IvanOng #fundie christianforums.com

It was like while im lying on the bed facing the left side, something was lying on my right side pinching/squeezing my stomach/kidney area... its a little bit of tickish feeling but with pain....

I'm pretty sure that 'thing' on my right side keeps on trying its best to discomfort/attack me at its position. That thing binded my movement, I couldn't turn right, couldnt move at all. When I shout.. I could even hear my own voice at it softest moment(abit like whispering) and also it went slow motion.

Then during that struggle, I remember reading threads regarding such situation in CF and I started praying in tongues as loud and as fast as I could.

Initially, i could hear my own soft and slow tongues, but the more I resist and think of Jesus as my saviour and the victorier, my praying in tongues went into normal tone and loud and smooth until the painness and struggle went away!!!

I even remember I laughed while im saying HALLELUJAH after that victorious battle... wow



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