearing niggers on my TV. Even though I choose my viewing carefully, the bastard boons pop up everywhere. That being said, I'm currently watching an American series called 'Carnivale' and I ain't seen a shitskin yet. Yippee! I'm about halfway through the first season and there are zero spooks so far.

Tired of Them and Apefricoon Devil #racist chimpmania.com

(Tired of Them): It's really getting to me lately. It's bothering me much more than I'd care to admit in person. Why in the name of Bonaparte's balls can other humans not see what we can? It's other humans that have exacerbated the problem. Their truculent insistence on classing them as being "just like us" has seen so many humans murdered in unspeakable ways. I'm sick to the back teeth of all niggers and their savagery. They should be sterilized. No ifs or buts. Civilization depends upon it. I'm tired of trying my best to ignore the incessant nigger loving propaganda that seeps through my TV screen like raw sewage that appears unbidden every time I turn it on to watch something on my TV. It seems humans can no longer watch anything without being lectured by globalist scum about how evil we are for not loving niggers.

(Apefricoon Devil): I completely understand, relate to, and share your nigger/libtard fatigue. The clueless and barbaric SJW scum have destroyed almost everything that gave meaning to human life. The uncultured bastards weren't just satisfied with annihilating our social values and civilised culture so they decided to further degrade, demoralise, and bestialize mankind by forcing us to social and "cultural" equality with the disgusting apefricoon beasts. Hence the rampant violence, crime, ignorance, unhappiness, sexual debauchery, savagery, and drug addiction in our once-civilised-and-nigger-free societies.

Apefricoon Devil #racist chimpmania.com

Artificial "intelligence" (aka machine learning or artificial neural network) operates purely based on data and logical reasoning. Unlike a Libtard bastard's pathological "brain", its "brain" doesn't operate on narcissism, perversity, and delusion.

This news reminded me of the first time I saw a nigger. I was around 5 years old when one day my NL cunt of an aunt came to visit my mum and brought along one of her apefricoon sheboon "accessories" for some coonfounding reason. I never forget the moment I set eyes on that demon-eyed turd-ape. I was soooo terrified! I barely managed to mumble to my mum "Mummy, why is there a gorilla in our house?!" You should've seen the look on my mother's face. She, being a "goot Chrischun", was horrified to learn that her little boy was a born-waycist

To my utter surprise, a few years ago, when I was reading this book ( https://archive.org/details/tempterofeve01carr ), I found out that I wasn't the first human child to ever demonstrate such precocious perception. I recounted this anecdote just to show that even a little child can instantly see what millions of ignorant and stupid NL adults can't (or don't want to see).

Devolution #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

All this bullshit about deep state and Q and the cult of Trump is a smokescreen IMO. I believe what drove the record turnout this election was simply nigger fatigue. The MSM has called Trump racist for so long that all the whites who don’t dare publicly denounce niggers due to fear of persecution placed all their hope in him. I really believe we are at the tipping point, I’d like to see an independent, even at the local level, run on an “ equal but separate” platform. The nigger handlers will scream racist, but if the candidate avoided stepping into that trap by feeding them back their own just like us bullshit, it could be possible for a “White America” platform to take hold. I notice the only media outlet that still allows comments is Fox News, and once you pick through the tinfoil hat crew, the nigger fatigue is clearly evident. Obviously we can’t campaign on a Back to Africa movement, but a voluntary segregation platform could draw out the 70% or so of Americans who are secretly sick of niggers but go along to get along with the PC SJW nigger worship while practicing rule #1 in their private lives. Hell, I’d run myself except that I’m dying and mostly bedridden. I’d rather pay the niggers extra gibs to stay the fuck away than see millions of whites killed or displaced in a Civil War caused by niggers. They’ve done enough damage already.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(on a post regarding a story about a black man who died rescuing a suicidal woman from drowning in a river)

(unnigger): What happened in reality most likely is, that the nigger somehow had frightened the woman (it might have tried to rape her), so that she jumped from the bridge, but the nigger's rape itch was so intense, that it jumped in the Thames too. The good news, it drowned and the woman was rescued by authorities.

