
Aleskakolja #fundie aleskakolja.tumblr.com

#How stupid do you have to be to say Christianity is bad but wanting to fuck children isn’t

Well, in that specific post I wasn’t saying that Christianity is bad (what it is, like all religions), I was just talking about how the whole concept of endless suffering is just disproportionate no matter what and it makes you questioning the moral values of people who support it and the god who punish people like that. Specially since if god was real determinism would be an obligated thing, there is no way out of that, what makes it even more unfair and just plain stupid. But that is a whole different topic, a discussion about theism and philosophy that I don’t think you are on the level for keeping. Also, I don’t have time for it right now (maybe i could write a post someday, however, who knows.)

But nah, I was talking about some specific theistic ideas, not making a statement about whole Christianity— But if you want one— Yeah, Christianity is bad. In fact, it is one of the worst ideologies that has ever been created. I think no one has so much dead people on their count. But anyways it doesn’t matter, religion discussion is not the topic.

About the second part of the sentence. No. Pedophiles don’t want to “fuck children”. When you say someone wants something you are adding will into it. Attraction lacks of volition. You can’t choose it. A pedophile just feels attracted towards some children, that only means they feel aroused by them, not that they *WANT* to have sex with that children. I talked about that here, anyways, I’m not repeating myself.


All mental disorder s are natural so what we should celebrate bipolar

This only keeps going better haha Yeah, in fact, all diseases are natural, that is true! The natural thing is that people die from cancer or infections, medicine is a human invention that goes against nature. And I’m not being ironical, that is true. If you think a bit about it, illness is just a social construct. It is natural, we just choose that some things should be treated while we accept another ones as physiological/variations of normality. Criteria keep changing with time and you can see people fighting to get some things out of the disease classification (as autistic people, for example). But again, this is a whole different topic to discuss, it keeps seeming too complex for your level.

So yes, well, mental disorders are natural— But pedophilia IS NOT a disorder. It is a sexual orientation. The disorder needs to meet some criteria (distress or lack of self-control) to be taken like that. Info here, not repeating myself.

Also, bipolar doesn’t have anything to do with sexuality but ok—

aleskakolja #fundie aleskakolja.tumblr.com

I have been thinking a bit about this, and since we have some numerical data maybe we can put numbers in the issue of “pedophiles genocide”. Maybe seeing the numbers could help to have clearer visions of the implications of some people’s desires and intentions.

So, there are a large part of antis who think that all pedophiles, no matter what, should die. I want to believe that most of them don’t think that for real, that they talk without thinking first and that they aren’t actual genocidals waiting for a chance. But I would like to show the implications of following this sentiment.
The numbers: 

The global population is around 7000,000,000. The number of pedophiles is estimated to be around a 5% (and maybe it could be bigger, since the female population hasn’t been deeply studied and we are talking only about pedophiles, not ALL MAPs. But well, we’ll go with that number. An estimation).

What does this mean? That around 350,000,000 people are pedophiles. 350 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD ARE PEDOPHILES.

Think slowly about it. USA population is 323 millions. The whole Europe population is 743 millions. Murdering all pedophiles would mean that you want to kill more than what the USA’s population is. Half of the european population. Can you see it now? Do you have the number and its implications in your head?

But well, we’ll keep going over this. I’m strongly against death penalty. I don’t think we have any right to decide who lives and who dies and I don’t believe in a punitive justice system. That is not justice, that is just revenge. I believe in rehabilitation and reinsertion when it is possible, in turning criminals in good, productive members of society and approach the penitenciary system not as a punishment but as therapeutic, educational system. But I’m going to let this for a moment. We are going to say that we accept death penalty for some criminals and that child abusers get that. By this genocide you aren’t just killing offenders, but millions of innocent people. Gonna imagine that a 25% of pedophiles are offenders in some way (and I’m being generous with the number. Too high). If that is true, you are still mudering 262,500,000 of innocent people. Even if half of the pedophiles where child abusers, that would be 175 millions of innocents murdered. The studies with higher numbers about the nazi holocaust talk about 15-20 millions of victims. When you say you want all pedophiles dead that means that you want a genocide 20 times worse than the nazi one. Even if you are full of hate and approve capital punishment, you should be able to see that the genocide of 350 millions of people, innocent or not, just for a specific and unchosen trait of them is too radical and useless. But I’ll go over this now.
“It is for a greater good”

Ok, just for a second, we are going to pretend that the murdering of innocent people (or just, murdering in general) is justificable in some way, we are going to imagine that there is such a thing as a greater good that is above the most basic human right of millions of people and that makes their murder ok. What would you achive with this? Well, acknowledging that only around 33% of CSA is commited by pedophiles that means that this genocide wouldn’t stop even half of the abuse children suffer. 66% of it would still happen. So we would have millions of innocents dead and children still being abused without no one taking serious actions to stop it, because they have focus all the effort in the murdering of pedophiles.

