
Carico #fundie achristianandanatheist.com

Well let's see, here's what I know that atheists don't:

1) That God created the universe and all living things
2) that God created the earth out of water and why He created it out of water
3) How long it took God to create the earth and why it took Him that amount of time
4) What sin is
5) Why we need a redeemer
6) Who our ancestors are
7) Knowledge of Jewish history
8) what happens after we die
9) Who goes to heaven and why
10) Who goes to hell and why
11) Who Jesus is
12) Why Jesus walked on earth
13) That all humans sin
14) What right and wrong is
15) The difference between good and evil
16) Why animals (especially imaginary animals) can't turn into people or breed human descendants
17) Why the 10 Commandments are the best way to live
18) What the old covenant and new covenant are
19) Why Christianity is waning in the world
20) Why the Arabs and Jews will always fight each other
21) Why atheists can't believe the bible
22) Why scientists aren't trustworthy

That's just the tip of the iceberg of what I know that atheists don't know. So when you find something I don't know, I'm sure that makes you happy.

Carico #fundie achristianandanatheist.com

Sorry but I've got scripture to back me up on all counts.

1 Corinthians 2:14
John 1:1-2
2 Timothy 3:16
John 10:28
John 3:16-18
Matthew 23

And the fact that you haven't backed up your claim that men and women have the same number of ribs. So since i agree with God on all counts and you disagree with God on ALL counts, then you don't have a leg to stand on. Romans 8:31, "When God is for us, who can be against us?" No one because no one has power over us except God. You've got nothing, not even a knowledge of Jewish history. So you're the one to be pitied. Sorry. :(

Carico #fundie achristianandanatheist.com

Sorry, but all you have to do is look at the latest "missing link" which looks more like a lizard than a human being. :lol: If that were found before the Darwin Delusion, there is no possible way to claim it was in any way, human, much less a missing link between humans and...of course they don't know what's on the other side of the chain since Darwin didn't describe his main characters (the common ancestor). So they can't know what any links in the middle of the chain are supposed to look like. They can thus find any animal and make up any story they want about it that can't be verified by anyone in history. That's the definition of a fairy tale. :wink:

But it's funny how easy it is for so many people to believe anything scientists say. Agaon, that's how myths become popular. :wink:

Carico #fundie achristianandanatheist.com

(What do you think? Is this a good way to raise kids? Will the Duggar 18 turn out to be missionaries or atheists? Will they be naive and arrogant adults? Are they a threat to the future of science research (as far as I can tell, not one of them has ever conducted a lab experiment)? Or would more families like this make the world a better place, with less violence, petty meanness and general selfishness?)

It sure beats the way "Jon and Kate" raise their kids. :wink: The Duggars understand values higher than bodily gratification which most of the world doesn't understand. :wink: if that bothers you, then adopt values higher than bodily gratification yourself. :)

Carico #fundie achristianandanatheist.com

Jesus called the Pharisees "Snakes" a Brood of vipers!" According to you, those are rotten fruits. The Pharisees thought so too which is one reason they killed him. :wink:

But since you don't know that real love (Christ's love) tells you the truth so you can repent and be saved throughout all eternity, then you will continue to seek Satan's "love" which condones sin so you can spend eternity with him in the fires of hell. It's your choice which kind of love you want. But I can guarantee you that your sinful nature will seek sin no matter what the price. :|So as long as you seek Satan's "love" you will reject Christ's love which Jesus tells us most of the world will do. And as always, the world proves Him right. :-)