r0b1nho0d #fundie reddit.com

This only applies to large corporations. The more people shoplift, the more the victim company loses out on profits. These companies, and the shareholders behind them, are the very reason people are forced to lift. They profit off of exploiting being a middle man to the distribution of commodities, making deals with other distribution companies and marking prices far up. They profit off of paying their employees shit wages that are impossible to live off of.

They often force their employees to take drug tests, which is blatant classism designed to keep the lower classes out of the workforce, with which they profit off of by creating a good reputation with customers brainwashed by our hateful drug war culture. They create a culture that rejects and outcasts the needy like us who take to live, while simultaneously glorifying their position as the ultra-rich who, in reality, are the real thieves. They actively root out small business competition that have no match for their superior infastructure.

Their truck drivers are pressured to take psychoactive drugs to keep them awake and driving for up to 48 hours straight so they can make a living wage. And these are just a couple things off the top of my head. I see a lot of posts of people here who feel guilty for taking from these corporations. Hopefully this list will at least help justify your actions. Or perhaps convice you that the poor taking from the rich is not a bad thing at all (look at my username). Stay safe folks and keep stealin'!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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