The official MSM story is definitely a BS, because of so many reasons, I can't list them all here. The most obvious ones are:

- the woman was definitely not suicidal, since she had so many chances to complete the suicide, that had she wanted it, she'd have done it.

- what was the reason "to save" the woman if rescue services were somewhere near? Otherwise, how could they save the woman had it taken for them hours to appear? The nigger definitely tried to rape or rob the poor woman.

(The WCT): Your version is more likely. We here at chimpmania know that a nigger would never help anyone else, especially if it puts them in danger. If he wasn't about to rape her the usual nigger response would be to make a video of it and laugh as they drown.

(GreenNignog): Niggers aren't capable of forethought, so it can't judge situations and outcomes. If a nigger found a women tied to the train tracks, it would still try to muh dik her even if it could literally see the train coming.

(Tired of Them): I've been buzzing off this story for a couple of days now. The pappy of the rockfish has been ooking that he wants some sort of posthumous award for the erstwhile jigaboo. That's niggers for you. Pappy probably wants him knighted or something. I think the rape explanation is entirely likely. The fact that the woman survived and the spook perished makes it even funnier. I haven't heard whether it was a human woman or just a stinky sheboon yet.

Devolution #racist chimpmania.com

I could create the only true nigger superhero from this inspirational story. It’s already got the perfect name- Silento, and character, cRapper. A silent cRapper. Great start, just think of the millions of niggers NOT ooking and eeking bixnood at typical niggerized volume everywhere the beasts roam! It seems to enjoy bringing goodness to its fellow hellspawn, an indication of the highest moral character on the nigger spectrum, and a worthy mission in itself. It could use its majikul flyin gypshun powers to swiftly and silently gather the worlds niggers together in the utopia of their high tech African society where niggers will be saved from the evil YT enablers who profit from stealing their muh-dik and abusing its fearsome power! No more demoralizing gibs, ugly coal burners and mutant sprogs to be lobstered, niggers could breeve jist as much as dey wants, no need for po-lice and courts and big busses to Nigger University, no more getting tired out from having to coonstantly rape dem YT wimmenz cuz deyz evywhey! I’m sure Silento would be more than a match for any situation niggers encoonter, especially as TNB never changes. (And as long as it gets them back to Africa niggers can have all the superheroes they want in my opinion)

EastAsianSoutherner #racist chimpmania.com

[moderator’s note:]

Dear contributers, please do not submit any further quotes from chimpmania. They’re simply repetative crazy talk and no longer welcome on FSTDT. Any further quotes from chimpmania will be (and have been for weeks) deleted without comment or futher explanation.

Conco Bonco #racist chimpmania.com

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that it's because they are, well..., niggers?

Of course the ultimate solution will be to dumb down the exams a little (lot) further so that every little spook can be a "genius."

That will surely even the playing field—somewhere between rock and tree stump—and the snowflakes can shout about how embracing cultural diversity has made us all better people.

Rip Tide, OldIrishAsshole, and Peligro Nergo #racist chimpmania.com

(Rip Tide): If it was owned by a nigger I would venture to say that the pool always looks like that as it take time, money and a basic understanding of chemistry to keep a pool clear and sanitary. One dead niglet would hardly make a different in a nigger pool.

(OldIrishAsshole): Unattended pools draw niglets like a magnet draws steel. Let's hope water has an extremely productive summer.

(Peligro Negro): If flies, maggots and pure stank are definition of " Joy"
Then he sho nuff did!!
Opps, forgot the ooks, screeches and niggerbabble...

down low #racist #crackpot chimpmania.com

Niggers are only from a part of sub-Saharan Africa. Northern Africa is human, Arabic, Egyptian, all of the Middle Eastern ancient peoples.. Babylonian, Sumerian and so on; not nigger. Same with early South Americans, Incans and the like, Latin ancestry. Furthermore, niggers did not exist at random, anywhere else in the world, besides sub-Saharan Africa, i.e., there are no niggers born of ancient Asian, Caucasian, Indian, etc. descent.

