Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate wrote this headline: "Alt-Left Hypocrisy & Hate, Liberal Logic & Faux Phobias"

Post some of the funniest memes and gifs showing the hypocrisy of the alt-left and their faux-phobias. Liberal logic posts will suffice as well. I'll start us off:

("Can't say "My body, my choice" when you believe people should be fined for not having health insurance")

("Since the US is such an oppressive country, shouldn't we be warning immigrants not to come here?")

(Title is "Liberal Logic". Two photos follow, one of a man in a KKK outfit which says "mentor" and one of Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali and two others saying "racist")

(Man 1: "Hmmmm. It appears your comic showed a few examples of homophobia but clearly implied that they're bad, then made the point that for a Christian to merely hold a Biblical view of sexuality is not really homophobia at all. Well that's not hate speech. That's just you being a Christian and articulating a biblical worldview."
Man 2: "EXACTLY!"
Man 1: "We don't allow that."

Lady Checkmate:
Alt-Left soldier (LOL):
("The constitution isn't a relevant document right now.")

Oxford Martyrs:
(Picture of Sam Elliott saying "Y'know, if it weren't for double standards, liberals wouldn't have any standards at all.")

Amos Moses:
Linus and Lucy having a conversation.
"Lucy: I am pro-choice!
Linus: Can I choose to smoke?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose a large soda?
Lucy: No, it's not good for you.
Linus: Can I choose to own a gun?
Lucy: No, it's not safe for kids.
Linus: Can I choose an incandescent bulb?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose low-cost coal?
Lucy: No, it's not good for the planet.
Linus: Can I choose to honor God?
Lucy: No, that's offensive.
Linus: So what can I choose?
Lucy: An abortion."

(Rod Serling saying: "Imagine if you will living in a country where it is better to be unemployed and undocumented than it is to be employed and a citizen")

(Sign says "Abortion is systemic racism.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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