But that is not all. Pedophiles would keep borning, of course. Because pedophilia is not a choice, an ideology or something you can control. People would still born with this trait and would develop it, so you’d have to keep murdering a 5% of human population every generation. This would include a lot of CSA survivors, of course, that turn out to be pedophiles when they grow up. But since you are killing pedophiles CSA is impossible so there isn’t survivors, right? This approach will just lead to a total invisibilization of CSA, because to justify the genocidal attitude you need to support the idea that only pedophiles commit CSA, so the voices of most victims wouldn’t be hear. 

And of course, if your intention is murdering pedophiles as a “prevention” strategy, it would be the best that you kill them as young as possible, before they can commit any offense. Since most people became aware of their attractions as teens, you would be killing mostly minors. Probably the millions you are killing are all under 16. But that is ok, because it is for a greater good— Or maybe not.

Because by killing all pedophiles you would still have most of CSA happening and you would have to keep an eternal genocide for the rest of the history without any perks coming from it. Because you would see friends, family, neighbours— dying constantly for a trait they didn’t choose and you would have to accept it because that is supposed to make some kind of good for society. This is not effective. This doesn’t save children. This is heinous. There are way better things we can do about this topic.
So, what can we do, then?

We, as a society, have a principal role here. We can prevent CSA before it happens and the way to achive this is not murdering, it’s not genocide, it’s not hate. It is knowledge and understanding. We need to be aware of the risk factors for CSA and treat them as soon as we notify someone has them. Treatment is not murdering, but therapy. And this is not a thing just for pedophiles. This is something for anyone with these risk factors (lack of empathy, self-control—). On the side of pedophiles, literature is clear about it: isolation only hurts and create risk factors. The way to prevent pedophiles from offending is offering them a supportative, open society. If instead of making them feeling like mosters doomed to abuse we teach young pedophiles that they are ok, that they are in control of their actions and that people are going to still love and care about them we are protecting these teens from developing the distortions that can lead to abuse. An open society would mean that pedophiles who need it could go to therapy without fear, learning to accept themselves, to empathize with children, fighting cognitive distortions and developing self-control skills that would prevent them from commiting any kind of offense. This therapy is the way to prevent CSA. And to provide it we need that society stops to hate and demonize pedophiles so they can take this step. But therapy alone is not enough. Human beings need acceptation, need people who show love for them, need to be part of a group and community. That is why you shouldn’t isolate pedophiles. Because it hurts their mental health, because maybe the only ones who show acceptation would be pro-contact communities, because maybe their loneliness pushes them to do something terrible that we all could have prevent if we had had enough understanding and vision for it.

When you say you want all pedophiles to die you mean that you want 350 millions of people dead. These aren’t light words. This is a terrible statement and maybe you should think about it carefully before support it. You should keep in mind that pedophiles are human beings, with family and friends, most of them innocent, and that all this death would bring a lot of pain to the world without actually helping anyone. The dead of pedophiles wouldn’t stop CSA. Most children would still be abused. The way to prevent this is a good konwledge of the causes and risk factors of CSA and early intervention on these. Genocide, demonization or isolation is not the right intervention, it is an useless preventive strategy with a lot of negative impact. If we want to actually help children we should start by understanding what pedophilia is, who are the pedophiles and heping them to remainn non-offending and anti-contact. We should all work together with MAPs, who can be actually the first step in CSA prevention and the ones turning pro-contacts and potential abusers in riskless people, so we can help children. We should guide ourselves by science, by research, by what we learn and not by what we feel or just blindly believe.
Some last reflections for antis

Please, next time you type something like “I hope all pedos die” “I wish you all were dead” “Please, die” “kill yourself” “best you can do is killing yourself” or any form of suicide baiting and death wishing try to think in the effect of your words. Try to think that in the other side of the screen there is a human being, a person with their life, their problems, their suffering. Someone who didn’t choose to be like that and who has to learn to live with a part of themselves that they probably hate way more than you do. The person you are talking to is not your abuser, is not any child abuser. It is another scared person who is seeking a bit of help and empathy from another human beings. It could be anyone. Your best friend, your nice classmate, your parent, your children. Anyone. 