That being said, why and how did this ape species even exist in the first place? It's bizarre, when you think about it. The blue-gum, shit-skinned, curly-fur, yellow eyed, huge nostril, sloped head, spear chuckin', click "talkin'," filthy, stupid, etc., nigger... it truly is an abomination, especially when you look at the variety of humans around the planet, who not only look nothing like niggers, in every detail, but have nothing in common with them, nor ever had! Even darker humans, such as native Indians or Pakistanis do not have nigger features, but HUMAN features, nor do they share the same feces coloring; they simply have darker, brown skin of their heritage, where niggers have a sickening, yellowish-bowel movement tint to theirs, as evidence that their internal systems are not functioning properly, hence the yellow eyes, the foul smell, etc.

This even goes further with the ape physique, the hideous "females" and their disgusting proportions, e.g., huge ass and skinny, ugly "legs," or the males with the knuckle dragging, peanut-headed, stooped shape; all that is missing is a tail, or the enflamed buttocks of different ape breeds. Perhaps some genetic mutation occurred, removing the tail? With the commonality of nigger burff defecks and mutations, this would be entirely possible.

For all sense of purpose though, niggers should have long been extinct, as they were supposed to have been, yet.... here we are.

Felonious P Jenkem, The Whip, and OldIrishAsshole #racist chimpmania.com

(Felonious P Jenkem): I've said it before, you could set up a table with bags of dogshit, put up a sign that says free and niggers will line up around the block. I've done volunteer work with the homeless and while 90% of the humans would be grateful for any help, say thank you at the very least niggers without exception acted like they were doing you a favor by letting you help them. Gratitude and plain decency are foreign concepts to PAVEMENT APES. So a troupe descending on food court free samples like locusts and getting uppity DEMANDING more is normal behavior for these beasts.

(The Whip): Sounds like you understand the situation pretty well. That describes niggers and their ambitions in general. In life there are givers and takers, and of course mostly those of us somewhere in between. But you can expect niggers are always thankless unapologetic takers. Niggers are not to be given to aside from voltage/seasoning, conviction and a sentence.

(OldIrishAsshole): You seem to have an excellent grasp of the nigger problem. Please consider joining our ever growing family of like-minded Humans. Here we are all tired of niggers being rammed down our throats for the last fifty plus years. We welcome you with open arms, fellow nigger hater!

WiggerSlapper #racist chimpmania.com

Why do you hate niggers?

I hate the sight of niggers. Nigger hair is repulsive enough, then they make rows and stupid crap standing up or hanging like dead worms and snakes.
I hate the sound of niggers. Always talking loud, always foul and rude, always a fake loud laugh over nothing and the Ebonics ...........disgusting.
I hate nigger noise. I've never cared for nigger music, but crappers I hate, zero talent, useless criminal niggers running their crybaby mouths = cRap.
I hate working around niggers. Niggers cry about having to work, no matter what job they are given it always turns into racial slurs and YT making them niggers.
I can go on forever, there is nothing good about niggers except niggers made good .

Maker #racist chimpmania.com

My grandma is now in her 90s, but when she was a sprightly 77 when my grandpa died (both of my grandpas were victims of '60s nigger armed robberies in Gary, IN) we had to move her on my dad's, aunt's and uncle's dime out of niggertown since shitbeast nigger grease apes had driven my grandma's home value down to $13K in 1997. My grandma was having monthly nigger break-ins and was knocked down once and her basset hound thwarted one rape ape.

In addition to the hundreds of property crimes degenerate niggers have coonmitted against all my extended family I particularly loathe what subhuman nigger ground apes put my grandma through.

Thus, I will always be keen to point out what the most courageous and brave nigger yard ape warrior does to elderly victims on walkers, canes or scooters. Damn these vile niggerbeast chimps to hell. And make Liberal nigger-worshippers move rape ape niggers into spare bedrooms, à la the proposed "American Program Exchanging Section8", or A.P.E.S.

Felonious P Jenkem #racist chimpmania.com

Niggers were much better off under slavery. This is evident to even a casual observer.

