Captain Capitalism #conspiracy

Let's just say, "hypothetically" you are an enemy of the United States (or any free and successful country). You are a communist psy-ops specialist in the Soviet Union. Or heck, just a communist ideologue from the Frasier School that wants to ruin the US. Whatever your origins, you are a communist that wants to destroy the US. You envy its economic wealth, you envy it's economic production, you hate how it's dominant and #1, and it really grinds your gears they did it by letting people be free and do what they want. You know you can't take on the US militarily, so how do you bring about its demise efficiently, effectively and cheaply?

You target the wife/women or the family. PREFERABLY the wife/women because that's the first bottleneck before a family is created.

And now your are starting to see why feminism, The Manosphere and economics are related. Since the majority of this country's (an any other free country's) economic production is based on a man's desire to live a happy life by getting married and (sometimes) having children, if you can destroy the quality and caliber of women, let alone the incentive to get married or have children, you can destroy the economic productive capacity of the United States, and thus the country itself. Thus, you see that feminism really isn't about "helping women." It is nothing more than an thinly veiled economic and political attack against the US, freedom and capitalism. This is why I call it "Killing the American Muse."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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