The Meme Policeman #fundie

The Other 98% posted a tweet from Harvey Bobrow about how Canada has had only 15 mass shootings since 1885 due to tougher gun laws, whereas the U.S. has at least one mass shooting per day.

This is just false.
-In a brief search, I found at least 28 incidents in Canada that would be considered mass shootings. All were since 1965.
-There doesn’t appear to be an outlet that tracks mass shootings in Canada, so there’s likely countless other incidents that would qualify, but haven’t been compiled. Remember, a mass shooting is generally defined as an incident where 4 or more people are hurt or killed by a firearm. Most mass shootings in the US involve zero or 1 death, so often aren’t widely reported or known.
-Thus, it takes a dedicated tracker to compile all the incidents. In the US, there’s which is where most outlets get their mass shooting statistics from.
-The vast majority of US mass shootings are gang related, and involve drive-by or similar style attacks. This is widely misunderstood, as people think of mass shootings as the much rarer events that garner media focus. Claiming the “one mass shooting a day” statistic capitalizes on this ignorance. Canada has far less gang violence, and consequently would be expected to have far less mass shootings.—/canada-mass-shootings_n_144—



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