Like slavery niggers get their housing and food provided for , however unlike slavery they are answerable to noone and we all know how well thats worked out. Niggers breeding unrestrained , nigborhoods in murderous chaos , raging gunbattles over chiggun wangz or parking spots , or disrepekinn niggers.

Even worse , they have become unbearably uppity to humans ! Niggers are complete disaster without a strong white man to rule over them. !!! Niggers are sand in the gears of humanity !

Billyape Pride #racist chimpmania.com

Niggers should not be permitted in America or any other human country. Until that underlying problem has been fixed, no human police officer should ever be required to intervene in NHI business. Niggers merrily goodifying each other according to the imperatives of their vibrant nog-culture is something to be applauded from a distance, and must never be curtailed.

NiggerChow #racist chimpmania.com

Niggers are animals. They cannot perform in school because they are not human.

Sixty years and trillions of dollars have not advanced the nigger species one iota.

It is time to stop trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and ship them all back.

LIVERLIPPER #racist chimpmania.com

My area is one of those where housing and property speculation was very high, consequently, a large number of homes sit vacant and land goes undeveloped. (Houses that were going for $132,000 are down to $32,000). Anyhow you know how it goes, to re-coup their investment some tasteless jackasses have turned their houses into section ape units.

Enter niggers; two houses in particular have been troublesome. One fambly was so niggerish I think they caused the others to move. I am uncertain as to how many belonged to the remaining groidal, no more than eight I think. This particular groidal is dark, black, beyond purple, so much so that unless you are right up near or are using a decent set of binoculars it is impossible to make out facial features.

Anyway, the niglets are always out acting like niglets, one day I see them with what appear to be pistols; I call the cops. Sheriffs deputies descend en masse, turns out they were air soft guns. They visit my home and inform me that the problem has been resolved for now. Two days later, we all repeat the scenario.

Since the neighbors saw all that happened and since they know I was responsible they took to alerting the authorities when the little bastards were just outside of their enclosure.

The niggers up and moved, tried to sneak off in the night but I let the management company know of this. For now the neighborhood is nigger free but not free of section ape housing so the problem lingers.

LiverLippedBaboon #racist chimpmania.com

Welcome to Chimpmania, the best nigger bashing site on the web! Good to have you here. Bashing niggers is a fun, healthy activity, and along with diet and exercise, can help you live a better life. Now sit back, relax, and let the nigger bashing begin!

Coyote Carl #racist chimpmania.com

Niggers have a way of making a simple request from an officer, such as "can I see some ID", turn into a major escalation where the smart ass nigger usually gets hurt. Just answer the cops questions and go about your day.

But nooooooooo, nigger has to question cops authority and reasons for questions, resulting in resisting arrest and K9 bites. TNB.

Those poor K9's train so long and so hard only to see such little action. The dogs want so bad to please the trainer and show how well they can do their job. If only they could see more action!

Chimpmania #racist chimpmania.com

[Various excerpts from the "Chimpmania glossary". Note that they have no less than 4 whole pages of it devoted entirely to terms beginning with "ape-".]

Ape Years: Niggers age faster than humans, and in order to better understand what human age the niggers are at, the term "ape years" is used.
Example: A 10 year old female niglet is ready to bear niglets of its own, which makes it around 25 in ape years.

Apecient: Apecient - nigger history, the time before niggers lost their pineal gland and ability to fly. Times past when vast nigger empires existed and the wonders of the world were created by niggers. Bullshit nigger history.

clo-exit: violation of nature; the act of birffing a shitlet, poopling, niglet, Satan's spawn, butt-dumpling, Kentucky purple, scatling or pappy-less little nigger via it's mammy's cloaca

Coal Burner: Often called CB, these are the lowest of the low. They lay down with the nigger species and often produce offspring with them. Usually they wind up being made good, or often times beaten and strangled by their muh-dik (nigger pet). They can never come back from the dark side.
Kim Kardashian is a coal burner. So was Nicole Brown Simpson (made good by the pet buck ) or any other non-nigger, human woman who has sex with niggers.
Reasons for becoming a coal burner can include anger, stupidity, being a slut, daddy issues, or being brainwashed into believing niggers are human (an illusion which most potential CBs will hopefully dispel via coontact before outright becoming one.)

