
Breaking_Borders #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

The Earth was made in 7 days. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! And just to let people know... carbon dating is crap. Lighting strikes create carbon14,which is used to date objects, so when lighting hits the ground or an object or the atomsphere, more is creatd, thus you cannot have an accurate representation of how old something is.

khazul #fundie #homophobia bbs.payableondeath.com

There is no such thing as Christian Homophobia. Yes homosexual lifestyles can tear a family apart, especially if some members disagree with it and don't voice there opinions in Godly love. It is more likely in Christian house holds as we as Christians are not to support sin. Yes some people on this forum have shown hate for homosexuals; it doesn't mean it's a uniform Christian belief. I've seen more non-Christian "Homophobics" than Christian.

Livin'4Christ #fundie #homophobia #sexist bbs.payableondeath.com

People say it's okay to be a Wiccan, Buddhist, Muslim or whatever but it must be made clear God hates these false religions (if they are in fact false) and He'd like to see them eradicated. Homosexuality is the killer. Priests, pastors, politicians etc are decieving God's little children into thing it's okay to be gay. The world has come to largely accept homosexuals in this world and the gay movement is stronger than ever... God hates it all. People think female pastors are a welcome but God says they're not (debatable). Many don't believe in capital punishment even though God created it. Pacifists and anti-war (defence) Christians are just confused. Is there a passage in the Bible that says we're to conform to social beliefs or don't people give a shit about the truth? Why so weak?

Chilocanth #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On hell being totally unjust]

I often wonder how people develop such negative concepts of God and maintain such hostile attitudes toward a deity.

Regardless of the "hoop" one must jump through, one must either jump or face the wrath of the deity. Shaking the fist and calling the hoop unfair really doesn't change the situation.

If God said, "You must sodomize three animals before you die" in order to get to heaven, then you had better get humping. Obviously, that's not the case, but I wonder if everyone would complain as much?

Cheeriohero #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Your ignorance is astonoshing...I mean it really makes me sick.... why would god want losers that don't believe in him or his son in heaven... I'm not trying to be pushy I just care about you and every other non believer , why...I may never know...

Lindisfarne #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I think I should point out that my post wasn't about the solidarity of the [Evolution] theory, it was about the way many people follow the theory without question. Of course scientists wouldn't care if the theory would be proved untrue, that wasn't the point, the point was that many people who believe in it, would deny it's untruth, just like they did 1000's of years ago.

ArchxAngel #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

It is illogical to have linear logic. However it may have truth in it, you will never find the complete answer.

With Circular logic, you have your back up, and as long as that back up is uninteruptabed, it is perfected 100 with truth, making it wise, which makes it truth.

hercules1 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

If you dropped your computer on the ground and smashed it. Would it put itself back together. It is proven that a living organism CANNOT come from a none living organism. Evolution is supposed to evolve us into something better, but we are getting worse. I have heard that evolution has happened because we needed something extra. Like at one stage we had no stomach and therefore couldnt eat, then somehow a stomoach appears. Well I want to fly, but you dont see wings popping out do you. Has anyone EVER seen evolution. NO!!!!!! It amazes me how all this is just ONE BIG accident. A whole bunch of rockes came together and earth was created, then a little spec grew into what we are now. Where did that little spec come from to start with.

Ander #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[After being told Christians can accept science just fine]

In anyway, why should any Chrstian compromise his/her beliefs to make them fit into the 'scientific truth'? Didn't Christianity come first? When the Mayans were conqurered by los conquistadores, they integrated their religious beliefs into Catholicalism. As a result, their religion was basically destroyed. We see the similar happening right here.

khazul #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Atheism disproves itself. It is an impossibility. "If We are, then God must be" The fact that matter exists proves a higher being. "From nothing, nothing comes" If the Big bang really happened it would have to have a beginning, which is impossible because of a lack of existance before. Even Darwin himself in his last days found the flaw in his own theory. Yet billions of people will still do anything to deny Gods existance. They want freedom from his wrath, yet it's coming wether we want it or not.

hayden #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[On library porn filters]All nudity needs to go. We have pretty sophisticated filters out there...if the filter won't let you see it then that's it. Even if the filter won't let in a legit site for one reason or the other, it's just the price I believe we have to pay so that my kid isn't subjected to anything that isn't appropriate.

BurningSon #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Replying to 'belief is not a choice']Belife is to a choice. You have the free will to say to God that you don't belive His son died for you and to slap Him in the face with that and you also have the free will to belive in false god's. Do you realize that this country has went down hill for a long time now because we have thrown God out of a lot of things?

Grace Not Works #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Replying to 'Would you consider women being forbidden to speak in church sexist?']

