Supreme Slammage #conspiracy

It occured to me a while ago that alot of alien abduction stories sound like they could definitely have an earthly nature. I have known people who have been abducted by the CIA since MKULTRA and the CIA even admits MKULTRA albeit there is alot left to be declassified. The thing is, if ppl remembered that the CIA abducted them, THe CIA might have some problems. SO they implant them with memories of alien abduction, which is very possible. When the ppl return to normal life after many hours to days to weeks have passed, all they remember is the brainwashing of the implanted images they got. Brilliant!!1 I wonder how many people have suffered this fate.

Check this out, its a company that implants fake abduction memories at peoples request. if they can do it I'm sure the CIA can!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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