FFA: acronym for Future Felons of America. A niglet, niglin, fawn or hatchling ages 0-7 years of age. Anything after 7, the chances are rare that they haven't already experienced some phase of the correctional system. Before they become criminals, they are known as Future Felons of America. FFA for short.

First Tranny: What chimpers call the HNIC's wife. She is also known to shove health down our throats even though her ass is as big as a whale and humiliating to the United States.

Fo-Play: When a nigger punches a rape victim in the mouth, eyes or any other part of the body prior to injecting it's STD ridden batch of baby batter into any orifice of the body via its rape stick. Usually initiated by coalburners that think niggers are just like us. Generally results in a pair of diversity sunglasses, nigger dentistry and sometimes goodification.

Fuxated: If there is a singularly most important axiom that describes black behavior, it is "Niggers ruin everything".
Everything ab-so-lute-ly. If the white man creates, strives and builds nice neighborhoods, parks, restaurants, whatever, there's always a gaggle of groids like barbarians at the gate waiting to fuck it up. This terms describes what happens to these places after left to the "tender mercies" of negroes.
This is best described by Agent Smith in the movie "The Matrix," when he describes how he perceives niggers to Lawrence Fishbreath. Substitute the word "nigger"for "human" when viewing:

Gold Toilet: The height of nigger ostentation, partly due to a belief that they were once kangs and qweenz an' sheeeit, and also owing to the niggers' obsession with fecal matter. Whereas humans' symbolize wealth with higher architecture, forms of living, and most philanthropy, niggers buy ridiculous items to show they "got theirs."
Can be used either as a euphemism for something gaudy, or literally, as in the case of Koonyay Wess and Kim Koaldashian.
Relatively speaking, Gold Toilet is the ultimate form of Nigger Rich.

Grandbuck: In nigger fambly model, this would be the closest-possible "equivalent" to a "grandfather" in a human family. However, unlike human grampas, this feral buck is many times in its late twenties or early thirties. Because of all the violence and stupidity in the male nigger buck, there are far fewer living Grandbucks than Grandsows.
This creature tends to be smelly, lazy, and very slow-moving (unless it has just stolen something or muhdicked a victim.

Gypshun: In this case, they love to say the ancient Egyptians were niggers, such as Cleopatra, who was actually a pure blood Ptolemaic Greek. Since Egypt is technically in Africa, they conflate that with being a nigger culcha. Niggers don't have any real history, since they were all illiterate savages living in mud huts. So they routinely steal other people's history and claim it was their own. They even tried to pull that shit on the Greeks and Israelites, to the merriment of us chimpers. It is a shell game as when one of their ape lie is exposed, they come up with more nonsense they can't prove. Another lies is that Napoleon's soldiers shot off the Sphinx's nose because it was a bowling ball Aprefreaken one. That is so preposterous, it staggers any rational mind. But since niggers are irrational and have no minds. they believe it

Hipposow: This refers to the extremely obese female nigger sprog factory. Their obesity is brought on because the nigger "brain" is incapable of any concept of self control. This is greatly encouraged through the huge amounts of undeserved Gibs and unearned handouts given to manure in Europe and Apemerica. Weights in excess of 350 pounds and even higher are not unheard of. Many of the bucks love to get their Muhdik on with these despicable, smelly, hideous shebeasts.

Title bestowed on Prez. Obummer also known as Barack Obongo or simply Obongo.

Made Good: The expiration of a nigger at the hands of another, be it YT, the police, or a nigger.
From the old saying "The only good nigger is a dead nigger."
Usually elicits joy from humans.
Ex.: Rastus was made good by Quasarn for poundin' his ho.

Monkey Queefer: A defective coal burner's vagina that has been surgically repaired by nigger lovers to continually pump out abominations
against God and society at large. Usually possessed by libtard progressives that truly believe the more sharklings they
produce, somehow ingratiates them to their Satanic master. These race traitors are truly the bottom of the barrel as they
try to use modern medicine to defy the law of Natural Selection.