Because when you express this desire you are telling 350,000,000 of human beings that they would be better off dead. And these are strong words, directed towards people with a high suicide risk. With this, you aren’t protecting children, you are hurting them. With this, you are just spreading your rage to feel a bit better about yourself in the most twisted and egoistic way, but you cause harm. Even to yourself, no matter if you can’t see this now. Drowing in hate, rage and such a toxic ideology won’t bring you peace or happiness. You will only feel worse and worse, more full of wrath, until the day you can’t hold it anymore.

Try to be careful. Think in your words, in their true meaning, in society, in what we can do to make this world better. Stop for a moment, breath deeply, ignore the hate, the rage, your pain, and then try to open your eyes and start to learn. You don’t have to agree in everything. You dont’ have to be a MAP supporter. But just stopping to spread a message of hate and genocide and starting researches and discusssions would do a lot of good. For society, yes, but specially for yourself. Because you are the one who is getting more hurt with this. I hope you can think slowly and see this someday. And for that day I’m here. And for the day before too. I want to know you, I want to help you, I want to show you kindness and empathy. I know you are a good person, that you mean well and that someday you could see what was wrong in your actions. Until then, I’ll be here anyway. I’m open to talk, to discuss, to share my sources and research and to give you support when you need it. But please, stop to support genocide. Don’t let yourself to think that the murdering of 350,000,000 can be in any circunstances for a greater good. Never. Genocide is always wrong. 

And if you are an anti who is against cross-tagging, against suicide baiting and death wishes and who believe in therapy even if you don’t like the MAP community, please, try to be vocal about this. Help to make your community less toxic and hateful, help another people to be less dogmatic and more open to talk and discuss in respectful ways, try to make them see why wishing people dead or telling them to commit suicide is wrong. You have a lot of power in your hands and you can stop a lot of harm just by making your community a bit more open, tolerant and safe, by making it less harmful for its members and less anti-science, anti-recovery and anti-therapy. If you believe that something is wrong don’t be afraid and speak up against it. I have talked with antis who only were antis and who wrote hateful stuff because they were scared to be called out and hated for not being like the other antis. That is not good. No one should feel forced to do something they don’t agree with and that makes them distressed just for the fear that their own community causes them. Be helpful, be there for the ones who show more humanity and empathy. Suport therapy and understanding, not genocide, rage and hate. Give everyone a hand.

So, summarizing, if you support the idea of wanting all pedophiles dead, try to think slowly, be aware of the implications, keep the numbers and facts in your mind. Genocide is not an option. If you want to fight monsters, try to don’t become yourself in one.

Aleskakolja #fundie aleskakolja.tumblr.com

You mentioned on PAH that you have your own opinions on the morality surrounding necrophilia and zoophilia. I'm curious, what do you think?

ok, hi there! So well, be ready for some little controversy, I guess :P

First of all I would like to state a general and short view of my moral conceptions. I’m a moral nihilist, in the sense that I don’t think that there is a superior moral system that rules them all and that is objective and natural and everyone should follow by the law of god or any other superior power. I think morals are a social construct, based in a specific culture and society and that changes over time, but that aren’t based in any objective source. The common things you can find in different societies are easily explained by some kind of “societies darwinism”. Mostly, the societies that follow a moral system where they take care of their own people and punish some stuff (as murdering of your own, for example) have more chances to survive that a society without morals where everything is fair game. That kind of society is self-destructive, so every human society groups towards some basics due to survival instintics, but not because those are the objective, good things. Some times a society morals can be, in fact, pretty harmful for some individuals even if they truly believe that is the right way to go, the logic and natural order.

