
Margaret #sexist aroomofourown.wordpress.com

The first question any sane, self-loving woman would ask upon realizing that the vast majority of males are rapists is how to keep these rapists away from girls and women. The fact that so many women instead ask how to keep the males from being rapists is a manifestation of feminine masochism.

AVelarde #fundie aroomofourown.wordpress.com

[Re. transsexuals]

I can’t blame these men for wanting to have their penises chopped off because I can’t think of anything more revolting than penises. But please stop terrorizing separatist spaces and stop wielding your maleness and stop claiming to be women. But of course, you’re male and no amount of pleading will do. You’ll keep terrorizing and raping females all the same.

Margaret #fundie aroomofourown.wordpress.com

[Re. transsexuals]

But, then, as soon as you get into the details of all this insanity, you’ve got women running to their defense screaming about how the “transwomen” they know don’t even like wearing bras and pantyhose. I simply cannot understand the scramble to find that ONE tranny out of a million who’s somehow not a raging misogynist who believes butchering a male gets you a female.

Any male calling himself any kind of female is misogyny, period. And just because a woman knows and loves one of these misogynists in real life doesn’t mean it’s not woman-hating.

Kitty Glendower #fundie aroomofourown.wordpress.com

Why Is there a General Aversion Against Trannies?

Because on the whole, average, collective, individual level, deep down inside they are deceitful people. Society do not make trannies deceitful, it is who they are. Deceitful people have latched on to tranny-ism (an ideology created in order for deceit to prosper) because it gives them cover.
Trust your instincts. It is not about expression, rebellion, transgression, etc. It is about a group of horrible and to the bone sociopaths creating a socially and lawfully means to practice their deceit.

If I didn’t consider them so fundamentally monstrous, I would feel sorry for them.

No one likes a liar, no one likes a thief.

E. Kitty Glendower #fundie aroomofourown.wordpress.com

[All bolding in original]

What must you think of yourself, your body if you think that all it takes to become female (biological fact) is for a male (biological fact) to dress up like society’s interpretation of woman (social construct)?

What fucking planet are you on?

Are you stupid?

Or are you so fucking weak and sorry that you will swallow anything, any line of shit in order to have male approval?

Keyword glossary:

Sex: Biological Fact
Female: Biological Fact
Male: Biological Fact
Gender: Social Construct
Masculinity: Social Construct
Femininity: Social Construct

Homophobia/Lesbophobia: When a person is so afraid to present themselves as gay/lesbian that they will instead mutilate their bodies and pretend to be born a sex that they were not born.

When a parent is so afraid to let the world know that their daughter or son is lesbian or gay that they will encourage and consent for that child to have her/his body pumped with corporate-made drugs and mutilated.

Pervert/Freak: When a male thinks just because he likes to wear dresses (thus, not the pervert/freak part of this equation), that he should be able to freely roam females spaces, i.e. female restrooms, female prisons, etc.

When a male thinks just because he likes to wear dresses (thus, not the pervert/freak part of this equation) that lesbians should be made to want to fuck him, whether he has a dick or not.

Gender Addict: A person who thinks that they must perform a specific gender (social construct) because they were born a particular sex (biological fact), and if their desire to perform a particular gender (social construct/performance) does not match the sex (biological fact) they were born, then everyone in the whole world should pay for them to mutilate their body in an attempt to accomplish a biological impossibility.

Someone who demands that everyone believe that sex (biological fact) is gender (social construct/performance). And that a copy (social construct/performance) can become an original (biological fact) with enough wishful thinking and corporate-made drugs.

Someone who thinks it is perfectly acceptable to wish and/or inflict violence on people who do not pretend that gender (social construct/performance) and sex (biological fact) are synonymous.

Rose #sexist aroomofourown.wordpress.com

A penis is a fucking weapon— and I AM a mother of 3 sons! My youngest is 5 and I can tell you, I never allow the older teen boys to bathe him, sleep in the same bed with him, see him naked, sit on their laps, babysit, wrestle or any interaction that involve more than a hug. Do I think my older sons will rape him? In my heart no ,but in my mind I know it can happen because they have a fucking penis and a penis is a weapon. Might sound harsh to some but my job is to protect my kids even from each other. I was the same way when the older boys were younger— no staying over friends house were there are older boys or men. No staying over my brother’s house( my brother loves them and in my heart I know he would not hurt them, but he also has a penis which is a fucking weapon. Only female doctors. Never fully trust any man with a penis. Not their father, uncles, teachers — no one.

I cannot even fathom how vigilant I would have been if my children were females.