Bat Fairy #racist chimpmania.com

We all wish that. This has the potential to be amusing. Who on here hasn't wished if niggers still had to be in this country, they would be back in the cotton fields and know their place as niggers?

I imagine it will be totally sympathetic to the nigger point of view though, just like Roots. They must want to stir the steaming shit-pot known as "black" America.

Various Chimpmaniacs #racist chimpmania.com

Fed Up:

Coalburning whore Senicha Marie Lessman of Eagan MN along with its 32 week old gorilla fetus were both aborted by the jizz donating pet nigger Vern 'moolie' Mouelle of Brooklyn Park MN

I havent seen chompers like that since the last Dracula movie


The bitch got dieversified and just in time.


Darwin wins again. Twice.

That burner has been injected with so much nigger jizz that its canines have mutated to resemble a baboons!

nigs fn stink
It would still be ugly even wiff new teefeses.

NU Administrator
Bitch got what she deserved AND THEN SOME. No loss. Fuck you crack bitch and may the nigger do the same thing to another suspecting burner 1000 times over.

Peligro Negro
I see the " after" pics were shown, the biggest trauma is I viewed that hideous muhdik chewer before bedtime... I will keep a wooden stake nearby .

Another race traitorous coalburner got culturally enriched by its pet nigger.

Mistuh Bo-Bo
Nothing gives me the warm fuzzies more than when
a mudshark reaps the whirlwind, unless she takes her
mutant buttnugget with her!

Finally! A nigger did it right! If it would have self goodified that would have been even better.

Fed Up
The spook was given 2 life sentences..great job nigger 3 animals off of the streets

Chimpologist #racist chimpmania.com

For a second, let's consider all mankind comes from Africa. So what? They would be the first ape-like negros, and then we'd be upgraded versions anyway.

I've never believed that theory ever. For the eyes seeing, it's very obvious we are totally different!

dharrington #racist chimpmania.com

Evening all.

I live in a nice, safe, upper middle class gated community which is completely white. My brother lives in a similar community across county. He has a son, my nephew, who is 24 now. This nephew has just been released from jail and as a family we decided it might be good for him to come and live with me for a while, as his parents want a break from the stress of it all. As a family we were raised by my God-fearing parents to work hard and always look out for one another, so my wife and I were pleased to give him a go.

The idea was that I could introduce him to a friend of mine and get him some basic work, as he's pretty unqualified. My brother and I are workaholics and when we catch up it's always over golf and we never really discuss family - so I was so ashamed and disappointed when my nephew arrived at our place, having been taxied straight from release (paid for by his relieved father).

I hadn't seen him for some years, but dear Lord, I almost had a heart attack. He's a wigger, down and out, I mean I did know this but seeing him come down my driveway in my beautiful neighborhood looking and talking like he belongs in an urban ghetto! His pants are quite literally at his knees, he has these stupid flat hats on backwards, huge white shoes.

Truly a disgrace. I spoke to my brother about his appearance - apparently his pants haven't been above this thighs for over a decade, but a long time ago they were baggy, and now they're these disgraceful skinny jeans. Either way, he sure can't walk properly which makes me wonder how he'll be able to work. He can't get up stairs and he actually bragged to me that the only reason he got caught by the cops one time was because his pants were particularly low then and he literally couldn't run properly. This is NOT a white trend, it never was, but they COPY and emulate the niggers.

His language is equally nigger. He actually calls me "bruh" whenever he addresses me, not "uncle" or anything - sometimes he manages to call me the only slightly better "dude". Either is better than what he calls his friends, "niggas" - I believe the distinction is important. With them he talks of living the "thug life", being a "gangsta", etc.

They truly think they are gangsters, bless them. Little rich white kids living in huge houses in a gated community, mommy and daddy each on six figure salaries. They wear bandanas and throw up gang signs all the time. Again, this is NIGGER CULTURE coming through on to them that they are emulating.

I understand it must be linked to insecurity and merely copying what they see in pop culture, music videos, MTV etc. My nephew is convinced he will breakthrough as a rapper, and sees his occupation as a gangbanger and rapper (with the aforementioned play-gang and a few songs with a dozen views!).