No, because firstly, that women aren't any less than men because they aren't allowed to speak, and secondly, such a statement would only be made if there is a good reason. Never does the Bible say that women are less than equal.

asbesttes #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Also science only tell us what is most likely according to the information gathered by our flawed minds. Science can NEVER prove anything so evolution can always be FALSE. This would go with god too, but if that was true nothing would be true or real cuz nothing would have been preset so nothing would be. But science supports christianity. I have develled into evolution and never have I seen a good mutation. I have only witnessed evolutionist support there movement with the unknown. I have not posted all the evidence i have found for christianity. If I did they would probably ban me for flooding.

Exterminatus #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Suppose that several thousand people colonize the planets during the tribulation. Will they suffer the wrath of god on those planets as well, or is it just on earth?

What about the true Christians living on Pluto or in hyperspace through Andromeda? Does the LORD's influence stretch out for light years? Or is he only concerned with those who inhabit earth.

I was asking this because nowhere in the Bible, even Revelation, does it say that God will extend his wrath in any place other than earth. Nowhere in revelation is Mars or Jupiter or K-Pax mentioned.

The Friday Start #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

pornography is addictive .. and thats rubbish if you think it is not .. i have alot of friends who have had trouble with it and the guy who said that he can look at porn and still have a decent relationships with girls of the opposite sex .. yes you can .. but i bet you still think of them in a different way .. your just too scared to admit it .. YOU GET OVER IT .. and porn does lead to other things .. some of u's just need to get a life ... cause porn is a big problem .. and if you believe in God and follow God .. porn can not be in your life .. BOTTOM LINE .. thats the truth .. and by the way .. you can't handle it .. fag

Livin'4Christ #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

IT'S SCIENCE MAN!!! It's their love for science. They'd actually rather science have created the universe than God. Science is their life and they love science as much as we love God... so naturally science is what they stand for. Obviously I'm speaking about scientists. I say f*** scinece.

punkrocker71 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

about 1 1/2 years ago i expermented with many different religions. heres what i felt and found---- budhisim---it gave me some high understanding and some insight on wisdom but i didnt feel loved or even accepted by anyone. i didnt feel like there was anybody out in the universe (little gods) islam---total waist of time. it felt very evil. i wanted to hurt people and i was depressed. satanism---it felt exciting at first but i got more and more depressed and felt like my soul was dead. things happened. i saw things fly thru my room. i had nighmares everynight. i heard voices. christianit---i was happy. i felt loved. altho its not the funnest religion it is worth it for the peace u feel. i felt a good presence.

Psalms1188 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

A quick review of the first and second laws of thermodynamics clearly would cause any rational person to conclude that everything in the universe moves from hot to cold, and from order to dis-order... we are all disintergrating!!!! That's what mutation is all about for all you bone-head biologists out there that can't put two and two together... But perhaps there are many like you that simply are not rational or have never studied college level physics. That's ok. You've probably got another 50 or 60 more trips around the sun to sober up. And the thought of death is a sobering one when its real.

BleakBassPlayer #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com


khazul #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

So, what would teh world be like without Hitler and human rights and the end of teh depression and radar and ect that come out of world war 2? It would be very interesting indeed to see how far behid we would be.

hayden #wingnut bbs.payableondeath.com

It may have an extreme generalization about all democrats being traitors. But to say that she dosen't get her facts straight is in need of some more proof. That was an outstanding book. She defends Joe McCarthy, who became one of my heroes after reading that book and doing some other research. Talk about a true patriot.

hayden #wingnut bbs.payableondeath.com

All of that is very true. [Democratic presidential candidate John] Kerry is an idiot of Orwellian proportions. He wouldn’t be able to find his butt unless a NYT poll showed him where it is. The only reason Kerry has a chance is because he fits the liberal agenda of destroying this country a little at a time, and turning us into a socialist crap hole just like Europe.

hayden #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

do you really believe that these guys [scientists] know what they're talking about?"

"now if we are finding dinasaurs daily and in great detail...how come there aren't thousands of half-apes, winged-fish, deformed mammals. And most important how come there are still apes and fish"

"Of course, they are changing the theory to match the find...whay do we keep on believing science theory's."

"Where did the first particle, atom, proton, vaccume, or first minute piece of existance come from? Don't skirt the question give me a straight answer...ok, see I realize that this does not prove the God of the Bible, but it proves some kind of being greater then us."

"it takes way way more faith to believe this then to believe the fact that an all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal God created us for his pleasure and enjoyment."

"no offenence, but you better pray every night that there is no God, I'll put it this way, Even if God had not made it so obvious I would live my life as if God was watching everyday..What do you have to lose."

"The Bible never, never approves killing, rape, or any other worldly sin. They are not real Christians.

zaofreak #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I can't admit any of that [that God might be entirely different than the Christian God]...You know why? Because I believe in God and blind faith. Blind faith-Believing in something that you do not know will happen. I may not know about any of that stuff. But I do know that YOU ARE WRONG.

Wegs #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Ok Leon, I don't get it. A defendant is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. So God exists until He is proven not to exist. Making Sense....... You just contradicted yourself with your own example. Poorly put.