AJ #racist realjewnews.com

Putin is a true Christian and also a very shrewd man.

He knows his Bible and unlike gullible Zio-Christians in America is not easily fooled by their cunning ways. He must have studied the Jews well and certainly knows that no other country suffered under Jewish rule as horrifically as Russia did in the 20th century.

One must become an experienced student of the Jews to know what’s happening and be able to defeat them at their satanic games. Most other leaders who rose up against them failed because they did not fully comprehend how the Jews really operate.

When Hitler and the National Socialists opposed the Jews in Germany they temporarily saved Europe from the horrible fate of Judeo-Bolshevism, but ultimately underestimated the Jews’ world power.

The result was the world catastrophe of the Second World War and Eastern Europe falling under Communist (Jewish) rule.

By contrast, in America we have a leader who is strong and smart in some respects but woefully naive on the Jewish issue and has many character issues.

Unlike Putin, Trump is a spoiled, undisciplined egomaniac coming from a much more secular background. He has little real understanding of Christianity and this was shown in the campaign.

Remember his comments when asked about religion? “I drink the little wine, I eat the cracker—” brilliantly summing up his own religious worldview.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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