He's been with us for five days now - he eats us out of house and home because he always has "the munchies" and he is is no rush to to anything useful or productive. I'll be kicking him out soon.

germaniajim #racist chimpmania.com

The definition of a racist is someone who knows who he or she is. Racism is the truest form of nationalism. there is nothing wrong whatsoever with being a racist. Nothing,

Todays racist is tomorrows hero.

All my descendants hate niggers too. They'd damn well better.

The further bashing of the white race marches on. The damn niggers should be grateful that white kids are around them, dont niggers always do better in school when hanging around other whites?

Paddyroller #racist chimpmania.com

My spin on the niggers in that book:

Harriet Tubman --Although there are many contenders, Harriet Tubman is quite possibly the ugliest shitsmear I've seen around, and the US Mint voted to put this POS on the $20 bill replacing Andrew Jackson to punish us Americans by having to look at pure nigger ugly every time we make a purchase. Putting that nigger on the $20 bill should not be part of a redesign to prevent counterfeiting. Counterfeiting may actually increase, since the eye damage and the amount of eye bleach needed after looking at that image would obscure the "Mint marks" and prevent a close examination of the currency.

Claudette Colvin--This now Bronx, Nig York nigger, in its younger years, refused to move to the back of the bus, way down in Montgomery Alabam, a full three mumfs before nigger Rosa Parks did the same thing. The niggerloving nigger-rights lawyers used Parks instead of Colvin, because Colvin, a then teenigger, was knocked up by a middle-aged jig, and was an "unsympathetic plaintiff."

Ruby Bridges--This shitstain on American History came to fame for just being a nigger. It was the first niglet enrolled in the New Orleans all-white school district when the niggerloving federal courts ordered that this jiggy be bussed in and enrolled in the elementary school. Despite being in a human school, the nigger failed many of its courses. According to the niggers, it was not due to its inferior intellect, but rather due to 'scriminati0on. The whites then fled the Nig Orleans skoo' district, and the edumacators ended up attempting to teach a barrel of monkeys. Look at the Nig Orleans skoo' district today and ask yourself if admitting niggers was progress.

Florence Griffith ["Ah runs fast"] Joyner--So a nigger can run fast; what else is new? My dog can run faster than that nigger ever could. So can a glue factory horse...let alone a thoroughbred. And my dog and a horse can do it without performance enhancing drugs or experience running from the cops in the Watts area of Los Angeles. The nigger died in its sleep back in 1988. The "official" cause of death was "suffocation due to a severe epileptic seizure," but that was just cover for a drug OD.

Oprah "Orca" Winfrey--This nigger is comprised of 300 lbs. of whale shit, and the balance bear liver. The nigger should have been adorning the box of Aunt Jemima's buckwheat pancake mix, instead of polluting the airwaves with its nigger drivel, that somehow enchanted and infatuated the country's ignoramuses. Nigger Winfried needs to go to South Apefrica to permanently supervise the skoo' it endowed there to edumacate the local niggers and to reduce the incidence of AIDS.

Epilogue--The spin doctors can elevate the lowliest crackhead nigger into deity status. Never buy into the propaganda, and remember a nigger is a nigger, and always will be.

The Whip #racist chimpmania.com

Who could forget. I had several Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian friends back when they came into the states. FOBs as they were called, not a very nice name. We grew up together and even ate at each others dinner tables with the entire family of umpteen generations. The kids my age all eventually grew up and did very well for the most part despite coming directly from severe poverty to a strange new home with round eye and his different rules, zero education, 15 years old and in the 6th grade kind of shit, english as a second language, from horrible tales of torture and war torn lands that was all not by choice. Forced to fight or family is killed and worse kind of stuff that only exists in nightmares.

Niggers on the other hand are pieces of shit by choice. They have been given every opportunity, grants, school lunches, racial quotas, etc. Lived relatively sheltered lives aside from exposure to each other and are still wailing about ancestral slabery as if it happened to them today, demanding reparations and succeeding at nothing short of failure. They revolt against us for no reason then accuse of being racist when they don't get their way. And beat the shit out of each other, their pickaninnies when they aren't just out right killing each other. Something we don't do.