So, going from this, I think a moral system is needed, of course. For the good of both, individuals and society survival and wellbeing. As I have said, an ‘everything is fair game’ society is a condemned society. But if we don’t have an objective moral, not a power superior to men to tell us what is wrong and what is right and traditional values are exposed as old constructs that can easily being wrong, what can we do? Well, my solution is created a moral of consense, a moral based in the best for everyone. And that is where my morals stands. My rules are easy. Every situation should be judged carefully and individually, they aren’t real moral statements or absolute truths aside a couple of things “every action should be consensual” and “something is wrong if it causes you or anyone else an involuntary harm”. And even these things have exceptions in some extreme or specific situations (I can provide you with examples if you want to, I love discussing morals!).

Now, making this clear (and if you have any question or don’t understand something ask me, no fear ^^) I’ll give you my thoughts around these two issues, that can be kinda out of the morals of our current society.

-Necrophilia: I don’t think this is inherently immoral in any way. I dont see corpses as people. They aren’t human beings, they are, in a strict sense, a piece of meat. Of course, there is a big taboo about this for different reasons. We have the obvious one, people who still see the bodies as their loved ones and feel it as an attack to them, a disrespectful action. We also have the fear of death and the general taboo that it has (people who don’t even want to talk about death, people who are scared to go for a walk into a cemetery, people who look at you as a weirdo for liking “dark” things and gothic literature— there are plenty of this). And adding to that, we have misconceptions about the problems it can give you (diseases. People associate corpses with disease and this is normal, since humanity has gone through a lot of epidemics and the cultural memory about it remains. But the reality is different. If someone wasn’t sick before death they aren’t dangerous as a corpse. People still don’t understand this).

So, summarizing, I don’t think there is something inherently immoral about necrophilia. I don’t think these actions are something wrong itself. However, we need to understand our context and the effect of our actions. I don’t have this taboo, I think it is absurd and just a norm that comes from a sex-negative, scared of the death society that I don’t agree with. But I understand that not everyone is like me. That for some people it would be harmful, that they wouldn’t want this for their loved ones, so, and since you live in a specific context and our actions have consequences in real people’s lifes, you can’t just have sex with random corpses. Not because it is immoral, but because it can harm someone else (not the corpse, the corpse is not a person anymore).

I think the best way to go over this is educating people about why it isn’t harmful or immoral, explain the taboo and maybe someday we get a society where this isn’t seem as terrible and awful and people can have sex with corpses (I have always thought in some kind of necrocard, you know, like for organ donations, consent to necrophilic sex before die so the problem of consent gets solved. I know from plenty of people who wouldn’t care to give their corpses for this. It isn’t such a crazy idea after all).

-Zoophilia: I can feel this one is going to bring even more controversy up. But well, here we go. I don’t think every action in every case of sexual interaction with an animal is wrong. Harming an animal for pleasure is wrong. I don’t support animal abuse and zoosadism in any way. I believe that animals are living beings with a sense of pain and they deserve to be respected and treated properly. You can kill animals for eating. That is understable and natural. Killing them for fun is something I don’t approve. Causing them pain for fun is something I don’t approve either.

But now, about sex. Sex with an animal is not always something violent or traumatic as we could think. Sex is not inherently harmful and wrong just because it is sex. Also, animals *can* consent in a way. Of course, they can’t tell you what they want, but you can understand their reactions. It is obvious when an animal is distressed or in pain, when an animal is scared or uncomfortable and then you know something is wrong. It is obvious too when an animal is happy and feeling good, when an animal is comfortable and wants something. This applies to sex too. If the sex is unwilling, painful, distressful or hurts the animal in any way I’m against it. But if the animal is comfortable, seeks it, it’s ok and doesn’t get hurt I don’t see the problem. For example (*cw: for explicit stuff*, maybe?), if a girl puts some jam on her genitals and let a dog licks it to get sexual pleasure, where is the harm? Or a dog topping a man, how does the dog suffer? (*end of cw*) Also, we have to remember that some animals are proved as being specially anthropophilics (dolphins and dogs are prominent examples), that means they are sexually aroused by humans. They want to have sex with humans. And interspecies sex is not that weird either (and we get hybrids from it).

