Robert Norbert Timpko Jr #fundie #wingnut

Funny thing is that some people think this is actually unconstitutional. I don't think they have ever read the Constitution. It isn't. Coaches have been doing this for years and still do all across the nation. But I guess when you tell a lie enough, people will start to believe it. Do you really think our founders would have put into the Constitution a law against what the vast majority of people were doing at the time?

Prayer was in schools, in government, basically every where. Even our rights are designated as being given by God, not man. So that no man has the right to take them away. The only reason the ACLU even wins these fights is because schools don't have the money to fight them in court. But thankfully our Justice Department is starting to take a stand for our bill of rights and starting to support it as government should! If there ever was an example of the wealthy elite taking advantage of the poor, it's the ACLU and it's bogus battle against our public school systems.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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