I could go on. I'm sure anyone here could too. But this is why I hate niggers. They are whiners, babies, accusers, bullies, extortionists, thugs and everyone has been through hard shit but niggers demand attention for it and flunk at life. Well niggers, here's the kind of attention you get from me.

Anti-Groid #racist chimpmania.com

There is no hope at his age. He has sold his soul to Satan. I personally would do the honorable thing and drive him to the nearest nigger shithole and tell him to get the fuck out that he has no place in human society and all that is left is for him to live among his nigger homies.

Do give him an example of what he looks like get the movie Malibu's Most Wanted. Please do this and soon for the sake of YOUR family especially if you have children.

NiggerChow, Felonious P Jenkem, Rip Tide, Ulfhednar, and OldIrishAsshole #racist chimpmania.com

(NiggerChow): Hahahahaha fuck you, nigger! However, it is not like the ugly gorillasow actually has the money to pay the fine, unless the court can garnish whatever the nigger makes selling jenkem or crack.

(Felonious P Jenkem): Damn.! Thats one angry looking Sowzilla.! Glad its Niglotto apetempt was denied.! It should be caged immediately whilst awaiting deportation.

(Rip Tide); As if niggers ever pay fines or fees and if by unlikely chance it does it'll be will money stolen from taxpayers.

(Ulfhednar): Outstanding! It warms my heart when they fail and they have to pay the gibs.

(OldIrishAsshole): HA-HA! Fuck you nigger! I hope it winds up homeless because of this stupid little stunt.

Frenchy #racist chimpmania.com

There is never a reason for any nigger to EVER see the inside of a school. While it may be obvious that niggers are poor choices to perform as "teachers", even for picannies, niggers should never be permitted to work in custodial or food service roles in any institution of learning.

Clearly, niggers don't want to attend school, and there is no tangible benefit for allowing them to attend, and the foul, fetid stench of nigger is certainly unwelcome. In a perfect World, all accredited institutions would be entirely nigger free campuses.

NiggerChow, Whip_Cracker, and Ted #racist chimpmania.com

(NiggerChow): Indeed, niggers are like cockroaches: they always seem to be where filth is.

(Whip_Cracker): Maybe niggers spontaneously sprouted from filth. That would explain a lot. Yep, thats it.

(ted): Call me a sick fvck if you will, but I wanted to see that stroller go down the stairs.

I'm over here suffering through a life changing injury that has so profoundly affected me that I can no longer watch the "hey watch this" and "hold my beer" video clips because seeing others get hurt makes me flinch and flinching really hurts me. But this is about a niglet. A niglet in a stroller. Spawn of Satan. Future gibs sucker. Future felon factory followed by stints at NU.

Gallifrey #racist chimpmania.com

Screw McNiggers ! I sent a nice little letter to corporate HQ.

"Dear McDonalds,
Another shooting at another one of your stores, by another "black", although that's not what I call them and in the interest of civility, I will call them "black". for now. I don't know what the draw is to these animals, but your restaurants have become nothing but a dangerous place for any human to be. Fights, shootings, brawls, blacks arguing with store employees, other patrons, and in general, destroying your stores. Mr. Kroc must be spinning around in his grave like a turbine engine right now. I will not patron your stores, anywhere at anytime, and I am not the only one. If you wish to pander to "blacks", then you will suffer the consequences. They are animals that have ZERO respect for anything or anyone. But, given the leadership at your company, what is happening at your stores is no surprise. It seems that violence in your stores are a daily occurrence, and given enough time, McDonalds will fall due to the lack of Paying Customers. We both know it's common practice for "blacks" to order food, eat most of it, complain and get a refund or another meal for free. Seen it, witnessed it, it happens.
And with no real paying customers, it's only a matter of time. I am not alone in this complaint. We humans steer clear of your stores like it was the plague, for good reason. "Black" violence, "Black" patrons, "Black" culture.

No response as of yet and I don't expect one. Funny thing is, when following the link above to the story, all the news stories at that news station is all about blacks!

Yuppers, Humans are the problem... </sarc>