So, the summary here, I think if the sex is not harmful for the animal (not physically, not emotionally, like causing pain, distress, angst, fear—) and the animal shows signs around it of being comfortable and fine then it isn’t wrong. Of course, the person would be the responsable and would need to pay attention to all the animal’s reactions and notify any problem and stop it that happens. But doing properly, I don’t think it is wrong. (Ah, and if someone’s argument is ‘but sex with humans/like that is inherently traumatic for the animal! They are rape victims in every case and they suffer trauma for it’ I have to say that no, animals don’t have that conception about sex that humans have. They are animals. They don’t have the psychological development to have beliefs about sex or cultural conceptions of it. That is purely a human thing).

Well, these are mostly my thoughts, if you want to ask something else or need I make something clear or any other thing, just go for it, I’m always happy to reply :)

Tags: #anon #asks #morals #zoophilia #necrophilia #opinions #answer #me #sex positivity

aleskakolja #fundie aleskakolja.tumblr.com

Why are you so bent on defending pedophiles

I’m bent on defending innocent people from stigma, demonization and false accusations. I’m bent on decreasing csa, protecting children from actual abusers, improving people’s mental health and in general making the best for everyone. I’m totally into using scientifical evidence to support my views and apply what science has proved us as the best way to help innocent people with pedophilic disorder and to prevent csa. I’m totally down for don’t adding a moral sense to an amoral category as sexuality is and judging people for their chosen actions and not for their impossible to choose feelings. So yeah, I’m really bent on defending pedophiles because that is good for everyone, it decreases people’s suffering, mental illness and csa. Any problem with that?

Tags: anon map positivity map support pro map nomaps asks answer anti antis therapy pedophilia psychiatry

Aleskakolja #fundie aleskakolja.tumblr.com

as a person who survived rape as a child with no justice served, fuck pedophiles, I hope they all get acid injected into their fucking bloodstream

Again, this, exactly this, is what I was talking about. What happened to you was terrible and no one deserves go through that. And I really really want this stops to happen, that no more children have to suffer like this. But what you are saying here won’t bring you peace or justice. That is revenge. But not only that. This is an attack to yourself and your own recovery. You are not hating your abuser, you are not even hating another abusers, you are full of pain and the way you are trying to take it out is by dehumanizing a group of people so you have someone to hurt to feel better. That is not right. That is abusive. That feeds your negative feelings and makes your pain stronger. There is a high chance that your abuser wasn’t even a pedophile, it is probably that the person who hurt you wasn’t even attracted to minors. And even if they were, they took their own decision. They abused you because they wanted to abuse you, not because they were a pedophile. I know it is hard to accept that someone, another human being, a person like you, can take such a terrible decision and hurting you by their own choice, but that is the truth. Don’t give abusers an excuse. They don’t hurt people because they feel a specific attraction. They don’t hurt people because they are subhuman monsters with black souls. They hurt people because they choose to do it (sometimes because they are ill and need treatment, but never for an attraction).

I know that dehumanization and hating of a group that you can identify with your abuser is a way to cope, tricking yourself into believe that “people can’t be so monstrous, therefore, the person who hurt me wasn’t human and everyone with this trait is not human either”, because it is easier think this that accept that human beings are able to cause so much pain. And if your abuser was someone you loved (like family) that makes it even worse. But this is not healthy. This is toxic, this feeds distortions and lock you up in a circle of anger, hate and constant reminder of your pain. You can’t heal while you keep hating. Every attack towards another people is an attack to yourself. You are not hating your abuser, you are not attacking them, you are not protecting children. You are attacking innocent people, you are ignoring what professionals say we should do to prevent CSA, you are hurting yourself and making your pain deeper. You won’t get justice like this. Only the day you stop to feel this hate and anger, the day you start to understand that not all pedophiles are abusers and not all abusers are pedophiles, only that day, you will find some peace and rest.

Do you want justice? You won’t get it by hating and attacking innocent people. The genocide of 350 millions of people won’t bring you any justice. If you want justice then help children to don’t be abused. Sadly, no one can change what happened to you, but we can stop it so no more children have to suffer like you did. We can’t change the past and revenge won’t help us to feel better. The only way to get justice is fighting so no one else has to feel like this, so no one else has to feel this pain and hate. CSA prevention is the justice you should seek. And genocide is not the way. I hope someday you can see it. For your own mental health. Try to be fine there. You are loved and you don’t deserve this pain. I understand you. I support you. And I really hope you can get better, be better.

Tags: #anon #anti community #anti map #anti pedophiles #map community #pedophilia #pro map anti hate csa cw: csa anti abuse anti csa answer asks