sv3rige #fundie

When I was a child I was called "4-eyes" and stuff like that because of my glasses. It's unpleasant, but looking back at it now it's wholly understandable. You have glass sticking glasses on your face. It's unnatural, therefore ugly to most humans, especially kids, because they still have some of their natural senses. Later in life we get used to it and the question is: Should we accept it? This name-calling made me find a way out of it. I learned about nutrition and sungazing. My Eyesight isn't perfect now, but it's as good as it will get. I don't need glasses and I'm thankful for it. I see people with glasses for who they are now: disabled human beings. This will offend people but that's OK. Bad Eyesight is a signal of sickness, of deficiency, degeneration. It's not normal.

In nature you would realize that it's not going to work if you have any kind of disability because you wouldn't be able to see a predator coming, which brings me to my next point. All of the deformed and dumb people that also have mental illness of today would all be dead in nature, except if their family would take care of them. And they are also able to reproduce a lot of times so these genes are everywhere. That's because of the lack of natural selection, because we don't live in nature anymore.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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